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Operators... Focus 2.0... screw you, both


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40 minutes ago, Navarchus said:

Are riven rerolls obligatory? Are eidolons required to be spared/killed for progression past TWW?
You misunderstand what optional & obligatory content is. Junctions are obligatory to progress. Getting endless Kuva for Rivens isn't. 

You say you refuse to play operators, but you also complain about people refusing to play operators to help the team..? Isn't that the exact thing you plan on doing in plains of eidolon? Just leech instead of help during the boss fight?

Exactly, since I'm fed up with these stupid clumsy and obstrusive mechanics. Who said I just leech? I'll help with plenty of damage. I leave the operators to you happy people.

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33 minutes ago, Gweredith said:

It's because of whiners like you that a great concept like archwing is still in an underdeveloped state, and now you also want to ruin the progression of another aspect of the game. 

Damn wrong, it's because of whiners like me that Archwing have their original steering back as option - I'm almost 100% sure that my Archwings are more sophisticated than yours. And with PoE, Archwings will finally see some use beyond the odd alert mission.

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28 minutes ago, Cris0407 said:

Focus 2.0 in a nutshell ;


"ZENURIK MEN" Can be any another schools with such buffs...


Except : Defenses, Mobile Defense, Maybe few maps with Interception

All missions will look like this ^_^


Game after Focus 2.0:

  • ZENURIK MEN : Guys energy bubble here!
  • GAME : 3/4 Players waiting near extraction.

ZENURIK MEN : He is not even in 30% of way to the end ^_^

Isn't that a description of like... mostly everything in the context of quick and easy missions that require no planning? They're quick, easy, and require no planning.

Normally with the current build your focus wouldn't have even finished its initial CD before a non-endless mission was over.

Off the top of my head, it sounds really useful when you're waiting at the entrance of a sortie rescue prison.

Edited by rapt0rman
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I gotta agree with Toran.

The introduction of Operator was so far, the worst choice for this game.

I could understand the choice If Operator was supposed to be exclusively for Lore/Story.... but no. They're mandatory to remove Kuva's Guardian armor....


The War Within only implies that game will force you to use Operators more in the future... 

After quest was completed I have forgotten what powers I've obtained.


Just wait till DE decides to create sortie designed for Operators.... forum will be on fire.

Edited by Coverop
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2 hours ago, Toran said:


But I won't play those bloody, awkward Operators any more, to hell with em - even if it means mission failure.



I'll be sure to instantly leave group if you're even in the squad then lol.

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1 hour ago, Gweredith said:

It's because of whiners like you that a great concept like archwing is still in an underdeveloped state, and now you also want to ruin the progression of another aspect of the game. 

The current state of Arch-wing has nothing to do with "whiners". Personally, I've fallen in love with Archwing since building the Fluctus. BUT my problem is I cannot find a whole lot of use for Archwing seeing there's no survival mission, heck ANY reason to use my Archwings for that matter. The fault for that is on DE, not the player base. 

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3 hours ago, NightBlitz said:

alright, thats your choice. those of us that are willing to use, or even *gasp* like the operators will reap the benefits that they bring

The community has spoken on operators. In my opinion all they are is a gimmick, a forced one at that. Say warrior mode is on the level of Warframes. Why would anyone leave their frames to play as a child who only has 100 based health? Why even try killing using operators when you can easily end a crowd of enemies faster using your warframe? Again, all operators are is gimmick.  


Edit: Not saying your cannot enjoy operators. Go ahead, enjoy. Only time I'll ever use 'em is unless I'm forced to.  

Edited by DrakoKnight48
Wanted to be more clear.
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11 minutes ago, DrakoKnight48 said:

The current state of Arch-wing has nothing to do with "whiners". Personally, I've fallen in love with Archwing since building the Fluctus. BUT my problem is I cannot find a whole lot of use for Archwing seeing there's no survival mission, heck ANY reason to use my Archwings for that matter. The fault for that is on DE, not the player base. 

They invested quite some time and money into Archwings and it failed. The most exciting mission was the Archwing introduction mission. I'd appreciated multi-staged missions like that one for other Archwing missions. Instead they gave us Archwing-versions of ground missions.

I'm afraid Focus 2.0 and Operators will share the same fate. Time & money invested and nobody will use the stuff unless forced to do so (like Kuva-farming). Focus 1.0 hardly ever saw any usage beyond passive skills, I highly doubt the switch to more active operator skills will change that.


Edited by Toran
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I think the real problem here is that you're afraid of needing more than your "smash 4 on your keyboard"-skills to be sucessful.


They're here, and they're not going away. You either learn to deal with it, or go play something else. Because whining on the forums won't help at all.

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2 minutes ago, DrakoKnight48 said:

The community has spoken on operators. In my opinion all they are is a gimmick, a forced one at that. Say warrior mode is on the level of Warframes. Why would anyone leave their frames to play as a child who only has 100 based health? Why even try killing using operators when you can easily end a crowd of enemies faster using your warframe? Again, all operators are is gimmick.  

"Melee is the most op tool in the game, why would you use anything else besides a tanky frame and an Atterax? Everything else is a gimmick " - You  


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3 minutes ago, DrakoKnight48 said:

The community has spoken on operators. In my opinion all they are is a gimmick, a forced one at that. Say warrior mode is on the level of Warframes. Why would anyone leave their frames to play as a child who only has 100 based health? Why even try killing using operators when you can easily end a crowd of enemies faster using your warframe? Again, all operators are is gimmick.  

I'm part of the community and this most certainly doesn't speak for me, I'm actually excited about the Operator rework. The Warframes are cool and all, but it's nice getting to actually be the person behind the robot. I don't think they're a gimmick, given they're clearly going to be a core part of the game. That word is used a lot in gaming circles, and it's used wrong in a lot of cases.

I want the Operators to have a more central part in the gameplay experience, and I think with the rework they're going to add a lot of new variety to how the game is played. All they need is a little polish imo.

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1 minute ago, Toran said:

They invested quite some time and money into Archwings and it failed. The most exciting mission was the Archwing mission. I'd appreciated multi-stagged missions like that one for other Archwing mission. Instead they gave us Archwing-versions of ground missions.

I'm afraid Focus 2.0 and Operators will share the same fate. Time & money invested and nobody will use the stuff unless forced to do so (like Kuva-farming). Focus 1.0 hardly ever saw any usage beyond passive skills, I highly doubt the switch to more active operator skills will change that.


Thing is despite Kuva farming being forced, a sum of DE's player base continues to farm it regularly. Gotta work for that plat, I guess! Personally I don't. Too big of a headache dealing with PUBS shooting the Kuva siphons, ending the mission. For Archwing missions I'd love for them to have their own unique missions, longer, more intense. 

We don't know what'll happen with Focus 2.0 and Operators. It might or might not fail. I saw the focus reworks by DE Rebecca, was not impressed to be honest. That's just my opinion, anyone else can be hyped if they please.   

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2 hours ago, Toran said:


That kiddo won't pull any weight. It pulls levers, that's all. I'd really be surprised if Operators bring anything more useful to a fight but flipping a switch that's otherwise locked to your warframe. I really hope you guys are in the majority...

This might be the case now, however since the operators are getting such a overhaul in PoE, then it is quite safe to say that their role in upcoming content will become even more prominent. Your subborness will eventually lock you out entirely of quests, boss fights *cough Eidolons* and so forth I imagine.

DE has reworked the operators in such a way that there are going to be around for the foreseeable future, regardless if we like 'em or not.

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9 minutes ago, xFrostKnightx said:


"Melee is the most op tool in the game, why would you use anything else besides a tanky frame and an Atterax? Everything else is a gimmick " - You  


I will appreciate you if you didn't shove words in my mouth. That's not what I'm saying. Operators are just a forced gimmick DE is pushing on it's player base. I'd had loved for them to have just stayed on the ship or inside their warframes, far away from game-play as possible. That is a completely different from using a Tanky warfame + the Atterax. 

Heck, I didn't even know Operators could deal the same level of Damage as a Tank + Atterax combo. 

Try making a better argument if ya gonna shove words in my mouth. :satisfied:

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14 minutes ago, Dr.McDunknik said:

I'm part of the community and this most certainly doesn't speak for me, I'm actually excited about the Operator rework. The Warframes are cool and all, but it's nice getting to actually be the person behind the robot. I don't think they're a gimmick, given they're clearly going to be a core part of the game. That word is used a lot in gaming circles, and it's used wrong in a lot of cases.

I want the Operators to have a more central part in the gameplay experience, and I think with the rework they're going to add a lot of new variety to how the game is played. All they need is a little polish imo.

I'm part of the community, too, your comment doesn't speak for me either. See how opinions work? The point has been brought up many times before: Why fight as an Operator when I have my warframes? I can easily mow down a crowd of whoever, pick whichever factions you wanna imagine in seconds using my Warframe. Im not gonna bother bringing that child out unless I'm forced to do so, seeing that I'll have to be forced to use the Child to kill an Eidolon and have no other way to kill it. I can safely say they ARE FORCED. Seeing At 100 base health? Tsk, have fun dying is all I'm saying. 

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4 hours ago, Toran said:

If I had to single out the worst element of Warframe it would be the introduction of Operators to the game. Not because I don't like them per se or their background story... no, it's the obstruction of the game flow that came with the Operators. Their apparition on the battlefield makes zero sense. If they're strong enough to materialize there, they should be able to weave their "magic" through the Warframes, too. Instead you're forced to jump in and out of your frames to do as challenging tasks as pull a lever or stun a kuva guard...

I can't tell I'm very excited about Focus 2.0, especially after learning it will focus even more on Operators. I'll leave that to others... Yeah, I was a Naramon student, it allowed me to play any cheesy frame I wanted to without too much worry about survivability. So it's back to Meta-Frames now, no problem...

But I won't play those bloody, awkward Operators any more, to hell with em - even if it means mission failure.



OR...keep an open mind and realize operators may evolve to revolutionize and redefine certain aspects of Warframe and add years to both development and gameplay through revenue.

Evolve or die in this business.

"Get off my lawn!" Rant did make me chuckle...😊.  

I envision Excaliber leaning out the porch screen door screaming at the kids running around in the Cetus Eidelon trailer. 

...except nothing comes out so he's just pantimiming and the kids stop and stare in confusion.

Edited by (PS4)Silverback73
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Out of curiosity would the current playerbase play the game if Operators were introduce from the very beginning?

To me it seems like DE wanted this from the start but maybe they lacked resources. That maybe after the growth of the game they are realizing their dream. 


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18 minutes ago, DrakoKnight48 said:

I'm part of the community, too, your comment doesn't speak for me either. See how opinions work? The point has been brought up many times before: Why fight as an Operator when I have my warframes? I can easily mow down a crowd of whoever, pick whichever factions you wanna imagine in seconds using my Warframe. Im not gonna bother bringing that child out unless I'm forced to do so, seeing that I'll have to be forced to use the Child to kill an Eidolon and have no other way to kill it. I can safely say they ARE FORCED. Seeing At 100 base health? Tsk, have fun dying is all I'm saying. 

I can't agree more. We had all the means already, the only way they could think of a new challenge was by blocking out former damage altogether with the introduction of the awkward Operator mechanics. Switch - stun - switch - kill. With PoE it won't be anything else. Basically you just switch to the Operator and point your crosshair to the same direction, disrupting the frenzyful flow that is Warframe.

I seriously hope Focus 2.0 and Operators won't be core of PoE's gameplay... I'd rather welcome some exciting stuff like multi-staged enemies, more specialized mini-bosses, split team-tasks, mixed Archwing/Ground missions etc.  

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4 hours ago, mstriker said:


Thats a fallacy. Also i dont see why you are so butthurt over sometging that is optional 90% of the time.


It would be cool that it was 100% of the time but still you dont use it that much do you?

Yeah and then more Kuva Guard esque nonsense like the Eidolon fighting gets introduced, and more and more nonsense like that.down the line

It needs to be 100 percent optional, anyway.

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17 minutes ago, Kjahla81 said:

Out of curiosity would the current playerbase play the game if Operators were introduce from the very beginning?

To me it seems like DE wanted this from the start but maybe they lacked resources. That maybe after the growth of the game they are realizing their dream. 


I doubt the game would be as popular now. Warframe always stood out as a fast-paced shooter that featured Space and Ninjas. That was it, basically. Later the Ninja aspect was improved by even more parcours-style moves and acrobatics and a widely revamped melee system. Lore always was the weakest part and only developed after much demand of the community and at a rather slow pace.

The lore came after the gameplay, I don't think the source behind the Warframes' power, the operator, was envisioned but decided in the course of the game's long-term development. 

Edited by Toran
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About the mandatory part: if content is locked behind some special mechanic like the use of our operator, then the use is mandatory. Harrow endfight (definitely the most unfun experience I ever had in Warframe) doesn‘t count, as I guess you just could have bought Harrow with plat and skip the quest?

No sorties without WWF though, no riven reroll without Kuva... so yes, operator mode IS already mandatory for some content.

Focus 2.0 in itself just makes it easier for you or even the squad, but you can easily skip it.

Eidolons on the other hand... I can only guess that there will be some content behind it :(

I don‘t care much about operator movement - I simply don‘t have any interest in playing Hello Space Kiddy online which just happens to take place in the same setting as WF.

So yes, exceptionally bad design decision by DE to force a totally diifferent game on their playerbase in my book.

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3 hours ago, Navarchus said:

Are riven rerolls obligatory?

yes, if you are not extremely lucky or if not swim in plat


3 hours ago, Navarchus said:

Are eidolons required to be spared/killed for progression past TWW?

yes, because progression in grind-fest games like warframe are to gather more/better stuff, and more stuff will be lock by operator, so yeah obligatory


3 hours ago, Navarchus said:

Junctions are obligatory to progress

also TWW and Harrow quest that you cant do without operator


3 hours ago, Navarchus said:

Getting endless Kuva for Rivens isn't. 

this is debatable, technically not, but let's be real..

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