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The Roadmap: Glassframe Quest & the Plains of Eidolon!


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24 minutes ago, (PS4)Onder6099 said:

Farming for parts can easily exceed release date of Bp.

You keep using the word, 'president'? do you mean, 'precedence'?

If I understand things correctly - and it is always possible that I don't - DE are making Gara available to purchase or available in the new quest. In previous quests successful completion of each part of the quest has brought one part with the BP coming on the overall completion. . .it really is very, very simple.

What you are spreading will confuse and misguide many new members. The whole process here is not complicated and you are spreading your perception of it, not the reality of the situation.

Not in the history of this game has DE played funny buggers over holding back a BP . . .you just have to understand the mechanics of this game.

DE have said that this frame will follow Mirage in being a 'Quest Free' Frame. This means the Frame carries the BP and each part of the quest carries a piece of her. Completion of Quest means release of all parts, including BP.

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2 minutes ago, CaptainEras said:

You keep using the word, 'president'? do you mean, 'precedence'?

If I understand things correctly - and it is always possible that I don't - DE are making Gara available to purchase or available in the new quest. In previous quests successful completion of each part of the quest has brought one part with the BP coming on the overall completion. . .it really is very, very simple.

What you are spreading will confuse and misguide many new members. The whole process here is not complicated and you are spreading your perception of it, not the reality of the situation.

:shocked: U probably exchanged me with @Volatael

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10 hours ago, Volatael said:


As I said before it is a highly negative precedent and player unfriendly move.

This month Gara will be “cash only” for a week and in a year time we will "farm" new frame parts in a paid lootboxes.

Well, I hope not, but the precedent of having temporary “cash only” frames is there. And that may well become a slippery slope for DE.

And I do not want that. Not one bit.

Not because I don't want to support them (I do. With Prime Accesses, Tennogen and other stuff), but because I do not support consumer unfriendly business practices.

Parts may well be, but without a blueprint (that is a quest reward) you will not be able to get the full frame.

So once again Gara will be “cash only”. Temporary. No free way to get it for a time.

And if you missed it, I consider that player unfriendly and a negative precedent.

You keep using the word, 'president'? do you mean, 'precedence'?

If I understand things correctly - and it is always possible that I don't - DE are making Gara available to purchase or available in the new quest. In previous quests successful completion of each part of the quest has brought one part with the BP coming on the overall completion. . .it really is very, very simple.

What you are spreading will confuse and misguide many new members. The whole process here is not complicated and you are spreading your perception of it, not the reality of the situation.

Not in the history of this game has DE played funny buggers over holding back a BP . . .you just have to understand the mechanics of this game.

DE have said that this frame will follow Mirage in being a 'Quest Free' Frame. This means the Frame carries the BP and each part of the quest carries a piece of her. Completion of Quest means release of all parts, including BP.

Edit: Hahahaha . . .I see the original post has been corrected.

There is absolutely nothing unfriendly nor negative about what DE is doing as they are subject to matters beyond their control concerning the voice acting, and probably a few other glitches. Surprising as it may seem their ambition in life is to be helpful not try and shaft us at every turn. Over the years we have had our share of hiccups but eventually all get sorted, and waiting is just part of the experience.

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22 hours ago, 576f6c6679 said:

Meh, i cant be the only one VERY disappointed by this, if the quest is not ready then the frame shouldn't be available to those with plat.

  • Can give it the whole 'its supporting DE' spiel but at the end of the day those people could still spend their plat on something else and be supporting DE, without screwing over the rest of us

Hahahahaha . . . stick around, bud, you'll get the hang of it, lol.

Nice to see so many initiates around, bodes well for the future of the game.

If any Initiates want to join a first class clan contact me in game - leave a message for me - to send you an invite to, Obsidean Seekers.

We have a very extensively decorated Dojo and absolutely masses of free weapons BP's and other stuff, much, I might add, provided by me over the past 4 years. After invite all you have to do is forge a key and you have access to everything.

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I'm playing on console, so I'll have to wait until November (I'm really hoping it'll arrive before Halloween due to the related Tennogen bundle). In the meantime, I'll still be looking forward to the Free Prime Weapon Bundle and the Twitch Drop Event, so that should keep me occupied until then. Thanks in advance, DE! 👌

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Im MR 22 and founder of my own clan, i registered on the forum to provide feedback on this 'screw you' move DE is making with the glass frame...

Please dont assume that because people dont post on the forum they are new to the game.

On an unrelated note in glad we are getting dev time spent on combat operators that nobody wants, meanwhile there are bugs that have been in game for YEARS. (mobs ignore multiple forms of CC, JV raid still being a complete buggy mess that cannot be completed)


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25 minutes ago, 576f6c6679 said:

that nobody wants

Isn't it rather presumptuous to think you can speak for all of us? The time spent improving the operators is also the time spent improving a broken system that's stayed broken for two or more years and desperately needed an overhaul.

Personally speaking I've only ever found Operators unenjoyable in the same way I'd find a Rank 0 Warframe unenjoyable - plenty of potential, but sadly lacking in room to grow, unlike warframes proper. They've needed this and I can very easily see myself enjoying using them more afterwards.

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1 hour ago, 576f6c6679 said:

Im MR 22 and founder of my own clan, i registered on the forum to provide feedback on this 'screw you' move DE is making with the glass frame...

Please dont assume that because people dont post on the forum they are new to the game.

On an unrelated note in glad we are getting dev time spent on combat operators that nobody wants, meanwhile there are bugs that have been in game for YEARS. (mobs ignore multiple forms of CC, JV raid still being a complete buggy mess that cannot be completed)


Point taken, but I was aware of that possibility. I was making a broad sweep to pick up any newbies looking for a clan as there are always posts online seeking such but pass so fast on the live feed that I thought it easier to request here. If anyone sent me a request here I can send them an invite when online.

There are a lot of posts in this forum rightly or wrongly accusing of unfair advantages and what I try to do is get it across that one hell of a lot of weapons and other stuff is only available through a clan dojo. All anyone has to do is join a 'mature' clan and all of this stuff will become available to a player with the only cost being the price of the weapon BP they want to forge. An invite from me costs them nothing and in time they, too, if they wish, can contrbute to the creation of the BP's. New members might not realise that there is a truckload of stuff available to them by joining a clan. Plus, there is a whole load of other stuff they can do without anyone telling them what to do, unlike a standard online clan.

There is no agenda here, except maybe for future contributors, but a desire to bring the fullest experience for all players . . . no different to playing a mission with low ranks to help them through it. I haven't forgotten being in that position and was very thankful to seasoned players for helping out.

As for the Operators, apart from specific needs in certain quests or missions they would need a comprehensive redefining to become an important part of the game as a whole. I'm one of these guys who will work with what I've got rather than continually find fault with as much as I can. This is why when I do complain rest assured it is something I'm well pissed about. . .like the MR 20 to 21, on that score I'd like to see DE offer alternative tests instead of just the one. In the early days it became clear that the MR is the main yardstick so being able to rank up counts for a lot. I know that I'm not the only one who finds it impossible to mentally connect with this particular test, and I know that many others can do it in their sleep, so DE should offer one alternative test based soley on the main game not any of the 'fillers'.


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2 hours ago, CaptainEras said:

...like the MR 20 to 21, on that score I'd like to see DE offer alternative tests instead of just the one. In the early days it became clear that the MR is the main yardstick so being able to rank up counts for a lot. I know that I'm not the only one who finds it impossible to mentally connect with this particular test, and I know that many others can do it in their sleep, so DE should offer one alternative test based soley on the main game not any of the 'fillers'.

That's the one where you melee the orbs for extra time while killing all the enemies, right?

Personally I just use Atterax with Primed Reach and Maiming Strike slide attacks, plus Equinox's Maim and Enemy Sense.

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Okay, no that is not okay. You can't launch the quest for the new frame but you are going to launch the frame but only if you have the plat to purchase it, so what you are telling me is that people with money get an almost week long head start. What you need to do is just hold the frame off until you can release the quest to unless we can skip the build period with this frame otherwise I have to call this a pay to win move no matter the circumstances behind it. It might also be a smart idea to hold of just a little bit on the frame anyways, that way we don't just get a big dump of content but instead chunk A one day and chunk B the following week giving us time to digest chunk A. All I'm asking is release the frame and quest together and not put it out early to only those who can pay.

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2 hours ago, SnivicDelta said:

Okay, no that is not okay. You can't launch the quest for the new frame but you are going to launch the frame but only if you have the plat to purchase it, so what you are telling me is that people with money get an almost week long head start. What you need to do is just hold the frame off until you can release the quest to unless we can skip the build period with this frame otherwise I have to call this a pay to win move no matter the circumstances behind it. It might also be a smart idea to hold of just a little bit on the frame anyways, that way we don't just get a big dump of content but instead chunk A one day and chunk B the following week giving us time to digest chunk A. All I'm asking is release the frame and quest together and not put it out early to only those who can pay.

I also have some misgivings about the possible impact of this move, especially if it results in a lot of impulse purchases.

For my part, I'll simply hold off until she's entirely obtainable without plat purchases, because I'll have more than enough entertainment on the plains without her. I feel like that's really important to underline - this frame on its own is so small, there's practically no way I can justify buying it when there's so much other stuff to do and to explore with the frames I already have.

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@[DE]Rebecca someone may want to fix something in https://www.warframe.com/plains-of-eidolon-update . I know it's subject to change until final released ver but, at least can we get some certain synced stuff.


some stats are uncertain in the mod sets, matching color shows the uncertain stuff i found between left pic and description on the right.





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22 minutes ago, Xsoskeleton said:

@[DE]Rebecca someone may want to fix something in https://www.warframe.com/plains-of-eidolon-update . I know it's subject to change until final released ver but, at least can we get some certain synced stuff.

  Reveal hidden contents

some stats are uncertain in the mod sets, matching color shows the uncertain stuff i found between left pic and description on the right.





on the last prime time it was stated that the pictures were outdated and that the text was the current stats, at least at that time

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16 hours ago, CaptainEras said:

You keep using the word, 'president'? do you mean, 'precedence'?

Nope. Meant “negative precedent” but auto-correction set me up.

*Insert random Trump &/or Russian hackers joke here*


18 hours ago, DreamsmithJane said:

Don't be ridiculous

17 hours ago, (PS4)Onder6099 said:

Farming for parts can easily exceed release date of Bp.

So more people to rush into a dialog of others and share their eternal wisdom. Yey!

Look, here is the thing – forums are here for people to leave feedback for DE.

I did precisely that.

I don't like “plat only” Gara, for the reasons I stated. Case closed.

Got other opinion? Great! Leave it here for DE as well.

Find my opinion “ridiculous”, “wrong” or in other way not to your liking? Great! Nothing wrong with that. But I don't not care. It is my opinion, it does not have to be liked by every random person on the internet.


So stop your righteous wrath and leave your shining armor alone, no need to defend DE today, because they are not under attack.


Every bloody time I say something is not sunshine and rainbows, a squad of white knights is at my throat.

Had you ever tried to post “lootboxes are not that good of an idea” on Overwatch forums?

That Diablo 3 should not have always online connection or real money auction house?

That Division gameplay feels underwhelming?

The number of people with pitchforks and torches would have really surprised you.

Better yet, had you ever tried to say that new weapons look a bit pay2win in GRO? Or that going pay to play will kill it?

Or that Nosgoth should really focus on adding stuff to the game and not balancing it to ESL standards?

No? Would have heard a lot about being “delusional”, “ridiculous”, etc.

Granted its less hostile in Warframe yet. But we will get there.

Few years ago I could say that Tethra doom feels bland or that Frost nerf is not that smart of an idea without much of a fuss.


Point of this rant is – I am not here to make sure my opinion is to everyone’s liking, I am here to leave feedback.

That I did. Time to go.

No more pointless back and forth

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30 minutes ago, Volatael said:

Nope. Meant “negative precedent” but auto-correction set me up.

*Insert random Trump &/or Russian hackers joke here*


So more people to rush into a dialog of others and share their eternal wisdom. Yey!

Look, here is the thing – forums are here for people to leave feedback for DE.

I did precisely that.

I don't like “plat only” Gara, for the reasons I stated. Case closed.

Got other opinion? Great! Leave it here for DE as well.

Find my opinion “ridiculous”, “wrong” or in other way not to your liking? Great! Nothing wrong with that. But I don't not care. It is my opinion, it does not have to be liked by every random person on the internet.


So stop your righteous wrath and leave your shining armor alone, no need to defend DE today, because they are not under attack.


Every bloody time I say something is not sunshine and rainbows, a squad of white knights is at my throat.

Had you ever tried to post “lootboxes are not that good of an idea” on Overwatch forums?

That Diablo 3 should not have always online connection or real money auction house?

That Division gameplay feels underwhelming?

The number of people with pitchforks and torches would have really surprised you.

Better yet, had you ever tried to say that new weapons look a bit pay2win in GRO? Or that going pay to play will kill it?

Or that Nosgoth should really focus on adding stuff to the game and not balancing it to ESL standards?

No? Would have heard a lot about being “delusional”, “ridiculous”, etc.

Granted its less hostile in Warframe yet. But we will get there.

Few years ago I could say that Tethra doom feels bland or that Frost nerf is not that smart of an idea without much of a fuss.


Point of this rant is – I am not here to make sure my opinion is to everyone’s liking, I am here to leave feedback.

That I did. Time to go.

No more pointless back and forth

Dialogue? Tbh,  it's your Monologue where other opinions are irrelevant.

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On 06/10/2017 at 4:59 PM, CaptainEras said:

Nice to see someone making sense as opposed to all the alternative realities dreamt up by over-stimulated imaginations.

Even though I have forged over 90% of all my gear I have still managed to spend over £800 in bits and pieces. In the context of all the hours of play over the last 4 years this is incredibly cheap compared to many 'ever developing' games. It's less than one and a half pints of beer a week. Added to which we don't have to pay every time new content arrives, can't say that for many games.

I've been here since shortly after the start, hence the 'founder' status, and DE have provided an exceptional experience, not just in the content of the game but also the rich communication with the players.

Sure, there are aspects of the game I really dislike - the MR test to go from 20 to 21 which has me beat as I can only relate 'power ups' to kiddies games and nothing to do with Warframe . . .if they had taken out RNG I could have cracked it by working out a path but as it is my mind refuses to entertain it - like the 'fillers' but there are many who enjoy them so they have a place. For me the main theme of the game still brings me back on a regular basis and if I am reading it correctly the new frame will be 'quest providing parts'.

I made a mistake on a previous one when out of pure laziness I bought the frame and then soloed all missions, getting a part with each one, so wasted the plats.

I mention this because if I can make the mistake so can others.

ive been here since about the same time as you from what i can tell. And i agree with you all the way. In my opinion this game is a test of patience. If you cant hack the wait then you throw money at it and you can be no better or worse than the guy who waited for his prize.

And like you said there are things i hate but balance that out with all the good i have had from this game over that time. I think its allowed to have the odd annoying thing.

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3 minutes ago, NightBlitz said:

just Vor's prize, cus before completing that you cant really do anything anyways.

to fight the teralysts you'll need to have finished TWW tho

That's good just finished TWW thanks for information

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