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Current Dev build overview of ALL Focus Schools


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2 minutes ago, Kaotyke said:


And we will soon have threads complaining that those Lenses are all people get.

It was the same with Lens, it was the same with Greater Lens, it will be the same with those.

Hell, I've never complained about getting Lenses. Lenses are great. I hoard the bloody things.

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7 minutes ago, BornWithTeeth said:

That probably meant the blueprint for them, and that they require multiple Greater Lenses to build.

It is... you know what is odd? Nothing.

There is nothing saying this is an "Vazarin/Madurai/Zenurik/Unairu/Naramon Ostron Lens"

It just says "Ostron Lens"



Maybe it means the Lens we use to build it will define which school it will be for.

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Just now, Kaotyke said:

It is... you know what is odd? Nothing.

There is nothing saying this is an "Vazarin/Madurai/Zenurik/Unairu/Naramon Ostron Lens"

It just says "Ostron Lens"

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Maybe it means the Lens we use to build it will define which school it will be for.

Would be nice if that were the case instead of having 5 different blueprints.

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3 minutes ago, phoenix1992 said:

I would complain if they murk up a tedious drop table.

Well, at a guess...


Eidolon Lens blueprints will have a chance to drop from the highest tier of Bounty missions.

The blueprint will require at least one Greater Lens, plus Forma and etc, plus an additional component which will be a rare as hell drop from a Teralyst.


Thus, making an Eidolon Lens will require getting the blueprint to drop, having multiple Greater Lenses available to craft with, burning a Forma, and also getting a ball-breakingly rare drop from a Teralyst.



How close do you think I am?

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Just now, BornWithTeeth said:

Hah, yes.

Eidolon Lens blueprint, rarest reward from highest Bounty.

Requires: 4x Greater Lens, 1x Forma, 4x Nitain, and 1x Nonexistonium, which has a 0.05% drop chance from a Teralyst.

Which translates to English as "s***w focus"

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11 minutes ago, BornWithTeeth said:

Hah, yes.

Eidolon Lens blueprint, rarest reward from highest Bounty.

Requires: 4x Greater Lens, 1x Forma, 4x Nitain, and 1x Nonexistonium, which has a 0.05% drop chance from a Teralyst.

And for how much additional focus?

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Anyway, on the Lens issue, DE have kind of unintentionally shot themselves in the foot.


Greater Lenses are more trouble than they are worth to craft. If you wanted a Greater Lens, it was always a better idea to just trade and buy them from the market, where they are forty Plat. For comparison, that is twice the cost of a Catalyst in the market, while Greater Lenses are a staggeringly greater pain in the arse to craft than Catalysts. 


Basically, the economics were always against them. Greater Lenses were never so much better than normal Lenses as to justify their unreasonable aggravation of crafting, so it was always better to just do Sortie and see if one dropped, and then also trade for them.


Now, Eidolon Lenses! They're better than Greater Lenses. However, they're not so much better as to justify what is almost certainly going to be the insane, pants on head ludicrosity of crafting them. So DE want to sell them in the market.


But here's the rub: DE can't make them too expensive because they're literally not worth a sixty to seventy Plat layout, they can't make them the same cost or cheaper than Greater Lenses because then people who bought Greater Lenses will be pissed.


The only solution to this is to just take normal Lenses out of Sortie and make them easier to acquire so that it might be worth using them for crafting, but DE also want to prevent people from getting Focus too easily. That's why Lenses were in Sortie in the first place, and why Convergence is a thing.


It's one of those scenarios where a bit of forward planning would have gone a long way.

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39 minutes ago, BornWithTeeth said:



As I said, DE have troubles planning two or more steps ahead. Yes, it would be possible to farm those ultimate lenses. Yes, that would not be optimal from the time*effort/reward. But again, why would we do so? For the controversial pleasure to teach our space kids a couple of new tricks while we're still playing 98% of the time as frames?

I think DE overvalues the new focus and operator feature

Edited by Teloch
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2 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Tucker D Dawg said:

The good news is given these focus trees - we won't burn out anyway since its not really worth doing in the first place LOL.



Ah well, least I can get a sense of roleplay now, I like when there's actual ways of making my operator more powerful, even if it's barely noticable to others.

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45 minutes ago, Teloch said:


I think DE overvalues the new focus and operator feature

See, I actually like the concept of the Operator, a lot! 


What I find is that it actually seems to be DE themselves who have a queer breed of contempt for the notion of playing it straight and saying "Yeah, these Operators are the Tenno. They always were." Instead, DE seem to kind of agree with the folks who dislike Operators, as if DE's own stance could be characterised as "Hah, yeah, look at these stupid kids, can you believe people ever thought they were ninjas?"

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You know, Unairu actually looks pretty good now. I'll definitely miss Basilisk Flare, but that Sundering Dash though..... Also, Who thought it was a good idea to give Unairu the ability to cloak allies with Void Shadow?

Edited by Kerberos-3
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52 minutes ago, BornWithTeeth said:

See, I actually like the concept of the Operator, a lot! 


What I find is that it actually seems to be DE themselves who have a queer breed of contempt for the notion of playing it straight and saying "Yeah, these Operators are the Tenno. They always were." Instead, DE seem to kind of agree with the folks who dislike Operators, as if DE's own stance could be characterised as "Hah, yeah, look at these stupid kids, can you believe people ever thought they were ninjas?"

i like the operators, but wish they were implemented more in other areas of the game...like the Liset for instance. We shouldve been able to default to the operator. I dont like the crossover with WF combat as much. IMO, they seemed more cool when they served as our WFs ultimate power from within, leaving the frame slumped. This new method of magically popping out of existence just seems weird to me.

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2 hours ago, Teloch said:

I think DE overvalues the new focus and operator feature

I feel they overvalue for the paltry amount of work they've put into it. 

DE wants to make people feel like they can use Operators, but they lock EVERYTHING USEFUL for them, including QoL and power in any measurable quantities behind farming millions upon millions of Focus points. No real buffs to the base Operators whatsoever, so without an absurd amount of grinding they're still just dumb to use. More still, Focus is not going to be any measurably less tedious to farm, so people are going to want to do it perhaps less than they do now because we already have enough to do 1-2 things with it. (and those base parts are all we actually need)

I think they like the concept more than they're willing to change it to make the damn thing FUN for players more than forced annoyance in order to farm stuff we actually like or need. 

1 hour ago, BornWithTeeth said:

See, I actually like the concept of the Operator, a lot! 


What I find is that it actually seems to be DE themselves who have a queer breed of contempt for the notion of playing it straight and saying "Yeah, these Operators are the Tenno. They always were." Instead, DE seem to kind of agree with the folks who dislike Operators, as if DE's own stance could be characterised as "Hah, yeah, look at these stupid kids, can you believe people ever thought they were ninjas?"

It is an interesting concept, for sure. But the idea was so poorly executed that people like the idea more than the thing itself. 

To reiterate my earlier point, DE doesn't seem to want to make the Operators any more fun to use, and I think that's part of the problem. All the QoL changes, the buffs, etc are locked behind farming a metric fuckload of focus points, which got almost no easier to farm in the meantime. On top of that, none of them actually make any difference in the way the Operators play.

Their problem isn't that it's a joke or that they dislike it themselves, but they're not really willing to change anything about it in order to make some aspects fun, or at least less bad for a lot of people. 

Edited by TrickshotMcGee
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