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Preparing for PoE: What shall we do?


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Please help new People and returnees preparing for the Megaupdate Plains of Eidolon.

What should they do/ Farm/ Play/ Build until the Update arrives?

I start with:


1. Level and Forma your favorite Warframe/ Weapons/ Companion/ Archwing for your first Steps in the PoE Zone.

Edited by Sandhoof
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1. Get Mountain Dew or any of your preferred choice of energy drink!

2. Get Bag of Doritos or any of your preferred choice of crisps/snack etc

3. Go full ham and activate full MLG mode.


4. Begin the long and hard grind session!


5. (OPTIONAL) Rinse and repeat when PoE Update comes out.

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Nothing probably better because whatever you can get on plains of eidolon it will probably require new resources from that place alone so all of your previously grinded resources won't be needed. And don't burnt yourself out playing the current build out of hype.

Edited by Rekkou
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  • Finish quests in case you still have something left undone;
  • Prepare different loadouts to switch easily;
  • Forma a sniper rifle for those sweet sweet sniper kills;
  • Do some feathercare on zephyr to make sure she's ready to take off into the open World;
  • Gather a bunch of wukong fanatics with cloud walking builds to roleplay as clouds;
  • Ready your hydroid to be stationed inland near the sea everytime you go afk, this way others will be able to see that, even know you have a spaceship, all you wanted was a boat.
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1)Pick a frame that is both strong and cool because your first visit will be important. Also customise your damn void child. Chose weapons.

2)Finish leveling and formatting stuff.

3)There will be a wait for stuff cause I assume you will have to farm for them in the plains of build them, like the warrior mode stuff. Don't assume access to everything from the start.

4)Hotfixes, be ready for them as soon as the update drops.

5)Run a few earth missions to see how your pc works after the remake and optimise your settings, since the plains will have similar stuff.

6)Play another game to de-hype while we wait?

7)Understand how ambitious this update is, it will be like dropping warframe 2 as an update, from development and game engine perspective. This will literally rework basic systems in order to work. So yea, expect some bugs.

8)Respect DE's hard work and commitment, they are working on limit break mode, but all day long non stop.

2 minutes ago, Psychen said:
  • Gather a bunch of wukong fanatics with cloud walking builds to roleplay as clouds;

That sounds like an awesome idea.

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Prepare the salt.

Wait, you want a serious answer?

a) Forma your frames for exilus slots
b) Get rivens (aither ready or just go open a bunch) for all basic type of weapons
c) Ger more formas
d) Stockpile some plat
e) Check if all of your weapons are using up to date builds
f) Get formas.
h) Consider taking a break from the game

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  • Buy 3 Zenurik and Naramon Greater lenses from the market.
  • Screenshot your purchase.
  • Farm Zenurik and Naramon and max out the entire school, even the useless bits.
  • Screenshot them.
  • Polish your pitchforks and wait for the update.
  • Upon release, do not under any circumstances actually go ingame to try out the focus rework before forming an opinion on it.
  • Take your pitchforks and screenshots to the forum within the first hours after the update and start screaming about the sledgehammer.

On a more serious note, the only reason I'm actually excited about the plains is being able to take my pet for a proper walk for the first time since the poor thing was hatched. The smell in the orbiter is starting to get unbearable.

On an actually serious note though,

I'll probably be taking a stealth of CC frame to plains on my first few visits rather than one with high mobility, so I can look around the map without having to bother with the patrols. Once I've got the lay of the land and want to go back in for specific activities, I'll just go in with the usual kit I use for regular missions. I'm personally excited about the Plains (mostly the day cycle) because based on what we've seen so far, it's the first truely "free roam" mission in Warframe - By that I don't mean the size of the map, but rather, the fact that you can go in with any loadout and still be able to get stuff done and get out. Every other mission type so far had one loadout or another that could be far more effective than anything else for that specific objective.

I don't feel the need for any preparations beforehand because every sort of grind required to enhance the Plains experience is in one way or another linked to the new features coming with that same update, so in my opinion, if you've already got a long-range loadout (decent mobility on the frame and decent range on the weapons, and an archwing that doesn't get 1-shot) then that should suffice for now and you can wait till the update is actually out to see what exactly you'd need to start maximizing your performance in the plains.

Farming something like focus points right now might turn out to be a waste of time because we don't know anything (yet) about the specifics of the new focus system, so you might grind a million points on one school, just to turn out that you don't like any of the new abilities it unlocks. Same would go for stockpiling any specific type of resource and whatnot. Since we don't know what the plains would need, or how the grind is going to be, burning yourself out "preparing" for the update may very well just come around and bite you in the precious rear when the update pops up and turns out none of the stuff you grinded for have any practical use in any of the new gameplay aspects.

Edited by aerelm
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Finish any quests you haven't gotten too, ESPECIALLY The War Within, because a fair chunk of the content is again locked behind that quest.

Make sure you have a weapon that isn't complete balls past 10 paces, because the plains are huge. While snipers are one option, consider also marksman-ish rifles like the Sybaris and Opticor, or launchers like the Zarr, which can, with practice, arc their projectiles over large distances.

Get very familiar with your mobility options on the frame you plan to take in. While Zephyr and Volt are the obvious choices if you really want to book it, they aren't the only ones. Personally I want to see how large of a gap I can bridge with Ivara's zip lines, but that's just for funsies.

Make sure your Archwing loadout isn't complete balls. At least rank up and slot in the staples, because Archwing is at the very least gonna be how you get places if you don't want to rely on specific frames/abilities.

And that's the most important stuff off the top of my head.

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- make sure you've got at least 1 decent Archwing, by decent I mean levelled to max with some basic mods. Forma investment still isn't needed for Archwing gear, but it doesn't hurt to have a little more power.

- practice your long range marksmanship with Snipers and other Scoped weapons: the plains finally gives us a place where we can use these weapons to their full capability, but you'll need the skill to back it up. try out as many different snipers as possible on Europa, Venus and other maps that can give Large rooms. keep trying until you reckon you can hit the wings off a fly and have found your preferred sniper rifle. if you already have a favourite, focus on getting better with it.

and perhaps the most important advice of all:

- make sure you're fashionframe is strong! you need to look the part on the plains, so experiment with your available colours and attachments until you find the perfect look!

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Preparing Volt Speedy Gonzales build because...why not?

Well...that is what I ll do after exploring it.

Actually,I ve prepared two builds for PoE:

-one is a stealth build with Ash Prime,Vectis Prime,Spira Prime,Nikana Prime and itzal

-one is a juggernaut-like build with Rhino Prime,Arca Plasmor,Twin Grakatas,Elytron and I did not decided for a weapon yet.I m thinking about a heavy weapon like the new Arca TITron,War,Galatine Prime or even Gram......I like Gram.....

Edited by FumezSunca
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Ppl talking about Volt speed build left and right and i am about to go with my max bullet jump Titania to finaly give her some room.

Anyway..i stockpiled some plat for Glass and that amazing Mag deluxe pack.

Not sure about resources but extra Nitains, Oxium and Polymers is nice.

Sadly will have to rework some low efficiency builds.

Think about builds that wont die without cover..since most of the time you will be on open.

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3 hours ago, Sandhoof said:

Please help new People and returnees preparing for the Megaupdate Plains of Eidolon.

What should they do/ Farm/ Play/ Build until the Update arrives?

I start with:


1. Level and Forma your favorite Warframe/ Weapons/ Companion/ Archwing for your first Steps in the PoE Zone.

I intend to make some popcorn.

Because we console tenno will have to wait six to eight weeks after PC gets PoE before we get it.

Lots of my fellow console tenno are going to get antsy-in-the-pantsy over that waiting period, which should be fun to watch.

Edited by (PS4)Magician_NG
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First time i mind to left my girfriend and have more time to a game. But then i set prioritize in my life and show Warframe to her. Now she farm focus for me.


If you follow me, be sure you change your password, so she will not know what it was. And be ready she left you after PoE release, couse you will take account back.


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