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Does anyone here actually like the Operator?


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I get your point cause i think operators are so weak compared to warframes and im tired of beeing one shot every time i switch form

On the other hand i belive that current operator mode is in "early alpha stage" and it will be improved more to that point where there will be balance between using frames and operator in defferent situations

Edited by Raskolnikow
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18 minutes ago, MystMan said:

The way-bounds skills  Naramon Mind Sprint +  Zenurik's Void Flow enable you to do 5 aerial void dashes in a row, covering a great distance in 2 seconds.

Maxed out you can do 7 actually.

15 minutes ago, Mister-God said:

The impression the people who love operator gameplay give off is that they are just new players who don't have decent frames, and they just wanted to come to the forums to rave about how much utility the operators give.

And I don't blame them.. If I didn't have a decent frame, I would probably think that the operators have lots and lots of utility too, but the operators currently feel very noob-centric.

Pretty sure it's the contrary, new players won't have a fully tricked out operator. And no single frame can do what the operator can in terms of utility, and you get that in addition to your actual frame. But Warframe is vast, you don't have to enjoy every part of it.

3 minutes ago, Raskolnikow said:

I get your point cause i think operators are so weak compared to warframes and im tired of beeing one shot every time i switch form

They start out weak, but eventually they can be made stronger than most frames, and you can always use void mode for complete invincibility.

Edited by Snib
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vor 59 Minuten schrieb Lokime:

Yeah they do suck

>they suck
>lists these things

vor 59 Minuten schrieb Lokime:

eidolon hunting (debatable because eidolon hunt only serves Operators)
killing stalker real fast
spy missions
invulnerable for a decent period of time

4 good things you listed yourself. Operators also can deal pretty darn good damage aswell and the way-bound passives make them pretty good.

please be a troll or just sarcastic.

to OP:

I do like Operators. I like them alot actually since Focus 2.0 even more. Although you are correct - i would like more customization options. Or hairs that aren't 80% shaved.

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I certainly like the lore behind the Operators, and I like playing with mine from time to time. As a matter of fact, my Operator has prevented my death several times. I was surrounded by several lvl40 Heavygunners and Bombards, close to death, so I just switched to Operator mode, used the void mode (the stealth thingy) and sneaked out of that hotspot. Luckily, the Warframe materializes where your Operator was, and not where it was left lol, because that would kinda suck.

Edited by Ferah_Frithu
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54 minutes ago, Klavinmour said:

Everyone I've talked to who love the Tenno/Opperators are vets like me who've been playing since Invite Only Beta.

It's a matter of a breath of fresh air, on top of giving greater build diversity.

Your group of four players have had enough of taking turns to play Trinity?
Fine one of you or all of you can use Zenurik/Vazarin.

You want to purely focus on melee play, but it's difficult in Defense missions because the time between waves kills your Combo Counter?
Naramon solves that, allowing you to keep your Combo Counter by it now decaying slowly rather then disappearing all at once.
This is good in other mission types too, when enemy scarcity comes into play.

There is plenty of reason to go for multiple hours on survival missions, each 5 minutes you gain a stacking buff for Resources, Credits and EXP.
The longer you go the better.
Not to mention things don't really start getting fun until about an hour into Axi Survival for a lot of people.

Energy isn't really a limiting resource with arcane energize.. Plus:

I don't really consider activating the focus passive 'using' the operator... Sure it's 'using' the operator for a split second but there's not really any gameplay involved. I do like the focus passive quite a lot... I just don't like using operators.

Resources, Credits and EXP are useless if you've played enough of the game so that bonus is negligable.

And doing hours of survival is kinda fun, but it's still not very rewarding.. primed parts are worthless and; as mentioned above, resources, credits and xp are worthless.

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I said so in another topic about this some time ago. Basically my gripe with Operator gameplay currently is that the whole thing feels clunky as F***. And the walking and running animations that work just fine on frames somehow look terrible on Operators. 

But the most important thing i dislike about Operator combat is the fact that it's inconsequential. Bringing yourself on the battlefield should be a BIG DEAL. 

I mean, frames are supposed to be the conduits to control the Tenno's powers. So the Tenno himself should bring about wanton destruction, not be a piddling peashooter. 

Alas, it's a shame cause i would really love to use my Operator more. 


EDIT: also i always found weird that Operators cannot accrue Focus by exp. I mean, they really should. 

Edited by Autongnosis
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Uses for operator right now. 

1) Obliterates stalker

2) With naromon and zenuruk waybounds unlocked you are near the fastest travel in the game, although hard to control. 

3) Zenuruk energy bubble


Past those three things....no operator is not fun


Control is spongy movement is awkward and their damage output is garbage. 

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Do people expect operators to play the exact same way as frames? Theyre physically wildly different, of course they would play slower and clunkier.

Their powers have potential to be fun but are limited due to low survivability and energy. Not to mention the ridiculous grind.

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5 hours ago, Futurehero said:

So as of today I finished everything I proposed for myself to make my operator decent. 

-Both Vazarin tanking nodes unbound.

-6/10 Magus Vigor, which with the above takes my hp to 1000.

-Naramon movement speed.

-T2 amp with t1 scaffold.

-Slowing void blast from Zenurik


And with ALL of that, Operators aren't fun. I'm sorry they are just not. 

The story behind them is bad as doing a "fish out of water" plot 2+ years after the story has been under way just makes no sense.

Their gameplay is worse in EVERY WAY as compared to using a warframe.

Their powers are generic and not fun to use.

90% of the stuff focus allows you to do is also generic and not fun  to use. "Wow I can throw a firebal out of my hands. ....whilst I also have an  energy weapon strapped to it that deals x times the damage and has infinite ammo and procs impact on demand. "  <-- Like , who thought that would be a good idea lol ? :) :)

Amps are also underwhelming. Strapping a Wierding Device to your arm should be cool, but almost all of them have bad stats so once again, meh. Also, no Amp mods.

In fact, why can't my tenno just use a secondary? The Sortie defense targets have no problems wielding  an Euphona Prime, so why can't I ?



Tenno being just humans is terrible as well, as opposed to some sort of energy being, "Starcraft Archon" style god, because:

-The character customization sucks. Very limited ways to make my guy/girl look .

-No body customization, so after having 1k+ hp  I can't make my chick look buff in any way shape or form.

-Operator accessories have taken a backseat to warframe accesories, so if you don't like "cat ears", you're poop out of luck boyo....


I didn't want to post about this until I dipped my feet in focus to get a good enough idea. But now that I did, yeah ,no.  Operators suck.

They suck in every way they're supposed to contribute to the game, from the story to the gameplay. 

EDIT: It's like in Overwatch, if you would CHOOSE to play as Dva on foot, as opposed to the mech. Why would anyone want that?


I have Magus Vigor and i don't know how to use it. So do you need to Gild your Amp? Oh and I hate the new operator and I think that you are right on many things they can fix/add

Edited by (XB1)BigLithuanian
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8 minutes ago, (Xbox One)MerlyBR said:

i still like them (and i fell no difference at all)

I do. I had Chest laser Madurai maxed and it was amazing and so my operator was combat viable....now she sucks because of focus 2.0 and the grind to get better is pointless and INCREDIBLY boring.

Edited by (XB1)BigLithuanian
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I certainly don't dislike the Tenno I actually find the mechanics kinda fun. At least after I rebound the default keyboard 5 to my mouse 4, which made things a lot more fluid. 

That said I pretty much gave up on Focus because I don't find the way the convergence orbs practically shoehorn you into Hydron for hours at a time if you want to make any "reasonable" progress. 

I did just finally start to get around to dabbling with amps, in that I finally got around to building my first Prism, only 2 more parts to grind out.... but mostly because I really don't have much else to do in Warframe at the moment..... soooo.

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4 minutes ago, Oreades said:

I certainly don't dislike the Tenno I actually find the mechanics kinda fun. At least after I rebound the default keyboard 5 to my mouse 4, which made things a lot more fluid. 

I think the focus 1.0 mechanics were much better in terms of Combat Viability

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3 minutes ago, (Xbox One)BigLithuanian said:

I think the focus 1.0 mechanics were much better in terms of Combat Viability

Yeah, wait 165 seconds or whatever it was, press 5 once, have energy regen or be invis all mission. So involved. Great mechanics. Not. Focus 2.0 is far from great but it's lightyears ahead of the abomination that was 1.0.

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5 minutes ago, Snib said:

Yeah, wait 165 seconds or whatever it was, press 5 once, have energy regen or be invis all mission. So involved. Great mechanics. Not. Focus 2.0 is far from great but it's lightyears ahead of the abomination that was 1.0.

I used Madurai in 1.0 and now it is not even worth it and now I have to mindlessly farm Eidolon Teralysts to become powerful again which is very very boring

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Just now, (Xbox One)BigLithuanian said:

I used Madurai in 1.0 and now it is not even worth it. 

Arguably it was never worth it, but it actually got buffed in 2.0 unless you actually played it for that beam every couple of minutes, in which case w/e

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5 minutes ago, Snib said:

Yeah, wait 165 seconds or whatever it was, press 5 once, have energy regen or be invis all mission. So involved. Great mechanics. Not. Focus 2.0 is far from great but it's lightyears ahead of the abomination that was 1.0.


1 minute ago, Snib said:

Arguably it was never worth it, but it actually got buffed in 2.0 unless you actually played it for that beam every couple of minutes, in which case w/e

It depends on who you ask I suppose

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1 hour ago, Oreades said:

That said I pretty much gave up on Focus because I don't find the way the convergence orbs practically shoehorn you into Hydron for hours at a time if you want to make any "reasonable" progress. 

Other methods to quickly max out daily focus standing is Exterminate mission on Sedna with specific frames.  
Hushed Duration Loki 1-shotting enemies or Ivara/Equinox putting everything to sleep and killing them. Keeping your stealth multiplier up by 500% killing unaware enemies for as long as possible, especially after picking up convergence orbs, gives amazing amount of focus. Double the amount if you have affinity booster running. This is certainly faster than killing hostile fully-aware enemies "hours at a time" on Hydron.

Also, use Naramon Affinity Spike. Focus gain is tied to affinity, so you get a lot more of it with melee kills.

Edited by MystMan
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