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So now that Focus needs 9000 trillion points and full time job amount of effort...


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1 minute ago, CaptainJLP said:

You call running around a  exterminate mission, 20 million times with an equinox effort? I mean really? All i see when farming focus is bloody Ivara or Equinox on Adaro.

Maybe yes it is effort, but i fail to see how you are not bored to death. For players that don't have affinity boosters 24/7 makes farming so much more difficult.

And really I just hate anything that is boring. The only fun way i can actually get focus is capturing that eidolon teralyst 3000 times, but really its better than nothing. And it also shows you put some effort into it without sacraficing fun.

Not many people have access to greater lens, They are expensive to build and all and platinum isn't in the hands of everyone.

Playing warframe for me shouldn't require me to sacrafice so much fun for efficiency and effectivness. Anyways yeah you had a point, but really, I'm not into grinding.

Yeah i did have ~2,000,000 zenurik points when PoE came out, but everything just is so expensive, for such minor buffs (apart from energy overflow).

Back then I passively farmed focus, not the whole, oh just do exterminate missions for a living, or quake on hydron for living. OK?

I don't play equinox and do adaro, i just use gear that have greater lenses on them and do whatever i need to do during my limited time online.

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14 minutes ago, KiteoHatto said:

How geared are you and are you actually trying to farm focus or just doing w/e is fun for you ?

Oh, fully geared. Many lenses etc.

I have next to zero interest in looking for focus points. 

To me, farming focus points in basically a chore. It is boring. I have no interest in doing it.

Today, I have killed a bunch of teralysts. Caught a bunch of fish. And leveled a couple weapons and a frame. None of which generates much focus. 

Simply, there are thing I would rather do in game. So I am happy enough to just passively gain focus slowly.

14 minutes ago, KiteoHatto said:

I've been formaing weapons and kavats in the past 2 days on hydron, running with greater lenses and you get like 30k focus in 10-15 waves EASY.

I missed this statement the first time. So, your argument is, I went to an AFFINITY farm and got lots of FOCUS points. Yeah, okay. Great argument. Some people do not like affinity farms, some do. Either side of that coin is fine. I do not do these personally. So, 30 minutes of playing will yield very different results. But yes, if you run Hydron or other nodes good for affinity, you will get lots of focus. I prefer to level gear by just playing missions, not Hydron (or any other affinity node).

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Anyways I think its enough about focus farming, people have very much mixed feedback on it and really, All i want to see is something to possibly fix the grind, that is not increasing the cap or focus conversion percentages as well yeah............

I don't want to see focus turn into something that you get in a 2 week period without little effort but i am tired of the affinity conversion mechanic.

Ok i'm not posting on this thread anymore, always ill be here all day....

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28 minutes ago, TheGodofWiFi said:




And so begins PoE;  the Pains of Everfarm.

This is Serious...I'm not trying to be Punny, here, Doge, so stop mean-muggin' me.

Wait...Yes I am.

Maybe we should all be FOCUSING on our Language school and develop that skill tree 😆.


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1 hour ago, Wolfdoggie said:

Can we get the Loki Stealth Kill Focus nerf reverted?

32 minutes ago, GhostLacuna said:

with a booster you should be able to get at least 25000 or more in a single mission.

Please tell me that the Loki stealth kill focus nerf is nothing to do with the "enemies actually can see their friends die" thing. (Actually, do tell me that, that would be funny)

I tried Sedna extermination with Loki. Did not do a great job of keeping the stealth multiplier at 500%. I did notice that enemies would see their friends die, ending the multiplier if you hit them. This is not a Loki nerf. Of course Equinox sleep is better. You get more than one enemy at a time. If they are asleep, they are not going to see their friend's die. You will notice that with Ivara, the sleep arrow has the same effect as Equinox, but Prowl has the same effect as Loki.

Anyway, here is my battle report. Got around 9k without a booster. So, 18k or so with a booster (because it doubles it). So, assuming I had the patience to do this properly, I should be able to get 25k with a booster.


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45 minutes ago, krc473 said:

Against what level enemies? Higher level enemies = more affinity.

Focus is a percentage of affinity. I tested in on level 1-3 enemies. Of course I wont get much.

"Higher Level enemies" is such a cool thing to think about. Too bad DE makes me spend 60 minutes in a mission just so I can fight moderate level enemies that still offer no challenge or satisfying enough amount of Focus points to be worth the time spent with lowbie mobs. :( Where's the meat?

@krc473 That is really slow progression. :( Doing that every day = a boring full time job. The nerf was to directly stop Loki from Focus farming a lot of points, making it indeed a Loki nerf. He's the sole reason it happened. It also hurts casual non-invisible stealth play as well by making it less worth the effort. Probably only bright eye'd newbies attempt that anyways though till they realize it's unproductive.

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19 minutes ago, KiteoHatto said:

Im 27, I have a 8-5 full time job, which leaves me with like 3-4 hours of playtime in the evening maximum.

You have a lot more time than me then. Assuming you're not straight up lying.

19 minutes ago, KiteoHatto said:

If you are going there with "real life responsibilities woe is me i have no time to nolife" then affinity boosters are for you.

Got those. Doesn't really make a dent on ridiculously stupid amount needed.

19 minutes ago, KiteoHatto said:

I've been formaing weapons and kavats in the past 2 days on hydron, running with greater lenses and you get like 30k focus in 10-15 waves EASY.

I use Hydron regularly when levelling frames. It's boring. Very, very boring and it still doesn't make a dent on the amount needed. Grinding for hours, 75 days in a row on Hydron is only enjoyed by the sort of people who's pet tortoises die of boredom. Please don't come back with a "Well deal with it" response, it'll only make you look silly.

19 minutes ago, KiteoHatto said:

Don't need to be a tryhard equinox with maiming strike to get anywhere.

No you just need to be an incredibly boring person who's perfectly happy to farm the same area for weeks. I play games in the spare time that I have to relax and have a bit of fun. There is nothing fun about over the top grind. This ridiculous placeholder fetish DE have needs to be looked at.

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8 minutes ago, krc473 said:

Anyway, here is my battle report. Got around 9k without a booster. So, 18k or so with a booster (because it doubles it). So, assuming I had the patience to do this properly, I should be able to get 25k with a booster.


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Using Naramon's melee affinity boost and synthesis booster got 120 000 points in one Adaro run running with Ivara and Glaive Prime.

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1 minute ago, TheGodofWiFi said:

You have a lot more time than me then. Assuming you're not straight up lying.

Got those. Doesn't really make a dent on ridiculously stupid amount needed.

I use Hydron regularly. It's boring. Very, very boring and it still doesn't make a dent on the amount needed. Grinding for hours, 75 days in a row on Hydron is only enjoyed by the sort of people who's pet tortoises die of boredom. Please don't come back with a "Well deal with it" response, it'll only make you look silly.

No you just need to be an incredibly boring person who's perfectly happy to farm the same area for weeks. I play games in the spare time that I have to relax and have a bit of fun. There is nothing fun about over the top grind. This ridiculous placeholder fetish DE have needs to be looked at.

You are saying as if mobs other than hydron don't give you any xp....

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4 minutes ago, Wolfdoggie said:

"Higher Level enemies" is such a cool thing to think about. Too bad DE makes me spend 60 minutes in a mission just so I can fight moderate level enemies that still offer no challenge or satisfying enough amount of Focus points to be worth the time spent with lowbie mobs. :( Where's the meat?

I think you are missing the context of the statement.

There was mention of the amount you should be getting. I thought level 1-3 enemies to get my numbers. You do not need to spend 60 minutes in a mission to get a higher level than that

I am talking about "Higher Level enemies" as those that were exceeding level 3.

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Just now, KiteoHatto said:

You are saying as if mobs other than hydron don't give you any xp....

Don't put words in my mouth. You and I both know Hydron is the most efficient XP farming area in Warframe right now. Anyone who wants get on and quickly level something goes to Hydron. But even that isn't enough for this ludicrous grind.

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1 minute ago, Ksaero said:

Using Naramon's melee affinity boost and synthesis booster got 120 000 points in one Adaro run running with Ivara and Glaive Prime.

Oh, that is a good point. I forgot that one existed. I could surpass the 25k target too easily with that though...

Maybe I will have to test it on the same mission. Hmmm...


I mean, the whole argument here seems fairly pointless. OP stipulated Loki stealth kill focus nerf. But refuses to explain what that was. So, I am not sure there was a nerf at all.

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3 minutes ago, krc473 said:

I think you are missing the context of the statement.

There was mention of the amount you should be getting. I thought level 1-3 enemies to get my numbers. You do not need to spend 60 minutes in a mission to get a higher level than that

I am talking about "Higher Level enemies" as those that were exceeding level 3.

You're missing my context as well. I was just simply gushing at the loins over the thought of there being higher level enemies in this game to kill for xp, but there isn't unless I spend several hours grinding harmless flies. 

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8 minutes ago, TheGodofWiFi said:

Don't put words in my mouth. You and I both know Hydron is the most efficient XP farming area in Warframe right now. Anyone who wants get on and quickly level something goes to Hydron. But even that isn't enough for this ludicrous grind.

This ludicrous grind, what is your reason to max it asap ? There very little reason to do it anyway other than self goal of "i want to".

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10 minutes ago, TheGodofWiFi said:

Don't put words in my mouth. You and I both know Hydron is the most efficient XP farming area in Warframe right now. Anyone who wants get on and quickly level something goes to Hydron. But even that isn't enough for this ludicrous grind.

Hydron is only the most efficienct XP farm for weapons or pets. Warframe leveling from 0-30 takes the same amount of time as maxing your daily focus cap which is ~20 minutes. The people who complain focus is ludicrous do not know how affinity mechanics work or understand that Hydron actually isn't always the most efficienct farm.

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20 minutes ago, Wolfdoggie said:


Here is why I am questioning your Loki stealth kill focus nerf claim

22k focus in one run, without an affinity booster. I assume the person in the video you posted does. In fact, all their focus number are even, so they have a booster.

So, assuming I had a booster, that is 44k focus in one run. 6k less than in the video. That is not much of a nerf.


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1 hour ago, KiteoHatto said:

Is it really that bad ?

I don't have issues hitting 250k cap and i don't use the equinox method, i just play with greater lenses and convert brilliant shards. I am also pretty casual these days.

What's the rush, why do you want to max everything so quick ?

Yeah its ridiculous.

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I can't really say there has or hasn't been a stealth focus nerf or not.  I use Ivara (as I do for everything) with Lens on both frame and weapons.  Focus farming has pretty much been the same for me.  Only difference that changed things slightly were the changes to enemies in regards to how they are alerted.

Now in all honesty, I wouldn't use PoE as my focus farming area due to how spread out the enemies are.

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Just now, KiteoHatto said:

This ludicrous grind, what is your reason to max it asap ? There very little reason to do it anyway other than self goal of "i want to".

There it is. The inevitable "It's something to work towards"/"You don't HAVE to do it" post. 

1. This is not a realistic "self-goal" in the same manner that a man wearing nothing but a towel trying to climb Mount Everest using only a pair of chopsticks is not a realistic "self-goal".

2. There is quite a big reason to do it in fact. Since Focus now centres on the Operator and not your frame, plus the fact that DE are insistent on taking your frame away in recent activities/quests, that means more future and possibly harder quests will involve the Operator now that it has more combat abilities. So by not making your Operator better, you are risking not being able to do some future ridiculous quest that focuses entirely on the Operators ability to survive. 

You scoff at people who say farming would take "9 years". The total focus required to max out everything is 55,800,000. To quote you;

46 minutes ago, KiteoHatto said:

you get like 30k focus in 10-15 waves EASY.

You say you can get 30k focus easily on Hydron in fifteen waves. Say each wave takes you three minutes to be generous. So that is 45 minutes to farm 30k focus. 45 minutes. For only 30k focus.  I can only play two hours a day at best. Say I spent that time focusing Hydron I'd get about 82k Focus. So for one year of grinding, every day on Hydron I would get 27,552,000. So it would take me two whole years to max out all the trees.

I'm not going to be maxing all of them anytime soon. I'm focusing on Zenurik right now. It would take me approximately eight months of grinding to max out that tree. Is that an improvement from two years? Yes. Does that mean it's better? No.

I do not and will not grind for eight months to max out a single tree.The very max you should be spending on these trees is maybe two weeks. That is reasonable. This is not a "self-goal". This is self-torture.

23 minutes ago, --Q--Voltage said:

Hydron is only the most efficienct XP farm for weapons or pets. 

Point me towards a node that gives you at least 600k focus per fifteen waves and I will shut up immediately.

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16 minutes ago, TheGodofWiFi said:

Point me towards a node that gives you at least 600k focus per fifteen waves and I will shut up immediately.

Please stop trying to talk down to other people in regards to focus when you still farm it on Hydron.

Defense is not the way to farm focus efficiently. Why 600k in 15 waves? That is not even close to Hydron and almost triple the daily cap. You can get your daily 250k in less than the time it takes to get to wave 10-15 on hydron if you are fast and RNG of spawns is in your favor.

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1 hour ago, krc473 said:

Here is why I am questioning your Loki stealth kill focus nerf claim

22k focus in one run, without an affinity booster. I assume the person in the video you posted does. In fact, all their focus number are even, so they have a booster.

So, assuming I had a booster, that is 44k focus in one run. 6k less than in the video. That is not much of a nerf.


It's simple really, just look at his buffs: Every kill on an enemy who hasn't seen you used to give stealth kill bonus affinity so people could just steamroll mobs on Loki getting the bonus on each one. It doesn't now because they are alerted when someone near them dies. I feel like you already know this but aren't piecing it together. :x

The change, especially at this point in time since the required amounts of focus are so massive, was a exponentially gigantic efficiency shattering nerf that shook the very foundations of Warframe at the very core causing a huge avalanche of sadness. And there are absolutely no exceptions: No amount of info will ever change this fact. It is and forever will be a nerf that is now more unnecessary than ever, regardless of what you can do currently.

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I'm still confused as to why "people with irl responsibilities" feel the need to max out a single focus school, not to mention all of them.

I get why nolifers can feel the urge, because they are "completionists", but other people - why? Most nodes are still trash, pure time sink.

Max out that sweet energizing dash and you are free to forget focus trees even exist.

I hope this post won't be seen as disrespectful, I've been nolifer myself when I was a kid and now I'm a "dirty casul", I know it from both ends and not judging enyone.



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