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Ember's Deluxe Skin Feedback


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9 minutes ago, Hypernaut1 said:

It much less about how ugly the skin is, more "punishment" for DEs disagreement with the artist. I say this because there were a bunch of BS threads about just the mohawk on the other design. 

I see it as they rushed the skin out because people want an ember skin after ample delays from the aforementioned humbug, not thinking about the backlash from not waiting for input/reaction after such a critical paradigm shift. We were expecting molten fire and got a birb. If the vermillion skin had a similar motif, I personally would not be S#&$posting about this issue. 

EDIT: I personally was not around for that complaint...at least not on the forums at the time.

Edited by Berzerkir
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6 hours ago, Hypernaut1 said:

At this point, I think the community is massively over-rating that Ember skin.

This sounds so overdramatic.

Well yeah it is over dramatic i get that, but some of us REALLY like how our warframes look. of course it's a bit dumb but hey we should care about our escape from reality right?


28 minutes ago, Hypernaut1 said:

I think it's more about choosing sides in a situation that none of us truly know about. That's how it see it. 

It much less about how ugly the skin is, more "punishment" for DEs disagreement with the artist. I say this because there were a bunch of BS threads about just the mohawk on the other design. 

That's my take on it.

As for punishment for the artist... thats just stupid and abusive. true some people will go around being disrespectful about it and shouting at it. But others didn't and they still didn't like the skin. other people to come will also have to deal with this. For DE to punish these people just isn't right.

  • DE is punishing those who kindly asked for the skin
  • DE is punishing those who are passionate about art
  • DE is punishing those who will join the game in the future
  • DE is punishing us who put up valid arguments
  • DE is punishing the artist and almost mocking him with this WAY over the top mohawk that's bigger than any other.

If DE has this take on how to react to certain things it's abusive, inconsiderate, a poor business plan, disrespectful to everyone, unfair, and dumb all around. Sure some people may like it and love it and they have all the right to do so. it can stay in the game we don't care about that since we can decide to buy it or not. but the fact remains that if it was a punishment that made them switch skins... thats just cruel and wrong on so many levels. they may be game designers but they still make content and content is meant to make people happy, not start a giant fight that alone shows DE did something wrong or can change something.

Still waiting for someone from DE to actually give us the reason as to why they can't use the skin.

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I really liked the vermillion skin. On the devstream, I was like if those feathers on head are fixed then I'm not in. And turns out feathers are moving <3 I like the mohawk suits ember's usual look. I liked IgnusDei's concept as well but it was only because of the clean thighs and heels. I was happy that there wasn't going to be any stupid leg armor that makes her look funny. If IgnusDei's concept art were chosen I would be happy as well but I have to admit that colorings on her would be too cliche, you either keep it white and black or full black. I like that Vermillion skin offers a huge variety of combinations of different colors. Plus it has no leg armor and has heels. I think besides regular ember and ember prime she is a really good addition as a deluxe cuz let's be honest regular ember and prime looked really plain for a fiery themed warframe . And if another ignus concept would be in game you guys would start to make threads like put seashell looking traditional armor on everything and put it as a deluxe we want more variations and blah blah so shut up 

Edited by Shidonia
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3 hours ago, Hypernaut1 said:

I think it's more about choosing sides in a situation that none of us truly know about. That's how it see it. 

It much less about how ugly the skin is, more "punishment" for DEs disagreement with the artist. I say this because there were a bunch of BS threads about just the mohawk on the other design. 

That's my take on it.

Yes mohawk placed on to the frame as vermillion middle fingers cuz ignus didn't wanted the blade shaped mohawk and DE believed ember should have a mohawk 

Edited by Shidonia
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2 hours ago, Shidonia said:

I really liked the vermillion skin. On the devstream, I was like if those feathers on head are fixed then I'm not in. And turns out feathers are moving <3 I like the mohawk suits ember's usual look. I liked IgnusDei's concept as well but it was only because of the clean thighs and heels. I was happy that there wasn't going to be any stupid leg armor that makes her look funny. If IgnusDei's concept art were chosen I would be happy as well but I have to admit that colorings on her would be too cliche, you either keep it white and black or full black. I like that Vermillion skin offers a huge variety of combinations of different colors. Plus it has no leg armor and has heels. I think besides regular ember and ember prime she is a really good addition as a deluxe cuz let's be honest regular ember and prime looked really plain for a fiery themed warframe . And if another ignus concept would be in game you guys would start to make threads like put seashell looking traditional armor on everything and put it as a deluxe we want more variations and blah blah so shut up 

I know you liked the skin, point taken... But that doesn't change the fact that some people doesn't like it. Yes,we can decide wether to buy the skin or not but as far that i know deluxe skins are the only skin that can change the mesh of frame model. Tennogen can't do that. Also imo, ember should have more fiery effect(like a phoenix) but all i can see is a bird with some candle flames on it. I can see more ember effect on dark souls than on the vermilion skin

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On 11/6/2017 at 8:09 AM, (PS4)ArtPrince17 said:

I was going off of this, though I probably shouldn't say "by contract".


Thanks for finding that, I hadn't seen it. There's absolutely nothing in that clip that comes even close to contracts or legality. Rebecca meant exactly what she said. They'd use it if they could, but they can't. Why they can't is something they're keeping to themselves, and that goes back to the art department (or any company in general) being a bit of a black box when they want to be. They're not, now nor in the future, obligated to explain why. We may want them to be, but they're not.

On 11/6/2017 at 9:29 AM, IgnusDei said:

Once again, I feel I must repeat: I am not the reason they wouldn't use the skin. That 'reason' they speak of is a mystery to me.


Not specifically you, but it seems very likely that, for the art department, you (and the disagreement) are part of the reason. Conjecture, yes, but it's just a thought. 

That doesn't mean it's your fault, it means it's likely you haven't been forgiven.

23 hours ago, Feltal said:

The reason is someone in the art department is still mad about it.

It doesn't even have to be anger. There's also pride and stubbornness to consider. People are people and they always will be.

23 hours ago, MirageKnight said:

That segment in the stream is nothing more than a sales pitch and propaganda piece. I'd expect to see to shilling and hucksterism of this level on the Home Shopping Network, not an official gaming channel.

"It's a hot-rod!"



While I largely agree with the portion of your post on Ember's new skin itself, I wanted to note that that's not a great sales pitch if Rebecca, in the very same clip, said if you don't like it, save your plat, buy something else. 

Propaganda would seek to fabricate a lie, or set of lies, and attempt to deceive, convince, or misdirect us from the truth. She did the opposite of that. She told us the truth but withheld the underlying reason. Incidentally, they have the right to do that as a company.

It's not shilling or hucksterism to offer an opinion, describe a feature, asset, or skin in their own words, something each and every development team member does when they're on a stream for every single game that offers a development stream or chat.

As game developers, they are always trying to sell us the game, the game's vision, the reasoning behind a new mechanic or feature they know we might hate, but they're genuinely behind because they've worked with the people who worked weeks, months, to create it. Because it's their job and their livelihood. Because it's their passion.

What would you rather her have said? Imagine, for a moment, that you were the lead designer on the Vermillion skin. Imagine that you're watching the stream. You know the skin is now live, you know the hate it's seen in the community, but you know your co-workers and friends at DE have supported you the entire time.

Then Rebecca goes live and instead of finding something nice to say about it, describes it in words we community members might use. Maybe she calls it "hot garbage" or "ugly" or says it "missed the mark". 

As a designer, would you want to continue working at DE if one of the most visible team members straight up took a lead pipe to your work, work that was already live and on sale? I sure as hell wouldn't.

Throughout this entire Ember Deluxe skin issue, from last year to this year, I have seen people consistently forget to remember that everyone involved is a human being. Take a moment, everyone, to remember that and things get much clearer. Whoever is still pissed off at IgnusDei, has too much pride, or is too stubborn has to get over that as a person. Nothing we say or do can force that. Them getting over that and forgiving IgnusDei, being willing to work with him (or him reaching out to meet them halfway, if that's possible) is the only way we'll see an IgnusDei Ember deluxe that's close to the one we lost.

We did lose a skin, yes, but as I have said before, the IgnusDei Ember deluxe skin is irrelevant. What matters is mending the relationship between the art department and IgnusDei. That's the bigger picture focusing on just the skin always misses, every damn time.

Also, just before Rebecca speaks, Megan aptly says "Every single thing we put out is made with hard work and love." I'm probably not getting her wording exact, but that is worth remembering before saying they're shilling or engaging in hucksterism.

We can still hate what they're trying to sell us and often do, but that doesn't make their support of said things nefarious, underhanded, or shady.

P.S. I've been butchering IgnusDei's name on and off for a year and didn't notice it until now. Sorry, Ignus.

Edited by Rhekemi
Typos and grammatical errors *@##$-slapped.
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15 hours ago, (Xbox One)SilkyGuide270 said:

This artist did some good work on the previous skins made. They were unique, showed diversity and encouraged players to want it just by their mere beauty.

After seeing the original concept for ember, it was a sure buy for me but this release is really far from what we had all hoped ember deluxe would have been.

I'm saddened that for the sake of the fans / customers DE did not reconcile with the artist to get this in game seeing how positive the reaction was.

Variety is indeed the spice of life and whilst this might just be a QoL issue with many people, the loss of a skilled artist to this community is what is greater; as we will never see this unique perspective in WF ever again.

Even if it was not all about money, it makes little sense to continue down a path and make a product that few people will buy just because "we had no other options" ( at the time ).

I would have preferred that they Not Release an Ember skin at all and wait till they had something great to present instead of going through with this plan, but it is what it is. The sales generated will show if the decision made was the right one.

For the sake for all parties involved, this is an Open request to the artist ( if he ever reads this ) as well as to DE :  

We can Hotfix this - Redtext Incoming ...




Just tag the artist @IgnusDei he's pretty open about his topic and he already stated that he would love to re-establish the relationship, the refusal is on DEs part.

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43 minutes ago, Orabell said:

Just tag the artist he's pretty open about his topic and he already stated that he would love to re-establish the relationship, the refusal is on DEs part.

Maybe he's sick of repeating himself too. (yeh I removed the tag)

Maybe people should let it die.

Maybe people should learn that relentless (and often rude) badgering doesn't get you what you want once you pass the age of 5.

The comments in this thread are completely forgetting the skins we are getting are coming from artists too. Ones that are constantly insulted and berated by whoever and their dog purely because they want to fanboy about someone elses work. Respect goes all ways. S***ing all over other artists won't help anyones "cause".

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10 minutes ago, Zanchak said:

Maybe he's sick of repeating himself too. (yeh I removed the tag)

Maybe people should let it die.

Maybe people should learn that relentless (and often rude) badgering doesn't get you what you want once you pass the age of 5.

The comments in this thread are completely forgetting the skins we are getting are coming from artists too. Ones that are constantly insulted and berated by whoever and their dog purely because they want to fanboy about someone elses work. Respect goes all ways. S***ing all over other artists won't help anyones "cause".

There was disapproval of the current Ember Delux skin before it was even released, which was on devstream chat and forums too. And no one is s***iing on any artist and DE has full rights to Ignus Design 1.0 of the Ember Delux is designed (as Ignus posted in one of his posts). Even after reading the feedbacks and during devstream chat msgs .. current theme was released. Maybe DE should have had an open discussion about few changes before adding that Mohawk and stuff that many are hating right now. Even the Syandana is somewhat inspired from the naru syandana + theme is too dull. On the contrary, only a few or none were against Ignus design.  

and btw I still bought the new Ember Delux skin + Nekros Delux Skin to support the developer.

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23 minutes ago, Zanchak said:

The comments in this thread are completely forgetting the skins we are getting are coming from artists too. Ones that are constantly insulted and berated by whoever and their dog purely because they want to fanboy about someone elses work. Respect goes all ways. S***ing all over other artists won't help anyones "cause".

WI don't have a dog but I assure you, he would also be against this animal fixation in warframes designs have had lastly. Not to mention, when mythology is used as inspiration is good to be subtle, not this eat-my-mythical-creature-skin way, it's a little bit too on the nose.

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20 minutes ago, Orabell said:

Well, hard work and love was ultimately the reason for all of this.

IgnusDei's hard work and love were never in dispute, but:

1) I'm positive if the art team produced a deluxe skin for Ember that the majority loved, one that was superior to IgnusDei's or just as good, one that blew our minds, "all of this" wouldn't be happening right now.

Some would still ask for IgnusDei's skin, but all of this wouldn't be as prevalent. The community's as vocal as it is now because the Vermillion skin A) isn't as good and B) Ignus' Mag and Frost's skins were added to the game without issue.

2) For an Ember Deluxe skin, DE had to choose between supporting the hard work of their current employees at the art department and IgnusDei's hard work which the art department disagrees with or doesn't want. Regardless of whether the art department's reasons are petty or perfectly reasonable, I think DE made the right choice.

To be blunt, if I have to choose between giving the community a skin they want and going against the wishes of the people who help me produce the art assets (which go beyond skins) for the entire game, it's ride or die and I'm going with the art team.

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4 minutes ago, Rhekemi said:

IgnusDei's hard work and love were never in dispute, but:

1) I'm positive if the art team produced a deluxe skin for Ember that the majority loved, one that was superior to IgnusDei's or just as good, one that blew our minds, "all of this" wouldn't be happening right now.

Some would still ask for IgnusDei's skin, but all of this wouldn't be as prevalent. The community's as vocal as it is now because the Vermillion skin A) isn't as good and B) Ignus' Mag and Frost's skins were added to the game without issue.

2) For an Ember Deluxe skin, DE had to choose between supporting the hard work of their current employees at the art department and IgnusDei's hard work which the art department disagrees with or doesn't want. Regardless of whether the art department's reasons are petty or perfectly reasonable, I think DE made the right choice.

To be blunt, if I have to choose between giving the community a skin they want and going against the wishes of the people who help me produce the art assets (which go beyond skins) for the entire game, it's ride or die and I'm going with the art team.

This is sound logic, except,  there was no need to make the Ember Fans suffer this skin to make a point, a nice gesture for sure, but hardly something to be proud about.

And if the skin is not a point by the Art Team saying "Ember is a chicken with a Mohawk, get used to it" to all the community then your second argument falls apart. 

The best thing of the 100th Devstream was hearing them say the messed up, not for some weird power trip or anything, simply because that's the kind of developer I've come to love, the ones that can say "we tried this, didn't work, we are doing it again", so when they refuse to to accept the failure this skin is and try to tone down the reaction by guilt tripping us, it feels like a different person and not the one I fell for.

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3 hours ago, zzzNitro said:

This is sound logic, except,  there was no need to make the Ember Fans suffer this skin to make a point, a nice gesture for sure, but hardly something to be proud about.


I don't think they thought they were doing that.

Artists don't put out subpar work to make a point or punish the community. That would be absurd. They love what they do and put passion and hard work into their designs. The DE art team, Ignus, and all the artists who make fan concepts for free and for fun all have this in common.

Do you honestly think they thought they were making Ember fans suffer the skin? Or do you honestly think they thought they'd designed a good skin?

Before you answer that, remember Nova Asuri--a deluxe skin unrelated to any argument between the art team and IgnusDei.

They still went ahead with the skin even though they knew a majority in the community disliked it.

Maybe there are time constraints, maybe DE has faith in its art department, maybe they believe it's fine to ship a skin and let player purchases dictate whether it was a good idea or not, but there is a precedent for letting a hated skin go to market.

With Vermillion, they designed a skin they thought was good. A large portion of the community disagreed. DE backed their artists, just as they did with Nova Asuri.


And if the skin is not a point by the Art Team saying "Ember is a chicken with a Mohawk, get used to it" to all the community then your second argument falls apart. 


My argument and the art team saying "Ember is a chicken with a Mowhawk" have nothing to do with one another, so, no, respectfully, my second point stands.

I will further clarify what my point means (I don't think I did a good job of it to begin with). It's still conjecture, of course.

DE could have gone ahead and said, "Guys, a lot of people love the Ignus skin. A lot of people dislike the Vermillion skin. We're going to make an executive decision that ignores your (the art team) wishes. Go work on the Ignus skin, even though you don't want to, we're telling you to because the community wants that skin. So, yeah. Do it."

I think that would have been wrong. I pulling their support from behind the art team at a moment when things are rough and the community is upset would be bad for the game and the community. 

It may have pleased us, the community, to have the skin, but it further damages the art team and the company. I'm saying I'm glad they chose to ride or die with the art team's new skin, even after they knew it was so disliked.

Because they've done this with Nova Asuri in the past, it has nothing to do with proving Ember is a fire chicken with a Mowhawk. 


The best thing of the 100th Devstream was hearing them say the messed up, not for some weird power trip or anything, simply because that's the kind of developer I've come to love, the ones that can say "we tried this, didn't work, we are doing it again",


I didn't watch the stream, but I agree. What was the thing they'd messed up and acknowledged?


so when they refuse to to accept the failure this skin is and try to tone down the reaction by guilt tripping us, it feels like a different person and not the one I fell for.


But you've seen them do this with Nova Asuri, too. They're the same person. They're just complex with a lot of gray areas, just like any person and just like you and me.

When did they try to guilt trip us? If you mean the clip posted above in the thread, I saw Megan asking people to remember hard work and love went into the skin (as did every aspect of the game) and to be constructive. That request is consistent with every other hated feature we've criticized. They always ask us to be respectful. It's not a guilt trip, it's asking us to be civil and decent while making our complaints.

If I have misunderstood what you mean by guilt trip, please clarify.

Edited by Rhekemi
Typos and clarification, added more qualifying statements, etc.
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4 hours ago, Rhekemi said:

Do you honestly think they thought they were making Ember fans suffer the skin? Or do you honestly think they thought they'd designed a good skin?

I think they did something akin to what South Park exemplified on This Episode, just ignored the comments and "protected" the Art team from such negativity.

4 hours ago, Rhekemi said:

Before you answer that, remember Nova Asuri--a deluxe skin unrelated to any argument between the art team and IgnusDei.

I dislike this Skin just as much as the design for Oberon Prime, add this to Ember's Vermillion and you have a pattern for someone that heavily inspires by Hindu mythology and animal themes, and after all the negative comments towards all those 3 designs, not taking in consideration the community feels like a bad move.

4 hours ago, Rhekemi said:

Maybe there are time constraints, maybe DE has faith in its art department, maybe they believe it's fine to ship a skin and let player purchases dictate whether it was a good idea or not, but there is a precedent for letting a hated skin go to market.

I have made a point against the purchases being a real indicator of players "happiness" before and why it's not a good idea, and again repeating a mistake doesn't make it right.

4 hours ago, Rhekemi said:

I will further clarify what my point means (I don't think I did a good job of it to begin with). It's still conjecture, of course.

DE could have gone ahead and said, "Guys, a lot of people love the Ignus skin. A lot of people dislike the Vermillion skin. We're going to make an executive decision that ignores your (the art team) wishes. Go work on the Ignus skin, even though you don't want to, we're telling you to because the community wants that skin. So, yeah. Do it."

I think that would have been wrong. I pulling their support from behind the art team at a moment when things are rough and the community is upset would be bad for the game and the community. 

It may have pleased us, the community, to have the skin, but it further damages the art team and the company. I'm saying I'm glad they chose to ride or die with the art team's new skin, even after they knew it was so disliked.

Because they've done this with Nova Asuri in the past, it has nothing to do with proving Ember is a fire chicken with a Mowhawk. 

It falls apart in that there were no 2 options, it wasn't IgnusDei's skin or Greenchicken, they could and should have gone back to the drawing board and work a new amazing concept, with no mohawk.

4 hours ago, Rhekemi said:

I didn't watch the stream, but I agree. What was the thing they'd messed up and acknowledged?

Plenty, the Hema, Focus 2.0, the lack of tutorials, etc...

4 hours ago, Rhekemi said:

If I have misunderstood what you mean by guilt trip, please clarify.

Oh no, you got it.

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I wonder what exactly what is their goal here. Sell a few skins and call it a success because some people were crazy enough to buy it or sell a whole lot more with a design everyone loved and praised?

Even if they do manage to make quite a good profit out this awful bird, there is no telling how much more they won't make by discarding the original design.

In any case, if I were in DE, I would add both designs, see how many both of them sell and draw a conclusion on design style the community prefers.

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14 hours ago, Shidonia said:

I really liked the vermillion skin. On the devstream, I was like if those feathers on head are fixed then I'm not in. And turns out feathers are moving <3 I like the mohawk suits ember's usual look. I liked IgnusDei's concept as well but it was only because of the clean thighs and heels. I was happy that there wasn't going to be any stupid leg armor that makes her look funny. If IgnusDei's concept art were chosen I would be happy as well but I have to admit that colorings on her would be too cliche, you either keep it white and black or full black. I like that Vermillion skin offers a huge variety of combinations of different colors. Plus it has no leg armor and has heels. I think besides regular ember and ember prime she is a really good addition as a deluxe cuz let's be honest regular ember and prime looked really plain for a fiery themed warframe . And if another ignus concept would be in game you guys would start to make threads like put seashell looking traditional armor on everything and put it as a deluxe we want more variations and blah blah so shut up 

don't think the colors would have mattered at all, it's just where the colors are placed, and there is far more options than black and white. aggp would probably have made it dark brown or a creamy brown. I would have made it a variation of lavender. as for the obsidian part, it could actually be whatever you want if you blended the colors with the energy or made it stand out. the entire argument of coloring is a mute point. as for the many variations of coloring, sure there are tons... but there are just as many with the ignus version and it provided a different feel for people who played ember who don't like the mohawk. Even if you don't use the ones we suggested there are also people who still color themselves like RevX with all these bright neon colors, there are litterally JUST as many customizations as any other skin. thats just your opinion there are less because your basing it off your ascetic. there is a single skin for ember that lacks the stand out trait for her and thats a tennogen one, a lot of people cannot actually buy the majesty. and if you are saying it fits embers usual look as you aid in the start then you contradict yourself by saying that she shouldn't have another plainish looking skin instead of the vermilion because plain would also fir with ember, just like plain goes with excal, nova, and all the other vanilla frames.As for the traditional warframe thing, man people still do go off on that, but that died way before even Octavia came into the game. plus there would be less people complaining it doesn't fit the warframe look than how this one looks as i don't think i heard any arguments with Trinity strega or Oberon feyarch because they looked amazing. the feathers for the mohawk are one of the issues for alot of us too and i think the waving makes it even worse because it's this giant flopping broom that sways from left to right. atleast thats how i see it and i can't confirm how many people actually take in this skin, but what i do know is that a lot of people are against this reason for one reason or another.

just as a side note the fact that they put a mohawk on EVERY ember skin is incredibly limiting to the people who play her. customization is about freedom and expression... so why do they force it on us to have this always on her, wait no no we can take it off her, if we have one skin and pay money for it -.-

Edited by Violet_Xe
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On 18.8.2017 at 10:00 PM, octobotimus said:

on dev stream 97 they announced that they scrapped the previously shown ember deluxe skin. This was a huge blow to me, it was starting to look as one of the best deluxe skins, and now they simply scrap it? after remembering the nova deluxe skin, DE will have a hard time making a better ember skin than that one.


what are your thoughts? 


New Ember Deluxe skin shown on Dev Stream 99:

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On 2.11.2017 at 11:37 AM, MeiWIZ said:


I was waiting more like Phoeniks kind of design instead of chicken. Disappointment is undescribable. And i don't want to hear anything about Tennogen, because those are not available with plat in PC and arent tradeable either. It's not satisfying answer at all, since i can't have tennogen, unless i spend real money, when in otherhand deluxe skin i can have. But this is too ugly to have.

Boots are cool though, but that's not really enough.

Edited by Ryuurik
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I bought this one and I am quite happy with it. The lines and the sillouette are better than the normal and prime, plus the textures are excellent. I hope some of the dynamic elements are used as learning for the older deluxe skins, specifically Banshee.

There seems to be an interesting and kinda cool tradition developing with the deluxe skins where they manage to skew quite heavily to certain aesthetics, not tending to any median in terms of peoples' tastes . You either love them or you hate them.

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22 minutes ago, blacklusterseph said:

I bought this one and I am quite happy with it. The lines and the sillouette are better than the normal and prime, plus the textures are excellent. I hope some of the dynamic elements are used as learning for the older deluxe skins, specifically Banshee.

There seems to be an interesting and kinda cool tradition developing with the deluxe skins where they manage to skew quite heavily to certain aesthetics, not tending to any median in terms of peoples' tastes . You either love them or you hate them.

don't know if you had this info but the previous deluxe skins were made by ignus including banshee, the skins that were actually made from DE themselves were the Proto Excalibur, Nyx Nemisis, Saryn Orphid, and Valkyr Geresemi. now we got this one from them. the dynamic elements you're talking about was of Ignus, unless you're saying that the ones DE devolved were dynamic.

proto excal and nyx nemesis are excluded from this only because they are really heavily thought up and polished due to dark sector.

and while i agree with they look better than the normal and prime, for me the body only beats the prime out by a little and the helmet still is the best one DE has made for ember.

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