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Should warframe be expanded to the switch?


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This will not happen. Digital Extremes would have to rewrite the Evolution Engine to work on ARM processors. This is like asking for Warframe to get ported to an iPad or an Android tablet. The reason why Warframe even came to PS4/Xbox One is due to both systems using "standard" x86_64 CPUs. Compared to the PowerPC based hardware in the PS3/360.

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Aside from essentially having to develop Warframe for the NVidia Shield (the Switch is based heavily on mobile NVidia chipsets), the marketshare that a Nintendo console appeals to are either young children, or long time Nintendo fans. While I'm not saying that Nintendo's core audience couldn't appreciate Warframe or games like it, I'm saying that games like Warframe aren't why they bought a Switch.

I'm a life long Nintendo fan and I really don't see the point to bringing Warframe to the Switch, especially considering the device's portability, which would make maintaining a stable connection a nightmare.

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4 hours ago, Aurea_Hiigara said:

A game this violent?

On Nintendo's hardware?

Like that'll ever happen.

Have you ever heard of Bayonetta? Bayo 2 was rejected by Sony and Microsoft but Nintendo picked it up when no one else would. So I hardly doubt that would be the reason.

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Although I think a port for this game on a mobile device of some sort would be great I agree with the previous posts that it would be too tedious to develop a version for the switch. Also I think the game really wouldn't be as good as on stationary consoles or pc as the graphics and overall quality of the game would most likely have to be lowered in some capacity to run smoothly on the switch.

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The biggest hurdle would be making it anything else that isn't online only. What part of this game would work with a system that is literally made to be "on-the-go"? No wifi? No play.

Let's also discuss the memory, updating the game would be horrendous as it all relies on an micro SD card, and with how the game changes drastically over time, those updates get massive. All of the save data from all of the games on the system is saved to the micro SD as well, and updating on the system isn't the smoothest nor does it do update passively while in sleep mode, unlike its predecessor the Wii U and my PS4 when in sleep.

Another point of discussion would be the lack of any communication tools with the system. There is the system keyboard, but it's impractical when you need to stay stationary for long periods of time to write out anything. There's also the complete lack of headset functionality or bluetooth compatibility for any headset designed to be used with a gaming system for communication. The best we have is a terrible Switch phone app, that requires a mess of wires from the headset, phone and the adapter when wanting to use one with in game audio.

Hardware wise, it's inferior to the PS4 and Xbox One when it comes to both graphical fidelity and frame rate. Only games that have a consistent frame rate are the ones developed by Nintendo's in house development, such as Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, Splatoon 2 and ARMS which run at a fixed and steady 60 fps, while a game like Breath of the Wild runs at 30 fps with relatively okay loading times when using fast travel. Let's not forget the amount of heat produced by the thing. Stick you hand over the vent when it's going for longer than 30 minutes and the amount of heat produced would end up warping the system.

So really, terrible idea since the system isn't designed for long sessions, heavy processing and the lack of communication tools needed for a game like this. That's just me speaking as someone that owns a PS4 and Switch and making the comparison with how it's able to handle loads this game puts out over time. PC is still by far the best way to play though.

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On 8/29/2017 at 4:00 PM, Aurea_Hiigara said:

A game this violent?

On Nintendo's hardware?

Like that'll ever happen.

Well, the WiiU *did* get Bayonetta 2.  That kind of freaked people out.  I mean, she's a gun witch who fights enemies by summoning monsters that temporarily consume her skintight bodysuit to exist.  (A suit which is, somehow, made of her own enchanted hair.  It's like, Inception levels of "W.T.F?")  Aside from that and Monster Hunter though, Nintendo is pretty famous for how preschool friendly most of the games they permit look.  Most of the time, anyway.  As near as I can tell, "Mario + Rabbids" is XCOM, but instead of sniping Sectoids you're using cartoon hand cannons to shoot at crazed homicidal rabbity things.

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I'd love to be able to play it on switch. The HD rumble aswell as the comfort and design are in a sweet spot.

It's got the hardware in place to match the demand being flash memory means faster read and write times than Xbox One and PS4. We've seen a number of games on UE4 and unity games perform exceptionally well on it aswell.

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On 8/29/2017 at 7:00 PM, Aurea_Hiigara said:

A game this violent?

On Nintendo's hardware?

Like that'll ever happen.

Please, No More Hero's 3 was just confirmed. Pretty sure that game is beyond comparison to Warframe's "gore"

Edited by ImpyMidna
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@TheErebus. Madworld <3

@Volinus7 Oh, no no, not anymore. They love them now. A lot of their games are getting bombarded with DLC and microtransactions. Also, their phone games have shown them the power of them and how much money they create, so really... they'd like the potential of Warframe giving them a chance to sell... I don't know, Tennogen or Amiibo if they want.

On topic, I think it would require a lot of work to put it on the Switch. Not impossible, but effort would be needed. The amount they could expect to spend on it vs what they can get (being a free game) wouldn't work too right as of now. At the same time, Switch owners must be famished for a game like this and it would be welcomed for sure. I just don't believe DE has the need or even the resources for it. Not even the patience for it.

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  • 1 month later...

Hmm... If it can run Doom, I think it can run it, at a power-only standpoint. However, the game will require a lot of rewriting of code. But I do not think it will take 'THAT LONG' as they can just use the assets from the base game and just use that. It will need compression, but is compression done by a human being?


At a profitable standpoint, if they can just magic the port out of thin air, it will be a massive profit for digital extreme. But we have to note the expense of the porting process. How expensive this port turns out to be we don't know.


Last but not least, is the F2P Market available in Nintendo's new home/portable console? If we look at it now... well there is nothing. Unless they sell the 'profit making things' as DLC it won't be possible. There is just no infrastructure for a F2P market in the nintendo eshop. Unless Nintendo makes a huge move with their eshop, it will be really hard to get a F2P title on the eshop.


So those are the thoughts on my thoughts on this matter. Do you agree?

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