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Is quick thinking useless?



From what I understand it should spend your energy instead of health, while you still have energy, but instead it just stunlocks you at 2 HP until you run out of BOTH health and energy and then die. Is this how it is supposed to work? I imagine than if enemies stop attacking, then you won't die but of course enemies never stop attacking, why would they. What is even the point of this mod then? If you run out of health you die either way.

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I'm not a huge fan of the mod. I guess it doesn't suit my playstyle.

No way it's useless. I imagine it's pretty useful for solo play to stop getting downed, saving on regens, and less chance of failing mission.

I rarely pay solo and am happy to get dropped for team mates to revive me and use the mod space for something else.

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12 hours ago, Altagraive said:

It seems that I was just using it on the wrong frames, like Ash or Excalibur, since low level enemies won't kill them anyway, but two 60+ corrupted crewmen will shotgun them to death with or without QT.

Actually, I use it on an Excalibur build and it's golden with him.  With it, Rage, Hunter's Adrenaline, Chromatic Blade, and Healing Return he's a rage-fueled beast and can keep Exalted Blade going for ages with 130% efficiency...you've just got to get in their faces rather than let everything die from range ...otherwise your energy dries up quick.

Quick Thinking is excellent if you build around it.  Less so if you just thwap it in there and hope for the best.  Rage and Hunter's Adrenaline turn off when you're at 2 health, so you need a build that's constantly giving you health that doesn't fall apart when the nullifiers come to play.

Here's a couple of examples (Exalted Rage Excalibur, Angry Hamsterball of Doom Nyx, Shouty Hugs VaIkyr, and I haven't named Saryn yet.  Honey Badger Atlas is extra entertaining breakdancing with a Hirudo) .. I can only summon level 80 mobs in my simulacrum, but usually if I can casually wipe out 20 heavy gunners without sweating there (I don't test with invulnerability) then I'm comfy for most sane content as long as I'm scaling right.  I just tested 120s with a clannie yesterday and those builds still worked fine.

I haven't had nearly as much luck with Quick Thinking WITHOUT a health or energy battery in play.  You'll avoid a death or two, but you'd have done just as well with another mod IMHO.  It needs to be built around to really give you a payoff.

Edited by FreeWilliam
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Quick Thinking is situational, but if used right is amazing.

It can make squishy caster frames like Nova really tanky.

Quick Thinking + Rage or Hunter Adrenaline + a way to regen health = make any frame really tanky and also gain tons of energy while doing so.

Life Strike on melee weapon or a Furis with Winds of Purity and a few other ways to give any warframe some self-heal.

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Basically, use it with Primed Flow on any frame that has a high enough base energy to get something out of it.  Throw in Zenurik focus / Energy Siphon / Cephalon Suda/Red Veil weapons or weapon augments to replenish energy, and you turn some of the squishiest frames, that people regularly complain about being weak (because they're trying to boost health/armor/shields on frames that have very little to start with), into total tanks.

  • Modding for health/armor gives you defenses that are either reliant on being/having a healing class, picking up the very rare health orbs, or having health consumables.
  • Modding for shields is dependent on shield regen mods and getting out of combat, shield restores, or having a mag/trinity present.

Quick Thinking on the other hand, by using energy, gives you no end of ways of replenishing what makes up your new health-pool, by yourself, and even as a consequence of getting kills with the right syndicate items, so you don't have to get out of combat, drop a consumable and stand on it, or rely on other people (interestingly this also scales up as enemy levels increase, provided you can still kill them relatively fast, because higher level enemies give more affinity, and syndicate procs are based on affinity gain).

Downsides of Quick Thinking based builds are:

  • You can't use a Kavat or Kubrow, because Link Shields/Health/Armor have nothing to work from, meaning they will just die all the time.
  • It can bug out sometimes, meaning you die without losing any energy (on the bright side, if you get rezzed, you still have energy).
  • The staggers can get you killed, but this only really happens if you're sat in the middle of far too many enemies, and take too much damage while you can't do anything.  Caster frames should not be in the middle of large packs of enemies.  They should be making use of their range to fight from a distance and/or cover, and GTFOing whenever things are getting hairy.
  • You start missions with very little energy, so you're weak until you can pick up some orbs/use regen/watch everyone else cross half the map while you sit on an energy pizza.  You also have to be careful about using your abilities too much, and essentially half-way killing yourself.  That's why I'd recommend using every energy regen source available to you (on my Corrosive Barrage/Curative Undertow Hydroid for example, I have Zenurik/Energy Siphon/an Embolist with the syndicate augment (gas is awesome on targets with no armor)/and a stack of energy restores).
  • Energy Leech Eximus units suck (again casters should be making use of their range, and you should be prioritising targets so that you pick off what is the biggest threat to you, before it can close range).  It's not like the other eximus units don't drain everyone else's health.
  • If you self-revive, you will lose all your energy (always know where the nearest energy orbs are, so you can get some back quickly).


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Quick Thinking is an amazing tank mod, but it is misguidedly used as a buffer for squishier frames. It's best warframes to use on are those that have a strong Damage Reduction ability, or a high amount of armor. Frames like Dark Horse Mirage, Chroma, or Blessing Trinity use it best. Frame like nova and volt, who have high energy pools, suffer from the mod because it doesn't add much protection at all. In fact, the mod hurts them, because if you're on a team and you go down, if someone revives you, with quick thinking, you're going to have no energy to cast abilities, which sucks. If you take quick thinkinng off, you'll go down and come back up with full energy.

To avoid staggers, learn to roll before a stagger, use a knockdown ignore melee weapon, or slide attack.

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21 minutes ago, (PS4)Crixus044 said:

Frames like nova and volt, who have high energy pools, suffer from the mod because it doesn't add much protection at all. In fact, the mod hurts them, because if you're on a team and you go down, if someone revives you, with quick thinking, you're going to have no energy to cast abilities, which sucks. If you take quick thinking off, you'll go down and come back up with full energy.

This is definitely worth emphasis and another part of why I generally don't use it on squishy frames unless it's part of a Rage/Hunter's Adrenaline/Both engine and I almost always have Pain Threshold on the same frame if I expect to NEED Quick Thinking.

Using it on a meleeing Atlas or Valkyr with a rage engine, a decent status weapon, and Healing Return is pretty fun...but eventually you can't stop killing to rez people (then again, you're also the last one to need rezzing unless you stop hitting things...and why are there things that can hurt you that you're not attacking, Tenno? ;) )...it's all about always adding at least one health when you get knocked to 2...if you don't you stop getting energy, which is your backup health.

Frames that handle that well can use the engine well, which are actually quite a few of them (you hit on a couple of my favs) :) .  Nullifiers and magnetic procs are more troublesome for most other frames though, and once they start coming in waves bringing defenses back up can be kind of annoying.  


Edited by FreeWilliam
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