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Do you run Corrosive Projection?


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16 minutes ago, LSG501 said:

Because of the way it is now we're just not going to look at potentially better options for our frames.

I see this statement and see it as a fault of the player and not necessarily on the game's side.  I understand what you're saying and see a lot of truth in it.  It's just in my nature to find my own path.  I do this by looking for and experimenting with different things to see what works for me and how I want to do things.  Of course there are variances and/or personal preferences to take into account.  :D

Not really disagreeing with you LSG501, but more of expressing a different way to view something.  :D

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11 hours ago, DatDarkOne said:

This post sums up this whole topic.  You really want everyone to use Corrosive Projection to make it easier for you to get the stuff you want.  Once you get that stuff, then you will finally be on our level and not need Corrosive Projection.  This statement just showed you to be a hypocrite.  Why I say hypocrite?  Because you just said that once people using CP helps you get everything you want, then you won't be using it yourself.  That is selfish.  Which in turn makes you a double hypocrite because you called all of us selfish for not using CP to help the group.  

With this one post, you just rendered any further arguments you could make void.  

It would make it easier for me to get my stuff. And at the same time it would make it easier for everyone to get their stuff.
If it only benefited me but there was something else out there that would benefit everyone on a whole and much more than it would benefit only me I'd opt for the latter.
For example, if running Growing Power benefits myself but running CP would benefit everyone in the party I'd rather run CP.

And dash polarity on aura is also really good. You can switch to Energy Siphon, which again, benefits everyone and helps Loki out in spy missions.
You could run Shield Disruption. Loot Detector.

Yeah, we could all run Steel Charge. But what do you do when you come to armor enhanced high level enemies? Your V polarities are all worthless compared to a well thought out team with CP.

Or D polarity. You get Infested Impedance. Stacked x4 it's pretty nice. But if it's only infested without nullifiers then there are much easier ways to deny movement and entry to a large number of infested enemies than with using D aura. Because again, if you ever have to go to high armor enemies you're D aura slot is vastly inferior to CP.

CP benefits the party in everything much more greatly than any of the other auras.

Even in the spy missions where my friends and I ran Energy Siphon mostly. We once ran into one where we had to exterminate all enemies and with Lokis spec'd for speed it became a hassle to kill the enemies. And then an invasion happened and it became nearly impossible to kill them so we just ran from that.
CP would've made it much more possible.

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16 hours ago, Dragazer said:

4x CP was more useful in a time where status weapons weren't really that great and when running long endless was actually profitable.

ATM people don't have a reason to keep going on in endless missions.

Only time you really see it now is in coordinated Raids/trials


If you think we now have good status weapons then it makes x4 CP even better.
Because you can now do x4 CP with Viral procs. Or Radiation. Or Slash + Viral. Or Heat or Blast for CC.

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4 hours ago, LycanPT said:

@uAir I really think you're wasting your time here. These are people that will never learn. That's why I rather do solo sorties than in public, the ammount of high MR players that don't have a clue how to play the game is immense. That's why you keep getting chroma's and wukong's in interceptions and defenses instead of team orientated frames. That is why you keep getting steel charges instead of CP in armor enhancement sorties, that is why you keep running into embers in radiation hazards, etc. This is the majority of WF community sadly, where MR means nothing. People only think of themselves and they are not even capable of realyzing that whenever they press that public matchmaking without a team aura they are not only hindering themselves but everyone that gets dragged in. Most of high MR players don't have a clue about game mechanics, armor scalling, etc. They have no idea how to set up an efficient team for specific missions, etc. And then when things go sour they blame it on the others without never looking to themselves. That is why they keep being bad while others progress. Keep that knowledge to yourself or anyone that is willing to listen and think about it, share it and convince the players you play with regularity that CP or Shield Disrupt are indeed the top game auras. As for these plebs on the forums let them sink in their own ignorance/selfishness

I understand people like playing different things that may not be 100% optimal from time to time.
What I don't get is why players would purposefully construct a mindset where it's better to gimp the entire community as a whole just so they can see some gains on their own personal performance in the game.

When they reach the conclusion that
-running Growing Power is best for me

they then lock themselves out of realizing that

-if I ran CP and everyone ran CP we could all run Viral and kill things twice as fast and kill enemies with twice the amount of hp in the same amount of time speeding up everything we do as a community.

And while it may not translate to a x2 gain in farming or leveling I would say it would make a pretty sizeable difference in terms of ease of gameplay.

I was ignoring it for months now but I feel like I have to make some kind of statement to the community and try to understand what everyone is thinking so that's why I'm here.
All I've heard so far is that people think it's better for themselves if they run some other aura instead and that's pretty much what I was afraid of. If the community didn't know then education can help. But once they decide they know something then it's pretty much impossible to suggest anything else.

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2 minutes ago, uAir said:

I was ignoring it for months now but I feel like I have to make some kind of statement to the community and try to understand what everyone is thinking so that's why I'm here.
All I've heard so far is that people think it's better for themselves if they run some other aura instead and that's pretty much what I was afraid of. If the community didn't know then education can help. But once they decide they know something then it's pretty much impossible to suggest anything else.

It depends on the content you're doing.

Myself?  I'll run my daily syndicate alerts and maybe an alertium, forma, or potato alert if they're available.

For that content, enemies already die in less than a second.  If I equip CP, they'd still only die in less than a second.  Which makes CP unnecessary.

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7 minutes ago, (PS4)Magician_NG said:

It depends on the content you're doing.

Myself?  I'll run my daily syndicate alerts and maybe an alertium, forma, or potato alert if they're available.

For that content, enemies already die in less than a second.  If I equip CP, they'd still only die in less than a second.  Which makes CP unnecessary.

I've already covered that point of view.

If you're running low level missions and everything dies fast then it really doesn't matter what aura you use.
But even on the map when you get up to level 35+ or so Corpus, Grineer, and Infested units that have armor will become noticeably tougher to kill.

A swarm moa or an oxium osprey if you're not using a modded out Tigris Prime or Tonkor or Rakta Cernos or something will be able to take quite a few hits from something like a Soma Prime or Akstilleto Prime. The kill speed even on these non-Grineer and map only enemies is noticeable if you have 100% armor reduction on the enemy or not with a lot of common weapons.

There are still invasions and juggernauts. There are still the events and alerts that throw you into higher level grineer or armored enemies.
Remember the event a bit ago with level 100 infesteds and level 100 Juggernaut?
So many people were complaining about it and crying that it was too hard or that they failed multiple times?

I helped carry so many players through that and I noted two things.
-Lack of armor removal from the swarm moas so around wave 8 when they started coming in force they weren't dying fast enough. That meant the team really would get swarmed by swarm moas.
-Lack of armor removal on Juggernaut so damage that could be in the thousands or tens of thousands was poking away at tens or hundreds of damage only giving Juggernaut that much more opportunity to nuke the team.

That was it. Armor removal was the main reason why parties failed at that.


Low level, no aura matters. So why not use CP?
Because at high levels, CP is the most impactful one barring really niche team setups like x4 Ivara with CL in endurance runs or something.

Also, in your case, daily syndicate alerts? Try Loot Detector with Equinox and Thief's Wit.
Dash polarity on aura again. You can blast all breakables in your aoe. Go to the ones that aren't broken yet, guaranteed easiest syndicate farming.
Equinox also has great slash proc maim and it's just map enemies so you can run through it all and just annihilate anything you want. Good luck.
But please still buy my syndicate weapons. I like plat. :)

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29 minutes ago, uAir said:

Even in the spy missions where my friends and I ran Energy Siphon mostly. We once ran into one where we had to exterminate all enemies and with Lokis spec'd for speed it became a hassle to kill the enemies

That had nothing at all to do with needing CP and more on knowing how to properly do a spy mission.  The exterminate condition only comes up if you fail hacking the vaults or set off too many alarms.  Both of which could have been avoided by not rushing, turning off the alarms, and/or knowing how to do the vaults. 

So, if you are needing CP in a Spy mission regardless of faction, then you have failed to do it correctly.  Especially since you don't have to kill a single enemy to succeed in spy missions.  Your time would have been better spent learning how to do spy missions than relying on CP to help you when you mess up.

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24 minutes ago, uAir said:

If you think we now have good status weapons then it makes x4 CP even better.
Because you can now do x4 CP with Viral procs. Or Radiation. Or Slash + Viral. Or Heat or Blast for CC.

Not going to lie here, I agree with you, if everyone ran 4x cp missions would be done much faster and easier. 

Thing is the most difficult content that is meaningful, (Sortie 3 and kuva flood) is capped at level 100s.

At those levels with the right weapons and setup they can still be killed quickly regardless of 4x cp.

I personally prepare for the worst situations where I can't rely on Pubs to have 4xcp so I just have setups to ignore armor or reduce it myself.


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37 minutes ago, uAir said:

It would make it easier for me to get my stuff. And at the same time it would make it easier for everyone to get their stuff.
If it only benefited me but there was something else out there that would benefit everyone on a whole and much more than it would benefit only me I'd opt for the latter.
For example, if running Growing Power benefits myself but running CP would benefit everyone in the party I'd rather run CP.

Growing Power also gives it's effect on teammates, so they can also reap the benefit of extra Power Strength. More damage for various Exalted weapon, more health for Iron Skin or Snow Globe, more damage on Nova Antimatter drop, more slow on Nova Molecular Prime.

Also, try to imagine a full team with Growing Power. An extra 100% Power Strength on each Status dealt, which could translate to various benefits:

  • Massive extra heal per second and Armor from Oberon Renewal to help protect against stray shots or from enemies that you didn't even have the time to shoot
  • Massive increase in Volt Speed Multiplier when you want to just zip past to extraction.
  • Increase in Speed Multiplier of Zephyrs Jet Stream Augment.
  • Massive increase in Frost Snow Globe, to protect those squishy excavator.

Power Strength doesn't always translate to more killing power, since several utility abilities also benefit from it.

37 minutes ago, uAir said:

And dash polarity on aura is also really good. You can switch to Energy Siphon, which again, benefits everyone and helps Loki out in spy missions.
You could run Shield Disruption. Loot Detector.

That's just because a lot of Aura are in the Naramon polarity. We got 6 Madurai Aura, 5 Vazarin aura, 1 Zenurik Aura, and 12 Naramon Aura.


37 minutes ago, uAir said:

Yeah, we could all run Steel Charge. But what do you do when you come to armor enhanced high level enemies? Your V polarities are all worthless compared to a well thought out team with CP.

Steel Charge biggest benefit is more mod points, which translate to bigger stats to tweak with. Also, how high level do you start to struggle with? level 500? Beyond the balance of what the Dev intended? If so, you already need a pre-made team anyway. Asking Randoms to go with you on long endurance run is just uncalled for.


37 minutes ago, uAir said:

Or D polarity. You get Infested Impedance. Stacked x4 it's pretty nice. But if it's only infested without nullifiers then there are much easier ways to deny movement and entry to a large number of infested enemies than with using D aura. Because again, if you ever have to go to high armor enemies you're D aura slot is vastly inferior to CP.

Nice example for your stance. Bringing Infested Impendance outside of Infested missions are generally seen as a waste or oversight anyway, and sometimes unwanted in Defense missions. Most people already ran Rejuvenation if they have it, which could save you on random toxic clouds or slash procs.

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22 minutes ago, uAir said:

-Lack of armor removal on Juggernaut so damage that could be in the thousands or tens of thousands was poking away at tens or hundreds of damage only giving Juggernaut that much more opportunity to nuke the team.

Do you even know how the Juggernaut works?

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It's seems that OP doesn't realize that all auras benefit the group and not just the person wearing it.  Each one of them work in a similar way that CP does.  For example, Steel Charge gives boosts to the whole party and not just the wearer.  CP isn't the only aura that shares it's bonus. 


As for the Juggernaut in that specific Alert, that one instance of the Juggy was completely immune to finishers.  So things that normally worked on juggernauts didn't work on that specific one.  This was one of the things that messed up players when facing it.  Also juggernauts almost completely resist damage except to it's weak spots.  It can only be reliably damaged by attacking its two weak points. My team was able to beat it quite quickly by me constantly Sleeping it while Valkyr was meleeing it do death.  That was just good team tactics to overcome the enemy. 


1 hour ago, uAir said:

Yeah, we could all run Steel Charge. But what do you do when you come to armor enhanced high level enemies? Your V polarities are all worthless compared to a well thought out team with CP.

In direct answer to this.  Radial Blind, Sleep Arrow, Savage Silence, etc followed by stealth kill.  Way faster than any advantage CP can provide if you're looking to quickly kill an enemy.  CP is nice and all, but it isn't really needed as much as some are trying to state. 

Edited by DatDarkOne
added link for reference
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6 minutes ago, (PS4)B0XMAN517 said:

Everyone should always run CP when facing armored enemies (unless they're < lvl 30). Stripping 100% enemy armor while making viral the across the board damage element can't be beat. It puzzles me as to why I rarely see it in pubs.

try "unless they're < lvl 50"


at least for me, and most people I see around MR20, and i imagine theres many more with more min/max builds that go up beyond that lvl, hell im not even sure if lvl 50 is my limit, I just like using the ignis most of the time.

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6 minutes ago, (PS4)B0XMAN517 said:

Everyone should always run CP when facing armored enemies (unless they're < lvl 30). Stripping 100% enemy armor while making viral the across the board damage element can't be beat. It puzzles me as to why I rarely see it in pubs.

Like me, they're confident in their weapons and modding to do sufficient damage, whether or not they can back it up with their performance. 

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13 minutes ago, (PS4)B0XMAN517 said:

Everyone should always run CP when facing armored enemies (unless they're < lvl 30). Stripping 100% enemy armor while making viral the across the board damage element can't be beat. It puzzles me as to why I rarely see it in pubs.

Lvl 30s are dead in less than a second no matter the faction for a properly modded weapon. Lvl 80-90 is where some weapons cap at to efficiency, but lots of them handle 90+ without much worries without even taking into account the warframes themselves. Frames like Nova, Chroma, Rhino, Harrow, Ember, Octavia can boost the damage of the weapons even further taking down enemies easily without the need of CP or armor stripping. Frames like Octavia, Equinox, Inaros, Excalibur, Ash just laugh at their levels and armor. 

Maybe if you go with an unpotatoed weapon or a poor build, yeah, you`ll have some problems, but not if you put a catalyst and put the proper mods for the faction/weapon. 

Utility always before damage for me. Being able to kill enemies faster is nice, but I`d rather get that energy so I can cast my powers when I need them without having to rely on drops or pizzas [tho I`m using Zenurik atm], I`d rather get that bonus power strength for better buffs, or I`d rather take thos bonus 4 mod points to put an extra mod or a maxed one without having to forma. 

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24 minutes ago, arolust said:


23 minutes ago, NekroArts said:


18 minutes ago, aligatorno said:

try "unless they're < lvl 50"

Like me, they're confident in their weapons and modding to do sufficient damage, whether or not they can back it up with their performance. 

Lvl 30s are dead in less than a second no matter the faction for a properly modded weapon. Lvl 80-90 is where some weapons cap at to efficiency, but lots of them handle 90+ without much worries without even taking into account the warframes themselves. Frames like Nova, Chroma, Rhino, Harrow, Ember, Octavia can boost the damage of the weapons even further taking down enemies easily without the need of CP or armor stripping. Frames like Octavia, Equinox, Inaros, Excalibur, Ash just laugh at their levels and armor. 


Good points, but old habits die hard.


Maybe if you go with an unpotatoed weapon or a poor build, yeah, you`ll have some problems, but not if you put a catalyst and put the proper mods for the faction/weapon. 

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26 minutes ago, arolust said:

try "unless they're < lvl 50"


at least for me, and most people I see around MR20, and i imagine theres many more with more min/max builds that go up beyond that lvl, hell im not even sure if lvl 50 is my limit, I just like using the ignis most of the time.


24 minutes ago, NekroArts said:

Like me, they're confident in their weapons and modding to do sufficient damage, whether or not they can back it up with their performance. 


19 minutes ago, aligatorno said:

Lvl 30s are dead in less than a second no matter the faction for a properly modded weapon. Lvl 80-90 is where some weapons cap at to efficiency, but lots of them handle 90+ without much worries without even taking into account the warframes themselves. Frames like Nova, Chroma, Rhino, Harrow, Ember, Octavia can boost the damage of the weapons even further taking down enemies easily without the need of CP or armor stripping. Frames like Octavia, Equinox, Inaros, Excalibur, Ash just laugh at their levels and armor. 

Maybe if you go with an unpotatoed weapon or a poor build, yeah, you`ll have some problems, but not if you put a catalyst and put the proper mods for the faction/weapon. 

Utility always before damage for me. Being able to kill enemies faster is nice, but I`d rather get that energy so I can cast my powers when I need them without having to rely on drops or pizzas [tho I`m using Zenurik atm], I`d rather get that bonus power strength for better buffs, or I`d rather take thos bonus 4 mod points to put an extra mod or a maxed one without having to forma. 

Good points. Old habits die hard. I got so used to it with the old void system that I never changed.

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5 hours ago, aligatorno said:

Be careful, your silly ego is starting to pour out from how big it is. 

While I agree with the sentiment here, kinda feel bad continuing to beat up on these guys though, it is clear from their responses they are relatively inexperienced and confused by a number of game mechanics. They seem to think CP has more effect on the juggernaut than it does, for example, or they think level 100 infested are actually hard to kill without CP. 

And this second one of them is actually berating us for not running Shield Disruption against Corpus. Shield Disruption. Any advanced veteran knows people just pretend shields don't exist for the most part and go right through it with toxin damage or gas procs. So much of what both of them have said reeks of someone who has played long enough to get a bit of an ego, but hasn't played long enough to really experience most of the content, or get strong enough that you can play sorties, carry a group of weak randoms in a sortie where nobody is using CP, but you would think CP would be a big help, and do it all with ease and still think it's not a challenge. 

They aren't there yet, and they want randoms to make the game easier for them by carrying CP. They don't understand yet that you will simply never find four CP in a public game, even with an augmented armor sortie, and that the real trick if you don't want to organize a group is simply to learn how to make a loadout that can make up for people not having what you'd like them to have in a PUG, because you can never rely on anyone to have any specific thing in a PUG. 

This is why I do PUG's for fun, but no matter what weirdo build or idea I'm testing out, I always have a gear wheel full (partly to make up for any deficiencies of my own because I like to see how weird warframe builds hold up in sorties) of pizza's and specters and other helpful things, and I am always ready to carry the mission if needed. Because you never know who you might end up with on your team, or how well they will or won't be equipped. You might have a Frost, but he doesn't have pizza's or very good efficiency on defense and can't keep his bubble up as the operative keeps moving, I can help that frost with some pizza's even if I don't have a frame that can give energy. I know I'm rambling here, but in a way I would like to switch more to advice mode for the two of them, even though I doubt they will listen, because I think they could use it. There is a lot of valuable tips here that would help them great through the sorties without worrying and stressing about every random carrying CP, but they are mostly ignoring those tips because this thread is just one big bag of hostile all around. And I know that's plenty my own fault for being confrontational from the beginning, I'm a little acerbic and I need to work on that. 

Edited by Tesseract7777
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@uAir As you see people still think aura's that benefit fixed values are better than auras that scale with enemies :crylaugh:

1 Steel charge on a galatine prime (base 165 dmg)= 239 dmg, that's only a net increase of 74 dmg!!!

4 Steel charge on a galatine prime = 461 dmg resulting in a net increase of 296 dmg.

Still people think it is 45% extra of total weapon damage :crylaugh:

Meanwhile you equip 4 Cp's and you start dealing more damage over lvl 60 (sortie level)


This is a graph for heavy gunners:


What they forget is that no extra over static values either be it your melee weapon or your power strength will be enough to offset an aura that scales as broken as the enemy does. 25% over 300 power strength doesn't scale, it will only take you so far till enemy outscales it. enemy scaling is exponential while our abilities scaling are just linear and have ceiling due to us not having tools to scale our power strength. And what do they teach kids in school? While linear progression starts strong compared to exponential, after a certain treshold (and in WF is not that late as you can see above) the exponential progression simply demolishes.


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I understand what you are getting at, but I think there is some confusion here as to why people use Steel Charge. It gives them extra mod points, and if it was the frames natural aura, it means not needing to bother with a forma. You may say, why not put on a more "optimal aura", well, they could always replace it eventually with growing power and not need to switch, that's also an excellent aura. But more to the point, why worry so much about aura when all your weapons are melting sortie 3 augmented armor enemies with ease? Some of us are to that point. At our point, unless we are teaming up to do an endurance run well past sortie or raid level, we could really run any aura we want and tear the games content apart like tissue paper. At the point some of us have with our weapons and frames, we can practically run any aura we want just for shiggles, and we can still be the one carrying the team. I'm not saying this to be arrogant either, I don't even consider myself above average (for a veteran). Lots of veterans who would put my builds to shame in terms of how maxed out they are. I'm just saying that for longtime veterans who have forma'd a lot of equipment and figured out damage types and all these other little status tricks and gimmicks, we can pretty much run what we want and it doesn't make a difference unless we are going for a super long endurance run. Even then, there are lots of crazy tricks and gimmicks people can also use. 

The other thing to think about is this: You are talking about Steel Charge versus CP against armored enemies. Most enemies outside of Grineer do not have armor, so Steel Charge is going to have more effect across all factions against all levels. CP will be more powerful on the factions where it does have a lot of effect, but against factions where it has little to no use, Steel Charge has the advantage of being consistent. 

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9 minutes ago, Tesseract7777 said:

I understand what you are getting at, but I think there is some confusion here as to why people use Steel Charge. It gives them extra mod points, and if it was the frames natural aura, it means not needing to bother with a forma. You may say, why not put on a more "optimal aura", well, they could always replace it eventually with growing power and not need to switch, that's also an excellent aura. But more to the point, why worry so much about aura when all your weapons are melting sortie 3 augmented armor enemies with ease? Some of us are to that point. At our point, unless we are teaming up to do an endurance run well past sortie or raid level, we could really run any aura we want and tear the games content apart like tissue paper. At the point some of us have with our weapons and frames, we can practically run any aura we want just for shiggles, and we can still be the one carrying the team. I'm not saying this to be arrogant either, I don't even consider myself above average (for a veteran). Lots of veterans who would put my builds to shame in terms of how maxed out they are. I'm just saying that for longtime veterans who have forma'd a lot of equipment and figured out damage types and all these other little status tricks and gimmicks, we can pretty much run what we want and it doesn't make a difference unless we are going for a super long endurance run. Even then, there are lots of crazy tricks and gimmicks people can also use. 

The other thing to think about is this: You are talking about Steel Charge versus CP against armored enemies. Most enemies outside of Grineer do not have armor, so Steel Charge is going to have more effect across all factions against all levels. CP will be more powerful on the factions where it does have a lot of effect, but against factions where it has little to no use, Steel Charge has the advantage of being consistent. 

VS corpus you use shield disruption that scales also with enemy. And we're back at the argument: I have this gun that performs amazingly till lvl 100 that makes little to no difference, you get the argument? You know the ammount of weapons that are actually viable instead of the top tier if you have a 4 CP team? But then again yes there are tons of mimics to bypass armor, there are even frames that can make you one shot any enemy using mk-1 weapons (talkinga bout banshee) but CP or SD can be equiped on any frame, you're removing armor/shields  simply by being in the game without the need and cost of casting abilities in every unit, without the need of bringing corrosive or toxin/gas status weapons and wait for the time it takes to work, etc. Having CP provides so much for so little that it actually shocks me how you can think dedicating a weapon or a frame to remove armor outweights something that fits in anything  and makes life easy for everyone

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1 minute ago, LycanPT said:

VS corpus you use shield disruption

x4 Shield Disruption does not even remove all of their shields. While your weapons are still trying to remove the rest of that, I can already kill them with high damage weapons using pure toxin damage, I don't even need to wait for status to work. It's kind of silly and personally I think damage types need to be revisited because of stuff like this, but it just goes straight through the shield. I don't need to take any time to wait for it to work. It's kind of broken. 

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3 minutes ago, Tesseract7777 said:

x4 Shield Disruption does not even remove all of their shields. While your weapons are still trying to remove the rest of that, I can already kill them with high damage weapons using pure toxin damage, I don't even need to wait for status to work. It's kind of silly and personally I think damage types need to be revisited because of stuff like this, but it just goes straight through the shield. I don't need to take any time to wait for it to work. It's kind of broken. 

It doesn't remove the shield completely but it helps that teammate that forget to bring a toxin/slash status weapon, is that not enough reason? Or do you think it is faster for all of you just waiting on you doing the killing?


3 minutes ago, Vox_Preliator said:

Why?  If you're going to mod per-faction, why aren't you modding for Toxin, Gas, or Magnetic and make shields a non-issue in the first place?

I don't equip CP or SD just because of me, this is again the argument of thinking on yourself. I can go as prepared as I can to handle those issues however that doesn't mean the pubs I get matched with are as prepared, so why not make the effort of equiping a team aura that will not only benefit them directly as well as me?

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