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Dev Workshop: Warframes Revisited


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10 hours ago, Brainwright said:

I like the Chroma changes, but I wanted something more in the way of quality of life.  The way his defenses rely almost totally on vex armor, and the way that defense is on a timer, is kind of painful to play with.  To go from godlike to peasant in a half second because you forgot to stare at your timer is a pain in the butt.  At least making his Ward refreshable would go a long way toward kicking that sudden Vex Armor withdrawal.

I agree with you. They should be refreshable since they'll nerfing Chroma's fury (die right now) ability, Soon he'll wont catch up with evemies lvl scaling. therefore, Chroma needs more survivability even more.

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9 minutes ago, DroopingPuppy said:

Infested missons are diffrent; you don't need to block the bullets unless you are on the sortie-level excarvation missions(in this case you NEED frost despite it is an Infested mission because Mutalist Ospreys can insta kill the excarvator). And putting globe means we need to face to face the Infested melee enemies, and only if we move at least some distance we can't hit the other side of the globe. -_-;; Just for slow down the Infested we have much more better tools too, include Avalanche of Frost himself!

Gara masterrace! That said, in sortie level you do not actually need Gara or Frost, as you can make it through the mission even with letting every excavator get destroyed. It is a matter of wanting to be efficient that is the issue there.

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Just now, Xsoskeleton said:

by high level they probably meant form level 10-20 enemies to level 20-30 enemies

Honesty : Currently WoF kills on it's own level 40-50 enemies (with mods ofc). After the "omg double damage" (fire damage in current enemy scaling) it will go up to 60-70-ish. But it does not matter, if the cost is the only thing that keeps Ember alive during missions.

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I actually get quite a bit of use out of Atlas as-is. He's a great choice for Elemental Enhancement Sorties, and his Rumblers are a lot more aggressive than Nekros Shadows are. I kind of think the main reason Atlas is used so little is because the Juggernaut farm to get him is ridiculous (does DE have access to what percentage of players owns a particular piece of gear?) and thus a lot of people probably don't even have him to begin with. The Pherliac Pods blueprint simply doesn't ever want to drop.

Edited by KirukaChan
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27 minutes ago, DeltaPangaea said:

Random thoughts I feel like tossing out.

Someone suggested making World on Fire less of a straight damage ability and more of a 'Make Everything Else She Does Better' ability. I'd probably be cool with that, provided the rest of what she does was still good.

Make Fire Blast's area of fire not the dorky-&#! ring, just make it a solid sheet of fire.

Rework Fireball into an exalted weapon. On activation, Ember just puts away her weapons and throws fireballs for her normal attacks, consuming energy per fireball like how Artemis Bow works. Primary for faster firebolts, secondary for a slower fireball that explodes in an area and leaves a patch of fire. Y'know, like what Fireball's current description says it does and you've never fixed.

Accelerant is fine.

It's almost the same I suggested before her first rework.. Was ignored.

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2 minutes ago, KirukaChan said:

I actually get quite a bit of use out of Atlas as-is. He's a great choice for Elemental Enhancement Sorties, and his Rumblers are a lot more aggressive than Nekros Shadows are. I kind of think the main reason Atlas is used so little is because the Juggernaut farm to get him is ridiculous (does DE have access to what percentage of players owns a particular piece of gear?) and thus a lot of people probably don't even have him to begin with. The Pherliac Pods blueprint simply doesn't ever want to drop.

Been taxi-ing ppl to JOrdas Assasinate for both atllas farm / pherliac pod hunt (few minute juggy encounter compared to random encounter, triggering its scream may take even more time than killing it), so even if pherliac pod doesnt drop they can still get started with atlas part farming.

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From what I saw of the workshop this is a huge step in the right direction for overhauling the frames. I've posted it before but I'll post it again. 


SUPER HEATING METALS/ARMOR etc.  DE is so close!  Atlas gets Rubble!  Mag gets SHARDS,give Ember her own heat based buff/debuff system to help her with scaling since fire is one of the hardest to kill with in higher tiers.  At lower levels it won't matter much but can provide a touch of DR and energy management.  Her Fireblast ability acts as a fiery shield in which tenno can avoid direct damage as incoming fire is super heated, super heated damage does X% less damage, and is converted to fire.  All fire damage gives Ember Energy so she can essentially cast and recycle to maintain her abilities.  Giver her #1 a flame thrower or molten orb type attack that can add the proc, leave ACcel/WoF alone, provided that a chance for sparking her signature debuff was a thing!

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34 minutes ago, Xsoskeleton said:

Been taxi-ing ppl to JOrdas Assasinate for both atllas farm / pherliac pod hunt (few minute juggy encounter compared to random encounter, triggering its scream may take even more time than killing it), so even if pherliac pod doesnt drop they can still get started with atlas part farming.

The Atlas part farm with Jordas Golem wasn't bad, but good god that Pod BP. I ended up completely giving up until Ivara was released and I was able to use her to double-loot the Juggernauts.

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Just now, KirukaChan said:

The Atlas part farm with Jordas Golem wasn't bad, but good god that Pod BP. I ended up completely giving up until Ivara was released and I was able to use her to double-loot the Juggernauts.

Ironically i get way more Pods bp after finishing the quest, so i 'tried' to share my rng luck with these to others xdd

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20 minutes ago, Xsoskeleton said:

If anything this ember change is like somethign rushed out of nowhere simply based on people angry over ember taking all the kills with her 4.

WoF good(+) or bad(-) changes imo:
+ Damage rises ( - for importance considering the health/armor scaling is still a monstrosity, and this skill barely have damage scaling)
- Range shrinks
- Energy Drain rises
- Trying to make WoF still viable for Firequake augment like it was before (or currently, until all this change comes) will probably cost u more energy per specific time for retoggling once per 5 seconds to keep max range.

My exact arguement, don't get why people can't see she will be a dead frame after this change

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Well, im not that happy to see, that the World of Fire from "my" Ember gets nerfed.

To say "the longer you activate it, the more energy you use", is ok in my opinion. (My Ember has 600 energy and until they changed the Energy Consumption of WoF at the end of the last year (I just think about this, because the Consumption rises by my Ember from 2.0 to 2.4 without changes in my Mods) im able to go afk for nearly 4-5 min, when my Energy is by max). But to say this and add "we`ll shrink the range to the HALF" in the same breath... thats quite hard.

But i will look, how these changes will change my kind of gameplay with Ember. (And i really love my Ember... #Fashionframe)

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2 hours ago, phoenix1992 said:

Everything is OP when you play versus level 40 enemies.

Overheat was busted for it's time, but now should be doing fine.

Not to mention there are lots of enemies that strip buffs now, where as before only Ancient Disruptors could.

Ember just needs something to protect that glass jaw of hers.

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I remember my brother getting angry of overheat change back when I wasn’t playing.

I just told him about the WoF change now that he sin’t playing, he’s laughing and said to bring back overheat.

If they give her a armor / shield buff, I would be so happy :) 

Edited by NZ_CodeBlue
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1 minute ago, Robutt said:

Not to mention there are lots of enemies that strip buffs now, where as before only Ancient Disruptors could.

Ember just needs something to protect that glass jaw of hers.

We live in a world in which Zephyr and Mag has more EHP than Ember.

Let that sink in.

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27 minutes ago, DroopingPuppy said:

That's why I have mentioned INFESTED MISSIONS and in the most times you are not aware of its problems - on the most non-Infested mission, as long as Frost is not mindlessly spamming Globe and blocks everything there is no problem because we can sit inside of the globe. ...and, as you know, if Frost do that he is annoying as Limbo even on non-Infested missions.


Infested missons are diffrent; you don't need to block the bullets unless you are on the sortie-level excarvation missions(in this case you NEED frost despite it is an Infested mission because Mutalist Ospreys can insta kill the excarvator). And putting globe means we need to face to face the Infested melee enemies, and only if we move at least some distance we can't hit the other side of the globe. -_-;; Just for slow down the Infested we have much more better tools too, include Avalanche of Frost himself!

If you cant melee kill an infested that is slowed to a snail by Frost then you need to relook at your mod set up. Most can do the killing you need with no issue. Frost is not a problem the way he is. And nerfing or (god forbid) destroying Snow Globe would kill that frame was well all so you can shoot infested that you should be able to melee kill easy.

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Thanks a lot for those changes DE, Atlas and Ember really needed those changes. And the others are also getting some nice changes of course.

It's a step in the right direction to remove the cheesy "press one button and forget" nonsense tactic and give is a bit more substance. World on fire does get more damage, but decreasing the range and increasing the energy is a nice change. People just actually have to do something and move for the kills they desperately want and they have to keep an eye on their energy, since it will be necessary with those changes.
Besides, energy management is really not difficult and in most cases it doesn't even require you to use any energy pizzas.
Well, thanks for those changes and I hope they will be here for all to appreciate.
Thanks again and good luck.

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Just now, (PS4)Boomstickman98 said:

Because engagement is most important, even multiple frames become utterly useless because of it.

sub lvl 30 enemies sure, but why are you there if not to farm? Not a good reason to destroy a popular frame that people have spent a lot of time and rss into building. Hell look to the right of this post, see that, that's Ember, the next frame to be killed by the nerf hammer unless this is relooked at and the rest of her kit fixed to make this fit.

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