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Opinion on the new "generation" of warframe players?


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I found a LOT of new players (and good ole' veterans) going back into the game and like, I don't know... 99% of them were really amazing! Good chats, they asked many questions and I tried to resolve as much as I could! Give them a helping hand looking for Warframes, which makes the game into tons of funs with more people! I think only ONE called me "n00b" and I was MR14 and he was MR2... I found it, amusing at best.

But hey! I can understand that someone may have a bad day!

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I like seeing new players. I spend a lot of time on the inner planets when leveling gear and run into quite a few (at this point, if I see a SomaP and FrostP together, I'm assuming a new player--they're everywhere). They tend to stand in the fire, but this is something I still see even in missions and locations frequented by more veteran players. Oh, and the old bugaboo of using O2 early is back again, but it's never entirely gone away. 

However...I still cling to the old rules of the road. If you don't stay with the team, I feel no obligation to go looking for you when the inevitable happens. If you're not in affinity range, TrinityP can't help you and isn't inclined to go out of her way to do so. If there's one lesson for the new folks, it's stay with the team. I, and most other veteran players, have reasons we do what we do. Ignore it at your peril. 

One thing the new folks should take to heart is do feel free to ask questions. The heat of battle makes it easy to miss this sort of thing, but if there's a moment or two where time permits and you see something you don't understand, ask. Send a PM after the mission if nothing else. The majority of the community doesn't begrudge this sort of thing. 

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I just hope they stick around! The biggest problem with any influx of new players is that it's usually short lived- once the new content is used up, players start complaining that progressing in the game takes too long, or there's too much grind, etc and they abandon the game again. Most players who stay learn how the mechanics work and then either complain on the forums until they leave or become a longtime player- I hope it becomes the latter for most of these new players.

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9 hours ago, blueboy90780 said:

If you have looked at the steam chart on warframe recently, you'd know that warframe player base has been booming recently. The total playtime has reached it's peak ever since the release of Plains Of Eidolon. A lot of old veterans are coming back and I'm no exception - and I'm glad to say that, the new state of this game has returned my the hype I felt during my first year of warframe, really brings back the nostalgia. However, with the new update - the main contributors to the high playerbase are the new players that have been coming into warframe lately. And you can noticeably distinguish these players throughout the game, it's because of this group that has made me concerned for this game. This, ladies and gentlemen, is what I wish to discuss about today.

Warframe has a friendly community, I'm daring enough to say that it is the very least to have the most friendly community in the MMO category out there. However, this state is a fragile state - it can be easily be toxicated if enough players starts doing it. Which is what happens to many game. My concern lies on the basis that these new "generation" (as I like to call it) of warframe players does not entirely comply or at the very least be able to distinguish this key feature in the game. I don't know about you guys, but a lot of the new players that I have met so far are extremely rude and yet immature, they look down on their seniors and get angried when they do not get revived throughout the game. I mean, hell, I've seen a MR4 calling a MR24 a "noob" just because he did not help him, when that MR24 was the one carrying our whole team to victory. There were also other scenarios in which the new players shows no sense of respect whatsoever to other players.

I've talked to several of these new warframes and found out they came from popular MMO, such as Dota and LoL... I'm not going to elaborate any further on this in fear that I may get banned for something that I'm unaware of or of something unreasonable. But this is simply what I wanted to talk about, what are your experience with these new players so far and how do you find them?

I don’t really mind them. I play with kids that are as salty and toxic as any major MMO player all the time. They already exist but with more player, the more toxicity. It’s the natural balance of video games.

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Hey we aren't all bad! I started shortly before POE, and I suppose I fit your criteria having been an engineer at Riot Games for about a year for one of their projects after playing League for 5+ years (and DOTA before it). I'm one of the friendliest people you'll ever meet!

  • I rarely ask questions since I have a fully functional wiki that handles most of it (and comments are quick to point out dated information).
  • I solo or play with friends because I stopped being a fan of grouping with randoms around the time Wrath of the Lich King came out.
  • I hop in public chat and help people with their questions when it isn't as simple as a google search away.
  • I'm the guy that is somehow doing 90% of the damage when farming equinox, gets all the parts, and then sticks around to help the rest of the party farm for another 2 hours and keeping chat alive to reduce the monotony for everyone.
  • When I play my favorite frame Limbo, it's only with friends or solo (unless it's a nightmare mobile defense or something)
  • Overall I love playing and meeting people more than actually farming equipment, which comes organically while doing the talking. I do enjoy challenging content solo because I'm a tryhard in my personal time, but nothing beats good company!

You don't hear about people like me that often because instead of posting on the internet we're usually busy playing the game with friends and overall having a good time! Granted, if you are a really good friend it's usually nothing but 24/7 trash talk to each other :)

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Meh. I just hang out out with clan mates or just play the game and completely forget I'm in public. 

The chat is usually ignored tbh. I don't even check it when in eventually leave squad once the mission is done. 

It is a very rare day that I'll tell someone to stop being a d:ck. I'm Mr 24, nearly 25 and if a new player wants to be toxic then they can talk to empty air, cause I really couldn't give a sh:t... 

Edited by Arniox
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Less than 40 login days here (half of them from 1-2 years ago).

So far, my biggest annoyance are some elitist veterans who think they own the game. If we ask if there's an easier way, they snark at us and tell us their grandpa stories about how they had to farm something for weeks (as if that was somehow relevant nowadays). I am also tired of them telling us how easy everything is when none of us have access to any of the crazy mods they have. They clearly forgot what it feels like to be a newbie who knows (and has) absolutely nothing ("just sell a riven mod for 5000 plat. EZ"). While not exactly toxic, this kind of behavior discourages us from engaging with them. It can be frustrating and it might offend some of the more vocal newbies who just want information, hence why they might lash out at them. I have also come across a racial slur (yes, exactly one. I counted), but I honestly have no idea whether that person was a veteran or a newbie.

Despite all that, my experience with the community has been 90% positive so far. I have not yet seen a single toxic newbie, but maybe that's just me. At worst, they trigger yet another alarm and fail the entire mission for everybody, but that's usually met with pure silence. In any other game you'd be lynched for that.

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Im a founder-era vet (who didnt buy a founders pack, like an idiot) and Ive been playing on and off since then. I took about a years break - having come back shortly before PoE, and I have noticed there seems to be a little more rudeness out there than before. Its not awful or anything, but I have encountered players over the last two weeks - who were very quick to jump down the teams throats for very small things. I didnt check to see how new they were, never occurred to me - but it does feel like there is an elevated element of entitlement and disrespect now, compared to my previous time with the game.

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35 minutes ago, Fishyflakes said:

New players are very friendly and naive; made alot of plat selling common mods recently.
The new players are not toxic, only the bitter vets.

So very much this. I'm hardly a long-time player myself (started in July), but I've seen far less obnoxiousness from new players than from self-described "veterans", and often a lot more competence, TBH; I've completely crushed players with two and three times my mastery rank (and were using all maxed gear), and had my posterior handed to me by players (who were not wallet warriors) with less than half of mine. Nearly every interaction I've had with "dem n00bs" has been courteous and respectful. Whether "nearly every" is a significant departure from Warframe's past community, I don't know, since (again) I've only been playing for a few months, but it's generally the bitter "veterans" who are more obnoxious by far. Sure, you'll get some percentage of trolls or Dunning-Kruger know-it-alls in any online community, but every time I've tried to educate a newer player on how they could do better, they've politely accepted the feedback (and, in a whole lot of cases, asked "what is that gun and where can I get one?"; I have a bad habit of bringing Ignis Wraith to alerts in early game areas and forgetting to switch to solo matchmaking, but I digress). Warframe's community isn't perfect (is there one that is?), but it's far more courteous than most online games, at least in my experience, and only rarely is it the new players that are the problem in terms of behavior.

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I consider myself a relative n00b as I started in April, and I'm currently MR 12. But I think that much of the responsibility lies with more veteran players to be patient and understanding with new players. Veteran players set the tone for new(er) players through how we react with other players in the game - both other veterans and new players; it sets the standard and tone for how interactions should be.

I've met a lot of really cool people who were willing to help me out and still do when I have questions. As a result, I try to "pass it forward" and help out other new players, and I was actually able to help someone out last night. In this way the way we interact with one another passes on to the newer "generation" as well.

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Just to be a bit serious with this post, the worse players to deal with are normally the elitist types, the players who have played for a long time, know how to play the game but seem to be ignorant to the fact that new players havent (or they may be like me, naturally skilled at games ;)). I normally dont come across these players because I normally end up avoiding groups with critera such as "must be experienced" when recruiting, because they normally seem to be the people who have no patience.


Thats running off other games though. My warframe experience so is pretty minimal (in terms of community). Only negative interaction was in trade a while ago, but lets face it, trade is the pvp of warframe and we all know what pvp is like :P


I will always play on public, running my rhino, hek, redeemer and whatever random sidearm I have at the time (still want that akstilleto :/) by the way. And so far dispite accidentally popping in to a few nightmare alerts (iron skin ftw) I handle myself pretty well. I'm normally the guy reviving others, not being revivied. 


All that said. I am pretty good at games, I adapt quickly and can take care of myself. I also over prepare.....to many youtube guides xD

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On 07/11/2017 at 8:25 AM, Totorochan said:

- carrying whole team

- not helping members of team

Well which is it? It can't be both.

Anyone else seeing a whole lot of red flags here?

In answer to your question: no, quite the opposite. Mostly I see veteran players waxing poetic about the things they used to accomplish, demanding respect for no other reason than 'I've been playing the game longer', and otherwise acting rude for the sake of feeling superior and elite.

To be fair it can very well be both, but the op has expanded on it anyways.

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Toxic behaviour is a problem in a lot of games, and I've definitely met my fair share of entitled and salty individuals. personally I think it's a number of factors that contribute to this; the way kids are these days, the way most videogames hand-hold players most of the time, the fact that people just don't understand why Grinding is in videogames and expect to beat it in a couple days casual playing.. and I'm not even gonna start with PvP, though for me that doesn't apply to Warframe as I don't play Conclave, but PvP in general just brings out the worst in people, myself included. I only want to help newbies who are willing to invest in the game, I have yet to find one who'll stay more than a month.

compared to many games, Warframe has a pretty decent community, but a combination of dense mofos, toxic kids and clowns who follow the Meta to the letter make me avoid public games unless absolutely necessary. Pugging is a double edged Sword, and if you ask me, the edge that cuts us is always sharpest.

don't worry, I hate everyone equally, I'm not prejudiced.

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I like the new wave of players, due to it I've been hanging out in region chat a lot and when I notice a recurring player that is asking questions about help in game or for knowledge on a certain aspect of the game I tend to join their squad through /join and help them out in a couple of missions.


As for them coming from league or dota, I understand these games get negative views for their community being known as toxic and what not, but I don't let that idea prevent me from giving away prime sets or plat to newer members of the game.

One thing I'm proud of is that new players mostly comment to me about how friendly our community is and how this is their first time experiencing "High MR/Veteran" players being kind and gifting to newer folk. ^_^ 

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On 11/7/2017 at 3:21 AM, UF-1215 said:

I have the same fear. 

I don't just fear that a lot of the classic toxic MMO crowd is getting into Warframe. I fear that the existing community is becoming slightly toxic as well, mainly due to burnout. I also fear that many of the new players coming into the game, like you mentioned, don't really understand what Warframe stands for, mainly because they weren't here during the "hard times". In full disclosure, I joined around the same time that The Second Dream came out (during DE's big marketing push over the 2015 holiday season) so I'm sort of part of the new crowd per se, albeit not. However, I still learned the dynamics of the community and try to be a good member of it. 

I think this fear can be addressed by analyzing what made the Warframe community great in the first place. Was it the insane grind? The lack of a robust PvP culture? The kickbots? The type of people who have the patience to play a slow-burn game? The character of the devs? Rebecca's lovely voice as Space Mom soothing us all? Cute Ordis? Annoying Vay Hek? There are a myriad of reasons. And once these reasons start to go away, we can assume that the community will begin to become toxic. 

To be honest, I don't really care though, because at the end of the day, Warframe is a game about power and skill, and there's no way that an MR4 noob is going to beat an experienced MR24 player in terms of sheer ability. Yeah I know about the Draco-theory and how there are lots of MR20+ players who are still unskilled at the game, but tbh 99% of the players whom I have met who have reached Eagle rank (MR16+) know what they're doing most of the time and have endgame-level gear. 

I think this is an extremely important topic that you brought up; hopefully the community can talk about this and address this in a constructive manner. 

I agree with you. When I play warframe bow it feels like warframe 2 not warframe from the beta days. I'd have to say the toxicess can't be just set on new players. I've met so many vets with god complexes who down upon new players as I've seen new players just hate vets for what they have.  Ive been playing since day one and I have to say the game has come along way and has evolved. To an extant we the vets need to evolve with the game as well. Draco was cancer and I remember  how bad it was and I'm happy de patched it. It's true because of that we have Mr 24 peiple who know nothing and thing there better. I mean I met a Mr 24 who didn't know trinity healed. Talk about stupid lol. Mr shows nothing and never will cause noobs cam be just ands skilled. It's and ll andsllbout prefrences  and using those prefrences to the game to help there team.  I feel like there's alot that adds on ti it that makes the community  more toxic. I mean su ch as items never obtainable in the game again. I get it. If ur a noob and love excilbur andnd can't get the prime it sucks. Funding out andnd it u want is vaulted cam be annoying to. Th ing noobs see that vets have that make them have this grudge.

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If someone who is unable to cooperate properly comes into this game, a primarily team based game, they will eventually be pushed out OR end up in a group like themselves and in that case they will stick with that group rather than playing with random players. I play other games as well and I have NEVER played a game like Warframe. Other MMO's aside from raids/dungeons (depending on the game) you can run by yourself but Warframe is different. You can definitely run by yourself in game however where Warframe shines in team based gameplay is that it becomes much more vibrant when playing with a team. I can entertain myself playing alone easily but this is the only game I've ever played where I adore playing with other players. I don't know what I would do with myself if I couldn't share joy in finally getting that part me and 3 other strangers have been farming for who knows how long, or getting a large amount of poly bundles, or if I couldn't watch that poor helpless soul run from that toxic ancient in ODS while laughing and bleeding out. Its all good times to be had and I don't get that from ANY where else. Then again maybe I'm biased who knows. 

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Warframe has several generations of players. First are the originals, those who played the game in it's baby phase. These are the founders of the game.  Their opinion means a lot more than most because they have seen the entire game through and through, thus their appreciation for the game changes means so much, because they've seen so much change happen.

Then there's the expansion generation, when the game went to console and started to grow exponentially in popularity.  This is the generation I'm from. We saw the last parts of the original game as it was on its way out, and we were the first to experience the 2.0s of the game.

Then there's the second dream generation, those who started playing when the Second Dream came out. These people consider themselves vets, and some have the rep for, but they don't remember damage 1.0, melee 1.0, parkour 1.0, etc. They weren't around for the roots of the game. This don't mean they aren't vets, but they really can't appreciate a lot of the changes that happened to the game, like many of the frames prior to their reworks. Not to say, many impressive players come from this generation.

Then there's the Destiny generation, where a flood of Destiny players got bored of destiny at the time and moved to warframe. Those who stayed define the generation, especially since Destiny 2 is said to be a flop.

Now we're getting the MMO generation. Many players from other mmo games are getting burnt out on their game and sees warframe now has a semi open world. Another reason is that they see the game reach top 5 in steam and twitch, thus decided to give it a try. Noobs, we welcome you.

Somehow though, the kindness of the game has persevered. Most likely through example. Ever heard of what goes around comes around? One vet was nice to a noob of the game long ago, now that noob is a veteran, and remembering that kindness from long ago, he follows suit. It's one of the magics of the game. We have a powerful and beautiful community with Devs that regularly stream to the point that they become household names for all players. I don't know of any other game that has this, and i hope this doesn't change.

It's no secret that MMO players tend to be the rudest of players. Mostly because they comprise of young kids, in their early teens with plenty of time to play, maybe too much time. Destiny players were somewhat like that when it came to crucible players and raid players. I've heard though that some of my Destiny friends that played warframe and either converted or at least gained a respect for the game, said that the game changed their outlook on gaming personality, that they became more helping and generous because of the warframe community. Have faith in our community, and for those who don't fall in line, shall be excommunicated.

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On November 7, 2017 at 2:09 AM, blueboy90780 said:

If you have looked at the steam chart on warframe recently, you'd know that warframe player base has been booming recently. The total playtime has reached it's peak ever since the release of Plains Of Eidolon. A lot of old veterans are coming back and I'm no exception - and I'm glad to say that, the new state of this game has returned my the hype I felt during my first year of warframe, really brings back the nostalgia. However, with the new update - the main contributors to the high playerbase are the new players that have been coming into warframe lately. And you can noticeably distinguish these players throughout the game, it's because of this group that has made me concerned for this game. This, ladies and gentlemen, is what I wish to discuss about today.

Warframe has a friendly community, I'm daring enough to say that it is the very least to have the most friendly community in the MMO category out there. However, this state is a fragile state - it can be easily be toxicated if enough players starts doing it. Which is what happens to many game. My concern lies on the basis that these new "generation" (as I like to call it) of warframe players does not entirely comply or at the very least be able to distinguish this key feature in the game. I don't know about you guys, but a lot of the new players that I have met so far are extremely rude and yet immature, they look down on their seniors and get angried when they do not get revived throughout the game. I mean, hell, I've seen a MR4 calling a MR24 a "noob" just because he did not help him, when that MR24 was the one carrying our whole team to victory. There were also other scenarios in which the new players shows no sense of respect whatsoever to other players.

I've talked to several of these new warframes and found out they came from popular MMO, such as Dota and LoL... I'm not going to elaborate any further on this in fear that I may get banned for something that I'm unaware of or of something unreasonable. But this is simply what I wanted to talk about, what are your experience with these new players so far and how do you find them?

Sigh they think an unmoded mk1 braton has more firepower than an 8 forma penta so they hop up onto my high vantage to then block my shots sooo penta and any other self damage weapons have no place in the fast paced gameplay of Warframe regardless of git gud opinions the self damage weapons are mostly unused based on de metrics s.

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15 minutes ago, (PS4)Crixus044 said:

Warframe has several generations of players. First are the originals, those who played the game in it's baby phase. These are the founders of the game.  Their opinion means a lot more than most because they have seen the entire game through and through, thus their appreciation for the game changes means so much, because they've seen so much change happen.

Then there's the expansion generation, when the game went to console and started to grow exponentially in popularity.  This is the generation I'm from. We saw the last parts of the original game as it was on its way out, and we were the first to experience the 2.0s of the game.

Then there's the second dream generation, those who started playing when the Second Dream came out. These people consider themselves vets, and some have the rep for, but they don't remember damage 1.0, melee 1.0, parkour 1.0, etc. They weren't around for the roots of the game. This don't mean they aren't vets, but they really can't appreciate a lot of the changes that happened to the game, like many of the frames prior to their reworks. Not to say, many impressive players come from this generation.

Then there's the Destiny generation, where a flood of Destiny players got bored of destiny at the time and moved to warframe. Those who stayed define the generation, especially since Destiny 2 is said to be a flop.

Now we're getting the MMO generation. Many players from other mmo games are getting burnt out on their game and sees warframe now has a semi open world. Another reason is that they see the game reach top 5 in steam and twitch, thus decided to give it a try. Noobs, we welcome you.

Somehow though, the kindness of the game has persevered. Most likely through example. Ever heard of what goes around comes around? One vet was nice to a noob of the game long ago, now that noob is a veteran, and remembering that kindness from long ago, he follows suit. It's one of the magics of the game. We have a powerful and beautiful community with Devs that regularly stream to the point that they become household names for all players. I don't know of any other game that has this, and i hope this doesn't change.

It's no secret that MMO players tend to be the rudest of players. Mostly because they comprise of young kids, in their early teens with plenty of time to play, maybe too much time. Destiny players were somewhat like that when it came to crucible players and raid players. I've heard though that some of my Destiny friends that played warframe and either converted or at least gained a respect for the game, said that the game changed their outlook on gaming personality, that they became more helping and generous because of the warframe community. Have faith in our community, and for those who don't fall in line, shall be excommunicated.

When i see a noob i say do you have serration on that mk1 braton ? Oooh its a rank 2 serration ? Oooh k heres a maxxed serration plus multishot and a heat and cold mod plus heres some mods like flow and continuity for an ammo drum mod 

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5 hours ago, (PS4)aiptekfanboy said:

When i see a noob i say do you have serration on that mk1 braton ? Oooh its a rank 2 serration ? Oooh k heres a maxxed serration plus multishot and a heat and cold mod plus heres some mods like flow and continuity for an ammo drum mod 

This. Can't say I've handed out a maxed Serration mod, since it's a tad expensive to do (I'm a mid-game player at best) and the trade tax alone is likely beyond a new player's budget (plus my wife would kill me since her best Serration is only something like level 7). Still, I do routinely hand out basic mods like auras and stances to anyone who responds constructively to feedback (at least ones I have spares of, but given that I don't clean up my inventory very often that's quite a few). Do all of them stick with the game to actually use those toys? No. Do I feel salty about it? Also no.

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