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Does anyone here actually like the Operator?


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44 minutes ago, Educated_Beast said:

They removed coptoring because it was goofy and replaced it with bullet jumps and an equally fast parkor system.  Your comment is very subjective.  


Try a public spy, tell me you do not cringe when a rhino shows up.  Of course any frame can do it, but the operator does it better (of course loki, ivara, etc. are exceptions).  


So your telling me every public match you go to, everyone built for durability.  If I'm playing nova, I'm supposed to build for durability?  Should I just be a jerk and let the new guys die? I like being able to help people out when playing a glass cannon.   


Your really just arguing to argue.  There are many strong utility purposes for operators (not even including the tons of useful passives) and it only gets better the more you invest.  


You don't like it, I get it.  I am not saying it is perfect and there is not room for improvement, but I am saying it is a major boost to the game and very fun.  I never had, or even wanted, operators to take the place of Warframes.  As a matter of fact, all my companions are built for utility as well; never for damage.  We will just have to agree to disagree.  

So what you're saying is the operator makes everything easy.

The point of spy missions?

The point of taking damage?

The point of mission structure?

The underlying flaw in all these operator benefits? (Outside of the many, extensive, copious other flaws and shortcomings.) Kinda ruin the game.

A game that was Warframe is now Operatorframe.

You, and many other's :inlove: this, but understand all the awesome things your operator does, could easily be done by a warframe without the button mashercise. Once you can hold that understanding the operator become less of the most brilliant instrument ever constructed in a video game. 

None of this is  subjective. 

Subjective is: I do not like the way the operator looks.

Objective is: Is this 'mechanic' needed? Is this the most straightforward way to achieve what is needed here? 

You believe it is; I cannot, reason will not allow me to. And as you appear unable to absorb this actuality; we will just have to agree to disagree.


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1 hour ago, StabbyTentacles said:

So what you're saying is the operator makes everything easy.

The point of spy missions?

The point of taking damage?

The point of mission structure?

The underlying flaw in all these operator benefits? (Outside of the many, extensive, copious other flaws and shortcomings.) Kinda ruin the game.

A game that was Warframe is now Operatorframe.

You, and many other's :inlove: this, but understand all the awesome things your operator does, could easily be done by a warframe without the button mashercise. Once you can hold that understanding the operator become less of the most brilliant instrument ever constructed in a video game. 

None of this is  subjective. 

Subjective is: I do not like the way the operator looks.

Objective is: Is this 'mechanic' needed? Is this the most straightforward way to achieve what is needed here? 

You believe it is; I cannot, reason will not allow me to. And as you appear unable to absorb this actuality; we will just have to agree to disagree.


I meant the whole speed thing is subjective.  As far as I know, DE never said no to speed and continues to add tools to make us faster.  If anything, new players complain about (jerks) killing everything while they slowly run to extraction.  I run those type missions solo. Nothing wrong with speeding through a tile you've seen x100 before or not killing everything you encounter.  


Operators do not make everything easy.  Well, I think you mean easier.  For example, you can still fail a spy mission and warframes are still getting knocked down daily.  IMO, operators supplement warframes and allow synergies to be discovered, adding variety to old frames.  They don't have the killing power to make things "easy".


But I do agree with your point of invincibility to an extent.  I think thier needs to be more serious drawbacks when "killed" in operator form.  There could be some type of magnetic proc, your Warframe could move around randomly for a brief period until you regain control, etc.  There are many possible solutions here, but just jumping back into your Warframe creates sloppy play. 


But Warframe is easy.  We get 4 revives PER mission (not including arcanes).  I have never once needed 4 revives even when it was per day.  Let's face it, this is a hack and slash grind / collector's game.  It has never been "hard".  That is my opinion but certainly supported by facts.  I find that fun.  My kids play games were they are getting mad and angry at screen.  I just don't get that.  I like my relaxing easy to succeed game of Warframe :). 


The OP asked if anyone actually enjoys operator.  My answer is yes and I gave supporting reasons why.  Your free to dislike the same reasons I like it, and we probably still have more in common as gamers.  


I hope DE continues to grow, expand, and tweak operators and not abandon them like archwings, raids, etc.  I never said the system was perfect, only that it is fun.  





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3 hours ago, Educated_Beast said:

As far as I know, DE never said no to speed and continues to add tools to make us faster.

Actually DE have a number of times tried to slow down the players, but they got such overwhelmingly negative feedback on it that they had to revert those changes or come up with a more fitting or fluid situation (like bullet jumping). (but I'm getting off track here)

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5 hours ago, StabbyTentacles said:

Objective is: Is this 'mechanic' needed? Is this the most straightforward way to achieve what is needed here? 

You believe it is; I cannot, reason will not allow me to. And as you appear unable to absorb this actuality; we will just have to agree to disagree.

The mechanic does what DE wanted it to do. It creates a progression path for players above the "warframe" level, which allows players to define their preferred role and maintain abilities in that role regardless of which equipment they use. It does not replace warframes, nor should it.

You are subjectively overrating "straightforward", misunderstanding the purpose of the mechanic as expressed by DE themselves, and pretending that your opinion is something other than opinion. You are not possessed of any unique insight into the "actuality" of the situation. You are not anything like objectively correct, and people are not wrong for disagreeing with you.

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To answer your question yes I do like the operator they are fun to play around with and you can get crazy movement with void dash. In terms of the points you were making as in the lore, gameplay, generic abilities, amps being bad and the lack of customisation is just plain wrong. The lore of the operators is that they're teenagers who were on a spaceship and got the power of the void and cool stuff like that. I dont really understand how it doesn't make sense I personally think its cool that im a teenager with void powers and can controll space ninja suits but maybe thats just me. Your next point is that the gameplay is worse in everyway to a warframe. You didn't really elaborate on this that much but I think what you mean is your operater cant nuke a room with the press of a button. DE does not want to make operators like warframes they want them to be utilities. Stuck in a bad situarion? Void dash away to saftey or blind everyone in an aoe. The point is not that the operator can run through rooms nuking them like ember but that its a nice utility to revive teammates get around faster, heal yourself, give yourself energy there are plenty of things that you can do. You arent ment to only play with your operator or only ment to play with your warframe they are a tag team. In terms of focus abilities some of them are bad like the one you just mentioned but the focus systen is not perfect, DE knows that they know that zenurik is the only focus school people use and that certaint abilities arent as good as they could be complaining about them isnt going to do anyone good it would bw more helpful if you mentioned an alternative to how you could make the operator better. Your next point is that amps are underwhelming. Of course that is subjective but I find that amps are quite fun just because they dont deal tigris prime levels of damage doesnt mean they are bad. I wouldnt think of using them to kill things above level 50 but thats okay not everything needs to be euphona prime levels of strong. The operator is not ment to be killing enimies in sorties the amps are there to make operators more fun. The old operator weapon was boring and plain. Fighting a teralyst with it would be boring. In terms of your final point about operator acessories is ofcource subjective. Not only that but cat ears are not the only item you can equip on your operator POE came with 3 full sets of operator accesories and there are plenty of customisation options just look at all the youtube videos. overall this post is just full of subjective points and doesnt really give anyfeedback.


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On 1/10/2018 at 5:45 PM, Educated_Beast said:

I just gave 7 awesome abilities operators bring to table but you have made your mind up already.  Some passively affect warframes directly, some allow any frame to be used for certain missions (i.e. spy), others extreme speed across any map, safe receives, etc. 


It is not a Warframe, or a damage dealing beast.  I AM HAPPY IT IS NOT.   THAT WOULD SUCK!  


It is a utility tool you can be smart and use, or ignore and complain about in forums.  I've decided to invest and I find a creative use for my operator in every mission, even if it is just to be the first one at extraction.  I'm still exploring different builds to synergize with warframes abilities and continue to have fun.  


Operators are also faster than any frame except maybe a max range Nova.  Remove the idea it is meant to replace Warframe.  Last thing we need is some all powerful kids in every match.  I'm ok that they cannot bullet jump or parkor, etc.  They need to be weaker than frames.  


No, I want smart players to use utility tools as needed.


EDIT:. I am not saying they are perfect.  I do think there should be serious drawbacks to being "killed" in operator form.  There is certainly room for improvement, but some of you guys are making them out to be much worse than they are.  



First, a utility tool is something I can use WHILE using my Warframe. Operators try (badly) to REPLACE Warframes instead. That's an objective truth: By not allowing you to control your warframe while using Operator powers, Operators REPLACE your Warframe game play while active.

And they are a poor replacement indeed. Slower, clunkier, more fragile and less effective. Operator game play - which, again, while active, REPLACES your Warframe game play - is worse IN EVERY WAY than the game play it replaces.

Second: Operators are NOT faster than frames. Try getting that same travel speed from an operator using a controller. CANNOT BE DONE. Input delays on transference. Forced stops at the end of every dash. If Operator game play on kb/m is as smooth as you claim - and I find that claim extremely suspect - then Operators on controller are a BROKEN game mechanic that is not fit for purpose and never has been. 

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Do I like Operators? No. Do I hate em? Neither, I'm pretty indifferent - in fact as indifferent as the Operator's impact on the game:
Operators and Focus are costy, keep-busy gimmicks and self-purpose incorporated. There's little the Operators add to the normal gameplay.

What you need Operators for?
- RNG-unrelated Kuva-farming (for a stupid jump and stun... such a clumsy game-design)...
- Eidolon hunts (though it's less about the Focus/Operator and more about a good amp...)
- any other upcoming Operator-related :poop: DE is determined to push through in the future

Which Operator or Focus skills are generally useful?
- Void Mode: render yourself invulnerable while ressing your mates, hacking a console or capturing a target (does latter still work?)
- Naramon Power Spike: Melee Combo Counter decays now instead of being reseted completely (best option for us melee fans out there), passive buff
- Zenurik Energy Pulse: 50% extra energy from orbs over 5 secs (maxed), passive buff
- Zenurik Energy Dash 5 Energy/sec regen for 30 secs (maxed), active skill
- hurting Stalker and friends with your amp when they become immune to your weapon damage

Everything else is hogwash
All the fancy damaging skills, crowd control skills, armor buffs etc. are pretty uninteresting to the veteran player. Those who really could use the stuff, beginners to Warframe, lack the ressources and means to efficiently farm focus.

Why do I farm focus nonetheless?
Why not? At MR 25 there's not much else to do and DE really :heart:their Operators. So I bought a 30-days affinity boost for the holidays and do my daily routine to get my Operator suited best for upcoming :poop: by leveling all waybound skills and getting the focus points needed to fit the stuff.




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vor 1 Stunde schrieb BlackCoMerc:

First, a utility tool is something I can use WHILE using my Warframe. Operators try (badly) to REPLACE Warframes instead. That's an objective truth: By not allowing you to control your warframe while using Operator powers, Operators REPLACE your Warframe game play while active.

And they are a poor replacement indeed. Slower, clunkier, more fragile and less effective. Operator game play - which, again, while active, REPLACES your Warframe game play - is worse IN EVERY WAY than the game play it replaces.

Second: Operators are NOT faster than frames. Try getting that same travel speed from an operator using a controller. CANNOT BE DONE. Input delays on transference. Forced stops at the end of every dash. If Operator game play on kb/m is as smooth as you claim - and I find that claim extremely suspect - then Operators on controller are a BROKEN game mechanic that is not fit for purpose and never has been. 

I maxed the waybound skills Mind Sprint (Naramon), Void Flow and Void Siphon (Zenurik) and do about 220m with chained dashes, switching to Warframe and regenerate void energy in two bullet jumps. With Energizing Dash (Zenurik) its regenerates even faster. So my operator is in fact faster than frames on the plains (with the exception of Nova). I'm usually just a few seconds behind Archwings (depending on distance to exit, sometimes even faster).

It sure speeds up bounty hunts for the whole group (by activating the next target earlier than the rest of the group). But that's on PC.

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2 minutes ago, Toran said:

I maxed the waybound skills Mind Sprint (Naramon), Void Flow and Void Siphon (Zenurik) and do about 220m with chained dashes, switching to Warframe and regenerate void energy in two bullet jumps. With Energizing Dash (Zenurik) its regenerates even faster. So my operator is in fact faster than frames on the plains (with the exception of Nova). I'm usually just a few seconds behind Archwings (depending on distance to exit, sometimes even faster).

It sure speeds up bounty hunts for the whole group (by activating the next target earlier than the rest of the group). But that's on PC.

Sounds nice.

I just cannot be bothered to to level up Focus. Lenses make in extremely unpleasant, as they work against variety and choice of approach, forcing you to stick with the few weapons and frames that have them. And Focus comes so slowly that you either grind it out in optimal burnout inducing ways or dont increase it at an appreciable rate.

And since I use a controller, the movement isnt worth the grind, due to input delays, so, that makes Focus easy to ignore. Which is good, since I dont find Operators enjoyable in the least. Mildly useful for reviving and the occasional sneaking past heavies to take down a Nullifier or use an O2 tower, sure...but fun? Nope, not at all.

Even where Operators shine - Kuva Guardians, O2 Towers and Teralyst, they're just making boring tedium suck slightly less. 

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1 hour ago, BlackCoMerc said:

Second: Operators are NOT faster than frames. Try getting that same travel speed from an operator using a controller. CANNOT BE DONE. Input delays on transference. Forced stops at the end of every dash. If Operator game play on kb/m is as smooth as you claim - and I find that claim extremely suspect - then Operators on controller are a BROKEN game mechanic that is not fit for purpose and never has been. 

To be fair controller support in the PC version has been known for being sub-optimized ever since the start. Not really something you can blame on the mechanic effected by it.

I have seen Console people say the same about void dashing being a great movement tool, so its not the controller inherently. Most likely its PC version specific controller issue. like many I believe. I sure do hear about a lot of issues from a friend of mine with PC controller support in general.

My friend once could no longer use his warframe skills for a week because of an issue with the skill menu. does that mean that warframe skills are suddenly crap? Same goes here.

What about asking for proper controller support instead? seems like an important thing to finally get sorted out. Especially since there seems to be a big disconnect between how it works on PC and consoles.

(on a side note, I know you are not interested in operators in general, but there are videos on youtube where people show the chain dashes in action. in its proper function the chain is unbroken without pauses)

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Am 9.1.2018 um 11:04 schrieb Futurehero:


A: Nope

"Operator" operates from behind for good reasons.

Operator is cluncky AF.

Operater, i am forced to play as a kid killing bloody stuff (if he surprisingly does) which is a NoGO as a father i am.. I can't accept this. Lore and all but stay behind kid. 

All those players trying to tell Operator is a sort of TagTeam i answer: NOPE he is a game interruptor.

TagTeam? Jezz your COMPANIONS ARE THE PLAYERS TAG TEAM members ♡ 😉

Another try of bandaiding their completly failing companion improvment system.

Will never use it. Did until now bc excatly for this reason not a single kurva mission. Never KmA with it.

• Instead poping him in persona out of the frame, the operator should have "Super Saiyajin" shortly his frame. Improving all it's stats & skills by different ways upgradeable and path ways choosing by the char user...the real operator... you and me... the player. THIS way the operator could use what he can be best in.... operate his unit(s) with increased power ~~> from behind...

But this cluncky moving and behaiving babyboy with weak dmg and all it's stupid skills... get out of my gameplay. Period. I. Don't. Need. This. Crap.



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Just now, Airwolfen said:

To be fair controller support in the PC version has been known for being sub-optimized ever since the start. Not really something you can blame on the mechanic effected by it.

I have seen Console people say the same about void dashing being a great movement tool, so its not the controller inherently. Most likely its PC version specific controller issue. like many I believe. I sure do hear about a lot of issues from a friend of mine with PC controller support in general.

My friend once could no longer use his warframe skills for a week because of an issue with the skill menu. does that mean that warframe skills are suddenly crap? Same goes here.

What about asking for proper controller support instead? seems like an important thing to finally get sorted out. Especially since there seems to be a big disconnect between how it works on PC and consoles.

(on a side note, I know you are not interested in operators in general, but there are videos on youtube where people show the chain dashes in action. in its proper function the chain is unbroken without pauses)

I dont like Broken Mechanics. And I like refusals to acknowledge and fix them even less. 

Moreover, Operators are not FUN. Warframes are FUN. They are sleek, agile and exciting to use. The operator is the same cumbersome, plodding movement found in every third person game ever made. If I wanted that, I could go play literally anything else. Why would I come here? 

That DE wasted two years on this disaster is what concerns me the most, though. Two years for a pair of one hour quests, an open world space that is completely unrewarding to play in, shoehorned, shallow, minimum effort bounty missions...and a movement and combat system strictly subpar to the one they already had. 

Who decided this was a good idea? And more importantly, why were they allowed to do so?

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16 minutes ago, BlackCoMerc said:

Sounds nice.

I just cannot be bothered to to level up Focus. Lenses make in extremely unpleasant, as they work against variety and choice of approach, forcing you to stick with the few weapons and frames that have them. And Focus comes so slowly that you either grind it out in optimal burnout inducing ways or dont increase it at an appreciable rate.

And since I use a controller, the movement isnt worth the grind, due to input delays, so, that makes Focus easy to ignore. Which is good, since I dont find Operators enjoyable in the least. Mildly useful for reviving and the occasional sneaking past heavies to take down a Nullifier or use an O2 tower, sure...but fun? Nope, not at all.

Even where Operators shine - Kuva Guardians, O2 Towers and Teralyst, they're just making boring tedium suck slightly less. 

You do realize that everything in that post is extremely personal and subjective applying to you only, right?   Yet you've been repeating the same rhetoric over and over despite being proven wrong several times hoping that suddenly your words become fact applied to the entire player base?

And lenses now drop like there's no tomorrow when doing bounties, you are capable of putting them on everything you own. Even if it's a lens you don't like, you can still use its earned focus to expand the focus skill slots, since focus skill slots are now in a shared pool; so no focus points goes to waste. You don't HAVE to grind focus as quickly as possible. Just continue doing what you do every time you play Warframe. The focus will pile up by itself over time.

Anyways, DE decided at one point to put new content behind operator use. One side of the player base likes this (or is impartial doesn't mind at all), the other side doesn't like this at all. If the former is the majority: tough. There will always be moments in our lives when each of us is in a minority group when it comes to choices like this.
If it's the latter: tough. Operators will join the trials/conclave pile of abandoned content. DE has more to lose than we do, since they're the ones taking risks expanding their game with fresh different new content instead of relying on cookie cutter reskin re-re-re-re-re-releases. I sure can't wait for Electronic Activart's  next "Call of John Madden XXIX". 

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Just now, MystMan said:

You do realize that everything in that post is extremely personal and subjective applying to you only, right?   Yet you've been repeating the same rhetoric over and over despite being proven wrong several times hoping that suddenly your words become fact applied to the entire player base?

And lenses now drop like there's no tomorrow when doing bounties, you are capable of putting them on everything you own. Even if it's a lens you don't like, you can still use its earned focus to expand the focus skill slots, since focus skill slots are now in a shared pool; so no focus points goes to waste. You don't HAVE to grind focus as quickly as possible. Just continue doing what you do every time you play Warframe. The focus will pile up by itself over time.

Anyways, DE decided at one point to put new content behind operator use. One side of the player base likes this (or is impartial doesn't mind at all), the other side doesn't like this at all. If the former is the majority: tough. There will always be moments in our lives when each of us is in a minority group when it comes to choices like this.
If it's the latter: tough. Operators will join the trials/conclave pile of abandoned content. DE has more to lose than we do, since they're the ones taking risks expanding their game with fresh different new content instead of relying on cookie cutter reskin re-re-re-re-re-releases. I sure can't wait for Electronic Activart's  next "Call of John Madden XXIX". 

Proven wrong? 

Wait...i thought you said this was all subjective and only applied to me...

Cant have both, you know.

Moreover, I am FAR from the only person who thinks the operators are a clunky, nonsensical waste of time and money. Far from. 

Oh, and why would I run bounties? I unlocked Gara, and the missions suck. They arent fun. They arent creative. Or engaging. They are a low effort filler full of bugs and frustrating design mistakes. Sort of a microcosm for recent design decisions there, but they arent enjoyable.

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2 minutes ago, BlackCoMerc said:

I dont like Broken Mechanics. And I like refusals to acknowledge and fix them even less. 

Moreover, Operators are not FUN. Warframes are FUN. They are sleek, agile and exciting to use. The operator is the same cumbersome, plodding movement found in every third person game ever made. If I wanted that, I could go play literally anything else. Why would I come here? 

That DE wasted two years on this disaster is what concerns me the most, though. Two years for a pair of one hour quests, an open world space that is completely unrewarding to play in, shoehorned, shallow, minimum effort bounty missions...and a movement and combat system strictly subpar to the one they already had. 

Who decided this was a good idea? And more importantly, why were they allowed to do so?

I find it funny how nothing you said relates to what I was saying

I acknowledged that controller support with operators is most likely broken

I did not ask whether or not you like them

also not related

Someone and that someone cant please everyone. Who knows. maybe it was the same person who decided that stamina needed to go away and that you should be able to chain bullet jumps, double jumps and aimgliding.

But no idea how you came with all that when the only topic I was talking about was PC controller support...

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Yes, proven wrong regarding the operators are clunky, slow, weak, etc.  Just like our Warframes on day 1 when we started playing this game, operators are also weak. For both, we have to grind resources, mods, focus, whatever to make them stronger for hundreds of hours. The more focus nodes you unlock and activate, the more the operator becomes a force to be reckoned with, if you know how to properly use them. We did the exact same thing for our frames and weapons.

Yeah I know there are more players who don't like operators.  But is this group a majority?  
Conclave and trials also had their group of people shouting loud defending these contents, that didn't matter in the end, did it?
Several press-4-to-win nerfs and weapon nerfs also happened.  That didn't do serious damage, did it?

When changes happen, people will always complain about these changes.  But ultimately, time gives the final verdict.

The new contents released behind the use of operators is still too fresh to judge if this was a good idea or not for the overall player base.  All we can do now is wait and see if DE gambled well or not.

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21 minutes ago, BlackCoMerc said:

Proven wrong? 

Wait...i thought you said this was all subjective and only applied to me...

Cant have both, you know.

Moreover, I am FAR from the only person who thinks the operators are a clunky, nonsensical waste of time and money. Far from. 

Oh, and why would I run bounties? I unlocked Gara, and the missions suck. They arent fun. They arent creative. Or engaging. They are a low effort filler full of bugs and frustrating design mistakes. Sort of a microcosm for recent design decisions there, but they arent enjoyable.

The operators are clunky. Whether they were a waste of time and money only DE knows by analyzing usage patterns.

I am not fond of the controls - especially since I'm on a console - but I can't deny the utility they can bring to the table.  I'm not saying there was no better way to do it, nor am I saying these 'abilities' couldn't have been simply added to the WF without the introduction of Emo.

The question is not black and white as far as I'm concerned - I don't like their clumsy movement nor the controls, latency etc on controllers.

I do like the new utility they have brought, and frequently use them to speed run spy missions, revive teammates while invincible, heal my self with a double set of Arcane Nourish, void dash rapidly across both the plains and any straight section of starmap tiles, etc.. I've found countless uses for the way they are currently implemented.  (I do have ALL the waybound nodes fully unlocked and active)

Anyone who flat out refuses to use them or denies their utility, is simply doing themselves a disservice.

And if DE doesnt fix some of the more glaring control issues with them, DE is doing the playerbase a disservice.

As for bounties lack of creativity, effort, etc - How is that different than Exterminate, Sabotage, Defense, etc... all of which are still filled with bugs years after the game has been released and its not like those are fresh and exciting.  I do maybe one or two bounties (4&5) per day and find its a decent change of pace from starmap grind which has been unchanged for years.



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37 minutes ago, Airwolfen said:

To be fair controller support in the PC version has been known for being sub-optimized ever since the start. Not really something you can blame on the mechanic effected by it.

I have seen Console people say the same about void dashing being a great movement tool, so its not the controller inherently. Most likely its PC version specific controller issue. like many I believe. I sure do hear about a lot of issues from a friend of mine with PC controller support in general.

There's a huge delay before you can void dash the first time using a controller on PS4 too, you end up hopping a lot instead...it's quite terrible.

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12 minutes ago, (PS4)Elvenbane said:

There's a huge delay before you can void dash the first time using a controller on PS4 too, you end up hopping a lot instead...it's quite terrible.

Interesting. In that case its not consistent on ps4 either. That is something that needs to be looked at a larger scope then.

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On console (XB at least) The hopping is when you attempt to void mode while your operator is sprinting (and sadly occasionally even just walking).  There is no delay if you are not moving, and generally no delay if you are not sprinting.  It still clunky AF however and they need to make an operator-centric button mapping screen so there aren't inherent conflicts with sprinting, sliding, etc.




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Was going to avoid this topic, but it stays on the front page and is constantly there needling you for attention...like a flickering neon sign on a fleabag hotel. 

What it comes down to for me is I like the operator well enough, but I don't like playing as the operator. I'll do it when necessary, but I don't like it all that much and actively tend to avoid it when playing the game. 

I like them just fine from a narrative standpoint. I find them annoying from a gameplay standpoint and therefore tend to avoid them when possible. 

I think that's enough clarity through repetition. 

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No, I do not like the operator. I love the story behind the thing, but avoid using the Tenno. As a long time player my mind was totally blown, but the actual use of them is lackluster. Im just a picky curmudgeon I guess. I dont like Archwing, or Plains, or Focus. The old school game is my love. I have done some Focus grinding and unlocked some buffs in Zenurick, but just for the energy increase. I dont see getting much more beyond that. The operators themselves feel too squishy (but how couldnt unarmored kids feel squishy immediately after stepping out of an armed and armored behemoth of war?) and their abilities and the mandatory use of them in certain situations feel forced. It would be nice if they are an option, even a good one, but not mandatory. 

I avoid doing the Eidolon for this very reason, the operator usage makes it a drag for me, and kuva is barely better. I would prefer it to be like the battlelysts. You can use the operator or just keep blasting them, as you wish. I usually just put a few extra Tigris shots into them and forgo the operator. Even the aiming of the beam feels off.

Just my opinion.

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*To any PC controller user*

Has anyone on pc noticed a response upgrade to void dashing since the last patch?

seems this was part of the 22.8.4 update


Fixed Operators not being able to instantly Void Dash via crouch+jump in some cases, particularly when using a controller and trying to do crouch+jump simultaneously because crouch normally needs to be held on controllers to enter Void Mode. Crouch still needs to be tapped to roll and held to Void Mode, but you can now crouch+jump together to instantly Void Dash instead of having to wait for crouch to work.

Seems that because of how controllers work you have to hold crouch to void mode, this has been changed on PC by making the dash instant.

did not notice it if not for megan quoting it.

see here:

The fix will arrive on consoles as well with the next patch.

( Also FYI for @(PS4)Elvenbane @(Xbox One)Tucker D Dawg , Pardon my confusion on the matter )

Edited by Airwolfen
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3 hours ago, (Xbox One)Tucker D Dawg said:

The operators are clunky. Whether they were a waste of time and money only DE knows by analyzing usage patterns.

I am not fond of the controls - especially since I'm on a console - but I can't deny the utility they can bring to the table.  I'm not saying there was no better way to do it, nor am I saying these 'abilities' couldn't have been simply added to the WF without the introduction of Emo.

The question is not black and white as far as I'm concerned - I don't like their clumsy movement nor the controls, latency etc on controllers.

I do like the new utility they have brought, and frequently use them to speed run spy missions, revive teammates while invincible, heal my self with a double set of Arcane Nourish, void dash rapidly across both the plains and any straight section of starmap tiles, etc.. I've found countless uses for the way they are currently implemented.  (I do have ALL the waybound nodes fully unlocked and active)

Anyone who flat out refuses to use them or denies their utility, is simply doing themselves a disservice.

And if DE doesnt fix some of the more glaring control issues with them, DE is doing the playerbase a disservice.

As for bounties lack of creativity, effort, etc - How is that different than Exterminate, Sabotage, Defense, etc... all of which are still filled with bugs years after the game has been released and its not like those are fresh and exciting.  I do maybe one or two bounties (4&5) per day and find its a decent change of pace from starmap grind which has been unchanged for years.



Operators undeniably add a ton of utility. That I will grant. And its USEFUL utility. That is where they shine. 

And combat...isnt. Movement - at least on controller - and combat with Operators outright SUCKS. Its so much worse than Warframe game play that I honestly, without any sarcasm, wonder why they even bothered. I really do. You spent years developing combat and movement systems that not only didnt improve the existing ones, or even apply to them...but that were outright objectively WORSE in every way than what you already had. 

And unfortunately, even the Utility Operators do add, with invisibility and invulnerable states, is an overlap with things Warframes can already do. Sure, you need Rhino or Nyx for true Invulnerability. Just like you need Ivara or Loki for Stealth. But those frames do a better job at their brand of utility than space kid does copying them. The only benefit to space kid is that he brings that utility to ALL frames.

Which is a BAD thing. Because it makes the frames that offer overlapping utility LESS useful. It reduces strategic choices made in the loadout prior to missions, since now you can ALWAYS have invisibility on any mission, with any frame. 

If the only thing Operators were going to do, is overlap with some frames and offer weaker combat and clumsy movement, then they should not have been characters. Focus should have been a perk tree for Warframe game play, and Abilities should have been alternate Focus abilities used from Warframe mode. For the Operator to still be this clunky and cumbersome and unfun this long after release is inexcusable. 

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