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Been playing warframe for a long time, I log about 320 hours every two weeks. I don't hang out in the forums that often and when I do it's mostly in trading post.

I'm here just to say that it's my birthday and wanted to ask people/community of warframe that is it wrong for me to want to spend my day playing this game?

Should I go out and do other things or just stay in my room again and play to my heart's content.

Last birthday of mine I bought a Cephalon hoodie and T-shirt and I adore them.

Some people call me addicted but the reason I love this game so much is that it keeps me distracted from hardships of life. I struggle to stay alive each day because of health conditions I have and so far the only thing keeping me alive from ending my own life is Warframe and the thought of upcoming new ideas keeps me thrilled for more to come. I love this game so much, I've met so many kind players. To whoever is reading this feel free to talk to me in game, we could play sometime, lord knows I have too many relics and need to burn through them so we could even farm for something you want. ^_^

Happy birthday to me. 

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2 minutes ago, Husla said:

Do you care about someone else opinion on a very minor thing as this?

I don't have anyone in mind except for two friends that have stayed by me since highschool, yet we hang out in discord nearly each day.

^_^; I don't tend to leave the house that often because of my conditions.

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4 minutes ago, KarkatPrimeAngel said:

Happy Birthday! Check your inbox once you're on your orbiter ;)

D: You don't have to gift me anything. 

T_T I appreciate the kind gesture but I should mention that I have nearly everything in-game except for the damn brak. xD Yes that includes nearly every cosmetic in game(Minus tennogen)

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10 minutes ago, --Cephalon-- said:

D: You don't have to gift me anything. 

T_T I appreciate the kind gesture but I should mention that I have nearly everything in-game except for the damn brak. xD Yes that includes nearly every cosmetic in game(Minus tennogen)

Too late ^^

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1 minute ago, --Cephalon-- said:

I feel bad, is there anything you want in return? //Currently trying to find your bloody wishlist but forgot how to check.// D:

Come on now, it's your birthday, enjoy!

In case you really wanna give me something back, then let's play a game together sometime, that's more than enough for me!

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Happy birthday! Its not really wrong. Everyone has that one thing they adore. Some people love books, some people love movies, some people love games. It's okay for you to have that one thing you adore, it's just that some people like to think it's weird or an addiction because it's not what they adore. Their shopping spree or favorite food is Warframe for you. Thats all you have to know.

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1 hour ago, --Cephalon-- said:

Been playing warframe for a long time, I log about 320 hours every two weeks. I don't hang out in the forums that often and when I do it's mostly in trading post.

I'm here just to say that it's my birthday and wanted to ask people/community of warframe that is it wrong for me to want to spend my day playing this game?

Should I go out and do other things or just stay in my room again and play to my heart's content.

Last birthday of mine I bought a Cephalon hoodie and T-shirt and I adore them.

Some people call me addicted but the reason I love this game so much is that it keeps me distracted from hardships of life. I struggle to stay alive each day because of health conditions I have and so far the only thing keeping me alive from ending my own life is Warframe and the thought of upcoming new ideas keeps me thrilled for more to come. I love this game so much, I've met so many kind players. To whoever is reading this feel free to talk to me in game, we could play sometime, lord knows I have too many relics and need to burn through them so we could even farm for something you want. ^_^

Happy birthday to me. 

Happy Birthday, but get out and enjoy more of your life. 

I don't know what health condition you might have but you'll be doing more harm to yourself if you simply stay all day playing Warframe, I think I can speak for evryone in this game that we all enjoy to play it regardless if we disagree on some things or how much time we spend on it. 

Life is harsh and nothing will ever change that for you if you don't do it by yourself, go out with your family for a dinner or friends to a bar or a place that you guys might enjoy together, it does you and your health wonders when you can appriciate this special moments expiriencing new things and I throughly belive that farming yet another digital item won't be what you will want to do today, not trully anyway. 

Find strengh in those that love you or/and are true friends of yours, but most importantly, in yourself, there will be toughter days but you still here, still breathing and still fighting even if you might not realise it. 

TL;DR: don't waste time with strangers like me...go waste it with those that you care and enjoy evry expireince you have with them. 


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1 minute ago, Henji said:

Happy Birthday, but get out and enjoy more of your life. 

I don't know what health condition you might have but you'll be doing more harm to yourself if you simply stay all day playing Warframe, I think I can speak for evryone in this game that we all enjoy to play it regardless if we disagree on some things or how much time we spend on it. 

Life is harsh and nothing will ever change that for you if you don't do it by yourself, go out with your family for a dinner or friends to a bar or a place that you guys might enjoy together, it does you and your health wonders when you can appriciate this special moments expiriencing new things and I throughly belive that farming yet another digital item won't be what you will want to do today, not trully anyway. 

Find strengh in those that love you or/and are true friends of yours, but most importantly, in yourself, there will be toughter days but you still here, still breathing and still fighting even if you might not realise it. 

TL;DR: don't waste time with strangers like me...go waste it with those that you care and enjoy evry expireince you have with them. 


Let's just say my health conditions prevent me from doing nearly everything you stated, minus the dinner thing but chances of my own family wanting to eat out with me is slim.

I don't just play warframe for digital items to farm, I help in a large clan known as Angels of General Wishy. I basically talk to quite a few of people each day and make new internet friends.(Hard for me to make irl friends.) I guess I made this post mostly because I was second guessing my own existance for wanting to play warframe along with also a silent cry for help. I appreciate the recommendation though, I'll be sure to ask my two friends if they want to meet up for breakfast. It's currently 7am for me.

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The worst thing that should never happen during YOUR day is to restrain yourself out of fear of what OTHERS might say. Do what you want to do, don't restrain yourself. In this life where you have to sacrifice a lot to survive, you should upkeep whatever you can, that makes you happy and always have something nice to come back to, to replenish your spirits.

Edited by Deshiel
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12 minutes ago, --Cephalon-- said:

Let's just say my health conditions prevent me from doing nearly everything you stated, minus the dinner thing but chances of my own family wanting to eat out with me is slim.

I don't just play warframe for digital items to farm, I help in a large clan known as Angels of General Wishy. I basically talk to quite a few of people each day and make new internet friends.(Hard for me to make irl friends.) I guess I made this post mostly because I was second guessing my own existance for wanting to play warframe along with also a silent cry for help. I appreciate the recommendation though, I'll be sure to ask my two friends if they want to meet up for breakfast. It's currently 7am for me.

A breakfest is also a good idea. 

Talk to them about your struggle, even if might feel to be a burden sometimes this will clear your mind. Not giving up is what matters. 

What is your condition(s) by the way ?


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2 minutes ago, Henji said:

Even a breakfest with your friends is still a better option imho. 

Talk to them about your struggle, even if might feel to be a burden sometimes this will clear your mind. Not giving in is what matters. 

What is your condition(s) by the way ?


I was diagnosed with cancer at the age of seven and radiation and chemotherapy has damaged my body to a certain degree. My liver is damaged and I can't take normal medications without consulting a doctor along with not being able to drink alcohol or do recreational drugs. I also began to suffer from Schizophrenia around the age of nine, this makes it extremely hard for me to hold a normal conversation since my body language is extremely strange and I cannot form eye contact. I can't go into further detail, sorry.

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