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I'm done with fishing and PoE


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24 minutes ago, RacerDelux said:

So it seems the primary feedback I am seeing here is that many of the fish needed for crafting are too rare, and they need to be (much) more common. That would be some feedback DE could work with.

Would that fix the issue for most of you?
(along with fishing rods actually being pure upgrades, and bait blueprints being reusable)

I'm glad you asked.

Like others are saying, we're not playing Warframe to spend HOURS dedicated to fishing. I'm sure the devs have played Monster Hunter games, so they should take a leaf from them. You can catch the 5 rare fish you need for the higher tier weapon upgrades in most MH games within half an hour, and within 10 minutes if you have bait available. Fishing is an important part of Monster Hunter but they don't try to make it something you have to spend a full RL day doing nothing but, AND it's something you can usually go an entire MH save through (200+ hours of gameplay) without ever touching.

They should do like Monster Hunter and turn fishing into something you only have to spend up to an hour on at most to get what you need, and they should remove the absurd blueprint requirements like Operator Amps needing random fish guts so that people aren't forced to fish if they really hate fishing. Keep it on Zaw parts I guess, since oil is a very important thing for weapon forging.


Edit: I want to tag on a little note here saying that I have a few friends who are less dedicated to Warframe than me, and they refuse to play PoE since they don't like it being a crappy fishing game. I quote: "If I wanted to waste my time like that, I'd just stick to Destiny 2 and farming for that exotic weapon drop that I'll never get" "I'm really trying to give DE a second chance here, but goddamn..." (this is one of my more hardcore gamer friends by the way)

Edit2: Extra quote from the guy, just because!: "Although I did have fun shooting some turkey-like things with my vaykor hek the other day"

Edited by Sennera
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Just now, RacerDelux said:

So it seems the primary feedback I am seeing here is that many of the fish needed for crafting are too rare, and they need to be (much) more common. That would be some feedback DE could work with.

Would that fix the issue for most of you?


While the availability of the rare materials is ridiculous, it's not the only problem.

Rares don't spawn without bait.  Bait costs huge amounts of rep and materials.  Bait doesn't guarantee rare spawns. 

Even assuming all the RNG cards go your way, fishing is still skill based, meaning you can STILL miss out on getting your stupid rare fish when it does miraculously spawn.

Fishing is used to craft anything and everything, for no freakin reason, and with no logic or justification.

This isn't a fishing game.

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DE needs to stop it with this tiny odds fruitless RNG grind. They did it with rivens, and now they're doing it with everything else. People can invest hundreds of hours and other things into something and get nothing, not even a vague sense of progress. It's outrageous.

The only argument that comes up in defence of this crap is "it's optional, you don't need it to do the content". What content? Warframe is all about progress and rewards, without those there is no satisfaction in playing. Rivens are "optional", Operators upgrades are "optional", even new weapons are optional apparently. Why not ranking mods and everything else, it's all optional, right? The option here is to not play the game at all because there's nothing to do that you can realistically work towards.

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5 minutes ago, TheDefenestrater said:

This isn't a fishing game.

Exactly. I was convinced fishing was going to be an optional minigame. Turns out for every hour I spend fighting eidolons I need to spend an indefinite number of hours fishing to actually get to my rewards. How did this happen? Who thought players would be ok with this?

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24 minutes ago, RacerDelux said:

I understand that. Sadly the way the OP presented his "feedback" had the NEXT reply with somebody that decided to forgo Warframe due to the negativity of this post, as well as many of the others I have seen. Many of which blow some of the issues out of proportion.

Feedback is good, and I encourage it, but present it in a format that does not make other potential players not even give the update a try.

Nothing he wrote is wrong. Yesterday I looked through the Quill Standing. Now guess what you need for some amps? Murlok (or whatever its called), 2 parts. And later also Nog. And currently the bait works so good, i probably need a minimum of 2 baits for that. That cost 10.000 Standing for 1! Bait (Murlok, Nog costs 20.000).

Sure PoE isn´t bad, but everything you are farming for in the Standings need Fishparts. As long its only the normal ones it is ok, but the moment you have to get rare fish for their parts, its getting annoying (unless you buy them). And to be honest, I´m currently not sure if I will go further in the Standings now, after I had a look yesterday.

The Grind PoE currently offers is a bit too much. I probably have to play PoE for months, without playing anything else (besides Sorties maybe...)

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5 minutes ago, Neothel said:

Nothing he wrote is wrong. Yesterday I looked through the Quill Standing. Now guess what you need for some amps? Murlok (or whatever its called), 2 parts. And later also Nog. And currently the bait works so good, i probably need a minimum of 2 baits for that. That cost 10.000 Standing for 1! Bait (Murlok, Nog costs 20.000).



Sorry, I had to. The rules of the internet demand that.

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I completely agree with the OP. Please do not make me fish. 

Please simplify the fishing tiers to 1 base tier. Simplify the crafting components to all common components. That way it doesn't matter what fish we catch we are still progressing.

Allow crafting an item to be completed every 15 minutes of time spent. So an item should require a total of 10 to 15 fish. 

This would at least balance the time vs reward portions of this game.

Put 15 minutes worth of fish parts as bounty rewards. This way I can progress without fishing.

I do not want to fish. I want to be a space ninja, or a land ninja.

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I started a thread like this yesterday. I agree fishing tied into the primary progression system is not fun and it should have not been done. 

Fishing as a stand alone system would have been perfect. 

I'm glad im not the only one that thinks and feels this way. 

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What really burns me about the fishing bait is not so much it's a one time use. Tho that is significantly less than optimal all things considered. It is that by being one time use and requiring resources that you get from sacrificing fish, they actually double dip on faction standing. Since cutting up the fish to make the bait you are sacrificing potential faction XP on top of the cost of the recipe. 

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i like fishing just 4 make nice screenshots.


nothing else, and i love this new minigame :D

i hope to use the fish foods collected for something nice in Orbiter.

Like cook for Operator (power+), Gain Health boosters for pets, Invite K'teer/Syndacate 4 private dinner :D and have special items

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3 minutes ago, carnivorous-e said:

I agree with OP. Fishing has been painfully boring (same with mining). 

I actually enjoy mining and fishing, once I figured out the whole fish don't spawn unless you have your gear equipped and are pretty much standing still. Hell I'm fishing right now, as I type this.

That said I don't think fishing should be the only good way to progress your standing. They really need better ways of passively gaining faction. The same goes for both the Quil and for Focus as a whole. 

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Basically, I think there’s a mental model problem here. I think that DE don’t build a comprehensive working mental model of how new game systems are going to work before they launch them. They don’t ask themselves a deceptively complicated but 100% necessary question: “What is this actually going to look like in-game? How is this going to play out, with real players, every day?”

They don’t seem to think about the interdepencies. If you nailed Steve down with an exact question, that question being “Why is everything in the PoE expansion gated behind what is quite literally hours upon hours of fishing?” he would be surprised to hear the question because he honestly would not have realised that that is what they have done.


DE implement ideas into the game with the bare minimum of testing required to make sure that the code for them works, and they worry about balancing it later. So now, we’re in the feedback phase. Let’s hope they listen.

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Burned out already? 

I still find it fun and rewarding. Then again I do not have endless time to game, so just do what is fun (that's why I haven't done a lot of bounties).

yeah I might not be able to craft in a long time.. but well used to it from other games.

I think people fooled themselves by high hopes and hyoes into the unrealistic dream world. Take breath and a break from the game, see the real world and vome back if you feel like it. I mean paople are still playing BDO xD


also DE alrdy said they are working to improve. Honestly I do not care for a bugger playerbase, it ruined smite (along with some bad dev choices :b)

Edited by Dreamforger
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   I think a lot of this could be fixed if we could trade fish (actually, I haven't checked, can we?). Those of us that don't mind fishing could start a fish market and trade for other materials or mods. Those who don't like fishing could just trade for the fish (or perhaps the individual materials needed) and not have to spend hours fishing. And just to be specific, I'm not saying trading fish for just plat, although I'm sure some people would be willing to do that. Other, more common (and not money related) materials like mining, mods, or maybe even sentient cores would be more accessible.

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Just now, Yargami said:

   I think a lot of this could be fixed if we could trade fish (actually, I haven't checked, can we?). Those of us that don't mind fishing could start a fish market and trade for other materials or mods. Those who don't like fishing could just trade for the fish (or perhaps the individual materials needed) and not have to spend hours fishing. And just to be specific, I'm not saying trading fish for just plat, although I'm sure some people would be willing to do that. Other, more common (and not money related) materials like mining, mods, or maybe even sentient cores would be more accessible.

To the fish trade. Yes you can.


a lot of this is ppl thinking that the thread creaters, youtubers and salty people are the only truth to it (Looking at you brozime).

but I am having fun.. and last I checked it was Warframe I played and in Plains of Eidolon. Judge by yourself.

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2 minutes ago, Yargami said:

Those of us that don't mind fishing could start a fish market and trade for other materials or mods.

I think most people who have stated that they like or don't mind fishing simply haven't faced the reality of rare fish yet. When you're sitting there and getting common fish and think you're making progress with each catch it can seem like a fun and rewarding experience. However, the common fish are worthless, useless and no one will ever trade for them. The problem is when you sit there staring at the screen for hours on end without ever getting the thing you're after, only losing the huge amount of standing you've been investing in bait. It is not profitable to fish, not even a tiny bit, quite the opposite.

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9 minutes ago, Dreamforger said:

To the fish trade. Yes you can.


a lot of this is ppl thinking that the thread creaters, youtubers and salty people are the only truth to it (Looking at you brozime).

but I am having fun.. and last I checked it was Warframe I played and in Plains of Eidolon. Judge by yourself.

You perfectly have the right to like fishing, but why force it down the throat of all the player base ? 

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I don't mind fishing and really the only downside is the non-reusable blueprints. The op paints a very tainted picture of warframe that is driving away potential new players and I feel it was written in anger and frustration rather than a true desire for proper feedback. Fishing is not hard, hell it's so easy any beginner could pick it up and do it. It is not supposed to be some instant reward system. It is a progression system and as such...yes you will have to invest some time in it. But it will also change and evolve so saying this ruins the game is false information. You absolutely do NOT need to fish to enjoy PoE, you do NOT even have to kill the teralyst (sp?) but it can still be done without ever tossing that fishing spear. Please stop using feedback forums as your place to blow off steam when the game frustrates you because you are scaring off new players who might get very much enjoyment out of the game. Just because you do not does not mean they won't. Now don't get me wrong it is still a heavy time investment (currently) and mainly because of how the blueprints are. Once they adjust that it will be downright faceroll easy and then I'm sure people will complain they blew through the progression too fast like they always do. 

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Just now, Stanelis said:

You perfectly have the right to like fishing, but why force it down the throat of all the player base ? 

It is not forced upon you. It is but another option.

like conclave. Yep skins are locked behind pvp. Like clans. Yep weapon and frames locked behind clan tech.

You can look at it several ways. But as I see it PoE gave me a new side activity, it would not replace the main game, the weapon and frames are far from meta and so on and so far.

All in all a playground where one can look at is like a forced and boring grind, or a nice change to the other more closed missions.

There are room for improvement, but with DEs staff and less than a year in development I didn't expect much, and was pleasant surprised.

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9 minutes ago, Mudfam said:

I think most people who have stated that they like or don't mind fishing simply haven't faced the reality of rare fish yet. When you're sitting there and getting common fish and think you're making progress with each catch it can seem like a fun and rewarding experience. However, the common fish are worthless, useless and no one will ever trade for them. The problem is when you sit there staring at the screen for hours on end without ever getting the thing you're after, only losing the huge amount of standing you've been investing in bait. It is not profitable to fish, not even a tiny bit, quite the opposite.

This. I have caught and cleaned a LOT (way too many to count) of fish since last night, but the thing is none of them were the stupidly over rare fish I need.

It's not that people in this thread are b----ing about fishing for common fish, it's that we've faced the reality of the absurd rarity of rare fish and realize it will take hours, if not days, of playing Warframe like a fishing game to mount a stupid gem on a stick so I can hold it in front of my Operator's hand.

And to make it even more absurd, that's the lowest tier set of Amp parts to replace the stupid Mote Amp they give you to start with. 

Edited by Sennera
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1 minute ago, Zorrandor said:

I don't mind fishing and really the only downside is the non-reusable blueprints. The op paints a very tainted picture of warframe that is driving away potential new players and I feel it was written in anger and frustration rather than a true desire for proper feedback. Fishing is not hard, hell it's so easy any beginner could pick it up and do it. It is not supposed to be some instant reward system. It is a progression system and as such...yes you will have to invest some time in it. But it will also change and evolve so saying this ruins the game is false information. You absolutely do NOT need to fish to enjoy PoE, you do NOT even have to kill the teralyst (sp?) but it can still be done without ever tossing that fishing spear. Please stop using feedback forums as your place to blow off steam when the game frustrates you because you are scaring off new players who might get very much enjoyment out of the game. Just because you do not does not mean they won't. Now don't get me wrong it is still a heavy time investment (currently) and mainly because of how the blueprints are. Once they adjust that it will be downright faceroll easy and then I'm sure people will complain they blew through the progression too fast like they always do. 

I am so sick of this kind of senseless defensive posts. Read the thread. You're 100% wrong, there is virtually nothing that can be gained in PoE without fishing, everything requires rare fish parts to craft. It's not even a matter of how many hours of fishing, the rare fish are so rare that you won't see a single one in hours of fishing and the bait that costs 1000's of standing apparently does nothing. Maybe 0% to 0.0001% spawn chance, who knows? Still haven't been able to confirm that these fish actually exist.

What worries me is that even if DE makes getting rare fish 100x easier it would still probably be near impossible, and knowing DE they will only make a minor adjustment.

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7 minutes ago, Dreamforger said:

It is not forced upon you. It is but another option.

like conclave. Yep skins are locked behind pvp. Like clans. Yep weapon and frames locked behind clan tech.

You can look at it several ways. But as I see it PoE gave me a new side activity, it would not replace the main game, the weapon and frames are far from meta and so on and so far.

All in all a playground where one can look at is like a forced and boring grind, or a nice change to the other more closed missions.

There are room for improvement, but with DEs staff and less than a year in development I didn't expect much, and was pleasant surprised.

Fishing absolutely IS FORCED.

Currently, you CANNOT progress with PoE stuff without fishing. It is forced.

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It's a nice sidemechanic. Locking the fishing trophies and maybe some cosmetics behind it seems totally fine but everything requiring rare fish parts is just insane. I thought this was a third person shooter, not a fishing-with-your-kid simulator. And, of course, the fish are tradable... C'mon DE, all these exciting modular weapons and even the basic stuff requires a ton of rare sh!t that will take days, if not weeks to farm.

Why can't I just buy a weapon part from these people, why does everything have to be a blueprint with these stupid materials? Sigh..

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