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Would be happy to return Exilus Adapters if Rebecca doesn't get into Trouble


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Rebecca tried to do something nice for the community, Unfortunetly for her she seems to have twisted the wrong knobs and it blew up spectacularly in her face.
I would not be surprised if she currently facing a very sticky situation with the corporate share holders of DE. 

I my self got 30 Exilus Adapters and will happy to return the 29 mistake ones if it means she doesn't get into trouble for her mistake. 

After all we re talking about an estimated $700,000 mistake.

Edited by xxswatelitexx
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3 hours ago, xxswatelitexx said:

After all we re talking about an estimated $700,000 mistake.


I just want to point out, it's a potential $700,000 mistake. There is no guarantee those who received the Exilus Adapters would either now or some time in the future make a transaction of Platinum specifically for the sake of buying a few Exilus Adapters.

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I really do not think she will have to pay for it, they were most likely joking that all will go from her wallet. If there was a mistake, I am sure they will somehow figure it out and I really think (and hope) she will not be into any bug troubles.
But if it has to change anything, i can return all of the 29 adapters I got.

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Oh no you don't! no backsies, iz all mine!

Pore joking aside, they didn't do anything about the Legendary core spam on a past Halloween so I don't see anything here either.
much less when it has to do with Rebecca, she's basically the heart of this game for being The Lotus
the community would riot if word gets out that they somehow gave her a harsh punishment.

not to mention (as mentioned above) they can just run a script, they are pretty accurate for the most part.

There was a hole here, now it's gone. I guess...  (╯°Д°)︵ ┻━┻

Edited by Ahcruna
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I don't think anything bad would happen to her. 
There's only so many frames people buy adapters for, if any at all. Plus you can craft them from simaris for free, 
It's not a big deal since it's adapters and not potatoes. now think if it was x30 catalyst each person? now thats a loss in sales.
adapters though? not really. Most people only get a handful for frames they like.

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Oh for sure, I doubt this is the end of the world as we know it. Chances are it'll just be a learning opportunity. Let's be real and think about the man hours it would take to hand-select those of us that are willing to return the goods and you are still looking at a loss due to wages.


All that being said, genuine gestures still hold their value IMO, and I'll continue throwing money at a dev team that deserves it - that is more important to me than some piddly game rewards

Edited by Frosthaven83
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Yeah, I got bunch of the adapters, but it wasn't like I was ever going buy another at this point anyways.  I can get enough standing to get an adapter bp every other day and always have forma being built.  So every two days I can make an Exilius Adapter.  In fact, I have been as I have bunch of Adapter blueprints sitting in my foundry and still have one being built right now.  I don't even really need any at the moment as all of my Primes as well as frame not likely to see a Prime until 2019 (about 16-18 frames in total) already have that mod slot open. I was only building some for the upcoming unvaulting of prime frames I don't have (Loki, Ember or NyX).

All this does is save me some forma which I could put to other uses.  I don't even have any good plans for forma at the moment except maybe build a few more dojo weapons I haven't tried out.  Honestly, out of the big four resources (Reactor, Catalysis, Adapter and Forma), Adapters was probably the best thing to have leaked in excess as they are arguable the least universally useful of them.

I am probably not done buying plat either.  I just think I am at the point where I don't want to by potatoes or tomatoes or other fruits and vegetables as I can wait for them to drop in game and just use the stuff I already have.  My plat purchases, I think, will largely consist of cosmetics, slots or other things that can't be obtained in the game otherwise.

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4 minutes ago, (Xbox One)RDeschain82 said:

So what happened in exactly?

At the beginning of today's Dev stream Rebecca wanted to give out an Exilius Mod to people watching (and listening*).  Something went wrong and viewers, like me, got upwards to 30 adapters before DE could pull the plug.


*They mentioned in the stream that you couldn't mute the stream to get the reward, but I don't know how much control the Twitch videos have over that kind of thing.

Edited by Saturmorn_Carvilli
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1 minute ago, Saturmorn_Carvilli said:

At the beginning of today's Dev stream Rebecca wanted to give out an Exilius Mod to people watching (and listening).  Something went wrong and viewers, like me, got upwards to 30 adapters before DE could pull the plug.

Holy Molly..Well that's not Rebecca's fault. Sounds like a glitch. 

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Yeah, giving who Rebecca is to DE, they would never punish her to the point of her leaving. Also, people have said before me, they can just run a script to remove them. It wasn't as costly a mistake if it was cat/reactors. 

I got most of my enjoyment out of this whole thing by my friend (who was also watching the stream) not getting a single adapter (and raging about it) while people were getting as much as 29 lol

So, yes, IF they were holding Rebecca responsible and IF it could be fixed by returning the adapters, then sure, i would totally do it. But that isn't going to happen, so people shouldn't worry so much.

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15 minutes ago, Saturmorn_Carvilli said:

At the beginning of today's Dev stream Rebecca wanted to give out an Exilius Mod to people watching (and listening*).  Something went wrong and viewers, like me, got upwards to 30 adapters before DE could pull the plug.


*They mentioned in the stream that you couldn't mute the stream to get the reward, but I don't know how much control the Twitch videos have over that kind of thing.


14 minutes ago, (PS4)Musicopia said:

Players who had there accounts linked with Twitch and were watching Devstream #100 were supposed to receive 1 exilus adaptor in the mail. Many many players ended up with 25-30 instead.

So yeah, I got 30 from Teshin. 

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Just now, phoenix1992 said:

It is not her fault.

And even if there is someone to be blamed, Warframe's standards considering taxing players is extremely lax, saying that this is a mistake that costs 700K is far stretch.


That "700k" is assuming that every single one of those players were going to buy those Exilus Adapters. Which is definitely not the case lol.

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