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[Update 21.4.0] Hydroid Revisited Feedback


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4. Tentacle Swarm problem: Over Targeting

Use Tentacle Swarm while a single Infested Maggot is around. Watch nearly every Tentacle spawn on top of it in a tight cluster.

This is why people don't like using Hydroid. This should not happen. Because of the way the ability is scripted to work, there doesn't seem to be any kind of check for over spawning. If, as other have suggested again and again, the Tentacles moved and repositioned to go after new targets in the zone this wouldn't be an issue.

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1 minute ago, (PS4)big_eviljak said:

Im console, but by the looks of his new higher energy consumption... Isnt a higher base energy needed to full utilize his abilities?

There can be a simpler and better alternative:


  • Undertow Energy Granting: Gives Hydroid Energy for each enemy killed in Undertow
  • A Better Undertow + Tentacle Swarm Combo: Increases the (Damage or Damage Rate) of enemies in Undertow for the Duration of Tentacle Swarm's ability


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Ok so 1st off, let me say that I am actually a Hydroid MAIN...I'm not a tenno that occasionally plays Hydroid or uses him sometimes for Pilfering Swarm. I MAIN him, I LOVE him & I will try to take him on every mission if possible if I think he will work. Secondly I've been playing Hydroid since endurance bars were in the game. Yes I remember at that point he had the highest endurance stat of all Warframes. So with my being a veteran at playing Hydroid. I'm going to give some insight to some CONSTRUCTIVE  thoughts.


Shields: 345 to 375 - ehh not bad, but with the way damage & status procs work, this boost should have gone to HEALTH instead

Armor: 65 to 200 -   VERY good choice make him a bit more survivable. But is it too much to ask for 225? Like Oberon, Excal, Wukong etc.. That would be great if not that's fine.

PASSIVE: Every Melee slam attack has a 50% chance to lure a Tentacle that lasts for 15 seconds.

Considering the pre mentioned stamina bar, from what I could assume Hydroid was supposed to be a melee caster frame. Hit hard & fast getting in to do damage. Cast Tempest Barrage from a distance, rush in with Tidal Surge melee the crap outta enemies. This is how I played & still play him not an issue. But triggering this on slam attacks is a bit awkward for most people. Most melee stances don't have a good amount of slam attacks in their combos. NOW I am big user of the Sancti Magistar with Hydroid. So I know that Crushing Ruin is very good with slam attacks to be able to proc this quite often. But as I said other melee weapon stances don't have that same efficiency. So the way this passive procs is forcing to play in a very specific way. So finding a more available way to proc this would be of greater benefit to players. Here's a suggestion, how about making it this?

Every melee attack that procs a Critical Hit or Status Effect has a 50% chance to lure a Tentacle that last for 5 seconds. Max of 5 at a time.

So that way all melee weapons can now cause this to happen. Also with a shorter duration of 5 seconds instead of 15, this will be a more quick burst disrupt that is not to overpowered or lasts too long. Furthermore with this having a limit of 5 out at once, it will not again be too powerful or cause any performance issues. Now with all 5 out, if there is another proc that triggers this again, the oldest spawned tentacle will be replaced with a new one. Also to make this more effective allow it to scale with POWER STRENGTH ONLY. That way it rewards melee players, for being high risk going in close with Hydroid.

Tempest Barrage:

The RNG of this ability has ALWAYS been my biggest gripe & frustration with Hydroid. Now I remember when you guys had Power Range effect the cluster size of this ability. So using Narrow Minded made this a wonderful CC ability because you could concentrate CC & damage really well. But I see how & know how that had complications with Tentacle Swarm so you guys changed it, that's fine understandable. What it got changed to however is highly frustrating. Now it has a set range of 10 meters, where the power range affects the explosion radius. Fine, but the complete randomness of where these bombs are dropping make it HIGHLY ineffective. So to fix this, have the bombs drop in a designated pattern to where the base bomb radius will hit the entire INSIDE area of the circle more accurately. In example you have a 10 meter circle, make the bombs drop at the 4 cardinal points in a circle of say like 7 meters INSIDE that 10 meter circle. Let the radius of each bombs explosion coupled with Power Range take care of the rest with filling in that 10 meter range & then with more range exceeding it. This way it is a CONSISTENT hitting ability in the same pattern EVERYTIME. Also it still adheres to your 4 bombs drop every second form. On top of this, to allow it a slightly higher effieciency to be able to damage more effectively, have POWER STRENGTH scale how many bombs are dropped per second. At 100% power strength, the base 4 drops are fine. At 150% power strength, add 2 more bombs per second for a total of 6. At 200% power strength, add 4 bombs essentially doubling the original amount. Also have them drop in the same cardinal points mentioned above. These changes would significantly increase the effectiveness & efficiency of Tempest Barrage with out having to do any core changes as to how the ability works.


The changes I would suggest are very minor quality of life changes for this. First the speed of how fast he travels is a bit too fast to do much with it. So with that said take off the Power Duration scaling & make it a flat base speed at all ranks. Secondly, allow your aiming reticle to determine where you go & how FAR you go with this. So with that said allow POWER RANGE to not only affect striking distance but the total distance that can be allowed to travel. So for example say you have a range of I don't know 50 meters, allow your aiming reticle to give you the ability to choose WHERE in that allowed 50 meters where to wave dash to. What if you just need to cross through a laser door or like electrocuted water? It would be more efficient to put your aiming reticle just right past those hazards, hit the ability & that's where you go instead of quickly charging a set full 50 meters completely going way past it. Also a combo window counter would be nice a bit like Atlas's Landslide. What I mean is when you cast Tidal Surge & you cast it again within a certain window, the consecutive casts give a slight reduction to the casting cost. He is already water so why charge a lot more energy for him to continue as water? The changes you guys made with being able to go into Undertow from Tidal Surge is perfectly fine.


The dreaded puddle move lol. Overall I am fine with the changes you guys have made to this ability. Good job on this. A lot of people complain, moan & groan about these changes on how it needs to do more damage, move faster etc....It is fine, they want more damage but you are pretty much completely IMMUNE to damage. You cant have too much with this because then it could be completely overpowered. Maybe just a slight buff to scaling damage would be fine. Now I do agree it should move just a wee bit faster, not super fast but just slightly faster. The ability to grab people is nice as well. The ONE thing I would like to see changed is for you guys to incorporate the Augment mod Curative Undertow into the base ability. Water has always been know as the healing element, allow Hydroid by default to be able to help his team mates as well. With this you could really secure Hydroid as a good support frame for teams. When someone is in danger or down, Hydroid goes over drops into Undertow starts healing that person while they are doing their thing. Or he can cover a team mate who is reviving someone keeping them healed. On both of these situations now Hydroid can also grab priority targets into Undertow to cover his team mates like heavy gunners or bombards that can potentially cause trouble. With this you could change the augment mod to allow Undertow to status proc. Every certain amount of seconds it can proc like an impact proc or something in case a player wanted a different style of damage options. These changes are minor but would go a LONG way to helping Hydroid fit into a team composition. As a last note, while Hydroid is in Undertow, allow him a slightly higher efficiency or cost reduction to casting abilities while in the water. In this move he is in his natural elemental plane, so he should not have to spend more energy to use what is around him or what's inside of him. Doesn't have to be a big reduction, maybe just like another 15% or so.


I think the changes you made to this a good as well. A good step in the right direction. The changes I am suggesting are also minor changes that will just improve the use of this ability. Continue to polish the RNG of this ability. Have the tentacles actively seek out targets better & when done with their current target actually move & seek out a new target. Animation issue, you added a kraken head but it really doesn't do anything? Ever thought of having one tentacle at a time randomly feed the kraken its target? While the others are flinging around, have one tentacle do a little bit extra damage by feeding the enemy to the Kraken? That would be amazing! As far as scaling towards higher levels go, the Kraken falls off very quickly. I have a unique idea...Treat Tentacle Swarm as you do an Exalted ability. Exalted Blade, Primal Fury & Hysteria are all melee weapons right? So Hydroid summons a Kraken, the head appears & the tentacles attack enemies right? Well its the kraken attacking enemies & the tentacles are it's ARMS/LEGS. So in essence the Kraken is punching, slapping, kicking & slamming enemies, that is melee combat for the Kraken! So with this said, allow the damage to scale off of POWER STRENGTH & the melee mods Hydroid has equipped on his melee weapon! The kraken right now in the game causes chaos yes, but in mythology the Kraken was also capable of insane destruction. Let us emulate that in the game too! There is a reason for the name the "Terror in the Deep". By allowing this scaling, it will also give Hydroid more versatility in being able to deal with multiple threats in multiple factions & be able to survive & contribute at higher levels. This change of damage type will also allow him to better secure bonuses for his Augment mod Pilfering Swarm by doing better damage.

DE, these are my constructive thoughts on how to improve Hydroid without you guys having to change the core of what Hydroid is. I really hope as one of the few true Hydroid mains out there, you guys actually read this & see how I am offering positive feedback with no bashing, insulting or being greedy in any way. I would just like some help from you on how to build upon my favorite Warframe in the game. Please take these ideas into consideration, Hydroid really deserves the attention.

A Hydroid main,


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My ideas for improvement:


passive: maybe stacking armor or health regen for per enemy hit by CC

1: is solid, maybe increase charge speed and projectiles aim for enemies

2: completely new ability pls (would be fine with some kind of water -dmg buff  with cold proc when shooting on enemy)

3: nice ideas, but enemies have to stay in undertow when moving (it has to be that way) and if you sprint (not keeping tidal surge in 2 and holding it would also be fine)in it you become a wave (like tidal surge) and can move freely (and pretty fast), love the roll out of 3 and so on

    enemy auras (like ancient healers) get disabled in undertow and enemies get a cold-proc when coming out of undertow (or slower knockdown recovery as passive)

4: buff the base range by a bit and let the amount of tentacles not only scale with the charge, but with range mods as well, so you dont have "CC holes"

    enemies dont get flailed but hold in the air (pls do the same with zephyr)



I love so far:


animations (water looks really nice) and good job on undertow. it feels very fluid now

increasing dmg from undertow

AI changes are very noticable

more projectiles on barrage


Ty for your hard work DE, as always. We know you are very busy  with plains of eidolon and so on.

We love you :thumbup::inlove::heart:


Edited by SpiritForger
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11 hours ago, Evanescent said:

Before playing Hydroid and forming my final impressions, I have some concerns.

His rework seems to be designed around his 3 and his CC. Which is great, CC is king in warframe.

Unfortunately, his CC consists of:

1)Throwing things around

2)Flinging them away

3)Putting them in a puddle impervious to external damage

...all of which prevent them from being shot or melee'd at. So essentially, you made him provide CC that protects enemies from the bulk of your gameplay loop.



I can now pull enemies into my puddle, but why would I want them in my puddle where I can't do anything to them? The damage scaling inside is too poor to stay meaningful for long. 


His 1 still has the problem of being useless in most environment because a small barrel or box blocked the shots. It's not consistent enough to be used as quick CC.

His 2 is mobility, and throws enemies around and lets you move in undertow. 

Undertow is still undertow. It's smoother, but still kind of counter to gameplay. As mentioned before, why would you want enemies in your undertow? :(

His 4 flails enemies around preventing you from shooting at them. They also still have 'bald-patches' where they don't cover ground, and I guess their range was nerfed to balance the scaling. That was unnecessary.

I don't know, all these changes just enforce his place as a frame with finicky CC and troll potential. Because now your hydroid can roll around the map dragging enemies around. 

And he still doesn't scale.

I think the following things could help make his CC more effective in gameplay:

1)Instead of or in addition to  damaging them, let undertow debuff enemies inside: Strip %armor/shield permanently per second, and reduce max health by x% for flesh type enemies.

2)Let Barrage have bigger Aoe on hit, more hits per second, and punch through environment.

3)Let Tidal Surge and undertow stun enemies for Xs after being released. This lets them be used as quick CC and gun/melee them down while dazed.

4)If Tentacle Swarm is cast in undertow, let the tentacles grab and throw enemies into the puddle. Inside the puddle, let all enemies be melee'd by Hydroid to emulate the kraken feeding on them. This will give him a powerful tool to both lock down and chew enemies up in Undertow. Per enemy killed, a new tentacle should spawn with a shorter independent duration.

5)If Tentacle swarm is cast on its own or left on its own without undertow, let the Kraken's tentacles grab enemies, smash them against the environment, then hold them up, stunned, for Hydroid and his allies to shoot at. Killing the enemy should free the tentacle to grab another. Grabbed enemies can take bonus damage from certain damage types as suitable.


Thanks for your work, and more feedback will follow gameplay. Please consider the suggestions as Hydroid is on the verge of being awesome. Don't give up now!

The Kraken head looks awesome, wish it would persist or swim around in the puddle!

I would have to agree on some of these DE I think number 1 is a good idea as well as number 3 but I would just give it to the 3rd ability undertow now it makes it more game able. you pull enemies into it as well as puddle when a lot of enemies are coming once they fall in you release them stunning them and stripping armor and shields allowing them to be shot and killed even by melee weapons. now there is an out and a team use you could even go futher and remove abilities on the acients, this would be the only warframe able to do this that I know of and I have them all. so disrupters can no longer remove energy toxins can no longer remove health and healers no longer able to heal the enemies in area. you get the idea. but no damage is done to enemies. this would be enough of an ability, it makes them very vulnerable to attacks from all allies ok so now  first ability and 4th ability now damage health directly. so combinding him with some viral weapons now you have an end game frame. so loar No one wanted to go after this particular enemies  there was no true way to get in they held superior armor and shielded gear with doing minimal damage in the past to them who also had the ancients as allies to add insult to injury  they buffed the enemy and helped dispel the void energy leaving most warframes limited in usfullness.so hydrid warframe was developed with all other tenno out on other missions the deviant pirates were in dock so to lure one of them to do this mission you made a frame in his resemblance and promised a bounty was at the end , but he hade to get in using his warframe abilities by going through the grated pipe system.if he got in  and open the fortress of the enemy the other tenno would be waiting that were on there way back to assist , and he would get to keep the bounty, after of which he staid and keeps fighting with the tenno  gathering more booty then ever imaginable until he died out of warframe mode, now this prideful warframe is to be used by all tenno able to wield its powers.



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Ok so 1st off, let me say that I am actually a Hydroid MAIN...I'm not a tenno that occasionally plays Hydroid or uses him sometimes for Pilfering Swarm. I MAIN him, I LOVE him & I will try to take him on every mission if possible if I think he will work. Secondly I've been playing Hydroid since endurance bars were in the game. Yes I remember at that point he had the highest endurance stat of all Warframes. So with my being a veteran at playing Hydroid. I'm going to give some insight to some CONSTRUCTIVE  thoughts.


Shields: 345 to 375 - ehh not bad, but with the way damage & status procs work, this boost should have gone to HEALTH instead

Armor: 65 to 200 -   VERY good choice make him a bit more survivable. But is it too much to ask for 225? Like Oberon, Excal, Wukong etc.. That would be great if not that's fine.

PASSIVE: Every Melee slam attack has a 50% chance to lure a Tentacle that lasts for 15 seconds.

Considering the pre mentioned stamina bar, from what I could assume Hydroid was supposed to be a melee caster frame. Hit hard & fast getting in to do damage. Cast Tempest Barrage from a distance, rush in with Tidal Surge melee the crap outta enemies. This is how I played & still play him not an issue. But triggering this on slam attacks is a bit awkward for most people. Most melee stances don't have a good amount of slam attacks in their combos. NOW I am big user of the Sancti Magistar with Hydroid. So I know that Crushing Ruin is very good with slam attacks to be able to proc this quite often. But as I said other melee weapon stances don't have that same efficiency. So the way this passive procs is forcing to play in a very specific way. So finding a more available way to proc this would be of greater benefit to players. Here's a suggestion, how about making it this?

Every melee attack that procs a Critical Hit or Status Effect has a 50% chance to lure a Tentacle that last for 5 seconds. Max of 5 at a time.

So that way all melee weapons can now cause this to happen. Also with a shorter duration of 5 seconds instead of 15, this will be a more quick burst disrupt that is not to overpowered or lasts too long. Furthermore with this having a limit of 5 out at once, it will not again be too powerful or cause any performance issues. Now with all 5 out, if there is another proc that triggers this again, the oldest spawned tentacle will be replaced with a new one. Also to make this more effective allow it to scale with POWER STRENGTH ONLY. That way it rewards melee players, for being high risk going in close with Hydroid.

Tempest Barrage:

The RNG of this ability has ALWAYS been my biggest gripe & frustration with Hydroid. Now I remember when you guys had Power Range effect the cluster size of this ability. So using Narrow Minded made this a wonderful CC ability because you could concentrate CC & damage really well. But I see how & know how that had complications with Tentacle Swarm so you guys changed it, that's fine understandable. What it got changed to however is highly frustrating. Now it has a set range of 10 meters, where the power range affects the explosion radius. Fine, but the complete randomness of where these bombs are dropping make it HIGHLY ineffective. So to fix this, have the bombs drop in a designated pattern to where the base bomb radius will hit the entire INSIDE area of the circle more accurately. In example you have a 10 meter circle, make the bombs drop at the 4 cardinal points in a circle of say like 7 meters INSIDE that 10 meter circle. Let the radius of each bombs explosion coupled with Power Range take care of the rest with filling in that 10 meter range & then with more range exceeding it. This way it is a CONSISTENT hitting ability in the same pattern EVERYTIME. Also it still adheres to your 4 bombs drop every second form. On top of this, to allow it a slightly higher effieciency to be able to damage more effectively, have POWER STRENGTH scale how many bombs are dropped per second. At 100% power strength, the base 4 drops are fine. At 150% power strength, add 2 more bombs per second for a total of 6. At 200% power strength, add 4 bombs essentially doubling the original amount. Also have them drop in the same cardinal points mentioned above. These changes would significantly increase the effectiveness & efficiency of Tempest Barrage with out having to do any core changes as to how the ability works.


The changes I would suggest are very minor quality of life changes for this. First the speed of how fast he travels is a bit too fast to do much with it. So with that said take off the Power Duration scaling & make it a flat base speed at all ranks. Secondly, allow your aiming reticle to determine where you go & how FAR you go with this. So with that said allow POWER RANGE to not only affect striking distance but the total distance that can be allowed to travel. So for example say you have a range of I don't know 50 meters, allow your aiming reticle to give you the ability to choose WHERE in that allowed 50 meters where to wave dash to. What if you just need to cross through a laser door or like electrocuted water? It would be more efficient to put your aiming reticle just right past those hazards, hit the ability & that's where you go instead of quickly charging a set full 50 meters completely going way past it. Also a combo window counter would be nice a bit like Atlas's Landslide. What I mean is when you cast Tidal Surge & you cast it again within a certain window, the consecutive casts give a slight reduction to the casting cost. He is already water so why charge a lot more energy for him to continue as water? The changes you guys made with being able to go into Undertow from Tidal Surge is perfectly fine.


The dreaded puddle move lol. Overall I am fine with the changes you guys have made to this ability. Good job on this. A lot of people complain, moan & groan about these changes on how it needs to do more damage, move faster etc....It is fine, they want more damage but you are pretty much completely IMMUNE to damage. You cant have too much with this because then it could be completely overpowered. Maybe just a slight buff to scaling damage would be fine. Now I do agree it should move just a wee bit faster, not super fast but just slightly faster. The ability to grab people is nice as well. The ONE thing I would like to see changed is for you guys to incorporate the Augment mod Curative Undertow into the base ability. Water has always been know as the healing element, allow Hydroid by default to be able to help his team mates as well. With this you could really secure Hydroid as a good support frame for teams. When someone is in danger or down, Hydroid goes over drops into Undertow starts healing that person while they are doing their thing. Or he can cover a team mate who is reviving someone keeping them healed. On both of these situations now Hydroid can also grab priority targets into Undertow to cover his team mates like heavy gunners or bombards that can potentially cause trouble. With this you could change the augment mod to allow Undertow to status proc. Every certain amount of seconds it can proc like an impact proc or something in case a player wanted a different style of damage options. These changes are minor but would go a LONG way to helping Hydroid fit into a team composition. As a last note, while Hydroid is in Undertow, allow him a slightly higher efficiency or cost reduction to casting abilities while in the water. In this move he is in his natural elemental plane, so he should not have to spend more energy to use what is around him or what's inside of him. Doesn't have to be a big reduction, maybe just like another 15% or so.


I think the changes you made to this a good as well. A good step in the right direction. The changes I am suggesting are also minor changes that will just improve the use of this ability. Continue to polish the RNG of this ability. Have the tentacles actively seek out targets better & when done with their current target actually move & seek out a new target. Animation issue, you added a kraken head but it really doesn't do anything? Ever thought of having one tentacle at a time randomly feed the kraken its target? While the others are flinging around, have one tentacle do a little bit extra damage by feeding the enemy to the Kraken? That would be amazing! As far as scaling towards higher levels go, the Kraken falls off very quickly. I have a unique idea...Treat Tentacle Swarm as you do an Exalted ability. Exalted Blade, Primal Fury & Hysteria are all melee weapons right? So Hydroid summons a Kraken, the head appears & the tentacles attack enemies right? Well its the kraken attacking enemies & the tentacles are it's ARMS/LEGS. So in essence the Kraken is punching, slapping, kicking & slamming enemies, that is melee combat for the Kraken! So with this said, allow the damage to scale off of POWER STRENGTH & the melee mods Hydroid has equipped on his melee weapon! The kraken right now in the game causes chaos yes, but in mythology the Kraken was also capable of insane destruction. Let us emulate that in the game too! There is a reason for the name the "Terror in the Deep". By allowing this scaling, it will also give Hydroid more versatility in being able to deal with multiple threats in multiple factions & be able to survive & contribute at higher levels. This change of damage type will also allow him to better secure bonuses for his Augment mod Pilfering Swarm by doing better damage.

DE, these are my constructive thoughts on how to improve Hydroid without you guys having to change the core of what Hydroid is. I really hope as one of the few true Hydroid mains out there, you guys actually read this & see how I am offering positive feedback with no bashing, insulting or being greedy in any way. I would just like some help from you on how to build upon my favorite Warframe in the game. Please take these ideas into consideration, Hydroid really deserves the attention.

A Hydroid main,


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Tidal just needs to go I mean even in its synergy with undertow its damn near useless. Give him a different power. Up his ultimate damage it's an ultimate. Barrage needs to be more consistent possibly make cast speed also affect its speed so it hits faster, Undertow is probably the only touch I enjoy something you could do as well since you added ultimate synergy is make the kraken move around the undertow doubling your damage but also have it cast tentacles around undertow and not from it. This way enemies can be thrown into undertow but you also don't lose your range. An augment kind of like Chroma's new guardian movement can also be introduced for the creature that possibly makes it like the sentry in that you can have it move around. Make Hydroid the Kraken by having his abilities serve far more as an extension than powers themselves. With undertow and his ultimate being his two defining factors they're quite lackluster.

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28 minutes ago, SirWolfen said:

Tidal just needs to go I mean even in its synergy with undertow its damn near useless. Give him a different power. Up his ultimate damage it's an ultimate. Barrage needs to be more consistent possibly make cast speed also affect its speed so it hits faster, Undertow is probably the only touch I enjoy something you could do as well since you added ultimate synergy is make the kraken move around the undertow doubling your damage but also have it cast tentacles around undertow and not from it. This way enemies can be thrown into undertow but you also don't lose your range. An augment kind of like Chroma's new guardian movement can also be introduced for the creature that possibly makes it like the sentry in that you can have it move around. Make Hydroid the Kraken by having his abilities serve far more as an extension than powers themselves. With undertow and his ultimate being his two defining factors they're quite lackluster.

I do not believe so

Edited by leadwolf1
to add more text for explanation
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This is just my personal opinion. i greatly appreciate any consideration.

Whenever i use hydroid's 4th, I gave up tryin to kill enemies with my primary or secondary as they keeps on flailing. Ultimately, i rely on the ability itself to finish the job. However, it won't do much on higher level enemies cause of the damage. I understand that DE refuses to increase the damage output and goes the roundabout way of making abilities "synergize". How bout this, make his 1st always prioritize/hit/target enemies affected by his 4th. That way, player would absolutely use both simultaneously. and would probably slap in corroding barrage in builds. 

His 2nd and 3rd are kinda like the same ability don't cha think? Or maybe it's just me. Why not make his 3rd his passive. "Double tap crouch to become a puddle and jump to exit it". I know this idea is unusable (cause what would happen to curative undertow, how can hydroid deals damage without using abilities n such), just saying what comes to mind.

His 3rd is very very meh. I mean it. compared to other warframes' u-need-to-stand-still abilities, it's just plainly unuasable. Silly? yes. I mean, it's amusing to be a puddle and pull everything into ya. How bout this, his 3rd is a target aoe that spawns puddle. You can enter the puddle by crouching on it or simply walking to it. only one puddle per instance. It's a toggle ability. It drains your shield not your energy cause..... hydroid has a freakin small energy pool, duh?? In doing this, the rework that make his 4th spawning only from the puddle will greatly be beneficial. I don't see the benefits of spending energy to be able to pull enemies into the puddle tho.

THUMBS UP!!: the visual rework. The tentacles and puddle looks great!!

another THUMBS UP!!: his puddle and 4th synergy. that's the best synergy that hydroid has atm.

Edited by StraussDK
spelling error
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I'm not to certain where to put this or which category so it might get moved.


Let me start by saying that I loved the rework for hydroid, but I think they could have gone a bit further if they are just altering his abilities this is my idea.


The first ability should remain as it is I think it's in a good place as far as first abilities go.

Tidal surge: I think it would be awesome if instead of riding the wave he could fire out just the wave send enemies in a single direction without moving himself.

Puddle (I don't remember what it's called) : I think this would be cool as a hazard that can be placed, lets say 1-3 of them and hydroid can jump in and out of the puddles normally and recasting would remove them. I think it would be interesting to remove the damage value from it entirely, but instead have it remove armor and shields to a certain percentage each second.

Tentacle: If hydroid could get a normal placement, but also he can cast an additional one on each puddle he has out so they can grab enemies and drag them down.

So I'm thinking that he would work by being able to place hazards and then have major crown management by forcing enemies into the pools and keeping them there and debuffing them.

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Feelings On Hydroid's Revisit & Possible Changes

The community wants Hydroid's revisit to be revisited. I'm sorry, but this is the second time I'm typing this, as I accidentally cut all my text. Maybe this is what the community would like to see from Hydroid.

Hydroid's Deep Tendril passive should be changed to be reminiscent of Ember's where Hydroid being in water will slowly regain health or energy.

Hydroid's Energy should be changed from 100 to 150 (250 at rank 30). All other stats are fine.


1ST - Tempest Barrage damage should be buffed to 150/275/300/375 puncture damage.

2ND - (NEW) Tidal Sink! Many players suggest Tidal Surge and Undertow should be one ability. Tidal Sink solves that problem. Hydroid will rush forward as a wave of water dealing 200/300/400/500 damage with a drag effect in which players can maintain the wave by holding 2 at a cost of 3 energy per second before stopping and becoming a small lake, which deals 300 damage and multiplies every second by 2x. Range will be at 4/8/12/16 meters. Hydroid will move at a walking speed (or Ivara's Prowl speed).

3RD - Tentacle Swarm will be replacing Undertow and needs more tracking. Tentacle Swarm could also possibly be less annoying.

4TH - (NEW) Summon The Kraken! will replace Tentacle Swarm and will summon the mighty Kraken (maybe a name?)! Hydroid will be forced to a stand still atop the Kraken. This Kraken attacks via melee and drains 10 energy per second. The Kraken will also sport 3000 Health and 300 armor. Casting 1 will emit a water beam from the Kraken's mouth dealing 200/300/450/600 damage with a knockdown effect for 20 energy. Casting 2 will cause the Kraken to grab all enemies within 10/15/20/30 meters and stuff them in its mouth, dealing 300/425/550/675 damage, before spitting them back out. Casting 3 will make the Kraken wildly flail its arms, dealing 800/950/1200/1500 damage to all nearby enemies. Recasting Summon the Kraken will cause it to retreat to the ocean.

All Hydroid's Revist did for me was make him seem a lot more fun to use, however, it is not practical to take him into battle just yet. Thank you for listening! I hope you take all of my ideas into account! Good luck!




Edited by (PS4)ArtPrince17
Buffed Damage for Abilities
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There's only like a 5% chance of DE reading this but hey I might as well - 

If I'm being completely honest I think this 'rework' was more of a slight buff which has done very little for Hydroid. He's still the worst frame in the game in my opinion.

Here are some changes that could really help him out.

PASSIVE: Looting - Hydroid has innate loot detector, and enemies/caches also drop 25% more loot. Makes sense because he's a pirate.

1: Tidal Surge - This will mainly be used to pull enemies into Undertow and also move around in Undertow, not much else.

2: Undertow - The same except he moves a little faster and carries enemies with him when he moves instead of dropping them off.

3: Tentacle Swarm - Is instead a simple cc ability. No longer flails enemies around, but instead traps them in one place. Far less annoying, allows allies to also kill the enemies. Enemies taken into Undertow while .

4: Kraken - Hydroid summons the giant Kraken (the same one who grabs enemies in Tentacle Swarm) which moves very slowly but deals a decent amount of damage. Tentacle Swarm has some changes when the Kraken is active - it will still trap enemies in place, but will drain 2% of each enemies health, and give it out in a 15m (at base) wave as half health, half energy. The percentage seems low but is important as it scales with enemy health, so if tougher enemies are around, you somewhat adapt to defend against them better.

Please please please make these changes to Hydroid DE! He really needs to be useful before his prime comes out, right now he's still quite a bad Warframe. I mean look at the Limbo rework, that was great. What happened?





Edited by Talhe
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So you guys released the 'Rework" yesterday. So here's my pros and cons on it. Pros: Abilities can be used in undertow. You can move in undertow. Kraken visual.

Cons: Range. Range. Range. I'd hate to say it but you guys almost had hydroid right before. The range on undertow is what upsets me the most. that's what I built my hydroid for. defending a point endlessly. now I can barely cover some of the points like I used to, and you didn't even put it in the patch notes. second thing that ticks me off is the kraken. What's it do? Just pop up for a second says "Hi" then leaves. I'm disappointed with this rework for those two main reasons. Not to go on a run on rant I think I made my point. Make the kraken do something other then sit there. and two Please Pleeeease fix the range on undertow. it didn't need to be changed

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I would like the players to honestly read this forum  before posting , and do not try to make hydroid like another ability from a different warframe,because it is more your play style. all frames are to be their own style. really take a look at what Evanescent wrote as well as my add on with a loar scenario making him unique and a good frame not like any others in game.

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So I'm really happy to see Hydroid finally get some attention and I think the re-work is a step in the right direction. Here are some thoughts on maybe a different direction for him....

Changes to Undertow:

Using the ability at a location (while not on a puddle) creates a puddle at that location.
If on a puddle you can submerge as you do now. Holding the ability would allow you to unsubmerge from a puddle.
Limit of up to 4 puddles out at one time.
Puddles that touch merge together, but would count to puddles + 1 towards the 4.
Maybe even remove the energy cost of puddles? I know crazy.
Puddles still drown enemies, should have energy drain for each one.
Puddles can be put on any surface.

Hydroid can move around inside a puddle while submerged and all other interactions with his powers remain. Tentacle swarm can now be targeted at a puddle to sprout tentacles.

Changes to Tidal Surge:

If you are not submerged same mechanics as before.
If you are submerged you can use the Tidal Surge to target a puddle and surge to it.
Enemies caught between the two puddles would be dragged into the new one upon reaching it.


This would allow you take over an area and use your puddles to really control movements. Also, the mobility granted would only be after setting up, but allow for some very interesting gameplay. It would feel very much like you were in a boss fight room, except you get to play the boss. Energy drain is still an issue, which is why the puddles would probably have to be free until they start trapping enemies. Maybe submerging / reappearing costs energy as well.

Welcome thoughts!

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6 minutes ago, leadwolf1 said:

I would like the players to honestly read this forum  before posting , and do not try to make hydroid like another ability from a different warframe,because it is more your play style. all frames are to be their own style. really take a look at what Evanescent wrote as well as my add on with a loar scenario making him unique and a good frame not like any others in game.

There are many Warframes that have abilities that are similar to other Warframe abilities however.

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This revisit gets undue hate because people want a different frame entirely or just want infinite kill potential. I love the quality of life improvements, but I admit, he is still kinda clunky.

Deep Tendril (Passive): Was hoping for a change to his passive. Lone tentacle is practically useless to say the least.

Maybe more damage, fire rate, or charge speed to throwable weapons? Trident-type weapons like scourge fit thematically, and glaive-types and dualweilding would benefit from a specific frame. Just as excal is the king of one-handed swords, Pirate Hydroid is Mr. Throw-it-in-your-face. 

Tempest Barrage: Charge rate should inverse scale with duration (i.e. Ivara's Prowl steal time; higher duration, faster charge), and/or should be effected by Natural Talent.

I really like the charge mechanic, but would like to see a reversed effect of charged vs uncharged in terms of duration. Make uncharged barrage shoot for 10 seconds (4 per second). Make full charged shoot for 5 seconds but with the same amount of hits (8 per second) and retain double damage double cost. This would combo nicely with his augment Corroding Barrage to strip armor faster as needed, while still giving the option for extended knockdown CC.

Tidal Surge: If this is now intended to be a movement ability, cost needs to be reduced to a base of 25 at most.

Allow for very slight maneuvering during the dashing period and the ability to cancel without undertow by simply recasting (almost like a toggle without the infinite).

Undertow: Affected enemies should be pulled with the moving puddle.

Toggling off the ability leaves the puddle on the ground for a short while. More interactive at the cost of no more grabbing. Scales with duration.

Speed increased, but restricted to walking speed (would make movement at the cost of energy actually have any value at all).

Enemies killed return 5 energy to Hydroid or increased drop chamce of energy orbs.

Damage is absorbed and deals half damage to enemies inside (something like an inverse Mag Magnatize. They're underwater, would make sense for bullets to be effective). More strength means more damage gets through.

Affected enemies take stacking percentage damage per tick? First tick does 2%, Second 4%, Third 6%; capping at 10% at 5+ ticks. Effectively, any enemy will die after 12 seconds regardless of level. Scales with power, so 200% strength means 6 seconds to kill. Useless at lower levels, but more attractive at mid and higher level activities.

Or just increase the rate of damage increase as is.

Tentacle Swarm: Charge rate should inverse scale with duration (i.e. Ivara's Prowl steal time; higher duration, faster charge), and/or should be effected by Natural Talent.

Tentacles try to space themselves out more. 

Recast to undeploy tentacles to allow for more direct damage/killing (i.e. Nyx's mind control) so there is less frustration with teamplay.

Perfectly happy with kraken monster remaining an easter egg, but at least limit his appearance and initial "explosion flings enemies away" to the charged verson.

Edited by (PS4)imObvioslycrazy
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Hydroid buff

Passive: Enemies take twice as long to recover from knockdowns. (heavy water)

1. Tempest Barrage: the charge mechanic damage is the base damage, more rain drops.(no charge mechanic)

2. Tidal Surge: Fine

3. Undertow: Throws a water trap to sink enemies, hydroid can crouch on the puddle to sink in.(buff damage)

4.Tentacle Swarm: Tentacle grab and stack enemies at the base of the arms or hold to the ground.     

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  • Undertow Energy Granting: Gives Hydroid Energy for each enemy killed in Undertow
  • A Better Undertow + Tentacle Swarm Combo: Increases the (Damage or Damage Rate) of enemies in Undertow for the Duration of Tentacle Swarm's ability
  • Allow Undertow to let Hydroid attack with guns (much like Prowl): Tentacle drag moved to Right-click and Left Click allows firing weapons at the expense of exposure to attacks.
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1 minute ago, FoxFX said:

There are many Warframes that have abilities that are similar to other Warframe abilities however.

OK Instead of just that post did you read what I was talking about, and if so could you get behind these changes, that is the question


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