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When can we get a braton and lato vandal re release ?


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4 hours ago, Renkuya said:

If you were here in CBT (even on the open weekend) and you're either STILL playing or just returning, you were still there for a moment of the games history. That's why I dislike the idea of the guns returning. Just as founders were there to support the game and be a part of it's CBT and history, those with the Braton/Lato were. Again, it's cried for JUST for the MR fodder aspect and nothing else. Show me somebody that uses the base Braton and wishes they had a better version and I'll show you 50-100 people that just use whatever is the current powercreep build. Even that ratio might be greatly exaggerated on the number of people that would even consider putting their Tigris Prime/Lenz down to play with a Lato that might be "meh" with a Riven.

Why do I care? Mainly, I care because it saddens me to see something that was given away for being there in the beginning so people can farm and dump that item. They'll be relegated to the already massive pile of weapons that even WITH rivens are still "pure garbage" that nobody uses. Ask yourself, how many of the current vandals get used seriously? As far as I know the Supra is about it. While I can see Snipetron being decent nobody runs snipers in this game, they just don't.


As for them being "stronger". Fine, reverse the buff. It didn't make sense to buff it in the first place. They SHOULD be a badge you can show people and say, "I was here". Instead you get NOTHING and you get told by others, "shoulda bought founders! wom wom". If you believe I'm 100% irrational for my opinion, that can be that and we can agree to disagree. Clearly DE doesn't care, the only thing they care about is pissing off founders. Everybody cries about 6k Mastery but 12k AND being able to give input about certain design decisions is locked down with my exact arguments, "should've been here when..".

This is a different mentality and based on you were somewhere. The problem is another peoples who joining to a game are become a part of the game history for short for long time. That not bothers me if they give a title color option or a badge for the founders and closed beta testers but if they lock exclusive items behind and legitimize these are items for special snowflakes then that bugs me because the option should be for all. 

The time limited exclusivity is just as bad as the whole exclusivity system and peoples whom like it and think it is fine. What differs me than you? You got an option to enter me not but I followed the game from 2012. That not bothers me also if everybody handled the same in option but that bugs me when peoples call themself better than others just because founded a game or joined earlier. That not show any value only just a moment when you get in but still you can be a good or terrible player. If we honoring peoples with this or another way we just making a game which contains class system. Currently peoples mindset is this there are poors, casuals, hardcores, veterans, testers, founders and all of those butthurt by each other. 

They have unlimited platinum, unlimited loot, unlimited items and rewards etc, there is nothing real in a video game just bunch of pixels. That not bothers others if they have to chance to get something but that is annoying when those pixels handled exclusive by others. 

Also that was a mistake from the devs side to give items exclusively when there are other options to honor those peoples who were somewhere in the game in that timescale.


In this thread I agree mainly with Stormdragon because that is not really should be a case to be upset and jealous to others whom can get something.


Founders also got in game items which messed totally the game for others whom wished to play those stuff because of DE silly sense of honoring. They could have give not in game items then we doesn't talk about excall prime or lato or skana prime. The problem is DE many times release something they try to honor their players with in game items which directly have an impact on the game and then they wish excuses because they fault. 

Still I think if they thinking they could solve these problems earlier but it seems they aren't capable to do that all the time for various reasons so these mistakes again and again happens.


I jus simply hate the exclusivity because that is a simple status creation methold and make stars from nowhere and make gaps between players. This is too human thingy.

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On 8/19/2017 at 10:31 AM, Aveu said:

Hopefully as a VERY LONG log in reward. I'd hate to see closed beta testers get CLEM'd over by giving out beta exclusives to everyone.

??? why tho?

It's been such a long time since that time period. That and us beta testers aren't exactly bound by legal contracts ala founders' excal prime, etc

It's about time these two get back in circulation; be it baro, tier 4 event missions every few weeks/ months would be a good way to reintroduce it.

I mean, back then we pre much got the thing for free. Far as I'm concerned just make people who haven't got it to play the game and get them as a reward for it, that sound fair enough for me.


An inflated ego thirsty for virtual prestige isn't a valid reason to block certain content from others who genuinely find the game fun and want to invest more time in it. Blocking access to these weapons from non beta players = DE needs more mastery fodder content = possibility of new weapons that aren't too dissimilar to existing ones = unnecessary/ overlooked arsenal that only hurts the game in the grander scheme of things.


Heck, I've seen some founders actually supporting this notion in in-game chat from time to time, mainly because apparently some beta players did miss out on these weapons.

Edited by Tsardova
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8 hours ago, Tsardova said:

??? why tho?

It's been such a long time since that time period. That and us beta testers aren't exactly bound by legal contracts ala founders' excal prime, etc

It's about time these two get back in circulation; be it baro, tier 4 event missions every few weeks/ months would be a good way to reintroduce it.

I mean, back then we pre much got the thing for free. Far as I'm concerned just make people who haven't got it to play the game and get them as a reward for it, that sound fair enough for me.


An inflated ego thirsty for virtual prestige isn't a valid reason to block certain content from others who genuinely find the game fun and want to invest more time in it. Blocking access to these weapons from non beta players = DE needs more mastery fodder content = possibility of new weapons that aren't too dissimilar to existing ones = unnecessary/ overlooked arsenal that only hurts the game in the grander scheme of things.


Heck, I've seen some founders actually supporting this notion in in-game chat from time to time, mainly because apparently some beta players did miss out on these weapons.

Here, I've compiled the news articles on the Braton/Lato Vandal. It's clear to see WHY I'd question the release of the weapons a second time. There's no reason to keep the founders prime set exclusive and bring those two weapons out. http://imgur.com/a/VmuBB

They're not just "weapons given out for an even" but weapons given to CBT players specifically. They mention them being exclusive AND only available to CBT players/open beta weekend players.

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8 minutes ago, Renkuya said:

Here, I've compiled the news articles on the Braton/Lato Vandal. It's clear to see WHY I'd question the release of the weapons a second time. There's no reason to keep the founders prime set exclusive and bring those two weapons out. http://imgur.com/a/VmuBB

They're not just "weapons given out for an even" but weapons given to CBT players specifically. They mention them being exclusive AND only available to CBT players/open beta weekend players.

That was the same article I found when I did my long search! This definitely is a valid reason to be upset when DE did state it to be a exclusive reward to those that stood around for the Beta 

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On 8/18/2017 at 7:31 PM, Aveu said:

Hopefully as a VERY LONG log in reward. I'd hate to see closed beta testers get CLEM'd over by giving out beta exclusives to everyone.

Let's hope not for this. A ton of vets have the weapons already and it would be a waste to put it in the login reward system. For example, it's like saying let's put Exal Umbra in the Login Rewards, makes no sense right? DE would never do this.

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4 hours ago, Renkuya said:

Here, I've compiled the news articles on the Braton/Lato Vandal. It's clear to see WHY I'd question the release of the weapons a second time. There's no reason to keep the founders prime set exclusive and bring those two weapons out. http://imgur.com/a/VmuBB

They're not just "weapons given out for an even" but weapons given to CBT players specifically. They mention them being exclusive AND only available to CBT players/open beta weekend players.

ok?... doesn't change my mind on the matter.

Sure it was advertised as such back then but again, even some beta players missed out on the "special occasion" for their own reasons.

There's no exclusivity deal between beta players and DE to the point where they're bound by legal terms to never have these two weapons to ever appear again. This ins't a founders pack exclusive content nor are these weapons lore breaking to the point they have to be excluded ala the original snipetron. You got the thing pretty much for free unlike founders who chose to invest ludicrous sum of money to support the game outright, they invested in the game whereas us who got these two vandals were just lucky to be there. We're not entitled to exclusivity just for the sake of pride and "special snowflake" mindset.

Again, there's just as much a reason to counter the whole Beta player exclusive argument if you're willing to go on about it. Sure we thank CBT players who have stuck around for so long but whether or not they have actually contributed to the game's overall well being is up for debate, such virtual prestige shouldn't be kept as a baseless entitlement.

Edited by Tsardova
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39 minutes ago, Tsardova said:

ok?... doesn't change my mind on the matter.

Sure it was advertised as such back then but again, even some beta players missed out on the "special occasion" for their own reasons.

There's no exclusivity deal between beta players and DE to the point where they're bound by legal terms to never have these two weapons to ever appear again. This ins't a founders pack exclusive content nor are these weapons lore breaking to the point they have to be excluded ala the original snipetron. You got the thing pretty much for free unlike founders who chose to invest ludicrous sum of money to support the game outright, they invested in the game whereas us who got these two vandals were just lucky to be there. We're not entitled to exclusivity just for the sake of pride and "special snowflake" mindset.

Again, there's just as much a reason to counter the whole Beta player exclusive argument if you're willing to go on about it. Sure we thank CBT players who have stuck around for so long but whether or not they have actually contributed to the game's overall well being is up for debate, such virtual prestige shouldn't be kept as a baseless entitlement.

You know, I'm just arguing the fact that it was more than just an Operation reward. It was given as an exclusive reward for those who participated and helped out during CBT and to those that jumped in on the OBT weekend. There is by all means as much of an exclusivity "deal" between CBT players and DE as there is Founders and DE. Again, if you're going to derail the meaning of "exclusive" and phrases such as, "only available to/at" then there is ZERO reason to keep the founder prime set locked.

CBT players provided support in a way other than money. I'm sure DE appreciates those who bought the founders packs but there were plenty of people, myself included, that still supported the game. Hell, I was the reason 2 people ended up buying founders packages. CBT pleayers were there for feedback and bug reporting. They were there "through the thick and thin" of CBT (their words). These rewards aren't for showing up or they would've been worded as such. They were for supporting the game while it was in Closed Beta. They wouldn't use words like "hard work" if they were just an event that people showed up to like the Operations.

As for CB players not getting the items, there are plenty of people that didn't get founders that otherwise would've. So, we should bring founders back? I wonder, how do you think a poll about bringing back those prime items would go if opened on twitter or something? Do you think the overwhelming majority of people wouldn't also vote for those to return? The point isn't what people want, it's about what DE should do. If they say "exclusive" it should be exclusive. It's the same BS that AAA companies do all the time with pre-order bonuses, "pre-order now for a limited editon of  X" and it turns out that it's not limited and it has nothing that's exclusive. If we're going to remove the meaning from the word "exclusive" why not treat everything as such? You know how many people would fork over $200+ to have access to the design council? Why not bring that back? After all, many companies have founder pack items that they then sell the content to later, there is no legal reason they couldn't do it. DE knew the importance of CB players, seems they've forgotten that and/or no longer feel like they deserve anything. What makes Founders different? Money?

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20 hours ago, Renkuya said:

The Lato/Braton Vandal isn't good enough that slapping a riven on the other version(s) isn't going to be the same.

From the Lato Vandal wikia:

Flight Speed Hit-Scan 
Noise Level Alarming
Fire Rate 5.0 rounds/sec 
Accuracy 23.0 
Magazine Size 15 rounds/mag 
Max Ammo 210 rounds 
Reload Time 1.0s 
Normal Attacks 
Impact w.pngImpact 7.5
Puncture w.pngPuncture 12.5
Slash w.pngSlash 30.0
Crit Chance 20.0%
Introduced Update 7.0


Uh... yeah. I want a Lato Vandal and a Lato Riven, thanks.

Edited by (PS4)Lei-Lei_23
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2 hours ago, (PS4)Lei-Lei_23 said:

From the Lato Vandal wikia:

Flight Speed Hit-Scan 
Noise Level Alarming
Fire Rate 5.0 rounds/sec 
Accuracy 23.0 
Magazine Size 15 rounds/mag 
Max Ammo 210 rounds 
Reload Time 1.0s 
Normal Attacks 
Impact w.pngImpact 7.5
Puncture w.pngPuncture 12.5
Slash w.pngSlash 30.0
Crit Chance 20.0%
Introduced Update 7.0


Uh... yeah. I want a Lato Vandal and a Lato Riven, thanks.

Check the Lato Prime then. Again, debuff it, I'm fine with that. though, even with those stats it's outclassed by a myriad of secondaries.

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I can bet my right arm on the fact that the moment Lato/Braton Vandal loses mastery there will be no more posts and topics asking for their return. 

Also I want to ask all beggars - why you so jealous about us having two extra weapons that are nowhere near the level of meta gear??? What,  you can't sleep properly because someone has 6k mastery more than you?? Some of you call us "butthurt special snowflakes" while not realizing that this "butthurt special snowflakes" are actually you. Hypocrisy at it's finest. 

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1 hour ago, HorridaMessor said:

I can bet my right arm on the fact that the moment Lato/Braton Vandal loses mastery there will be no more posts and topics asking for their return. 

Also I want to ask all beggars - why you so jealous about us having two extra weapons that are nowhere near the level of meta gear??? What,  you can't sleep properly because someone has 6k mastery more than you?? Some of you call us "butthurt special snowflakes" while not realizing that this "butthurt special snowflakes" are actually you. Hypocrisy at it's finest. 

Also, being rude won't help anything.

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Have none of you ever played an online game before this? In every game I've ever played event rewards were a one time thing that were never added to a drop table at a later date. I don't understand why two weapons with garbage stats compared to pretty much every other weapon in their tier are demanded so much, especially since they aren't required in order to get to MR 24. This is a bad move on DE's part.

Edit: wow, I can't believe the expletive for feces is censored.

Edited by Avenwing
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3 hours ago, HorridaMessor said:

nowhere near the level of meta gear?

Good, meta gear is usually boring.

3 hours ago, HorridaMessor said:

6k mastery more than you?

don't care. I'll level anything I have access to, to test it out, see what it's like firsthand, and yes I get points from doing so, but I don't care if anyone has more than I do. Don't care if anyone hits the next new rank before i do. Don't care if other people do more damage than me. Don't care if other people are more meta than me. If I can't get it I don't sweat the mastery. I am high MR, I got there by playing and trying things out, not because I needed to make a number large.

I like the Lato, I've forma'd it. I've asked for an upgraded version, ANY version, Prisma, whatever, for quite a while now, because I like it and I'd use it. It feels nice to shoot but it's starter gear and there's no other more powerful guns in the same style. Closest things are Lex family and revolvers, revolvers may shoot similarly, but they are revolvers so aren't the same theme, and have smaller magazines unless you go Ak which also increases reload time. Lex has a much lower fire rate, high recoil, small magazine, and slower reload. It's an entirely different flavor.

13 minutes ago, Avenwing said:

event rewards were a one time thing

In other games maybe. In this one, every single other event weapon has returned, some multiple times, and now permanently in invasions.

1 hour ago, mac10smg-ToaOfGreen said:

I just want a good weapon to go with that Dark Sector skin they're releasing :/

Looks so good. C:

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2 minutes ago, Kinetos said:

Good, meta gear is usually boring.

don't care. I'll level anything I have access to, to test it out, see what it's like firsthand, and yes I get points from doing so, but I don't care if anyone has more than I do. Don't care if anyone hits the next new rank before i do. Don't care if other people do more damage than me. Don't care if other people are more meta than me. If I can't get it I don't sweat the mastery. I am high MR, I got there by playing and trying things out, not because I needed to make a number large.

I like the Lato, I've forma'd it. I've asked for an upgraded version, ANY version, Prisma, whatever, for quite a while now, because I like it and I'd use it. It feels nice to shoot but it's starter gear and there's no other more powerful guns in the same style. Closest things are Lex family and revolvers, revolvers may shoot similarly, but they are revolvers so aren't the same theme, and have smaller magazines unless you go Ak which also increases reload time. Lex has a much lower fire rate, high recoil, small magazine, and slower reload. It's an entirely different flavor.

In other games maybe. In this one, every single other event weapon has returned, some multiple times, and now permanently in invasions.

Looks so good. C:

Ah, but it's not an event weapon. It was a literal thank you, straight from DEs mouth, to all CBT players. Someone earlier in the thread already put the links to the statements.

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7 hours ago, Avenwing said:

Ah, but it's not an event weapon. It was a literal thank you, straight from DEs mouth, to all CBT players. Someone earlier in the thread already put the links to the statements.

The moment we signed the ToS, we agreed to acknowledge that DE has complete control over everything Warframe.  Everything.  Even THAT "thing" that gave me my forum avatar and title.  Remember that signing the ToS came first.

Vandals were a "thank you" to closed beta testers, but not an exclusive.  Even if DE said they were exclusives at the time, we agreed they have all the power to change their minds and there's nothing we can do about it, making their own claims a null point.  Our accounts could be closed forever within the hour and they don't even have to justify the decision.

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10 minutes ago, Littleman88 said:

The moment we signed the ToS, we agreed to acknowledge that DE has complete control over everything Warframe.  Everything.  Even THAT "thing" that gave me my forum avatar and title.  Remember that signing the ToS came first.

Vandals were a "thank you" to closed beta testers, but not an exclusive.  Even if DE said they were exclusives at the time, we agreed they have all the power to change their minds and there's nothing we can do about it, making their own claims a null point.  Our accounts could be closed forever within the hour and they don't even have to justify the decision.

You are right, DE could release everything if they wanted, I'm just saying that I don't think they should release them to anyone that wasn't in the CBT. Why? because it's a pretty terrible thank you to the people that payed DE to test their game for them if it's just going to be released again later.

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Let me just say, so everyone can see it, that DE has openly stated that they regret the founders pack being made exclusive and wish they could rerelease the primes in it out to the public.

They also stated, that they regret the way they made lato/braton vandal available to people during the closed/open beta. Back then they didnt have the mailbox or a way to dynamically add items to players inventories, so they just put the lato/braton vandal on the market for a single credit. As a result there are plenty of beta players who didnt get the weapons because they either missed them or thought they were real money only.


DE also said that unlike the founder packs, they have no contractual obligation to keep the braton/lato vandal exclusive. So it very possible they will rerelease them in some way.

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8 hours ago, --Shadow-Stalker-- said:

Let me just say, so everyone can see it, that DE has openly stated that they regret the founders pack being made exclusive and wish they could rerelease the primes in it out to the public.

They also stated, that they regret the way they made lato/braton vandal available to people during the closed/open beta. Back then they didnt have the mailbox or a way to dynamically add items to players inventories, so they just put the lato/braton vandal on the market for a single credit. As a result there are plenty of beta players who didnt get the weapons because they either missed them or thought they were real money only.


DE also said that unlike the founder packs, they have no contractual obligation to keep the braton/lato vandal exclusive. So it very possible they will rerelease them in some way.

Actually, I believe it was said that it was inevitable. I don't know why they think they have some sort of obligation to keep the founders set locked when they said the braton/lato would be available for only a certain time. Hell, I noticed that Saryn's deluxe skin did the same thing, "exclusive deluxe skin!" and I think they said it was a limited time thing. I bought it thinking, "damn, I like the skin and I'll sorely regret missing it if it's exclusive to this time window". Boy do I feel like an idiot. So, could they please pick one stance on exclusive and stick with it? Either exclusive and "limited time only" things are just that or they aren't and there's NO REASON that the founders set should be locked. At least founders have all the other things that set them aside from the hordes of people that'll pump and dump the items they were given.


As stated, it was a thank you, not an event and personally it feels like a retraction of that thank you to now just give it out to everybody. I don't care about bragging rights or lording my "exclusives" over people. I care that DE clearly don't care about the word exclusive or the meaning of "limited" and I care that the thank you given to those that were there in the beginning is now being thrown out because the majority that don't have it want it. All this while also telling us, "we couldn't possibly bring back founders items, they were exclusive!". It's a joke, they're worried about offending the people that dumped the money on it back then (I'm pretty sure it went up to like $250) but the people they thanked for supporting them through other means are alright to ignore. How many people do you think would vote "yes" on a poll asking the community if they should bring back founders items or open up the design council? Asking the community if they should bring back items that were LITERAL THANK YOU's from 4+ years ago? of course people will vote yes, you're asking if exclusives should be not exclusive.

Borderline off-topic:

While I didn't spend much money on Warframe back in CBT I've since spent well over $500. I've bought 4 Prime Access max tiers and I don't even know how much on Plat here or there. I'm glad to support the game, I'm just sad to see them railroad their appreciation because, "reasons". I've stopped asking myself, "why" when they do things like add archwing or remove a gun because "lore reasons" instead of just fixing the gun. I've grown to understand that DE will do whatever they want and neglect fairly large portions of either the playerbase or the game. Conclave sits in a sorry state and when people "boost" they get told not to despite nobody playing it. It seems like more people hate archwing than enjoy it but they decide adding open world content is the best thing to focus on next. Snipers have been broken and seem to only get more broken with time (the combo timer is stupid and the sway/unscoped accuracy is bad) and yet they're still bad. They'll nerf a whole class of weapons because 1 or 2 are OP instead of just adjusting those weapons. They'll hammer a warframe into the ground due to totally broken combos or builds and then leave those frames woefully underpowered. So, I'm not terribly surprised when they say "exclusives actually aren't really exclusive they're just time locked until enough people complain".

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1 hour ago, Renkuya said:

Actually, I believe it was said that it was inevitable. I don't know why they think they have some sort of obligation to keep the founders set locked when they said the braton/lato would be available for only a certain time. Hell, I noticed that Saryn's deluxe skin did the same thing, "exclusive deluxe skin!" and I think they said it was a limited time thing. I bought it thinking, "damn, I like the skin and I'll sorely regret missing it if it's exclusive to this time window". Boy do I feel like an idiot. So, could they please pick one stance on exclusive and stick with it? Either exclusive and "limited time only" things are just that or they aren't and there's NO REASON that the founders set should be locked. At least founders have all the other things that set them aside from the hordes of people that'll pump and dump the items they were given.

because the vandles were a "thank you" and the founder prime set was marketed and sold as "exclusive only to founders", and then even more under a massive "last chance to get these items" when they got rid of the founder packs. they have an obligation to keep the founders set locked because if they release it they face a hoard of false advertisent lawsuits, along with pissing off some of their oldest and most loyal players


they litterally explained all of this (why they want to bring it back and why they cant bring back founder items) in the dev streams and others have have explained it in this thread. its not just because "reasons"

Edited by --Shadow-Stalker--
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On 8/25/2017 at 6:34 AM, Renkuya said:

You know, I'm just arguing the fact that it was more than just an Operation reward. It was given as an exclusive reward for those who participated and helped out during CBT and to those that jumped in on the OBT weekend. There is by all means as much of an exclusivity "deal" between CBT players and DE as there is Founders and DE. Again, if you're going to derail the meaning of "exclusive" and phrases such as, "only available to/at" then there is ZERO reason to keep the founder prime set locked.

CBT players provided support in a way other than money. I'm sure DE appreciates those who bought the founders packs but there were plenty of people, myself included, that still supported the game. Hell, I was the reason 2 people ended up buying founders packages. CBT pleayers were there for feedback and bug reporting. They were there "through the thick and thin" of CBT (their words). These rewards aren't for showing up or they would've been worded as such. They were for supporting the game while it was in Closed Beta. They wouldn't use words like "hard work" if they were just an event that people showed up to like the Operations.

As for CB players not getting the items, there are plenty of people that didn't get founders that otherwise would've. So, we should bring founders back? I wonder, how do you think a poll about bringing back those prime items would go if opened on twitter or something? Do you think the overwhelming majority of people wouldn't also vote for those to return? The point isn't what people want, it's about what DE should do. If they say "exclusive" it should be exclusive. It's the same BS that AAA companies do all the time with pre-order bonuses, "pre-order now for a limited editon of  X" and it turns out that it's not limited and it has nothing that's exclusive. If we're going to remove the meaning from the word "exclusive" why not treat everything as such? You know how many people would fork over $200+ to have access to the design council? Why not bring that back? After all, many companies have founder pack items that they then sell the content to later, there is no legal reason they couldn't do it. DE knew the importance of CB players, seems they've forgotten that and/or no longer feel like they deserve anything. What makes Founders different? Money?

Was there any legal binding attached to said process (CBT)?

CBT players helped support the game without monetary means, that much is obvious, but it's willingly done without tangible sacrifice bar one's own time. There's no real legal obligation for DE to abide to keep exclusivity to CBT/ transitional players. I'm not derailing the meaning behind exclusivity, I'm just elaborating the difference between founders level of exclusivity and this "perceived exclusivity".

These vandals were a thank you made to CBT players, which were pretty much attained for FREE. Founders' content were advertised clearly as content exclusively made available to those who are willing to invest in the game's early stages. 

And yes, as much as I hate to admit it, the difference mainly stems from founders' willingness to impart financial support on top of their time/ interest to DE directly. But it was made very clear and was advertised as such that the content behind founder's pack is only available through said program. Feedback and reporting still goes on to this stage, and for all intensive purposes people have been saying that this game is still in beta stage. Who's to say we're not beta players at this point in time and why do others who joined in the party a bit later get to have their access to some content be nullified just because earlier players demand personal "status"?

I mean, by the end of the day keeping these content locked behind the whole "CBT exclusivity" thing just means there'll be further disparity between free players  just because of difference between their time of inception to the game, which is total horse dung.

Again, founders packs' content are clearly stated to never be available again past a certain time frame, and it's exclusivity is made clear and permanent through advertisement ergo a legal binding between founders and DE themselves. As for CBT content, again as I've said so many times, there's no real tangible legal binding to it as it was merely DE's way of thanking players who happen to take part in CBT/ transition phase. You can demean founders' exclusivity deal by making prolonged monetary argument but by the end of the day it is what it is, plain and simple. It isn't about removing the meaning behind exclusivity, it's separating the what's really marked as an exclusive content to ones perceived as exclusive by the end user.


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This is odd. The wikia for the Lato Vandal is now saying that its crit chance is 7.5%. Did the pistol get stealth nerfed or is an editor for the wikia salty about the weapon in question and is providing misinformation?

Because I know in the recent Weapon Balance Pass and a post I copy-pasted earlier, the crit chance is supposed to be 20%.

Edited by (PS4)Lei-Lei_23
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