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Do you run Corrosive Projection?


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2 hours ago, DatDarkOne said:

It's seems that OP doesn't realize that all auras benefit the group and not just the person wearing it.  Each one of them work in a similar way that CP does.  For example, Steel Charge gives boosts to the whole party and not just the wearer.  CP isn't the only aura that shares it's bonus. 


As for the Juggernaut in that specific Alert, that one instance of the Juggy was completely immune to finishers.  So things that normally worked on juggernauts didn't work on that specific one.  This was one of the things that messed up players when facing it.  Also juggernauts almost completely resist damage except to it's weak spots.  It can only be reliably damaged by attacking its two weak points. My team was able to beat it quite quickly by me constantly Sleeping it while Valkyr was meleeing it do death.  That was just good team tactics to overcome the enemy. 


In direct answer to this.  Radial Blind, Sleep Arrow, Savage Silence, etc followed by stealth kill.  Way faster than any advantage CP can provide if you're looking to quickly kill an enemy.  CP is nice and all, but it isn't really needed as much as some are trying to state. 

"But with Corrosive Projection and a Viral build, you could do even more damage/kill them even faster with the Exalted Blade + Stealth Combo." 

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9 minutes ago, (PS4)theelix said:

"But with Corrosive Projection and a Viral build, you could do even more damage/kill them even faster with the Exalted Blade + Stealth Combo." 

I think you read that my post wrong.  I didn't say Exalted Blade + Stealth combo.  I said Stealth kill as in Stealth finisher.  The one hit kill.  Nothing in the game is faster than a one hit kill.  Stealth Kills/Finishers completely ignore all armor and shields while giving multiple damage multipliers depending on how you have your weapon modded.  Now if you think anything with Corrosive Projection is faster than a Stealth Finisher, then I highly recommend that you try out a few more things in the game. 

Edited by DatDarkOne
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I will very occasionally use CP:

  • only against Grineer and Corrupted (obvi)
  • only when using a damaging Warframe and weapons, none of which have tools to get around Armor
    • Example: Mirage on high levels vs. Grineer with my current Mara Detron + Glaive setup.

Honestly, there are far too many alternative solutions to stripping Armor for the mod to be as venerated as it once was, and so CP has become just a regular utility option. Which I'm glad for, since it should have been this way from the start.

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1 minute ago, AuroraSonicBoom said:

IIRC 2 additional Coaction Drifts will.

Just saying.


  • It was obtainable during Artifact Defense Event from special alerts, and is now currently in the alerts drop-table as an Aura.
  • This can be stacked with other teammates' to lower shield capacity by a maximum of 96%.
    • To remove enemy shields entirely, at least two players must have Coaction Drift installed

But that would mean that you`ll have to use 2 mods exclusively when you can just use whatever you want and mod your weapon accordingly.

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24 minutes ago, LycanPT said:

It doesn't remove the shield completely but it helps that teammate that forget to bring a toxin/slash status weapon, is that not enough reason? Or do you think it is faster for all of you just waiting on you doing the killing?


I don't equip CP or SD just because of me, this is again the argument of thinking on yourself. I can go as prepared as I can to handle those issues however that doesn't mean the pubs I get matched with are as prepared, so why not make the effort of equiping a team aura that will not only benefit them directly as well as me?

This is quite...

Why bother if you're just going to use 1 aura by yourself that's going to amount to jack S#&$? Even if you had four, and I'm not sure how Co-action drift works with, if it does, SD it would be pretty much useless. Especially considering if you just used gas, the shields are a non-issue. If you're worried that the pubs aren't prepared, why not use something more suited to help them survive? 

Energy Siphon to give them a constant supply of energy so that they can CC. Rejuvenation to help them escape those 40hp near death moments. Sprint boost to help them get around that corner just a split second faster. A scavenger so that they have ammunition for their terribly modded equipment that's hitting the equivalence of marshmallows regardless of if the enemy had shields or not?

If you're running something 150+ and they "forgot" to bring the right elements and furthermore, the right aura you might as well rename them potato and not care, because gimping your full potential because it helps shave off <25% of the >50% enemies effective HP is pointless.


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27 minutes ago, DatDarkOne said:

I think you read that my post wrong.  I didn't say Exalted Blade + Stealth combo.  I said Stealth kill as in Stealth finisher.  The one hit kill.  Nothing in the game is faster than a one hit kill.  Stealth Kills/Finishers completely ignore all armor and shields while giving multiple damage multipliers depending on how you have your weapon modded.  Now if you think anything with Corrosive Projection is faster than a Stealth Finisher, then I highly recommend that you try out a few more things in the game. 

The quotations weren't obvious enough signs of sarcasm, and for that, I apologize. 

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6 minutes ago, (PS4)theelix said:

The quotations weren't obvious enough signs of sarcasm, and for that, I apologize. 

Ahhhhh, it's a little harder to recognize sarcasm in text.  :D 

Let's just think of it as going over the next thing that OP was going to say when he posts again.  LOL

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22 minutes ago, AuroraSonicBoom said:

IIRC 2 additional Coaction Drifts will.

Just saying.

Oh I know you could, but why would you? 

I don't see the point in getting into a long discussion with Lycan at this point about it, but he is suggesting that I should bring Shield Disruption to help bad unprepared players who don't bring toxin damage, I don't even know where to start on that it makes so little sense. 

I mean for one thing it's common knowledge to bring toxin damage against shields. For the other if your teammates are so unprepared that they don't know that simple fact, bringing shield disruption isn't going to be much of any help even if they did bring three more and two coactions, because let's face it, if they are too inexperienced to know that toxin damage or gas procs go through shields, they are too inexperienced for their weapons to do much of anything shields or not. 

There are way more helpful auras one can bring against corpus if they are trying to help weak, possibly not adequately modded teammates get a leg up. 

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3 hours ago, Tesseract7777 said:

x4 Shield Disruption does not even remove all of their shields. While your weapons are still trying to remove the rest of that, I can already kill them with high damage weapons using pure toxin damage, I don't even need to wait for status to work. It's kind of silly and personally I think damage types need to be revisited because of stuff like this, but it just goes straight through the shield. I don't need to take any time to wait for it to work. It's kind of broken. 

When I first started playing I thought that this was a glitch. Always figured Toxin damage should only bypass shields on a proc but nope. Just makes for an easy mode against Corpus.

Edited by blackheartstar_pc
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5 hours ago, Tesseract7777 said:

I mean for one thing it's common knowledge to bring toxin damage against shields. For the other if your teammates are so unprepared that they don't know that simple fact, bringing shield disruption isn't going to be much of any help even if they did bring three more and two coactions, because let's face it, if they are too inexperienced to know that toxin damage or gas procs go through shields, they are too inexperienced for their weapons to do much of anything shields or not. 

Well, if we want to argue details, not everyone can figure out that Toxin bypass shield right off the bat without consulting to the wiki, asking from players, or pure dumb luck. If you only look at the Codex, Magnetic damage deal the most damage to their shield. And since the first few experience against the Corpus would imply that the shield is their biggest defense, a lot people starting out would conclude that Magnetic damage is the best against Corpus. I once met someone (at MR14 or 12, I think) during an Augmented Shield Sortie that didn't know Toxin bypass shield entirely and I have to tell him about it.

So yeah, "under the hood" interactions such as that would require a little digging, but once they figure it out they can try new tricks to solve more problems.

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1 hour ago, Gamma745 said:

Well, if we want to argue details, not everyone can figure out that Toxin bypass shield right off the bat without consulting to the wiki, asking from players, or pure dumb luck. If you only look at the Codex, Magnetic damage deal the most damage to their shield. And since the first few experience against the Corpus would imply that the shield is their biggest defense, a lot people starting out would conclude that Magnetic damage is the best against Corpus. I once met someone (at MR14 or 12, I think) during an Augmented Shield Sortie that didn't know Toxin bypass shield entirely and I have to tell him about it.

So yeah, "under the hood" interactions such as that would require a little digging, but once they figure it out they can try new tricks to solve more problems.

So true.  I had to do a good bit of research and testing to find the one elemental combo that was good for all factions.  I did this mostly because I just don't like the idea of changing mods for the different factions.  The choice ended up being Gas. 

Gas because of the multiple ticks is toxin damage as well as the AoE.  This was even before the whole Gas and Stealth multiplier extra damage thing.  Then adding in Slash with gas on a high status build made an extremely powerful combination.  I will not say that everyone should do this as they might not like/prefer it.  

I think it was the introduction of the Pox that made me start rethinking my previous combos.  As well as some aura mods also.  I'm pretty sure that most of us have done similar things, and it's why we disagree with OP's ideas.  

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2 hours ago, DatDarkOne said:

So true.  I had to do a good bit of research and testing to find the one elemental combo that was good for all factions.  I did this mostly because I just don't like the idea of changing mods for the different factions.  The choice ended up being Gas. 

Gas because of the multiple ticks is toxin damage as well as the AoE.  This was even before the whole Gas and Stealth multiplier extra damage thing.  Then adding in Slash with gas on a high status build made an extremely powerful combination.  I will not say that everyone should do this as they might not like/prefer it.  

I think it was the introduction of the Pox that made me start rethinking my previous combos.  As well as some aura mods also.  I'm pretty sure that most of us have done similar things, and it's why we disagree with OP's ideas.  

Gas and Toxin does not bypass armor. Even against level 50 Grineer the kill speed of a lot of weapons such as Akstilleto Prime is impacted by Corrosive vs Gas/Toxin.

Even the kill speed against an Oxium Osprey is impacted by Corrosive on an Akstilleto Prime vs Gas.

In both cases, Corrosive kills faster. You don't have to take my word for it, you can open up the Simulacrum and I trust everyone already has access to level 50 enemies.
The problem becomes exacerbated when you scale the enemy level up.

The fact that Gas bypasses shield is not even a game changer.
The fact that Corrosive strips armor is.

Please tell me what kind of research and testing you did that allowed you to determine that Gas is the best all around elemental mix. I want to see your reasoning throughout and recreate the process where Gas was the best for everything.

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6 hours ago, uAir said:

Gas and Toxin does not bypass armor. Even against level 50 Grineer the kill speed of a lot of weapons such as Akstilleto Prime is impacted by Corrosive vs Gas/Toxin.

Even the kill speed against an Oxium Osprey is impacted by Corrosive on an Akstilleto Prime vs Gas.

In both cases, Corrosive kills faster. You don't have to take my word for it, you can open up the Simulacrum and I trust everyone already has access to level 50 enemies.
The problem becomes exacerbated when you scale the enemy level up.

The fact that Gas bypasses shield is not even a game changer.
The fact that Corrosive strips armor is.

Please tell me what kind of research and testing you did that allowed you to determine that Gas is the best all around elemental mix. I want to see your reasoning throughout and recreate the process where Gas was the best for everything.

I didn't say that gas bypasses armor.  Stealth finishers, finisher damage, and bleed do bypass armor.  

In your rush to try to correct me, you missed this one line:

8 hours ago, DatDarkOne said:

I will not say that everyone should do this as they might not like/prefer it.  

As for my reasoning, I did say that I liked the multiple damage ticks and the AoE.  I'm already killing stuff in one hit.  The AoE let's me kill more enemies in one hit.  Also I get stealth bonuses and Prowl Headshot multipliers which effect the gas.  

I did my research to find what works best for me and how I play.  Oh yeah, I play Ivara mostly and enemy scaling isn't a problem for her.  Not like we have any real reason to go pass lvl 100 enemies anyway.

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13 hours ago, DatDarkOne said:

So true.  I had to do a good bit of research and testing to find the one elemental combo that was good for all factions.  I did this mostly because I just don't like the idea of changing mods for the different factions.  The choice ended up being Gas.


11 hours ago, uAir said:


Please tell me what kind of research and testing you did that allowed you to determine that Gas is the best all around elemental mix. I want to see your reasoning throughout and recreate the process where Gas was the best for everything.

In case you didn't see my request. You used Ivara. What was your setup and your testing methodology? Exactly, what did you do?

Because from your current description your conclusion that Gas is the best isn't a valid conclusion. You just used Gas and did some invisible headshots against enemies at level 100 with weapons that can one hit targets. What was the weapon? What are your mods? What was Ivara's mods?
What enemies did you test it against? Spill it all. You spent all that time doing research and testing. Share, please.

Because here's some quick testing for you if you want.
Take Akstilleto Prime. Mod with Hornet Strike, Lethal Torrent, Barrel Diffusion. Then put 60/60 mods for Gas on it.

Use Rhino with 2 (no CP, just use Energy Siphon or your Growing Power or Steel Charge, whatever) and go stand in front of a level 50 Eximus Arid Heavy Gunner. Fire at it and see how long it takes to kill it with Gas damage and Gas procs.

Now remove the Gas and use Corrosive 60/60 instead. Repeat multiple times against a level 50 Eximus Arid Heavy Gunner. See how long it takes to kill it with Corrosive procs.

Now repeat the two tests of Gas and Corrosive with a level 50 Oxium Osprey and a level 50 Swarm Mutalist Moa. See which one kills faster.

I've done all of my testing already and I will tell you right now that Corrosive is faster against those three targets. It'll be faster against EVERY Grineer target. It'll be faster against those Corpus and Infested units.


Now test it against all units at level 50.
Here's what you will see. Against most Infested and Corpus targets, the kill speed isn't worth the difference between the two.
But against Grineer targets Corrosive is way ahead of Gas in terms of kill speed.

Infested and Corpus- both Gas and Corrosive can kill effectively for the most part.
Grineer- Corrosive kills much faster. Much much faster.

So your conclusion is that Gas is the best status? Does that make any logical sense to anyone else here? Does that even make logical sense to you?
But please, explain your reasoning. Maybe I'm completely wrong and you know something about Gas procs that I don't know. Please elucidate the situation for me.

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40 minutes ago, uAir said:

In case you didn't see my request.

I'm not going to post everything I used or mods as I think that each person needs to work those things out for themselves and improvise as needed to fit them.  I will give a synopsis of the process I used that also combined months of observation and previous knowledge obtained.

Ok here's what I did.  I checked all of the damage tables in Warframe wiki while also noting comments in this forum and various youtube videos.  Then taking what I heard, I then tested those ideas by actually playing the game in various missions (not Simulacrum because it doesn't accurately duplicate everything that can happen in missions).  All of this was done over the course of a few days.  Since I wasn't rushing to the end, I could actually see more of what was really happening while experimenting.  Once satisfied with solo results, I would then bring them into pub missions to see how group dynamics effected the results. 

So far going on a few months now, I have consistently been having highest damage, most kill counts, and least damage taken in a good majority of Sorties that I do Pub.  When you understand how all the various game mechanics, frames, powers, etc work, it's not hard at all to perform well.  I said previously before that I mostly play Ivara.  She already has huge bonuses while in Prowl that are complimented very well with Gas/Slash.  Viral or toxin would have been just as good, but they don't have the AoE effect like Gas does. 

Now for your argument about Corrosive killing faster.  With corrosive you could kill a single target faster than Gas.  With Gas you can kill multiple targets faster than using corrosive on each one right after the other.  This is were the benefit of AoE comes it.  One Shot with my Gas build Daikyu kills multiple enemies with just one shot, while the Daikyu with Corrosive needs a shot for each enemy. 

Again I will say that this isn't for everyone or every frame.  It's what works for me, my playstye, and my frame of choice.  You could even say that I put in work just to be lazy so I don't need to change my loadouts.

When you actually PLAY the game and not just rush through everything, you get to notice different things, effects, and mechanics. 

Edited by DatDarkOne
edited to be more polite
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Corrosive Projection isn't the only aura that can be useful. 

• Rejuvenation: regenerating health (good for Chroma and helps out others even without a healer or Nekros)

• Energy Siphon: more energy (good for energy heavy frames like Harrow)

• Steel Charge: more melee damage and the most mod points (and more damage for EB, Hysteria, ect.)

All aura mods benefit the squad. Some are more useful than others

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1 hour ago, uAir said:

In case you didn't see my request. 

I'm assuming you didn't see he said stealth damage. 

Or maybe you didn't play this game before stealth damage did 64x the damage intended, and was nerfed recently. Or that stealth gas damage still does a very high amount of damage to enemies being that gas procs can proc and stack simultaneously. 

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10 hours ago, DatDarkOne said:

I'm not going to post everything I used or mods as I think that each person needs to work those things out for themselves and improvise as needed to fit them.  I will give a synopsis of the process I used that also combined months of observation and previous knowledge obtained.

Ok here's what I did.  I checked all of the damage tables in Warframe wiki while also noting comments in this forum and various youtube videos.  Then taking what I heard, I then tested those ideas by actually playing the game in various missions (not Simulacrum because it doesn't accurately duplicate everything that can happen in missions).  All of this was done over the course of a few days.  Since I wasn't rushing to the end, I could actually see more of what was really happening while experimenting.  Once satisfied with solo results, I would then bring them into pub missions to see how group dynamics effected the results. 

So far going on a few months now, I have consistently been having highest damage, most kill counts, and least damage taken in a good majority of Sorties that I do Pub.  When you understand how all the various game mechanics, frames, powers, etc work, it's not hard at all to perform well.  I said previously before that I mostly play Ivara.  She already has huge bonuses while in Prowl that are complimented very well with Gas/Slash.  Viral or toxin would have been just as good, but they don't have the AoE effect like Gas does. 

Now for your argument about Corrosive killing faster.  With corrosive you could kill a single target faster than Gas.  With Gas you can kill multiple targets faster than using corrosive on each one right after the other.  This is were the benefit of AoE comes it.  One Shot with my Gas build Daikyu kills multiple enemies with just one shot, while the Daikyu with Corrosive needs a shot for each enemy. 

Again I will say that this isn't for everyone or every frame.  It's what works for me, my playstye, and my frame of choice.  You could even say that I put in work just to be lazy so I don't need to change my loadouts.

When you actually PLAY the game and not just rush through everything, you get to notice different things, effects, and mechanics. 

So you ran a bunch of pub games with Gas and decided it was the greatest?
Do you know anything about the scientific method?

What you did cannot prove nor disprove anything. You literally threw a coin into a tank, then put your hand in it and pulled out a quarter and went, "yeap, that's the best way."

Which is why the Simulacrum is great because it can answer things like such as which is the most effective.
And as for you being able to kill things en masse. If you gassed a bunch of armored Grineer a whole lot of 10s can become a few hundreds of damage.

Also, when you are using a fully modded Daikyu you are not testing Gas damage. You are testing Daikyu's damage.
Which is why I tested elemental damage with the Akstilleto Prime. Relatively low damage per hit with high status chance to proc and see how the elemental proc and the elemental type influences the overall damage output.

You might as well have went in with a Tigris Prime modded for Puncture and went, "oh, yeap, Puncture damage is the best because everything I use it on in my pub game tests dies in one hit."

You will come to that conclusion if that is your only variable and your only test. Your test is shameful to anyone who would rather actually get correct results.

And you think running around with the highest damage output using a Gas Dread makes it the best thing?

Let me recreate your testing parameters with another scenario and hopefully you can see how arbitrary your conclusion and your methodology was.

I want to determine the best frame to carry games and do the most damage and win everything.
After a few days of research and reading I determine that Maim Equinox is the best.
I run Maim Equinox in hundreds of pubby games over the course of the next few weeks and I consistently get top damage, top kills, and missions would fail if it weren't for me being there.

My conclusion is Equinox is the best carry frame for everything and nothing else even comes close to being good because while your Gas procs with Dread may kill a few grouped up enemies at a time my Maim will nuke 7853 square meter area of my choosing once every few seconds.

It does not mean my conclusion is right and it does not mean my test was the accurate conclusion to my original question nor was it even the correct way to go about testing my conclusion.

The saddest part of this isn't that you personally did this and thought it was conclusive proof of your assumption.
The saddest part is that others reading your post refuse to critically assess it for themselves and would rather just believe instead that you are correct and that Gas is the best. To the person talking about not wanting to be a sheep earlier in the topic and that's why he doesn't run Corrosion, this is what being a sheep is.

And that's the community I have to contend with. I don't know how to get through to you guys. It's like, I can lay out the facts in bullet point and construct tests after test and show you and even ask you all to go to test it for yourselves but you all would rather just trust people like this Dark guy. And why? Because I'm suggesting something you don't initially agree with while he's saying something that you identify with more so you are more apt to agree with him? Really, what is it? Do you just not like looking at yourself in the mirror and consider for a moment that the way you've been doing things is not the best way to do things?

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4 minutes ago, uAir said:

Do you just not like looking at yourself in the mirror and consider for a moment that the way you've been doing things is not the best way to do things?

Have you ever consider that it's the way he wants to do it and likes it regardless of the optimal numbers?

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1 hour ago, NekroArts said:

Have you ever consider that it's the way he wants to do it and likes it regardless of the optimal numbers?

He's the one that tested this for over a sizeable time period and he took the damage numbers and the first place damage output into pretty considerable regard.

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