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Is Warframe too long?


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The game time is correct and not really can be shorter only if the rng entirely removed or the stats changed. The only reason the game like warframe work with rng otherwise it cannot provide to you a long game time, lore, gameplay and the game would have be so short. This game is based on grinding and there is nothing much other than that. This is not that kind of game neither a sandbox game so the game time cannot be expanded way like this.

The only solution could be the rng reforming and rebalancing the item drops so you can get in a certain time that item you need it. 


Ps: I have a job but I am single so I can manage to play daily and keeping alt accs too for play. Also have time to play other games and do my hobby at home too. 

Edited by Sziklamester
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5 hours ago, nickelshark said:

Just gonna throw a suggestion out there but what if the rotation was just ABC instead of AABC? It would only cut off 5 minutes of a survival run or one less round in an interception or 5 waves in a defense but that time adds up even within just an hour. So instead of just getting 3 full rotations for survival in an hour one could get 4 full rotations in the hour. It's a smallish change but would actually make a world of difference.

It would smack DE's bottom line right upside their investor's financial heads so not going to happen...especially if you want development freedom the DE team enjoys to grow the game.

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OP, it varies greatly from player to player.

For some, who have lots of time or have been playing since closed beta, the game is too short.

For others, who have been playing casually since open, is moderate.

For new players, welcome to whats gonna feel like you need 2 lifetimes to get what all the people who have been playing for 4 years already have.

If you need to make a goal list, do so, then take it from there.

If you understand that in reality, you dont "need to finish the game" in 3 days/3 weeks/3 months, just enjoy yourself.

On a personal note, after 10 years of casual online gaming, I've seen players burnout by consuming the content too fast, and get to the point of actually hating a game they once loved, so have that into consideration, not just for Warframe, but all gaming.

Happy hunting fellow Tenno.

Edited by Souldend78
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That's an interesting question...

Being that the game is F2P, I'd say no.

The game's bigger pain points come in the form of How much time it takes to get to a desired level of challenge and How long it remains at that level.

The Game is generally not rewarding compared to other games I have played and I have no doubt that this is by design to encourage platinum trading.


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10 hours ago, TheBrsrkr said:

I just spent an hour thinking about and typing up why I think Warframe should be shortened, but then I really had to stop and think about it. Is Warframe really that long? 


When I say long, I mean the time it takes for you to get what I would call a full set of rewards, not like spamming MPrime in a corner to get some plastids or something. I mean the stuff you do on a hunt for what you want, like farming relics or prime parts, doing a raid or just faffing about in some mission for kicks. In the endless case, one rotation of prime parts or keys (AABC) would run you 20 minutes on a survival, or maybe a bit less on a defense. A mobile defense can run you anywhere from 5 to 15 minutes, I think it takes 5 minutes with all points capped for 1 interception for 20 minutes in all, and a spy could be baby tier content if you use Loki but might take a while with most others. 

When you really think about it, that's about 3 matches an hour. Not a lot. Now, my contract just finished so I'm out of a job, I got time to kill. But real life happens fast. Lots of students I know want to get into Warframe but don't have the time to manage that and school life. Lots more people are just scrubs who want to get done with it quick and I can at least understand that. Going 40 minutes without being interrupted in any way is a big deal to some, so they make do with 20. But even 20 minutes is just enough for 1 game, and I doubt many people  log in to Warframe to play 1 game and leave.

So Warframe is a huge time investment to players. But it's a game. No mom is gonna let you finish your 40 minute game. Your kid isn't going to stop making hungry sounds while you play. Your house isn't going to clean itself and you're basically locked in as you start a mission with no reprieve if something comes up. 

Is it too huge of an investment?  What are your thoughts? Is there a way to make Warframe shorter without compromising what Warframe is? 

WF grind is hardly anything even close to time consuming imo, try playing KR/JP MMORPG's, anything b/w 800-2000 times doing a single dungeon just for a title/reward/material farming, which in long run ends up becoming alot, Look at BnS for example, each dungeon high level ones take anything b/w 10-30 mins full group forget solo, And raids take days at times.

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I wouldn't say the mission types are too long, or too short for that matter. You just have to learn the average time each mission type takes (as you apparently have) and only play the ones that fit with your timetable, or preference. It's just being responsible and managing your time between gaming and real life properly.

For example, I rarely play Survival missions. Missions like Capture and Exterminate suit me more: I'd rather get in, do the objective, extract and move on to something else. Sometimes I'll run one mission, then get up and do the dishes. Come back to another mission, then go fold some laundry. By not being locked into a mission for more than 10 minutes or so I can squeeze in a little gaming here and there while still being a responsible adult and taking care of things.

As far as whether or not the game overall is too long? I don't know about that. I played intermittently for 2 years on xbox. Ultimately made it through The Second Dream and had half of Neptune opened up. I switched to PC and started all over again about a month ago: Uranus is done and I'm finishing Natah now. Does that sound too long? Mind you I only play a little here and there: I don't hardcore speed-grind everything. That said, in just 1 month I've ground out and maxxed 5 frames and have opened up 3/4 of the map. If anything, the game's not long enough. But there's plenty else to do, like ranking up syndicates and earning Mastery Rank, so I'm not complaining. I'm having fun. :)

Edited by Sentinel-14
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I guess it would depend whom you ask? To me I get everything really fast because I've gotten used to being effective (and I don't mean min-maxing effectiveness) and I have a ton of fun while I roleplay the game so time passes by no problem. But is it too long? After I watch my record of 2 000 something hours playtime and abundance of everything it might appear less of a time-sink than someone who just started out. It'd be interesting to hear players who experience the game as being too consuming.

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13 hours ago, JSharpie said:

The playmodel is built around the idea of an mmo. Many rewards with moderate grind/effort.

Diablo is the same, but it's still not an MMO. Sorry if this seems antagonizing as I don't mean for it to be, I just get annoyed when people call Warframe an MMO

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52 minutes ago, Xiusa said:

Diablo is the same, but it's still not an MMO. Sorry if this seems antagonizing as I don't mean for it to be, I just get annoyed when people call Warframe an MMO

For fricks sake.

MMO Massively Multiplayer Online.

Big game, hours of content, some might say PoE will be Massive - Check

Multplayer, you play with others, friends, enemies, clans - Check

Online, you have to be online, connected to a master server with a massive amount of other players. - Check

Sounds like an MMO to me. Now can we drop the discussion of what an MMO is, since the definition has always been loose in the first place and answered the OP's questions instead of replying to my answer? Thanks.

Edited by JSharpie
DE, your filter doesn't work. It didn't censor the F word.
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