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An Investment That Will Attract New Players & More Money To Warframe


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Warframe is a versatile game that has many things in it, that many people like- HOWEVER! Warframe has been missing out on a rather large particular playerbase that has been avoiding it due to how it lacked one thing: Vehicles. Now I know what you guys are going to say, but please really think about this, imagine how much money DE can make if players can own their own personal and customizable vehicle! It would take fashionframe to a new level into fashionvehicle! Imagine all the customizations players can make for this and how much money would be made from doing so!

Not only that but a huge number of people have been wanting vehicles for a long time and play APB, GTAV, Destiny, Destiny 2, but they completely avoid Warframe due to a lack of vehicles! Introducing vehicles will definitely attract a large number of people into the game and hold their interests!

If DE and it's community is smart and business savy, they would invest in making vehicles!

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Thing is, vehicles are a large advantage in games like destiny, gta, and such because they are otherwise pretty immobile. In warframe, excal and rhino alone could jolt through hundreds of meters with ease, and then there're volt, nova, zephyr, hydroid. 

Archwing has an advantage by being able to move in 3d space with ease. Cars and the likes would probably be way outclassed tbh

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What's with the recent increase of threads asking for vehicles? We already have one and that allows us to travel by air. Ground mobility is not an issue, but aerial movement has been hinted to be required to take down the eidolons for the update.

1 minute ago, MaalemHout said:

Well if DE plans to make more open areas, vehicles will definitely be the way to go.

Archwing covers that in that it allows flight. We also cover large areas with just one leap.

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I already have my Liset and Mantis, with a Scimitar in progress and a Xiphos on the way. Not to mention my Odonata, Itzal, Amesha, and Elytron functioning in that capacity fairly admirably. What kinds of vehicles did you have in mind? If they don't fly then they aren't better than an archwing; and if they do fly, then are they a landing craft or an archwing?

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Just now, MaalemHout said:

Well if DE plans to make more open areas, vehicles will definitely be the way to go.

It'll be a very minor and very resource heavy addition... we have archwings already and people would be using their guns and frame powers rather than being stuck in a vehicle. It really doesn't make much sense. 

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2 minutes ago, MaalemHout said:

What about aesthetic purposes? You know how much some people love vehicles and cars and mobile armories?

With the downside of not being able to use powers. Saints Row 4 had vehicles but it was much faster to run at high speeds and gliding around than calling in a car to take you to your next destination.

Edited by SurrealEdge
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Just now, MaalemHout said:

What about aesthetic purposes? You know how much some people love vehicles and cars and mobile armories?

Maybe a mobile arsenal. I wished you could change your loadout in a few more places other than your ship and the relays

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I rather they do steves idea of the clan ship then so we can  go out and do big space battles with multi manned ship. But even that would probebly be years away to be finished if they decide to do it.  But the concepts steve played around on with his stream looked pretty cool.

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What void would vehicles fill for any form of content? Warframes are essentially an Operator's vehicle as they can be modified and are how we move around. Underwater and open area content is covered by Archwing to move around faster. When we go between missions or planets, we use the landing craft. How would vehicles fit in at all? Wouldn't it just be another operator where the Warframe and Archwing do it better anyways?

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I predicted, as well as many others, that the game would move to open world. Another hope, is that we are able to fly the liset ourselves to different planets. We would eject ourselves out with our attached archwing. We would have options to join a mission before making our way to our drop point. We will continue our mission and get in our liset to fly off. All of this is done through us, the tenno.

I feel warframe will be moving to other solar systems. It would only feel right if we flown our own liset. This could lead to some current event missions with the landing craft. Maybe ordis remembers who he is and no longer bound to our craft? I don't know. But I feel the next big step is us flying our ships.

I think that would be more than enough. Our warframes have enough speed to cover a pretty large area. We have archwing for space and even further travels. And a liset we can use to planet hop or even system hop.

Edited by (XB1)Riknav
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Well if they create a niche for it, I suppose vehicles wouldn't be terrible; in ME:Andromeda your car was pretty fundamental for a quite a few things because it filled a lot of niches from mobility and cover, to exploration and life support.

In PoE, I imagine changing your loadout might be a bit annoying, considering the plains are so dang big you might feel like a change half-way through, and having a vehicle Ordis can just remote drive in to provide you with other loadouts, to provide covering fire or be a getaway vehicle, or to evac rescue targets, could be an interesting angle.
The landing craft could likely serve the same function in that situation though, unless Grineer have a bizarre high-atmosphere-targeting anti-air systems about the place.

But considering Warframes kind of dominate the ground, and Archwings give them access to Sky, Space and Submersible environments, it does make things tricky.

Though on the topic of space battles, I do imagine there might be a niche for bigger and badder ships, as Archwings kind of fulfill the small fighter role that can usually sabotage bigger ships, there might simply be situations where you need a really, really big gun.  I don't imagine the landing crafts are really equipped for combat, due to the cloaking and the scarcity of extraction points.

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We already have vehicles. They are called Archwings. There is absolutely no valid reason to add anything else to the game. We already have a vehicle in the game that is under utilized and is capable of both flight and underwater travel. We don't need to travel that quickly on land, especially in the plains, because we are going to be stopping constantly to gather materials and fight enemies. And when we are on foot and need to move faster than sprinting allows, we have can bullet jump and aim glide to get around quicker without the hassle of having to get in and out of a vehicle every 15 seconds.

Adding pointless and annoying ground vehicles aren't going to make people interested in playing the game. There isn't some massive segment of the gaming population that is avoiding playing this game because it doesn't have cars.

Edited by Ceryk
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Ground vehicles are pointless for the Plains of eidolon, the terrain as not designed for them, the difficulty is not balanced for them, we have archwing, and vehicles are always, to a fault, terrible to drive in games that are not built around them. Just wait for the rework to the dark sectors and you'll have your clan ship to decorate.

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2 hours ago, MaalemHout said:

Warframe is a versatile game that has many things in it, that many people like- HOWEVER! Warframe has been missing out on a rather large particular playerbase that has been avoiding it due to how it lacked one thing: Vehicles. Now I know what you guys are going to say, but please really think about this, imagine how much money DE can make if players can own their own personal and customizable vehicle! It would take fashionframe to a new level into fashionvehicle! Imagine all the customizations players can make for this and how much money would be made from doing so!

Not only that but a huge number of people have been wanting vehicles for a long time and play APB, GTAV, Destiny, Destiny 2, but they completely avoid Warframe due to a lack of vehicles! Introducing vehicles will definitely attract a large number of people into the game and hold their interests!

If DE and it's community is smart and business savy, they would invest in making vehicles!

I imagine this is how a Trump sales pitch goes;
Toss out idea, assume a large population of people is not invested because of lack of idea being an option and that said people would become invested if idea was implemented.

... Imagine...

Get money...

Reiterate that lot of people want idea, but "completely avoid" (lolwut) game because of lack of idea, and that implementing idea will defiantly attract said "a lot of people"...

Then claim that people (that just happened to have an add in times square atm and created one of the biggest F2P games from almost nothing) would be "smart" and "business savvy" for doing so...

Sorry OP, but this entire post is possibly the poorest of "sales pitches" I'v ever seen, it looks like you took a page out of 'the idiots guide to dodgy arse sales to pitch to lonely house wives' and just changed the words to refer to Warframe...

Edited by Carnage2K4
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