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Tenora vs Soma Prime vs Baza



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Bazza has more Burst DPS than Soma but Soma has more Sustained DPS. Bazza has damage fall-off with a 3/5 Riven disposition. Soma has no fall-off with a 1/5 Disposition. I think it mostly depends if you want long-range damage. They're close enough to be total preference.

Tenora is a bit under the other two without a RIven and esp with Hunter's Munitions but without Hunter's since they improved it's mag size it's a pretty competitive option for armor thanks to higher base status and with a 3/5 Rive disposition it can become competitive in raw damage as well.

Prisma Grakata will obliterate the other weapons when it comes to shredding armor and has competitive DPS. Biggest problem is the ammo economy and it kicks like a mule. Though I happen to like weapons with feedback, putting ammo mutation will drop it's DPS below competition with the others and with Hunter's it's still going to eat twice the ammo of Soma even if it's quicker in kill speed.

Zenith is a better Braton Prime, still not that great compared to other options though.

There's room for preference with Assault Rifles. I swap between all of them from time to time for fun. Supra is a guilty pleasure in fact but Assault Rifles aren't really endless mission material so I don't use them against anything past lvl 150 usually and as such I don't think subtle differences are going to be noticeable.

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4 hours ago, AugmentedJustice said:

I'm wondering which is the best "assualt rifle" right now in the game, with and or without hunter munitions. 

They're all good and work in similar ways--and you can include both Grakatas in the mix as well. 

The Baza's main issue is it lacks range. It's pretty ferocious at close ranges, but it's fall-off is such that it has real limitations. It seems it was designed around HM to begin with. It's extremely high RoF and high crit promote HM very well. Otherwise, it's a Grak with less recoil, less range, and a better reload.

The Somas are both powerful guns and are the standard the rest will be measured against. There's no real downside, other than the fact that they, like all of these guns, have limited mod space and lots of things they can benefit from. Both benefit greatly from HM since they have low status, high crit rate, high RoF, and extremely high crit damage. Without HM, it's still a crit monster with high RoF and that's its traditional build. 

The Tenora is good, but has excessive spool up and the alt-fire muddies the water on how to employ it. It essentially has choices it doesn't need, but DE needs the gimmick to separate it from the Somas. It's builds largely mirror the Soma, though it does have significantly higher base damage and lesser crit damage, so a bit less reliant on headshot accuracy. Curious how the prime variant will turn out. No doubt it'll be a beast. 

The Graks are a touch different. They do damage in a similar way, but here you have to deal with vicious recoil. Here the emphasis is on extremely high cyclic rates and high status. They're proc monsters and do significant damage from bleed effects by default. They can benefit from HM, but I've never felt the need of it on them since they proc bleed effects like crazy just through their colossal fire rate and high status chance. Their main Achilles' Heel is ammunition consumption: they're both voracious. The Prisma Grak, though, has a much larger magazine and basic load, so it's obviously preferred. 

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I feel if I could master the Tenora's secondary fire mechanic, it could really do well with a decent riven too... but the Baza I have and its riven is just hard to beat, even without hunter's munition... but, not gonna lie, definitely better with it (and with Ash... just can't bring myself to Play Ash without my Baza anymore).

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The Baza and the Soma Prime are great - you have to use the Baza for Infiltration missions and speed runs, and use the Soma Prime for Survivals and Defenses. Everyone seems to live in pure DPS when it comes to evaluation, but tactics are real.  The Baza's silence, speed, and pinpoint accuracy make it perfect for the right mission types - but it is not a battlefield design. The Soma Prime, on the other hand, is great at handling masses of enemies all attacking at once, but it does not have the accuracy shooting groups at point B from point A, and it is not silent. Use Both! (Ash likes the Baza, Rhino likes the Soma, Frost likes the Ignis)

Also, I gave a Baza slot up to Fast Hands and it made a massive improvement for my 'sneaky or fast' missions.

Also, Also, I run my Soma Prime with both Shred AND Speed Trigger  and am VERY happy with that machine.

A third suggestion - Ignis Wraith (5 Forma!) Makes an Excellent weapon vs Infested (or anyone else) - Defense or Survivals. My Frost uses this most of the time. Use with Sinister Reach.

I have not tried the Tenora yet, but it does have my eye, right now I'm experimenting with the Tiberon Prime...

Edited by Canach
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Everybody keeps forgetting the Buzlok. 5/5 Riven Disposition and it rips stuff apart. Besides that the rivens for it are cheap compared to the additional value they bring. 

Ofc you need to learn to like the Buzlok, but in my humble opinion, the guns you stated are no competition for the Buzlok.

And you can even use it for killing Eidolons. 


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I'm a constant advocate for the Baza. People always talk about the fact that it is silence (And that's a nice bonus when the enemies aren't alerted yet), but it's real benefit is the pinpoint accuracy. It's super easy to unload an entire clip into somebody's head.

It's not quite the same sort of weapon as the others you mentioned, though. Unlike the Soma and Tenora, the Baza doesn't have a spin-up time, making it easier to fire very short bursts to take out weaker enemies.

The biggest problem with the Baza is its fall-off (I fight at close enough quarters to not notice) and its small clip. Combined with its high fire rate, the Baza needs to be reloaded constantly.

Edit: Forgot to mention the Supra (Vandal, if you picked it up). It's an absolute bullet hose, and a lot of fun. It's more of a status gun, though, and it looks like you're looking for crits, but it's still worth a mention.

Edited by DustyScrolls
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Probably baza with the right riven. Supra vandal is really strong too. All of them are good enough for current game content including sorties.

I have a Stradavar riven that goes over 100% critical so that's what I usually use for the assault weapon sorties.

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Sniper rifles are the best assault rifles.

Also you can use an Opticor in assault rifle only sorties.

From the assault rifles/lmg-s/smg-s in the game i would take Baza or Supra Vandal with the augment for higher content, maybe a crit semi-auto or crit-status burst Tiberon P to use with Banshee Sonar buffs, Soma P is also Slash heavy so it works as a Slash-Viral crit-status weapon with just enough status to proc frequently, still it's not even close to Tiberon's damage output in burst mode but it still works at sortie levels, if you want to use the Tenora just use the secondary fire mode with Banshee buffs but at that point you're better off using a sniper, they work similarly to Tenora's alt fire just better.

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