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Mag needs to be looked at, this damage shouldnt be possible


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A friend of mine was doing some tests with mag, and I did the same and got similar results. No effort or any kind of intricate build, and you get that kind of damage.

Thats right folks,over 20 million damage using Mag. Just gotta cast magnetize and let'er rip. This is far too easy damage and is way more than what people claim to be super damaging, yet everyone is too keen on keeping quiet so it stays under the radar. Now, i'm no advocate for senseless nerfs but this definitely is way out of the balance of the game and needs to be looked at.

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Mag is the queen of Simulacrum. But her damage potential and her CC capability to clump all enemies together in Simulacrum rarely translate to reliable performance in missions. Don't get me wrong, she's the first frame I bring for Sorties 3 bosses with armor/elemental/physical enhancement, but I'm afraid DE has yet to broaden her niche. 

EDIT: also, as a Banshee player, lol at "20 mil damage shouldn't be possible". Warframe has had frames capable of damage sufficient to overflow 32 bit integers for a long time now. 

Edited by traybong111
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4 minutes ago, Dahx11 said:

So.... you want an already sub-par frame to be even more sub-par.


Have you ever heard about balancing?

That is, instead of making frames only powerful after the some of their whole powers, with powers that are utterly broken powerful and others utterly broken useless, how about making all powers be good, but not too much?

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What I'd like to see is Mag given a pass to make Power Strength actually worthwhile to Magnetize so she doesn't have to cripple her other powers to make it good.

Currently Power Strength affects the damage taken by the target of Magnetize but nothing else in the bubble.  It is therefore more worthwhile to build for Range as the more enemies in the bubble the more damage you do, while sacrificing Strength only loses damage on one of these enemies.  The explosion damage then benefits much more from increased Range than it does from increased Strength due to more targets taking damage, doubly so as the resultant explosion damage covers a greater distance with the increased Range.  If Power Strength affected the damage over time taken by every enemy and affected the explosion damage stored (not just the base value) then Power Strength builds would be able to compete with Power Range builds in terms of Magnetize and her other powers all benefit greatly from Power Strength so might not be as overlooked as they are now.

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- Simulacrum 

- Magnetize on armorless targets 

- Projectile weapons

- Most likely have ai off

Troll post everyone. OP is just trying to bait us. We all know what mag is good for: dps, area control, team buffer. She is far from being overpowered, and definitely not underpowered.

Now, where's her bigger energy pool?

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9 minutes ago, Liverslices said:

It was done with a single lanka bullet against infested eximus boilers set to lvl 145 and not paused. If they were paused then they would be spread out

 Can you confirm? Do you have proof? It's a screenshot filled with a lot of things, so it's hard to really know but we can infer since simulacrum is the go to for players who do not understand that it doesn't translate to actual gameplay. 

I'm sure I can abuse simulacrum to make the ceramic dagger without covert lethality look broken as you have full control of the situation in the sim.

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18 minutes ago, Sajochi said:

 Can you confirm? Do you have proof? It's a screenshot filled with a lot of things, so it's hard to really know but we can infer since simulacrum is the go to for players who do not understand that it doesn't translate to actual gameplay. 

I'm sure I can abuse simulacrum to make the ceramic dagger without covert lethality look broken as you have full control of the situation in the sim.

It's my screenshot

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Just now, Liverslices said:

It's my screenshot

I'm supposed to believe you? I can claim that screenshot as well. I have the tennogen skin in almost the exact same colors, I have mag prime, the lanka, and I'm high enough mr to get level 145 enemies. 

Point 2, the simple fact that it's simulacrum is enough to have at least a raised eyebrow about what is being presented. 

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1 hour ago, traybong111 said:

Mag is the queen of Simulacrum. But her damage potential and her CC capability to clump all enemies together in Simulacrum rarely translate to reliable performance in missions. Don't get me wrong, she's the first frame I bring for Sorties 3 bosses with armor/elemental/physical enhancement, but I'm afraid DE has yet to broaden her niche. 

EDIT: also, as a Banshee player, lol at "20 mil damage shouldn't be possible". Warframe has had frames capable of damage sufficient to overflow 32 bit integers for a long time now. 

I'm glad that someone got it...

There's so much better stuff to be used against infested as an example and gl with kuva flood hunting.

As for the post, I don't see the problem: it's Mag. Mag is a crazy good frame for damage, moderate cc, lots of hidden utilities and squishy. She's meant to do a lot of damage. Bring a nullifier in and you're gonna have a lot of problems soon. Good luck using that on Juggernaut and Lephantis also (same goes for the now already dead topic about Hydroid's 3rd wich amplifies for capture targets)


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6 minutes ago, Liverslices said:

Yes, and even if you didn't I've now told you how to do it


Still tells me nothing, still in simulacrum, my point still stands. simulacrum does not translate to actual gameplay.  You throwing screenshots only further weakens your argument.

Edited by Sajochi
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Just now, Liverslices said:




They are mine, idc if you dont believe me.

And if their AI was paused they would never have run to the middle. But that doesnt matter either, Magnetize damage wouldnt benefit from that

Your pics, someone else's pics. Doesn't matter. You're trying to prove what exactly? That mag can achieve high damage numbers with an ability that amplifies damage? Call a scientist, we found the next Einstein. 

Banshee can hit the damage cap very easily. Condition overload can hit the damage cap if you have every single status on a target. You gonna call for nerfs on these? Why specifically mag? 

Get out of the simulacrum and attempt the same thing in a real mission with dozens of other factors. I guarantee you will not get the "This seems impossible" results because it requires a near perfect scenario to pull off. 

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