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PSA: Twitch Drops System Change


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Well, at least I can give my poor laptop a break now! Thanks to Twitch for spoiling a good thing.
I wonder how long it will be before Twitch dies off, like television before it? I still don't understand the fascination with watching others playing video games - seems narcissistic on the part of the broadcaster more than anything...

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I am a bit surprised it didn't happen sooner.

Totally not jealous of all them weapon slots from the Vectis Primes tho. Haven't even received one but, I do own a Vectis Prime.

Only thing I am interested in at this point is a Wyrm to try it out. Well that and the Harka skin for PC as I miss my Frost Prime on PS4. x'D (And no not giving digits for the free one as I know better.)

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15 hours ago, Fruchtpudding said:

I actually think this campaign was so successful that they probably planned to do similar ones regularly from now on, probably with just a few weeks downtime inbetween. With this change though...

Yeah, but it wont have the same effect due that same change... it will be at most a 10% of the "viewers"...

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3 hours ago, Madway7 said:

Take this anecdote

I do sorties and bounties every day. And what do I get from them? Common mods, 5k credit cache and 4k endo or Anasa.

These rewards actually feel rewarding, eventhough it takes +/- 100 to het anything worthwhile. EVEN GETTING NITAIN feels more rrwarding than the other stuff I get.

Sometimes getting a booster or the display glyphs also feels better than what I get elsewhere in the game.

Some people just like getting stuff, in a game focussed around loot and shooting/killing stuff (often with said loot) I don't get why that's hard to understand.

I like getting stuff too, so I watched 1 stream from a streamer (after this change) who is fun to watch and got plenty of drops in an hour and a half while my pc did scans. My drops worked fine, that other peoples arent working again is maybe a backhanded slap at people who were abusing it, who knows lol.

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18 hours ago, [DE]Taylor said:

Hey Tenno,

For those of you who have been participating as a viewer or a streamer in The Great Eidolon Twitch Drops event, Twitch recently implemented a change to Twitch Drops that you should know about:

To quote from the most recent iteration of Twitch's official How to Earn Drops page, “your chances of receiving a Drop do not increase by having multiple streams of the same game open simultaneously”. 

You can read more about Twitch Drops here: https://help.twitch.tv/customer/en/portal/articles/2754380-how-to-earn-drops

Interested in learning more about Warframe's Twitch Drop campaign, the Great Eidolon Hunt? You can receive Drops simply from watching your favourite Warframe caster until Nov 2! Full details are available in our news post: https://www.warframe.com/news/the-great-eidolon-hunt




I am gonna say why didn't you just give every one a vectis prime to celebrate with the packaged deal with soma, myself included spent money on the game regardless and it would of endorsed more people to spend money on color palettes for the prime weapons you just pissed off and angered people instead. I was kinda triggered just because there was this huge event but you decide to give out the soma prime, lock the vectis prime behind watching streamers.

Takes sacrifice to make money in my opinion, If you give a item to people just all for free there probably going to buy the cosmetics that go with it, just like how if you give people discounts on platinum they have a high probability of buying a currency that otherwise has no real world value.  Real business's don't favorite their consumers they treat them all the same, stop giving rewards to people that are consumers / streamers unless they actually play test the game and sync time to actually make the game better.

For example: I play tested Fortnite for atleast 2 years, submitted DXdiag logs and told them what needed to be changed etc.. when the game finally launched into public I was given all founders packs for free which was worth 400-500 dollars.


I honestly don't care if they help to put viewership spotlight onto your game, If you love something you will make content for it regardless which separates the genuine from the hypocrites, giving them the new content for free they did not work for is bullS#&$ they should all work for the same PvE content just like every other player. 

In my opinion don't cater to just streamers because they need viewership cater to the community because we make the game what it is, we dictate success which a company like blizzard otherwise hasn't figured out and are losing millions because of it, the reason I stopped playing there games is they only care about their ideas and morals, any other ideas by their community are just pushed into the ground.

When you created the idea of putting out the vectis prime as a drop for watching streamers you obviously only thought about yourself more in the processes and what you could get but you went about it in the wrong way.

Short story:

1. Treat streamers or content creators better then you do vs entire community.

2. DE locked a event item that otherwise any game company would of just given and would of endorsed cosmetics to make money.

Hopefully from this whole thing you just learn from the mistake and just move on, If another big event happens you do the complete opposite and make it so that every one just gets the same rewards given instead of treating others better then other consumers or making it complete RNG bullcrap.


Edited by xxxkillermia
Correcting errors.
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If DE wants to do this promotion more in the future, they will need to tweak the reward chances with this change in mind. Spending all day with Twitch on, just to get 50 fireworks, a couple forma, a Orokin Reactor, and Latron blueprints isn't worth it.


While I understand the change, as having 20 pages open 24/7 is basically the same thing as a viewbot (buffing Warframes Twitch presence more than it actually is), they need to change the incentives to help promote the smaller streamers that were benefiting the most from these free views.


Basically, what will happen now is that people will just join the top 3 viewed streamers, because with that high of a view count, those streamers are going to go full tryhard to get achievements. People with less than 100 viewers wont have incentive to go tryhard for achievements, because they wont get any viewers out of it.

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I understand that multistream drops are no longer working. However, I am not getting any drops just limiting what I view to one stream.

The communication on this whole promotion has been shaky ... at first a whole lot of folks (myself included) thought you had to watch partner streams to get anything. Then that was sort of cleared up, and it was discovered ANY STREAM could provide a drop at achievement unlocking. Then DE announced an extension until Nov 2nd of this promotion only to immediately be followed up with Twitch making a (rather severe) change in limiting the drop chances to one stream.

To those looking down on multistreamers ... well it's kinda hard to "play by the rules" when the communication is so bad and the rules keep changing.

I don't feel I am entitled to anything, but I would hope DE would take away from this experience some of the lessons to be learned (i.e. hiding a vaulted prime weapon behind a 1:1000 RNG is going to lead to creativity among the user base).

Edited by (PS4)wynams
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12 minutes ago, (PS4)wynams said:

I understand that multistream drops are no longer working. However, I am not getting any drops just limiting what I view to one stream.

The communication on this whole promotion has been shaky ... at first a whole lot of folks (myself included) thought you had to watch partner streams to get anything. Then that was sort of cleared up, and it was discovered ANY STREAM could provide a drop at achievement unlocking. Then DE announced an extension until Nov 2nd of this promotion only to immediately be followed up with Twitch making a (rather severe) change in limiting the drop chances to one stream.

To those looking down on multistreamers ... well it's kinda hard to "play by the rules" when the communication is so bad and the rules keep changing.

I don't feel I am entitled to anything, but I would hope DE would take away from this experience some of the lessons to be learned (i.e. hiding a vaulted prime weapon behind a 1:1000 RNG is going to lead to creativity among the user base).


As consumers we should all got the same thing and it was an event item that should of just been given out to every one like the soma, endorsed users to buy cosmetics with those items / ask steam users to make tennogen skins for them and sell them DE probably takes at-least a 30-20% cut.


Every one would of gotten what they wanted and they lived happily ever after the end.

Edited by xxxkillermia
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52 minutes ago, xxxkillermia said:

Real business's don't favorite their consumers they treat them all the same, stop giving rewards to people that are consumers / streamers unless they actually play test the game and sync time to actually make the game better.

I honestly don't care if they help to put viewership spotlight onto your game, If you love something you will make content for it regardless which separates the genuine from the hypocrites, giving them the new content for free they didn't work for is bullS#&$ they should all work for the same just like every other player.



Two things. First, real businesses absolutely do favor some customers over others. Not everyone gets treated the same. Any smart business is going to favor customers who are more profitable over less profitable ones and/or customers that are bringing in additional business.  

Second, advertising and marketing are extremely important for any business. These streamers are more or less giving the game free advertising. That is more valuable than any playtester.


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58 minutes ago, (Xbox One)x JACK BAUER 24 said:


Two things. First, real businesses absolutely do favor some customers over others. Not everyone gets treated the same. Any smart business is going to favor customers who are more profitable over less profitable ones and/or customers that are bringing in additional business.  

Second, advertising and marketing are extremely important for any business. These streamers are more or less giving the game free advertising. That is more valuable than any playtester.


On point 1: In the gambling industry, like is used right now in the games industry... This is called incentivizing your Dolphins while rewarding your Whales. That is to say DE's making a promotion that mid-level spenders feel they have a change to "win" at while giving the most payouts to their top-tier spenders.

On point 2:
-Unless you're Nintendo... then "FK YOU! OUR MONEY!"

-Or unless you're a games journalist then
"No that thing doesn't exist at all. You're a liar!"
*as short as 24 HOURS later to as much as 6 months*
Wait, what journalist we called a liar?"

Edited by Sunseahl
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I'm going to be frank here: this looks like DE is trying to have its cake and eat it too.

Benefiting from the effects of artificial traffic by allowing for exploitation of the event's design, and then removing that avenue to scrape up some amount of good will because "they saw a problem and fixed it."

DE had plenty of time to see these problems and head them off before the event started; they didn't.

Sorry, but I can't shake the appearance of shrewd and calculated corporate maneuvers.

Edited by yerpmalton
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I really feel like I have to say something here, 'cause I feel like people are blaming DE for a decision that was made by Twitch.


What sounds more likely to you? That DE realized that people were abusing the event and made Twitch change the rules?

Or that all the other developers who's games were being beaten on Twitch by Warframe's inflated viewership complained to Twitch that they were losing business, and Twitch made an obvious business decision?


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1 hour ago, (Xbox One)x JACK BAUER 24 said:


Two things. First, real businesses absolutely do favor some customers over others. Not everyone gets treated the same. Any smart business is going to favor customers who are more profitable over less profitable ones and/or customers that are bringing in additional business.  

Second, advertising and marketing are extremely important for any business. These streamers are more or less giving the game free advertising. That is more valuable than any playtester.


The thing is they are already getting paid to stream in most cases, they don't need anything else because of their viewers.

I myself stream and I am saying that any one who is getting free content because they get a load of viewers shouldn't, I've spent over 1k+ on audio equipment and I do it as a hobby not for profiteering.

As for the whole marketing thing usually you give all your customers the same benefit because it promotes positive growth, yeah you might want to give to your bigger spenders but if you treat every one the same then how can they get pissed off?; You can't lose business that way some one can't say " well I spent 1,000 dollars on this product so I deserve more then this consumer" that logic just doesn't make sense, people look at that person funny and are like what the hell.

I've worked retail and people who demand extras when every one is served the same is usually full of crap, any one who usually treats some consumers better just because they give more usually lose out on the smaller clients which results in bigger loses in the long run. 

Like when companies care more about their stock holders then their consumer base (Blizzard)

4 minutes ago, (PS4)The_Verethragna said:

I really feel like I have to say something here, 'cause I feel like people are blaming DE for a decision that was made by Twitch.


What sounds more likely to you? That DE realized that people were abusing the event and made Twitch change the rules?

Or that all the other developers who's games were being beaten on Twitch by Warframe's inflated viewership complained to Twitch that they were losing business, and Twitch made an obvious business decision?


In the long run it was still Digital extremes fault for making an idea that ultimately was promoting view-botting of a kind, The correct move probably was to go for paid advertising which pretty sure they did already if they didn't bad move. They should of also promoted the idea of cosmetics to incentive people to buy them and given the vectis prime with the soma prime bundle with twitch, increased the drop rates for resources when watching streamers instead of color palettes etc..

I personally don't like that they wanted people to inflate twitch by promoting a very very rare drop, when fortnite gave drops every one basically got the same thing and it was fun I enjoyed it.

Edited by xxxkillermia
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8 minutes ago, xxxkillermia said:

In the long run it was still Digital extremes fault for making an idea that ultimately was promoting view-botting of a kind, The correct move probably was to go for paid advertising which pretty sure they did already if they didn't bad move. They should of also promoted the idea of cosmetics to incentive people to buy them and given the vectis prime with the soma prime bundle with twitch, increased the drop rates for resources when watching streamers instead of color palettes etc..

I personally don't like that they wanted people to inflate twitch by promoting a very very rare drop, when fortnite gave drops every one basically got the same thing and it was fun I enjoyed it.


Twitch Drops were all Twitch's idea. DE just paid to participate.


It was Twitch's fault for not realizing their system could be abused like that. It was DE's fault for setting the drop rates to such a point that abuse was deemed acceptable. It was the speedrunner's fault for giving the viewers a chance to abuse it. It was the viewers, mine as well, fault for watching speedrunners just to get free drops.


There's plenty of fault to go around,  but the specific decision to change how Twitch Drops work rests solely with Twitch, not DE.

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1 hour ago, (PS4)The_Verethragna said:

It was the viewers, mine as well, fault for watching speedrunners just to get free drops.

Hell naw. If playing by the rules results in problems, then whoever wrote the rules is to blame, not the people who followed them. DE and Twitch agree, as evidenced by the fact that this 'abuse' was not punished in any way.

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