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Ember's Deluxe Skin Feedback


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On 11/1/2017 at 10:14 PM, ZoneDymo said:

Maybe you are completely missing what ember is?

- Ember has always been a chicken, Nekros has always been an undead, Loki has always been a Samurai, Ash has always been a ninja, Inaros has always been a mummy.
Sticking with that in your mind to design a new skin is a good thing...


Loki is a samurai? lol i fail to see that at all

Edited by LeNinja_RyKo
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9 minutes ago, DeltaPangaea said:

Nice assumptions.

Ignus has said himself that they have full legal rights to the design. The only possible reason that they couldn't use it is if someone doesn't WANT to.

And there's no possibility that perhaps Ignus isn't telling the truth either. You have to take double standards somewhere else. Ignus could be telling the truth, but Rebecca and Megan could too? Is that a possibility? Yes.

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Just now, (PS4)ArtPrince17 said:

And there's no possibility that perhaps Ignus isn't telling the truth either. You have to take double standards somewhere else. Ignus could be telling the truth, but Rebecca and Megan could too? Is that a possibility? Yes.

Don't you try and pull double standards on me. I don't recall ever stating that Reb and Meg have stated that it's a legal issue, because I don't believe they HAVE stated such. All I know that they've stated on the subject is that they "Couldn't" in an incredibly nonspecific way.

What do you expect me to do, assume everyone involved is lying until proven otherwise? The heck would that solve?

And again, I don't even care about Ignus' skin. It looks alright to me. I would have been fine getting a different one.

I voiced my feedback in this thread because, to me, Vermilion looks ugly. Flat out ugly. I mean no disrespect to the artist when I say this, they might be a wonderful person and I bear them zero ill-will.

It's just the skin they made is ugly.

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12 hours ago, (PS4)ArtPrince17 said:

I did hear of some people who hated the design by Ignus. Once again, DE cannot use the Ignus design, and I truly believe them when they say if they could, they would.

Oh, I did as well. The difference here is the ratio of likes and dislikes. I've seen like two people so far who don't like Ignus' design, and I am not entirely sure the reason is the design itself, but rather something personal. On the other hand, I've seen far more who really dislike the current peacock design and think of it as wasted opportunity to go with a different theme for Ember. I'd say for every person who doesn't like Ignus, there hundreds who like it and really hate the peacock ember.



in all honesty the base frame and the new deluxe skin remind me heavily of 'combusken' from pokemon, the fire chicken with thick thighs, 3 feather mohawk, and chicken legs...

I am fairly new to the game, and the first time I saw Ember, I was immediately reminded of Pokemon. Ember Prime reminds me of....



And this is especially concerning for me, considering I was never a pokemon fan and have never played any of its games.

Edited by Anthraxicus
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The fire chicken skin looks awful. It's basically a Zephyr skin w/ Ember helmet slapped on top. While I'm sad about the IgnusDei skin not being released, at LEAST give us something almost as good, not this crapbasket :*(

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What game are you guys playing?

I still don't get how people are so offended by an "ugly" skin in a game like Warframe where things tend to look odd and ugly. Original Ember didn't look conventional either.

I honestly don't get pearl clutching.

Edited by Hypernaut1
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Ignusdei made some great skins i was looking forward to a nekros and the ember skin from um ,would be great if ignus diid the ember skin still but threw  Tennogen ,no doubt it would outsell what's on the market now.

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On 11/2/2017 at 8:06 AM, Rociel said:

Mate, you keep getting it wrong.
Also, I disliked that concept and many others did. It had nothing much related to fire theme (aside from couple added fire effects) or with ember, the skin was just general sexy girl in a costume. I like the new one better.

The cindered armor and prismatic flame patterns had nothing to do with fire you say? And what makes that wraith like visage anymore of a mere "costume" than the rooster suit? Because you think it made Ember look more "sexy"? Oh the horror, call the nun factory.

I don't actually believe you originally disliked the Ignusdei skin though, I believe that you are just reacting to the audience, and simply feel the need to be contrarian, perhaps out of some silly reverence toward irony, or some attempt to defend DE's honor, even when its not required.


On 11/2/2017 at 8:59 AM, Phobonaut said:

You guys have all been snorting too many argon crystals. It's not a chicken. It's a mother@(*()$ velociraptor. DE should just add free raptor claw leg armour to the deluxe skin and we can all be clever girls.

Perhaps, or maybe a Gremlin was actually what they were going for.  


The skin certainly fits the chorus, anyway.


Edited by UrielColtan
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On 11/2/2017 at 11:36 PM, xXDeadsinxX said:

As of Update 22.2.0, the Nekros and Ember deluxe skin bundles came out. They both look absolutely incredible, good job on the deluxe skins DE! 

But on to the issue at hand. Players are going crazy on Ember’s deluxe skin because they wanted the old original concept, which I can understand from their perspective because I liked the old concept as well. However, we got a total 100% different deluxe skin. Which in my opinion, I love it, the skin looks amazing!

To all the players out there that are mad at DE for doing what they’re doing for choosing the other deluxe skin instead of the original concept, please calm down, the hate needs to stop. It is seriously getting out of hand.

If you don’t like the skin, no need to get pitchforks and hate DE.

Then stop making threads like these?...


Seriously, the less the topic is brought up again the better, and yet people who defend the skin so vehemently inadvertently just respark the so-called hate. It's like purposely shooting yourself in the foot....


Live and let live. You like the skin? More power to you.

People hating/ complaining about it non-stop? they just wasting their own breath/ at least vent out their inner opinion.


So what if a minority is overly vocal about it? They'll get over it like Nova's deluxe and it'll be a passing thing.

Let. The. Topic. Die. Not. Re spark. It.

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I don't really like it much either, but gotta admit I've bought it anyway. It's only a plat. While it doesn't feel deluxe at all, in my opinion it still looks better than basic and prime versions, except for the helmet. I wish I had Magesty head to go with it (someone posted here such combo and it actually looks pretty good).

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On ‎11‎/‎2‎/‎2017 at 7:36 AM, xXDeadsinxX said:

As of Update 22.2.0, the Nekros and Ember deluxe skin bundles came out. They both look absolutely incredible, good job on the deluxe skins DE! 

But on to the issue at hand. Players are going crazy on Ember’s deluxe skin because they wanted the old original concept, which I can understand from their perspective because I liked the old concept as well. However, we got a total 100% different deluxe skin. Which in my opinion, I love it, the skin looks amazing!

To all the players out there that are mad at DE for doing what they’re doing for choosing the other deluxe skin instead of the original concept, please calm down, the hate needs to stop. It is seriously getting out of hand.

If you don’t like the skin, no need to get pitchforks and hate DE.


ill defend DE when the hate isn't deserved, but this skin is legitimately bad compared to the old one and there is no way to white knight around that.

Edited by Echoa
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Finally found this topic after Megan mentioned it in the last Prime Time but I saw no link for it then, perhaps it was right under my nose and I missed it. Oh well, I am here now. I don't know if DE is actually going to read this but just in case, I'd like a real explanation of why you can't use Ignusdei's skin, DE, because its sounding less like you "can't" put the original Ignusdei skin in, and more like you merely don't want to

I don't want to start anymore bad blood between you and Ignusdei or possibly misquote him, indeed, I'd much prefer you settle and make up with Ignusdei,  as he has said he is willing, and he was such a strong talent. However, from hearing his commentary on this, he seems to believe you already own the rights to his original Ember concept, so it does not sound like the matter of a contract issue, like some defenders of this new Vermillion skin, have been saying. So if that's not actually the case, I'd like to know what the real hangup is and why its so important to the point that you have to deny the audience. I know it can't be because you think it would make you look bad, since you already sold Harka and Pnuema with little issue, and most players don't even know about the disagreement you had with Ignusdei anyway. In the last Prime Time, you acted all "lol, its just a skin" yet this kinda does not work when on the other hand, I am pretty sure cosmetics are at least a big draw of revenue, if not the most, and secondly, it does not compute because despite it just being a skin and no big deal, you seem to be making it a big deal by digging your feet into the ground about the original deluxe design. So which is it? Is it a big deal or not? And why can't you put it in?  Is it because you can't figure out which variation of his design to go with? Then why not just make those additions of yours, into toggle-able auxillaries? 

Now, onto the Vermilion skin itself. First, lets start with the name. 

Why is it even named after one of the 4 heavenly beasts in Taoism, when it does not even fit the description(Nor any variant phoenix, really.)? Red isn't a prominent pigment on display in the default colors you marketed this Deluxe with, and there is barely any fire to the theme either, so you kinda dropped the ball on the reasoning behind even being called the Vermilion Bird. Then we got the MOhawk, which is large,  for the sake of being large it seems. I joked about it being  accentuated as a jab at the people who criticized the unattractive yet much smaller mohawk attachment you put on the Ignusdei deluxe design, but it truly looks tacky for it, I am sorry to say. Excuse me if that was not your intent though, but its still visually gauche all the same, especially when it flops around like a row of plastic sausages. I mean, most of the Ember helms already have mohawks, so its not exactly making this one feel like a great new look, its just emphasizing the already overdone theme.

You said its to be punk rock before, but some of us would like a more distinct, more varied and more space ninja look for her, as she has so many "punk rock" looks to choose from already, and  because its also a rather banal display of "punk" as far as design goes. Is that all punk rock has to offer in your minds? Mohawks? Pretty stale if that's the best way you know how to convey that theme, or perhaps the theme just isn't that interesting to clone so many times, and so you should instead, try a more elegant look. You know, elegant like what the bird you named this Ember deluxe skin after, is actually supposed to be, a wise and noble celestial being on top of that. 

I'm not getting any of those vibes from this skin though.

Its more so vibes like this.



Please don't take that too harshly, I tease out of love, and a desire for improvement. 

Anyway, lets get to the body of the skin. Its a bit plain don't you think? The change in body type is at least an interesting welcome, but the threads and definition of the actual armor leave something to be desired. The metallic lining is fine, but when coloring it I notice it also colors parts of helmets yet uses a non metallic and unfitting shade, making the ensemble clash quite a bit, then there is the problem of the inner thighs which for some reason, you can't color, meanwhile you can color every parl of the Nekros Irkalla skin. DE, I must implore why you do this, and to a deluxe skin no less. You did this same thing with Nova's Asuri skin, Excalibur's Proto skin or Nyx's nemesis skin. Thankfully you finally PBRed The Excal and Nyx skins after a few years but that's a bit of a long to wait, and Its really not attractive, makes the skin look like an unfinished model. Due to how long it took to PBR Excal and Nyx, I'd prefer you take that into consideration from the start.

 I now must say that the plumage on the Vermillion skin, isn't flattering in the least, either. It makes her look bulkier and accentuates the company/sports/college mascot look.


Edited by UrielColtan
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On 11/3/2017 at 9:29 AM, TheBrsrkr said:

To us, maybe. Investors aren't so lenient, and release schedules can't change at the drop of a hat. 

Nah, we know that DE is ran in a more wildcat fashion, it changes releases on a whim. One guy has been allowed to work on Zephyr deluxe at his leisure for almost two years, they have no real punctual schedule for these things.

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I didn't like ID's "sexy gril with scorch mark" concept. Not that I dislike "sexy gril"-type skins, I just didn't feel like it gave good representation of a master of fire and flames.

I don't like current "green chicken" skin. I think it missed the point even further. I also find mohawks kinda distasteful. 

It doesn't mean I hate DE, ID, ember, grils or chickens. 

I just think DE is capable of coming up with more interesting concepts.


And don't get angry about random people calling someone's artwork "ugly".

Creating lots of garbage is a vital part of artistic development, the fact that someone spent a lot of effort on something and it still looks bad doesn't subtract from their skill overall. It's normal, even for professionals to produce trash from time to time.




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4 minutes ago, UrielColtan said:

This "sexy girl" meme seems like a forced and overly prude attempt at trivializing the Ignus skin, to be honest. There is no thought to it.



There wasn't much to trivialize to begin with. It was basically a skintight suit part of which is burned and has some embers in it. Not bad, but nothing too unique either.

It is likable, sure, but I personally saw too many variants of "sexy gril that has one arm and half her torso partially scorched/frozen/a tree/a stone etc". And I've seen so many because I liked it and found more of it. But eventually oversaturation with a theme came, and I no longer find iterations of that concept that appealing.


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8 minutes ago, Tachibana_Hibiki said:

There wasn't much to trivialize to begin with. It was basically a skintight suit part of which is burned and has some embers in it. Not bad, but nothing too unique either.

It is likable, sure, but I personally saw too many variants of "sexy gril that has one arm and half her torso partially scorched/frozen/a tree/a stone etc". And I've seen so many because I liked it and found more of it. But eventually oversaturation with a theme came, and I no longer find iterations of that concept that appealing.


Skin tight suit, you mean Ember. This is jagged armor with cinders and partly prismatic skin with flame pattern lining. You picked a pretty trivial thing to call the skin out for, being "skin tight" of all things, what lazy observation. Your attention to detail could use some development beyond negligible.

Edited by UrielColtan
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