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Should warframe be expanded to the switch?


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On 12/15/2017 at 4:25 PM, Foreigndevil said:

Hardware limitations aside, how do you see this playing out gameplay-wise? The Switch is intended to be portable, and Warframe would require a strong internet connection at all times...

well, if they take advantage of what the switch has (like touch screen and motion control)... gameplay-wise, it probably would be the better gaming. Have like the abilities at the touch of your screen, have very quick and accurate motion control aiming. But if they don't take advantage of the switch, it will be like any other console play... just on the go and where you have connection. Would be kinda cool to go to your friends house and play warframe together, but we don't really have that option with xbox or ps4... unless you take the time to unhook, pack everything, go to friends, hook up, play, and then unhook, return home. (too much work)

While warframe would have to "downgrade" on graphics and stuff to make the game able to play at an optimal way, on a 720p screen, it's not as bad as some people make it out to be. However, everyone is different and there are people that have to have a game that is visually attractive or they will not play it. (even if the game is still crappy... and my example would be Vindictus) Of course, there are games out there that are the opposite too. Visually crappy and yet super fun to play, because of the many things you can do (my example would be minecraft... seriously, one of the top selling games and yet the graphics is a bunch of blocks).

The switch does have a very good connection and while I may not have tested everything out on it, I have played some of my games on a hotspot/smartphone internet connection and had little problems (it's a cheap phone, didn't have much power to it). Splatoon 2 is a nintendo software, but it is a great base to show how well the connection with the internet is and how it can handle multiplayer.

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Le 16.12.2017 à 00:25, Foreigndevil a dit :

Hardware limitations aside, how do you see this playing out gameplay-wise? The Switch is intended to be portable, and Warframe would require a strong internet connection at all times...

There's a whole bunch of online games on the Switch already - splatoon 2, rocket league, doom multiplayer... connectivity is not an issue.

I would enjoy warframe on switch quite a lot, even if the graphic had to be downgraded to keep the framerate steady. 

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On 8/29/2017 at 10:58 PM, ChatNinja said:

Have you ever heard of Bayonetta? Bayo 2 was rejected by Sony and Microsoft but Nintendo picked it up when no one else would. So I hardly doubt that would be the reason.

No More Heroes as well, though if Nintendo wants it, they need to make another console model that accommodates PC hardware, as opposed to tablet hardware like the Tegra.

Edited by UrielColtan
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On 8/30/2017 at 4:19 AM, modifiedjaymill said:

This is more of a what do you guys think kind of post. I'm a gamer on both PC and Ps4, I'm wondering how others feel about warframe being expanded to the nintendo switch. I think it would be great, more play mobility and more player base added to the game. 

Ahem, 18+ Games on Nintendo Switch,:facepalm:  


So I imagine this scenario 1 potential on defense waves or etc in any mission as per your personal experience, classic gold of loop, indeed:-


Last Scenario between Veterans & newbie. Once in a month, I see this scenario in random raid squads or sorties (Personal experience may differ as I used mine from what I see as regular player now) 

Bring the Switch, Yes Boss!. Keep it rolling, I've no say since Boss is always right. :thumbup:


My opinion:

It's not a bad notion as a thought but target Audience is a concern, the company targets the kids rather than the adults as their mainstream line if I understand their motive so far till date, however, if I'm incorrect, ignore this part. Thus, it is a possibility in near future. I see no reason why not, DE considering to expand their horizon in upcoming future. Sideline concern is the hardware of the Nintendo switch though.

In the end of any business model, Grofit takes priority, Darvo Wins all!. :devil:

P.S. I'm also a user of Nintendo (Handheld version) from Gameboy till 3DS XL.It feels peaceful to play while travelling without using net & iPhone app games which consumes battery drains is really awful so Handheld games are quite handy & trustworthy for me at least. :highfive:

Edited by IIWingSaberII
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On 8/29/2017 at 4:00 PM, Aurea_Hiigara said:

A game this violent?

On Nintendo's hardware?

Like that'll ever happen.

I don't know if it's been said yet but...Doom is on the Switch. Also, Wolfenstein: the New Order.  I get what you were saying though.

Nintendo ain't effing around no more, not after the Wii U debacle.

"We need more third party games so people will buy our console!"
"but Sir, all of those games are already on the Xbox One and PS4, why would they-"
"so they can play those games on the toilet! >:-)"
"...take me now Sir."

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No way.

1. Nintendo's online service can barely handle its own games.

2. DE...while successful is too small a Developer.

The entire game would suffer as they now would need to focus on Switch development, rebuilding the architecture for the Switch Port, then come patch time they'd have to develop a PC patch, Xbox One & PS4 patch, & then a Switch Patch.


Look up the game: Mighty #9

That is what happens when a small Developer bites off more than it xould chew/has too much on its plate.


Hell, DE had to cancel games (Amazing Eternals) & refocus/structure in order to bolster Warframe development due to it's booming success.

Switch version would sadly pull too much away.

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I would love that if they could get it to work....


I actually did something similar awhile ago.  It didn't work out quite as well as i would have likrd but it was playable 30 frames a sec in mission



R3 is in an odd spot and the controls where not as good as a ps4 or xbix one you could connect one bit then its awkward...  There is a gpd win 2 comming that is 3x the power and double the ram i might buy that and try again later this year when it comes out.  It has better controls too.


As for needing an internet connection as long as you're not trying to download the entire game on it just playing the game doesn't use that much data when I was using this I was just using my phone as a mobile hotspot and it worked fine.

Edited by (PS4)Eluminary
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I'm down for a Switch port. Steve and the team have proven themselves to be pretty damn genius at getting this game to run on terrible hardware, and the Switch can't even be that bad considering the look of some of their native titles, plus having both Doom 2016 and Skyrim run well on the system.

Also for those who say that Nintendo won't allow more mature games on the system, did you know that it has Doom 2016 and Skyrim?

Edited by KokoroWish
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your forgetting one thing "Longevity of Storage" Yes Flash Storage these days are getting to the point it can withstand more and more Write and erase cycles but the amount of write/erase cycles of the average years Updates n hot fixes we see will be Murder on the average cheap to mid-range SD card (Storage life/longjevity is and feel free to correct me if im wrong!, pretty much this in order of shortest to longest, FLASH(media cards) >, SSD (standard NAND > M.2/NVME) >Mechanical (HDD/SSHD[Hybrid Drives])  and as far as im aware, you cant use USB Storage on the switch, yes USB Keyboards Work but they only work in very Specific circumstances (entering in text in the Social Media Linking Applets and within that verry heavly neutered hidden browser it has,)

there's also this to consider, DE wouldn't Support Tabletop/Portable Mode. the Switch Downclocks the frequency of the Ram & GPU when it's undocked (otherwise you know that maximum 3hrs you get on Breath of teh wild  from a full charge would likley turn into 2hrs or Less, the switch is a Console First, a handheld Second. )

the Heat generated at almost an hour of gameplay while docked is another matter your going to need a Fan pointed at it otherwise once its too hot it will close the game in an attempt to stop the cause of the overheating and save itself. failing that it Shuts off.

Considering Nintendo is really Squeamish after games, Bugs they themselves introduced and the Web Browser they used (WebKit i think it was?) Riping the 3DS a new Bunghole and then some. If warframe came to the Switch Testing and certification would be alot longer and further behind PC PS4/XBONE than De would care for to make SURE that no way in any capacity any update or part of Warframe could be used to Exploit the system. , it Just wouldn't Happen

Maybe if Rainway officially gets cleared for thier app and not haveto go behind Nintendo's backs and try to bruteforce it w/ that crippled web browser, and depending on the input latency? then you can technically have Warframe on the "Switch"


The Closest to Warframe on the go is going to be that GPD Win2 when it's out. but Deffo not the Switch you'd sooner see Sony partner up with Nintendo again before it comes to the switch (to put it bluntly how far off it has a chance of happening.)

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On 1/26/2018 at 9:00 PM, (PS4)Carnatus said:

I don't know if it's been said yet but..

It's been said, several times in previous comments and some of those comments even mention games before WiiU having M games.

On 1/27/2018 at 12:36 AM, (PS4)Zero_029 said:

No way.

1. Nintendo's online service can barely handle its own games.

2. DE...while successful is too small a Developer.

The entire game would suffer as they now would need to focus on Switch development, rebuilding the architecture for the Switch Port, then come patch time they'd have to develop a PC patch, Xbox One & PS4 patch, & then a Switch Patch.


Look up the game: Mighty #9

That is what happens when a small Developer bites off more than it xould chew/has too much on its plate.


Hell, DE had to cancel games (Amazing Eternals) & refocus/structure in order to bolster Warframe development due to it's booming success.

Switch version would sadly pull too much away.

1. It was already establish that the Nintendo online service would do fine... in fact, there are several mentioned online games that are having little to no problems being played online.

2. while this may be a point (not the "rebuilding the architecture" part, since that's an exaggerated scale), the DE have actually said themselves that they like the idea of having a switch port, but they won't be doing the port due to the fact that they do not have anyone specialized in Nintendo software and there's the included fact of what items they have in their lineup for oncoming updates. In other words, they are not too worried about marketing their game on the switch, they just have their focus on like the Plains of Eidolon+.

On 1/27/2018 at 2:57 AM, KokoroWish said:

IAlso for those who say that Nintendo won't allow more mature games on the system, did you know that it has Doom 2016 and Skyrim?

There's even games before the WiiU that were rated M. People are just prejudice, it's a natural thing.

On 1/31/2018 at 7:12 PM, CaelThunderwing said:

your forgetting one thing "Longevity of Storage" Yes Flash Storage these days are getting to the point it can withstand more and more Write and erase cycles ... blah blah blah blah....The Closest to Warframe on the go is going to be that GPD Win2 when it's out. but Deffo not the Switch you'd sooner see Sony partner up with Nintendo again before it comes to the switch (to put it bluntly how far off it has a chance of happening.)

I'm going to put this simple. SYSTEM REQUIREMENT    Beautiful wording. System requirement is there to indicate what your computer at least needs to have in order to play a game on your PC. Of course, when it comes to console, there is no requirement since consoles are built the same. However, the system requirement gives us an idea of what is needed for us to be able to play on a console since it does not vary all that different from the PC. The switch surpasses the requirements. And while you have mentioned the SD card... well, there's the drive that the switch already has and I can have the warframe on the drive while having my other games on the SD. And there are Maximum Requirements, which is needed for playing the game with Max settings. We all know that the switch will not be able to do Max. So, yeah, it's not going to look as great as it would on PS4, but that doesn't matter for a lot of people compared to playing on the go. And While you mention "DE wouldn't Support Tabletop/Portable Mode." they don't need to. Tabletop/portable Mode is of Nintendo design and would be implemented in via Nintendo, not by DE. All your technical BS is you criticizing the switch. while you do have points, all and all it won't matter by the end of the day, because people will still want to play a game and playing it on a portable device that even modern tablets wouldn't be able to do, is a great plus.

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I'm going to lay my two cents down here... I don't think it'll ever come to the Switch for the reason that it'd be more work to dish out on balancing, which can already be annoying on more than one system. It may seem easy, but coding for, as glorious as the console may seem, multiple systems can be a bit difficult in the balancing process. Porting processes don't always come out well, and I think that, much like the Devil May Cry series to Steam, Warframe will be a glorious failure to launch (thanks control lay outs).

Also, Nintendo, as much as people like bringing up the ports to the console, is geared more to a younger demographic. As much as people love the Switch, take in mind, the population on it wouldn't be as well reached.

It's not only console limits, but PR limits. More unnecessary work put in with less pay off. Besides, most of these consoles you know and love come from different nations, not just Canada, not just the USA, but Japan as well, meaning you'd have to adhere to the laws of various countries and work the way through the legal system just to see some features implemented.

But hell, what do I know? I'm just a generic Joe Schmoe on the internet, an ant in the world of men. Just pitching my two cents.

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I'd play it. Also. Minecraft a game made initially by one person, with no sponsorship, is now ported to nearly everything that is capable of downloading, pretty sure you could find a GPS of Minecraft if you looked hard enough.

And in the early days I would not consider Minecraft a kids game simply because crafting items had no guidance you had to imagine and hope Notch implemented it in. You know, until the Wiki existed. And only one game mode without mods made it impressive for Vanilla builders.

I think a free game on Switch, which doesn't really exist on a Nintendo would do fantastic, especially Warframe. Just be sure parental controls connect from console to game, that region chat may make a parent question things a bit.

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As a player that has pretty much grown up on consoles, I'd say definitely no. While porting this game to the switch may be a novel idea, it's not going to work. The switch's controls simply aren't built for Fps and tps games. Xbox one and PS4 have controllers that were practically built for making the precise movements necessary in Fps/Tps games. If the game were to be ported, the controls would feel super clunky and imprecise. I mean, just take a look at splatoon and splatoon 2. The game without motion controls is just awful. Additionally, because of movement speed, players would be needing to whip back and forth with their aim, which would be hard with the switch's stubs of a joystick. Even motion control would fail in that area. For those of you who are about to bring up pro controllers, let me remind you of their price tag ($69.99). To spend that much money just to play a "free" game is just ludicrous. Pretty much the only games you would get the full use out of it (other than warframe) would be doom, maybe skyrim and splatoon. Compared to the switch's expanding library, that's a small minority of games. 

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3 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Spartan Roks said:

For those of you who are about to bring up pro controllers, let me remind you of their price tag ($69.99). To spend that much money just to play a "free" game is just ludicrous. Pretty much the only games you would get the full use out of it (other than warframe) would be doom, maybe skyrim and splatoon. Compared to the switch's expanding library, that's a small minority of games. 

Though it's not required the Xbox One X is $500 a new Switch + a pro controller is cheaper, not to mention the switch may eventually have augmented reality, but the motion control aiming I consider to be on par if not better than an Xbox or PS4 even with the Switch remotes they aren't clunky they are the most versatile gaming controller yet, laser detection, life-like rumbling, ect. I wouldn't want any other controller to aim a bow, in Breath of the Wild, it's as if a 3 demential computer mouse were attached to a game controller.

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36 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Evilpricetag said:

Though it's not required the Xbox One X is $500 a new Switch + a pro controller is cheaper, not to mention the switch may eventually have augmented reality, but the motion control aiming I consider to be on par if not better than an Xbox or PS4 even with the Switch remotes they aren't clunky they are the most versatile gaming controller yet, laser detection, life-like rumbling, ect. I wouldn't want any other controller to aim a bow, in Breath of the Wild, it's as if a 3 demential computer mouse were attached to a game controller.

The thing is you don't need an Xb O X to play the game. The standard One will suffice, and they are significantly cheaper. I say that as the owner of (at the moment) an Xbox One, a PS4, a Switch, two gaming PCs (One desktop, one laptop), and a smattering of other consoles from prior generations.

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Having experienced Warframe in all its possible iterations (PC and both consoles) and owning a Switch, I believe that you could easily play it on the platform itself (being able to play with ciphers on the touch screen being a fun idea to toy around with) even without the motion controls, gyro and other switch-exclusive features. The buttons are all there if you use a console configuration and hardware power is a non-issue if DE gets creative with coding, DOOM and LA Noire both needed some ingenious performance trimming to fit into Nintendo's console but they did very well.

The question of violence and microtransactions also being set aside when you consider Binding of Isaac, aka "stabbing Satan in the eyes as a naked inside-out baby: The Game" and the ludicrous DLC in Fire Emblem games are both set precedents.

As much as I'd love a Switch port to play in the office or on bed when I don't want the big TV on (and maybe an account transfer, psst Sony and MS), I don't think the Switch model fits Warframe's, the always-online nature being its biggest detriment. The Switch does not have the strongest connection in town (it's the first to accuse a low signal in my room, being at the same distance from the modem as my PS4 and Xbox One systems) and does not have native voice chat support nor an accessible keyboard for communication.



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On 1/27/2018 at 3:57 AM, KokoroWish said:

I'm down for a Switch port. Steve and the team have proven themselves to be pretty damn genius at getting this game to run on terrible hardware, and the Switch can't even be that bad considering the look of some of their native titles, plus having both Doom 2016 and Skyrim run well on the system.

Also for those who say that Nintendo won't allow more mature games on the system, did you know that it has Doom 2016 and Skyrim?

Cetus/Plains already gives the PS4 and the Xbone problems, its going to stutter badly on the Switch. This ain't exactly the lower end Splatoon we are talking about here, which has problems of its own. Skyrim is a 7 year old game, which was accommodated for last gen systems, and Doom also still looks and runs the worst on the Switch and its a mere linear game, not to mention that both of those games are single player games(Well, Doom has multiplayer matches, but you know what I mean.).

I feel that lowering the bar even more with an even lesser powered platform is just going to partially discourage DE from adding certain things to the game that would be too demanding for them, in the future, which would be pretty lame. I'd prefer to wait for Nintendo to upgrade to some better hardware at the very least if they are going to keep using tablet specs.

Edited by UrielColtan
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Okay just wanted to get this out of the way:

so f-ing what if it's a necro (seriously, 1/4 of the earlier comments are 'umg necro ughhh'), someone wants to reply, quit acting like you're some kinda moderator lmfao. An idea isn't instantly bad or outdated simply because it passes some arbitrary time limit. Keep things in one thread so people don't have to go through 30 to get multiple povs on one subject. It's ridiculous, it all probably started when one thread OP in the early 2000s didn't know you could turn off reply notifications and went on a warpath. Now the whole 'necroing is bad' bs is regurgitated by people without even asking themselves why (they just want a reason to feel like a moderator without being told they're being stupid). The no-content, irrelevant comments spamming 'necro' are worse. NECRO HATE EXISTS BECAUSE THE POST CAN BECOME IRRELEVANT DUE TO RECENT CHANGES GUYS, THE SWITCH DIDNT BECOME IRRELEVANT OVER THE PAST SIX MONTHS.


back on topic:

Ports aren't always equal, and the switch is capable of running skyrim (and it did). I'd say warframe CAN be in the switch, but it's currently not a wise decision. On top of all the audience point some people mentioned (and that skyrim is a game that even kids play imo purely due to the fact it's ubiquitous and up there with minecraft), switch players will probably want something they can pause and return to, and progress at a good pace. Warframe requires money, or constant interaction on top of needing internet, which is bad for these 'pause and go' portable devices.

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11 hours ago, (Xbox One)Evilpricetag said:

Though it's not required the Xbox One X is $500 a new Switch + a pro controller is cheaper, not to mention the switch may eventually have augmented reality, but the motion control aiming I consider to be on par if not better than an Xbox or PS4 even with the Switch remotes they aren't clunky they are the most versatile gaming controller yet, laser detection, life-like rumbling, ect. I wouldn't want any other controller to aim a bow, in Breath of the Wild, it's as if a 3 demential computer mouse were attached to a game controller.

You're forgetting that the Xbox one S runs it just fine (299$) and comes with a great controller of it's own... You're kinda hyping the switch's technology too far. I've had my roots in FPS and TPS gaming for at least a decade, and I can tell you that the joysticks are crap on the switch when it comes to FPS and TPS. Motion control on the switch would be terrible as the player would constantly have to twist around just to do the regular motions of bulletjumping and flickshots. If you have motion controls on and still use the joysticks, you have to flick and then re adjust your aim with the motion controls, which is just a hassle. The joysticks on the switch simply isn't built to handle shooters. It's area is just too small, and the deadzone is huge. When you try to aim in BOTW you constantly have to slam your joystick to the left or right and no in betweens. The switch relies on motion controls to solve this issue, but that would hamper the player when making 30 quickscopes per minute. The aim intensity needed in warframe is way higher than anything BOTW and Splatoon need. Additionally, all the extra bells and whistles aren't going to be used in warframe. Tell me how laser technology might work in warframe? The switch itself has great technology, but it's not going to be used to its full extent. So far the games I've seen that actually use the HD rumble fully would be 1 2 switch (which btw is a glorified tech demo and should come packaged with it like wii sports) and that weird Senran Kagura dating sim. However when it comes to aiming and precision shots, the switch comes dead last. Also the Xbox does have a AR headset that works with all microsoft devices (hololens ring a bell?), granted that it still is in its prototype phase and it costs $3,000 (but that price would be drastically trimmed down when it releases fully). Additionally, that combined with the system limits, noticeably worse multiplayer servers, and the fact that nintendo 10x worse when it comes to updates just stops warframe cold from coming to the switch

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