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Warframe Has Loss Its Special Orginal Facture Endgame The old Lost Void


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21 minutes ago, Kuestenjung said:

And here we go again, you are not complaining about loosing the challenge, you are complaining about the plat value of things.

Void hasn´t changed at all and it´s easier to enter then it was before, so stop with your hypocritical reasons and just play it.


I'm baffled at how much this is used as a reason to complain about a change or a system. Player Plat value of items should have no bearing at all whatsoever on the main game. 

Edited by Hypernaut1
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just a post full of subjective opinions with nothing to back it up. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Grind was not better, it was a lot worse, you needed to sit in the same map & the same mission type just to get 1 part and it took ages, it was monotonous and changes needed to be made.

Warframe was never about skill, the illusion of "Skill" that you felt was because you had just started at the time and didn't have the Mods and weapons that you have right now. I felt it,  your "Elite friends" felt it, we all felt it at some point, because we had just started and we had no knowledge of how the game worked so everything that we did felt like an achievement.

"No body likes the relic system" > speak for yourself 

While the Relic system isn't a beacon of top notch gameplay or the best system that has ever existed, its much better than the old system.

New players don't know how to mod because you guessed it, they are new...  are you gonna blame babies because they don't know how to talk? my statement might be a bit of a straw man but its no more ridiculous than yours.

and finally the void lasers and greedy mag, you chose those 2 to make a point on "Skillful" gameplay? ByObDPcIQAAoG2V.jpg

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Lol as I was saying earlier thatmy phone has auto correct on. The void had more challenges and places to grind. As like I replied yesterday the Warframe community has a lot of fanboys. People have the same opinion and implied I couldn't speak proper language lol, Nevermind the old quote about the lasers, and mag greedy pull. That was the joking part of the conversation nobody understand sarcasm part of my thread. A lot of people don't  have their own opinion now in days. Now you said the old void had no skill you contradicted yourself's, saying you like to farm relics for a easy grind and no goal of completion. Now in days people are to lazy to grind anything in game that they relied on some lack of goals to accomplish. Even when games put out more content to help push the boundaries to the limit.


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18 minutes ago, (PS4)Assassinfox3k said:

Lol as I was saying earlier thatmy phone has auto correct on. The void had more challenges and places to grind. As like I replied yesterday the Warframe community has a lot of fanboys. People have the same opinion and implied I couldn't speak proper language lol, Nevermind the old quote about the lasers, and mag greedy pull. That was the joking part of the conversation nobody understand sarcasm part of my thread. A lot of people don't  have their own opinion now in days. Now you said the old void had no skill you contradicted yourself's, saying you like to farm relics for a easy grind and no goal of completion. Now in days people are to lazy to grind anything in game that they relied on some lack of goals to accomplish. Even when games put out more content to help push the boundaries to the limit.


What "old" quote about Mag's Greedy Pull and the lasers?  You don't really touch on Mag or her Pull augment at all.

The Void doesn't take skill, that's easy enough to prove considering the missions haven't changed, just how they're accessed and what they reward, and no one said Relics required skill to obtain or open.  Just that the grind has lessened and it's easier for people to reach their goal of a specific Prime part.

The old Void system did not promote skillful play nor even goal setting.  It was just pick a key for an endless type mission, go META and see how long you could stay until you got what you wanted.

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31 minutes ago, (PS4)Assassinfox3k said:

Now you said the old void had no skill you contradicted yourself's, saying you like to farm relics for a easy grind and no goal of completion.

Uhh, the old void didn't have any skill involved.  If anything having to get reactants during the missions added more challenge if not more variations to Prime farming.  Then there are way more tile sets being used than just the Void that the previous very limited us to.  

36 minutes ago, (PS4)Assassinfox3k said:

Now in days people are to lazy to grind anything in game that they relied on some lack of goals to accomplish.

While I agree with this to a certain extent, it's very heavy handed and ignores some of the very valid reasons a player have for wanting to avoid the grind.  

17 minutes ago, MagPrime said:

The old Void system did not promote skillful play nor even goal setting.  It was just pick a key for an endless type mission, go META and see how long you could stay until you got what you wanted.

Quoted for TRUTH!  If anything the old void promoted more junk primes for trading with Baro.  LOL

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What I really was asking about how many veteran players miss skillful key concept ideas and reasons why the void fell more like a better idea? To summarize my goals I feel like the void was included as a main end game concept for reasons alone. In the beginning of story mode when you pick your warframes volt, mag, and excabular you could face off agaist captain for and head for extraction. The fact that you say i just care about trade value is totally invalid and a hypocritcal statement as a claim. As in the void from story mode it makes absolute since that the void is for where legends are made. In war within you find out Warframes are like puppets controlled by tenno that is infestated.

"The void is a place to be all thats me" . As of all this information is opinion wise don't get offended. Captain for shows up in combat in the t3 keys talking about how he was reborn from the past and how he was clean like a Easter egg. It showed a sign that warframes were born to have encounters to defeat epic bosses and gain knowledge and skill on weakpoints. Warframe use to be skill as I didn't hide nor struggle as the rounds got to time 100.

I love endless and the durability of getting more of something by achieving something challenge hardly. People complained about easy mastery rank tests and skillful legendary fierce battles.

As i am not wasting, no one time if you read my thread respect me and I shall respect you. The void felt like teamwork and more communication with game players. The team impact with different warframes was cool because unlike now there is no impact skill nor communication with fellow skilled players.

In the concusion I love Warframe I know what this beautiful game can become. I love everything about this game from the beginning i understand why people have backlash and understand why people hate grinding but my opinion is harsh so be it.




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2 minutes ago, (PS4)Assassinfox3k said:

Captain for shows up in combat in the t3 keys talking about how he was reborn from the past and how he was clean like a Easter egg.

Vor still appears in the void.  Just now you don't have to be Prime farming to face him. 

3 minutes ago, (PS4)Assassinfox3k said:

I love endless and the durability of getting more of something by achieving something challenge hardly.

But you can still do endless missions for Prime farming.  You aren't really even limited by the amount of relics you have as you get a free relic every 5th wave that can be used to continue even further.  

6 minutes ago, (PS4)Assassinfox3k said:

The void felt like teamwork and more communication with game players. The team impact with different warframes was cool because unlike now there is no impact skill nor communication with fellow skilled players.

There is absolutely nothing stopping the same thing from continuing.  You can still great teamwork and communication with other players.  As for the whole skill thing, please refer to my previous post.  

I'm not trying to be disrespectful, but most of the points you are using don't really have any ground to stand on.  Sorry, I'm just pointing those out.  

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17 minutes ago, (PS4)Assassinfox3k said:

What I really was asking about how many veteran players miss skillful key concept ideas and reasons why the void fell more like a better idea? To summarize my goals I feel like the void was included as a main end game concept for reasons alone. In the beginning of story mode when you pick your warframes volt, mag, and excabular you could face off agaist captain for and head for extraction. The fact that you say i just care about trade value is totally invalid and a hypocritcal statement as a claim. As in the void from story mode it makes absolute since that the void is for where legends are made. In war within you find out Warframes are like puppets controlled by tenno that is infestated.

At one point, yes, I'm sure the Void was supposed to be the Endgame of Warframe.  But, in true DE fashion, they changed their minds and took their endgame out at the knees and haven't gotten around to replacing it yet.

18 minutes ago, (PS4)Assassinfox3k said:

"The void is a place to be all thats me" . As of all this information is opinion wise don't get offended. Captain for shows up in combat in the t3 keys talking about how he was reborn from the past and how he was clean like a Easter egg. It showed a sign that warframes were born to have encounters to defeat epic bosses and gain knowledge and skill on weakpoints. Warframe use to be skill as I didn't hide nor struggle as the rounds got to time 100.

Captain Vor shows up in T4, never T3.    And in all honesty, if a player is learning about weakpoints on Capt. Vor, then they have missed a serious chunk of gameplay.  At least 3 bosses that they should be meeting early on teach the importance of weak points.  (Ruk, Kril, Jackal) 

21 minutes ago, (PS4)Assassinfox3k said:

I love endless and the durability of getting more of something by achieving something challenge hardly. People complained about easy mastery rank tests and skillful legendary fierce battles.

As i am not wasting, no one time if you read my thread respect me and I shall respect you. The void felt like teamwork and more communication with game players. The team impact with different warframes was cool because unlike now there is no impact skill nor communication with fellow skilled players.

In the concusion I love Warframe I know what this beautiful game can become. I love everything about this game from the beginning i understand why people have backlash and understand why people hate grinding but my opinion is harsh so be it.

In my 4 years here, I've yet to see anything requiring skill when it comes to the Void.  Could you expand on what you mean?  I think we have vastly different definitions. 

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2 minutes ago, MagPrime said:

In my 4 years here, I've yet to see anything requiring skill when it comes to the Void.  Could you expand on what you mean?  I think we have vastly different definitions.

Hehe, the closest thing I have seen to real skill in this game is using a Daikyu to snipe from long range in PoE.  That's about it.  :D

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Just now, DatDarkOne said:

Hehe, the closest thing I have seen to real skill in this game is using a Daikyu to snipe from long range in PoE.  That's about it.  :D

You want skill, run Lua Spy.  

OMG Vault A has my hands cramping with all those wall latches.

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1 minute ago, MagPrime said:

OMG Vault A has my hands cramping with all those wall latches.

Oh I cheesed the hell out of that vault with Ivara after trying it first a few times.  Lazy....maybe, but I just had other stuff to do with my time than catch both arthritis and a brain aneurism.  :D

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16 hours ago, (PS4)Assassinfox3k said:

As I been online through the years as you see they always see we use to have skill on everything. All the new people complain what ever we get and it is easy I am mastery rank 18 or 19 and love the old void. Their use to be constant balance between enemy levels and missions from the old void system. The grind was so much better now it's a hassle you get how much parts you want from rotation a, b and c and could get unlimited parts as the enemies levels gets harder. Warframe use to be about skill not just about grinding loot for the shiny things in life but a meaning most new players don't even know how to mod their warframes fight and complain the grinding is hard. Nobody likes the one RELIC garbage system you threw at us De. Most of my elite old friends miss when skill was involved and nobody plays online no more but me. Who miss fusion cores,  and all mod slots were worth more than end. Warframe also was worth more because they was harder to FARM 300- 1000 and mods were hidden along places worth big plat. Warframes all had a special occurrence which made them special on defence missions you actually need skill to play the lasers go on and could wipe you out one shot mag could greedy pull and grab items 

I've been here since 2013 and this is the biggest load of bollocks I've ever seen. Skill? Hahahahahaah. Quit lying mate. :clem:No one except nostalgic fools liked the fusion core and key systems.

Edited by Phobonaut
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I am also wondering what this word "skill" is that keeps being written by everybody who supports the old Void system. They sure use it a lot.
My personal definition of skill clearly doesn't apply to OP's definition for it.

Understanding how to mod your weapon/frame efficiently to go for hours in endless missions is not skill. I call that "proper preparation and understanding the system". Once you got that covered, it simply becomes a very slow-paced waiting game.  It took me months to get some rotation C drops in the old Void system.  Now I can get them in 1-2 weeks.  This is not about being lazy, this is about not feeling like wasting my time and getting junk in return. Remember getting 3x Orokin Cells + credit caches in those Void drop tables? What a coincidence that all pro-Void key players never bother bringing that up. Spending 20 minutes to walk away with only 2 prime parts was horrible.


Going for hours in a single mission is nothing to brag about.  The first 10 minutes is the same as the next 10, as the next one, etc etc.  The enemy becomes slightly stronger but it takes AN HOUR to finally notice a big difference in enemy threat increase. By then I'm having a hard time keeping my eyes open from boredom. (I got the Prodman poster, never doing that snorefest again.)  I don't know why people keep saying getting the most out of 1 void key was the best, as if they're so hard to come by. I was drowning in void keys, they're so easy to get. I had so many of each type I could easily afford to do rotation C once and re-start again.

What do I consider skill in Warframe?  Everything I see bad players complain about on a regular basis on these forums.  Everything Archwing.  Lua Spy/Rescue sorties.  Basically content that can't be cheesed really but requires actual FORWARD THINKING and FAST REACTION on part of the player. That's what skill means in videogaming. And Warframe is not a game that requires a high degree of skill, it's an average vanilla game and it does its job fine as an average vanilla game. It's not trying to be an eSport pro game, it's not trying to be a dumbed down Clicker game, it's right there in the middle.

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2 hours ago, (PS4)Assassinfox3k said:

A lot of people don't  have their own opinion now in days.

No, a lot of people don't have YOUR opinion, which is a concept you cannot seem to grasp.

What you're really salty about is the fact that few people are on your side. So you try to brush off their arguments as fanboyism and claim that they can't think for themselves, which ironically enough is actually what you want. You don't want us to have our own opinions, you want us to follow you and adopt your opinion. Too bad, it's not going to happen.

Old Void wasn't that great and it is totally and completely dead. It is not coming back. Get over it.

That said, I do believe that the Void does need something to make it special (besides Argon). Personally, I think void traces should be a rare drop from enemies and crates in the Void. That way it has something unique that also directly ties into the acquisition of prime goodies without invalidating or overshadowing the relic system.


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A lot of people say that warframe never had skill. I tend to disagree, but I do see why they think that. Warframe has always had exploits and metas. Back in the day, it was nova, loki, trinity, and nekros. That was the endgame meta setup. If you had corpus, replace loki with old mag. If you were in a defense, replace loki and nekros with frost and old mesa/old saryn. These setups took no skill to use other than the skill of modding and team synergy (Yes it is a skill to know how to make a good team comp). Those setups still can carry a team up to 3-4 hours easy into an MoT. The thing was that those were very specific setups and not everything was able to reach the same levels as these groups were. Rhino's iron skin only got as high as 3400 and didn't have any invulnerability period. We didn't have Shadow Debt Mods, no Rathuum or Index mods, no condition overload, no focus, and our highest dps weapon in game was thought to be the boltor prime. We were considerably weaker back then than we are now. Back in the Phoenix Intercept Days, level 150 was considered madness. Thus, the perception of skill lied with your warframe choice. If you wanted to go into a solo ODS with a rhino prime, good luck getting past the 2 hours mark without being highly skilled at rhino. Nowadays, it's a breeze. This was simply the perception of skill that we had, which was just our low power (comparatively speaking) 

Now there is always skill in warframe, it's simply a matter of when. Even the meta setups of 2015 needed skill after a certain point. Some clans would only be reaching 2-3 hours with the meta, while I'd try to push my clan to the 4-5 hour marks. It was more about strategy and modding knowledge unlike what most games consider skill (like parkour or accuracy). Because these levels were harder for most players (100s), more people were able to see the "skill" aspect of the game. Nowadays, we're so much more powerful, to get the same feeling, you'd need to be fighting level 300s and 500s, which most people don't have to time to find, thus most people are still fighting level 100s, which don't take any skill anymore. If we had readily available missions of up to level cap (9999 or 10099 for eximus), there'd be more skill in the game. Just look at the tennogen challenge back in 2016. It was de ja vu for those who remember Phoenix Intercept. I guarantee you ask anyone how they beat that mission, and bet money you don't hear "Covert Lethality". Did I use covert lethality? For the first time solo. Did I need covert lethality? Nope. With a little bit of skill and luck on my side, I completed that mission with my Mag and my buddy as a Rhino. Easy money boss

Edited by (PS4)Crixus044
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