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Mastery Rank Discrimination


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2 minutes ago, Spartan336 said:

Heh Heh. That I can see. 

Personally, I run into more people in game that think they can take advantage of who they percieve as a new player more than actual discrimination.

The forums is the one place I see the most discrimination.  

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i'm a soon to be mr24 and I will tell you a few things.  First off if we are considering mastery rank as a reference to knowledge of the game, he lost his way wanting to trade with a mr10.  At mr10 even if you get a bp locked to your mastery the reflex is to keep it, so it seems he took you for a fool from the get go and was a fool himself to think you had something he would actually want, considering nobody buys prime junk for more than 1 to 2p a piece.   Not everybody in this community has the patience to understand another players situation or point of view, for example, if it was me, based on your mastery rank i would ask you first if you built your latron prime before wanting to sell the parts, but that's just me.  I will also assume if you bought platinum like certain players you wouldn't even be trading random stuff primarily, you'd most likely have what you need off trade chat.  


I understand your frustration but these things and a lot more happen when it comes to trading and plat out here.  When it comes to mastery rank you will get a lot  of surprises from others bullying, not reviving you, and in your case be really a pain when it comes to trading.  What I would recommend is to setup your prices to sell.  If I see a player selling a vaulted part for 30p I automatically know this player has knowledge about the item wether its too high or too low priced.  Smart players will see beyond your mastery and even figure out you were on and off based on these vaulted items and their vaulting timeline when they realize you are mr10.  There would be cases of players getting vaulted stuff for free from other players but I'm assuming this wasn't your case.  So get back up and get these sales Tenno!

Edited by (PS4)fullblast35
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Only MR 9 here

One thing I feel like DE should implement is in addition to MR tests, they should include quizes and simulations of things (similar to the duel links yu gi oh game with quizzes that had to be done to level up, which allowed me to understand the more in-depth mechanices of the game) 

This is cus a several instances where somehow I knew more than people MR 20+. eg. once during vault run a person didnt have any keys nor bp for them. even worse they didnt know how to equip gear??? we asked them 'hey you know how you equip codex scanners?' and he replied with what are codex scanners? similar with ciphers... he had a hell ton of hrs played and the rest of the group MR 8-15 were all so confused....

another was once in clan chat when we were joking around with lanka being a better bow than most snipers, lenz being better than most lauchers, opticor being better than snipers, etc. someone who was i think around MR 18* high ish were like: everyone is dumb. how can lanka be a bow etc. why am i in this clan etc. everyone was like lmao what? 

TL;DR implement quizes and simulations of events (vault run, index, arena, etc.)

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Oh ... I see 

Sometimes corridor heroes do not realise the benefit of stiking into a group rly often with Nekro or even Hydroid. Prety much like when a tenno ask you to not use shadows on galatea. Some tenno will use it until they understand that oxium osprey will not drop if they charge into a shadow because well all know nekro shadows dodge like a BRICK WALL ( wich is the equivalent of not dodging at all )

Thats sad you got this honestly

For the trading ive not being into trading in a rly long time. 12 plat is it for the whole thing or per piece ? Back when i was buying prime trash it was around 5 plat each on the lowest price so basicly asking 30 plat for let say 5 piece its 6 plat per piece wich is a rly good price to be honest. But if its not prime trash the price depends you can go to warframe.market yo get an idea of price.

MR dicrimination happen from time to time its our job to stop it ^.^ the right way.

I was called the founder-noob and many other name ^.^ .

Am i high  MR ? Nope

Am i the super best killer tenno ? Nope

Ive been in warframe for like ... let say i could have taken loki as starter. 

Ive only stoped for 1 year ( long story ^.^ )

Ive seen many new tenno because i rly love to hang out in low level planet to help new tenno.

I recently met a MR2 founder. A comming back tenno!

The guy didn't knew a lot of the warframe basics because the whole thing changed since he quit. I tryed my best to guide him into the game ^.^ 

At first when i arrived they were like allright this guy is gonna nuke the map and I was nope unless you ask me too ;)  we had a lot of fun.

Sadly if we dont work together to make the game a better place it wont work. Asking fellow tenno to understand the situation and having the right approach might help. 

We had this back in the days ( even on draco ) and we sill have. Some tenno will understand some might not. Try your best to explain it clearly and if they rly dont understand then ignore them.

Good luck tenno ^.^ 

just to make you smile i found this this morning 




Edited by trunks013
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I haven't had one person judge me based on my Mastery Rank.
(But that's probably because I've acquired my ranks over the span of 4 years...)

In any case, I have never seen someone being treated unfairly because of their Mastery Rank, but rest assured I'm all for giving them a chance because you honestly never know who they are and how capable they are with their weapon/warframe.

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Don't give them too much credit friend, if you are a high MR player and you discriminated based on something as menial as MR and can't carry if necessary, then that player is not that good to begin with so they don't know what they are talking about. I am sorry you've had to deal with some shallow people like that put hey for what it is worth, you do you and at the end of the day that is all that matters. Let them stomp their feet, it tells more about themselves than it does about you. Someones opinion of you does not have to define your reality.

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I've always been very friendly to lower MR players, lately I've been finding it's high MR players who are becoming more unpleasant to deal with. Try to have an informative conversation with a new player and they try to show you up  "oh you don't have primed chamber, and you call yourself MR23" (actual thing said) suurrre.

Personally I still hold true to the generosity of the gifts a Tenno gave out being a higher mark of mastery than the MR system. It's worked for years and there's not really a reason I think it should change ;)

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High MR is meaningless, its just a measure of how much time you were willing to invest. it just shows your patience and tenacity to grind out and craft equipment.

I've been playing this game for 5 weeks now, a very late start. I am MR21, half way to 22.. Iam just a newbie with ocd, a wiki, and time.

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2 hours ago, Rakear said:

I've been playing this game for 5 weeks now, a very late start. I am MR21, half way to 22.. Iam just a newbie with ocd, a wiki, and time.

Welcome to Warframe! You'll have a blast. Several in fact. The enemy will fear them. 

Edit: And yeah. You can get up to MR 23 in 23 day's, and that's only because of the 1 test a day limit.

Edited by Spartan336
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It's just extra risk management on their part. for 95% of WFs content, no one cares what anyone else is doing or how bad they are. But for some stuff it can be annoying/extra chore  to have other players fail missions or you or just have to carry. this is why it's basically a non issue unlike pretty mcuch any mmo or pvp game I can think of ever,  it mostly doesn't matter.

For every anecdotal MR8 players not being a liability and being a possitive, there are 2 dozen who are, and are easily replaced. Which works both ways, you can just replace yourself in a different squad as easily as they can get someone else.

Edited by Ghogiel
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8 minutes ago, (PS4)abbacephas said:

That takes a special kind of self-restraint and commitment.

No, seriously. I'm not sure how I can prove this as I don't have screenshots- but if you go to that website where you can see LoR squads and pull up the squads where I was in, you can probably find out that what I'm saying is true.

Edit- just found it- AzW0nk. The dude's a professional for a lack of a better word; aside from organizing the full thing and even babysat the MR20s who screwed up some parts, he kept his cool and we finished the full thing in minutes. I've never finished LoR before, and it was like I was in a squad of professional speedrunners despite no one ever having met before. 

Edited by CorerMaximus
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MR11 here. 

Why am I so low for someone who's been with the game since closed beta and only really quit it quite recently? 
Because I had no reason to just continuously grind out the new stuff coming. The only way to judge a player is how they play the game. 

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1 hour ago, TheErebus. said:

MR11 here. 

Why am I so low for someone who's been with the game since closed beta and only really quit it quite recently? 
Because I had no reason to just continuously grind out the new stuff coming. The only way to judge a player is how they play the game.

Strongly agree, fellow Grand Master.

I've always played the game to have fun. Dash around, prowl in the shadows, tear stuff up. You can't really measure much based on MR, as everyone plays the game at their own pace. What is "pace", even? Is the goal of the game to get the highest MR? To have the most fun? To fashion all the things? It's all relative.

Just have fun.

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14 minutes ago, Archistopheles said:




What the F did you just Fing say about me, you little MR1? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Lotus Guides, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Salad V, and I have over 3,000,000,000 confirmed kills. I am trained in ninja warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire Warframe community. You are nothing to me but just another tin-can. I will wipe you the F out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before in this solar system, mark my Fing words. You think you can get away with saying that S#&$ to me over the Internet? Think again, Fker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of MR23's across the galaxy and your Liset is being traced right now so you better prepare for the blade-storm, maggot. The blade-storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your Warframe. You’re Fing dead, Operator. I can be anywhere, anytime, just like the Stalker, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands with no mods. Not only am I extensively trained in Jujitsu, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Lotus and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable butt off the face of the universe, you little bucket of bolts. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your Fing tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will S#&$ red crits all over you and you will drown in it. You’re Fing dead, kiddo.

Edited by Spartan336
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While I would personally never discriminate against someone of low rank (because I am now good enough to carry a bad team in most situations), I think it's fine to use MR to tell at a glance how good another player is likely to be.  It's not a perfect measuring stick but it's the best one we have.   

Warframe is not a game of skill, at least in the sense that most first person shooters are with aiming and movement and so on.  "Skill" in Warframe is based on understanding game mechanics and having the proper gear for the task at hand.  That's what difficult content in the game is testing, from sortie conditions to MR tests.

Higher ranked players are more likely to have a variety of formaed warframes and weapons and be able to fill more roles competently.   They likely have more playing time and a better understanding of game mechanics.  Sure, there are individual contradictory examples you can point to, like an MR2 super noob or that one time you saw an MR23 go down in a sortie mission, but overall a higher MR player is likely to be a better player.

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