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UPDATE!! We Are Getting Accessories Only For Unvaulted Packs Starting This Pack. THANK YOU [DE]!


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On 07/02/2018 at 2:03 PM, --Q--Voltage said:

DE not selling them separately has nothing to do with Bungie, and they already ARE a good deal. You are already getting bundles and discounts and people still complain because part of the bundle is already something they own. Stop with entitlement and buy it like everyone else or skip out; they are only pixels on a screen. DE does not need to cater to people who only need 1/4th of a bundle. The same thing goes for market bundles for Deluxe Skins.

Why be against something that will improve certain people's experience and make it more convenient for them without harming anyone else in the process? Get out of your impenetrable dev defending bubble m8. Implementing that pack wouldn't cost anything, just the extra bucks that people are losing unfairly.

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53 minutes ago, Learicorn said:

Why be against something that will improve certain people's experience and make it more convenient for them without harming anyone else in the process? Get out of your impenetrable dev defending bubble m8. Implementing that pack wouldn't cost anything, just the extra bucks that people are losing unfairly.

Lol unfairly?

Its buy or don't buy. What's so unfair about that?

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I hope they watch that video and make the change. I'd love to buy some accessories but I don't need duplicates of my primes.

DE - you guys are on SUCH a roll. There's this hilarious "I love you more!" "..no, I love YOU more!" feedback loop you've got goin' on with your players. But I've gotta agree with Jim Sterling on this one. Just separate the unvaulted accessories. Seriously.


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6 hours ago, megalomaniacalHalide said:

That much is absolutely for DE to decide.  That said, I think it'd be perfectly reasonable for them to price unvaulted primed accessories the same as what they were available for originally, minus whatever discount they believe to be reasonable for the age or the lack of boosters.

So people like me play the stupid role, we buy for triple the price most of you selfish narrow minded people buy.

Ok, I think I got it, yeah, no.

I'm telling you, Prime Access will become a joke i wont partake with if this atrocity was ever to happen.

And you or anyone better think very carefully before stupidly calling the people who keep this game running with their support selfish people.

We don`t wanna be stupid, that's all.

It's already a joke.

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4 hours ago, Padre_Akais said:

Nope, It's pretty much about entitlement...Your own post proves the point in fact.

No my post doesn't prove the point. Or do you just like being presumptuous?

This is about going to a merchant and saying "I won't buy this product because of X reasons, but if you fix those issues I will certainly buy it."

It's not threatening, it's not selfish. It's telling someone "If you want my business and my money, I'd like to see you do this." The merchant can do what they want.


4 hours ago, Padre_Akais said:

Your post outright states that you should be entitled to a la carte pricing because you possess some of the items already.

Stop putting words in my mouth. I'm saying I'd like to buy those items separately because I already have the other things and it doesn't make sense for me to spend more money on a package where more than half of it will go to waste.

I don't have to have those accessories.

I'd like to have some of them, but not if it means wasting my money on stuff I don't want or need.

If they were more accessible, I'd get a couple because I think they'd suit some of my 'Frames and I like the look of them. That simple.

I'm not demanding at all. I'm offering a suggestion as a consumer that would help other consumers AND their vendor.

You on the other hand are being hostile, close-minded, and incredibly presumptuous...and frankly you need to stop it because what you're saying is insulting and false. . Strawmanning and attacking people doesn't belong in a proper forum and that's PRECISELY what you did just now. That being said, if you can't respect other people's opinions and points of views, then kindly shut up and stay out of the discussion.


This brings me to an important point....Why are you people so adamant about defending the current system and shouting down and attacking people that would like to see more buying options? Are you THAT protective of your precious Warframe and its devs that you'd swat down even outside suggestions that would actually help DE make a bit MORE money?

Because that's exactly what you're doing.

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5 hours ago, MirageKnight said:

No my post doesn't prove the point. Or do you just like being presumptuous?

This is about going to a merchant and saying "I won't buy this product because of X reasons, but if you fix those issues I will certainly buy it."

It's not threatening, it's not selfish. It's telling someone "If you want my business and my money, I'd like to see you do this." The merchant can do what they want.


Stop putting words in my mouth. I'm saying I'd like to buy those items separately because I already have the other things and it doesn't make sense for me to spend more money on a package where more than half of it will go to waste.

I don't have to have those accessories.

I'd like to have some of them, but not if it means wasting my money on stuff I don't want or need.

If they were more accessible, I'd get a couple because I think they'd suit some of my 'Frames and I like the look of them. That simple.

I'm not demanding at all. I'm offering a suggestion as a consumer that would help other consumers AND their vendor.

You on the other hand are being hostile, close-minded, and incredibly presumptuous...and frankly you need to stop it because what you're saying is insulting and false. . Strawmanning and attacking people doesn't belong in a proper forum and that's PRECISELY what you did just now. That being said, if you can't respect other people's opinions and points of views, then kindly shut up and stay out of the discussion.


...You just did it again.

And yes...It sounds entitled.

Thinking you are deserving of privileges or special treatment is the very definition of entitled.

If you think you should spend less than others because you already acquired some of the parts...That's entitlement by definition.

...Not putting words in your mouth.

...Not being presumptuous (the exact opposite actually).

I don't have to... You are proving my point just by speaking your mind.

Pointing that fact out isn't indicative of hostility, logical fallacies, or lack of vision.

5 hours ago, MirageKnight said:

This brings me to an important point....Why are you people so adamant about defending the current system and shouting down and attacking people that would like to see more buying options? Are you THAT protective of your precious Warframe and its devs that you'd swat down even outside suggestions that would actually help DE make a bit MORE money?

Because that's exactly what you're doing.

A couple of reasons...

1. The supports for your idea make no objective sense.

2. Because you don't have the right to more purchase options on cosmetics (especially not ones with sales based on exclusivity) than others who were obliged to purchase at DE's posted amount.

Prime Accessories are the only Exclusive item to any Prime Access... Why do you want a la carte pricing for it when the Vault bundle is priced so cheaply(more on that)?

That answer will invariably be due to not wanting to pay for things you already have or not wanting to spend the bundle cost.

Either stance is a notion anyone can punch holes through immediately... The excess items can be simply be sold off leaving you with frame, weapon slots, 400 plat, and the accessories...All of  which would also cost more than the bundle does currently.

Arguing to not spend the bundle cost for the cosmetics breaks apart even faster...The item is a cosmetic and cosmetics typically (except in bundles) aren't discounted. 

If other people are paying this amount for an item that can't be earned in-game and have for years... You don't (and shouldn't) get the right to choose to pay less.

...It's tacky to even ask imo.

Since the price of 400 plat comes to ~$26ish bucks, that puts the price of the remainder of the bundle at ~$14 for items and cosmetics.

Buy it or don't...That's a pretty steep discount as it is. 

  • If you want the frame and weapons, you are basically getting the cosmetics too for free as part of the bundle price of $39.99.
  • If you want the cosmetics and don't need the frames and weapons...Cool, because you basically got them  as a bonus for the Bundle price of $39.99. 
  • Or if you have a hang-up about buying plat... You can still buy the bundle and DE will give you 400 plat for free as a bonus for having done so for only $39.99.

From a basic valuation stand point you can choose to look at it any of those three ways and you will still be right. 

In short, You aren't required to buy it but you really shouldn't feel entitled to expect to spend even less for it.

Asserting otherwise makes no objective sense.

...One would think such a heavily numbers driven community would have actually bothered to figure out what Plat costs before making such value assessments. 

Edited by Padre_Akais
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16 hours ago, Padre_Akais said:

Yes, They are.

Unless the word Exclusive suddenly gained a brand new meaning.

No they are not. You seem to be misunderstanding what I'm saying completely. 

16 hours ago, Padre_Akais said:

Once that Prime Access offering expires, it does not (and never has returned).

And my question is why? The FAQ said that the stuff in PA's wasn't like Excalibur Prime in that it will only be available once and never again.

16 hours ago, Padre_Akais said:

Players are obliged to wait for the Prime Access vault offering instead which is then offered at a discount for the whole thing.

Again; why couldn't they just bring back the original pack? Why does it have to be discounted? If the reason they don't make the packs separate is because is because it's cheaper, then why make it like that at all?

16 hours ago, Padre_Akais said:

The Prime Access offerings are time bound... The Prime Accessories packs are exclusive to them.

Yes. The Prime Vault brings all that back. Are you seriously saying that the very deal itself can never be repeated even though all the items can be brought back? That's ridiculous.

16 hours ago, Padre_Akais said:

The accessories packs are (and always have been).

That is the most ridiculous logic I have ever heard. The deal is exclusive, but not the items. I can see very clearly how DE can miss out profit on that logic.

16 hours ago, Padre_Akais said:

Your idea is even more problematic

Bringing back the original deals at the same price would be problematic? How?

16 hours ago, Padre_Akais said:

Because you actually are asking for special treatment...

No I am not. Asking that DE meets all demographics instead of one is not asking for special treatment, it's asking for equal treatment. Look up what special treatment means.

16 hours ago, Padre_Akais said:

Asking that something be sold in a manner that meets your specific convenience although you missed the period in which it was specifically offered is asking for a consideration.

So asking for something to made fair and accessible for all parties, is somehow being entitled/ungrateful? I'm sorry that is not how real world logic works. This is the sort of argument that was used when Prime Access did not have separate packs in the first place.

16 hours ago, Padre_Akais said:

What?... Did you think you should get access to previous Prime Accessories for 10 or 15 bucks instead when other paid $50?

No. When did I ever say that. People just love hearing what they want to hear and putting words in other peoples mouths. Perhaps you should go over my countless comments saying that they should bring the original prices back with the deals.

16 hours ago, Padre_Akais said:

So DE should undercut their own future revenue to make you feel warm and fuzzy?

...Not likely.

Your vision must be quite clouded. I'm saying DE should bring back the original deals so they can earn more money. Not less. You talk of me not understanding, but you very clearly don't have the faintest idea of what I'm saying.

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7 hours ago, (PS4)abbacephas said:

What a truly profound and insightful contribution.

Oh the irony

It's rather on point though. People want to give DE money, and they're somehow just these entitled children that should just take anything given to them without criticism or suggestions.

8 hours ago, Corvid said:

They're already selling it for less money than it went for the first time around, and you're getting other useful items along with them. Sell the frames and weapons, use the plat.

I really don't see the issue.

Overlaps with bundles in Warframe is money wasted. It doesn't matter if it's for less money than when it was first introduced. What matters is that a person who wants just the cosmetics got their value decreased with it being bundled with stuff they don't want. If DE sees it fit to make them cost this much with all the other items, then they should see it no problem to add in a cosmetics-only bundle that's appropriately priced to how DE sees fit.

That way consumers get an offer they want, and DE gets more money.

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3 hours ago, Abekrie said:

Oh the irony

It's rather on point though. People want to give DE money, and they're somehow just these entitled children that should just take anything given to them without criticism or suggestions.

Since it's apparent you've not bothered to read what some of the counterpoint made have been, your contribution also would fit under that classification.

Enjoy your irony.

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7 hours ago, (PS4)BLOOD-LINE-01 said:

No they are not. You seem to be misunderstanding what I'm saying completely. 

So let's see if we can get down to the root of "what you are saying" completely...

A Prime Access exclusive shouldn't be Exclusive to it's Prime Access?

...Even though it's specifically referred to as Exclusive?

...And is bundled into subsequent Vault Access packs?

You are probably right about my not understanding as I may be taking the notion that you care about avoiding redundancies for granted.

4 hours ago, Abekrie said:

Overlaps with bundles in Warframe is money wasted. It doesn't matter if it's for less money than when it was first introduced. What matters is that a person who wants just the cosmetics got their value decreased with it being bundled with stuff they don't want. If DE sees it fit to make them cost this much with all the other items, then they should see it no problem to add in a cosmetics-only bundle that's appropriately priced to how DE sees fit.

That way consumers get an offer they want, and DE gets more money.

So according to your logic, DE should make a Vault Pack for Accessories only...For which they will charge you ~ $39.99.

I don't work for DE but I can assure you they will charge you about this amount.

Why? Because to not charge you appropriately risks backlash from players that buy the packs themselves at full price.

Why would you buy that pack when you could get the same thing with plat, and slots? Logically?

Logically, you wouldn't.

Overlaps with Bundles is money wasted, huh? Clearly, you didn't bother to do the math on that bundle.


7 hours ago, (PS4)BLOOD-LINE-01 said:

Your vision must be quite clouded. I'm saying DE should bring back the original deals so they can earn more money. Not less. You talk of me not understanding, but you very clearly don't have the faintest idea of what I'm saying.

You are probably right... /s.

So if I understand you correctly, you want a Vault Accessories pack sold for $39.99 (you won't get it cheaper than that without community backlash) with the accessories and what else?

Before you say "nothing else"...There has never been an accessory pack with out a value add like boosters.

...So "nothing else" isn't an option. 

Likewise, Boosters are offered in the Prime Accessories pack so they won't be offered in the Vault Pack too because it removes a value add from subsequent PA packs.

 When you get done answering that question we can place your ideal pack next to the current vault pack and see which is better. 


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2 hours ago, (PS4)abbacephas said:

When people in this thread realise that DE won't cave and sell accessories separately just to cater to them:

  Reveal hidden contents




2 hours ago, CeePee said:

I was about to buy the Frost pack for just the Syandana, but I won't just to stand behind this principle.

We want accessory packs for prime vaults.


3 hours ago, Padre_Akais said:

So let's see if we can get down to the root of "what you are saying" completely...

A Prime Access exclusive shouldn't be Exclusive to it's Prime Access?

...Even though it's specifically referred to as Exclusive?

...And is bundled into subsequent Vault Access packs?

You are probably right about my not understanding as I may be taking the notion that you care about avoiding redundancies for granted.

So according to your logic, DE should make a Vault Pack for Accessories only...For which they will charge you ~ $39.99.

I don't work for DE but I can assure you they will charge you about this amount.

Why? Because to not charge you appropriately risks backlash from players that buy the packs themselves at full price.

Why would you buy that pack when you could get the same thing with plat, and slots? Logically?

Logically, you wouldn't.

Overlaps with Bundles is money wasted, huh? Clearly, you didn't bother to do the math on that bundle.


You are probably right... /s.

So if I understand you correctly, you want a Vault Accessories pack sold for $39.99 (you won't get it cheaper than that without community backlash) with the accessories and what else?

Before you say "nothing else"...There has never been an accessory pack with out a value add like boosters.

...So "nothing else" isn't an option. 

Likewise, Boosters are offered in the Prime Accessories pack so they won't be offered in the Vault Pack too because it removes a value add from subsequent PA packs.

 When you get done answering that question we can place your ideal pack next to the current vault pack and see which is better. 



4 hours ago, Zephyr_TheMLGPro said:

Even if they bring accessories only pack, its not gonna be this time and you have to wait a year for misa or sugatra.

They aren't gonna pi## off the players who bought packs this time.

EDIT: 09/02/18 @14:15ET, 19:15GMT

Just now on live stream DE has stated they will do a accessories pack/s for unvaulted. AND FOR THIS ROUND TOO!!

I'm so happy to hear this. There was know way I was going to spend all that money just to get Misa Prime/Pyra Prime Syandana's 

The fact that you so quickly came out and said you will do this (even though jokingly one of the dev's said so Jim Sterling doesn't do his video lol) is great and re-affirms how much we all love and believe in DE and the way you listen to us and are not like Bungie/EA etc. I'm so pleased you have listened to the feedback from everywhere even new players and veterains.

Either way no matter why you have come out and said you will give us the accessories only packs its great and FROM EVERYONE WHO WANTED THEM THANK YOU!

Lastly you asked what packs should you do, I think a individual pack each and a all in one maybe, no need to filler it up with extras like boosters, just give players options.. 


TLDR: DE are giving us Accessories only packs for unvualted sets, and didnt even say "next time" they doing it for this round and on

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This is not good, what about all the people that bought the unvaulting with the warframes that they already have who only wanted to get the cosmetics... this really is a big middle finger to them and i actually feel alot of sympathy, this is a good decision to sell them separately, sure, but they should have move it to the next unvaulting, and not screw over the people like i mentioned above, this is harsh...

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1 minute ago, Glavenusaur said:

This is not good, what about all the people that bought the unvaulting with the warframes that they already have who only wanted to get the cosmetics... this really is a big middle finger to them and i actually feel alot of sympathy, this is a good decision to sell them separately, sure, but they should have move it to the next unvaulting, and not screw over the people like i mentioned above, this is harsh...

I have bought the 4 unvaults for Misa, Pyra, Targis and Loki's Accessories ONLY for the accessories since I already had the frames and weapons and I have no issue with Accessory packs and I'd love to give them feedback to offer proper accessory packs.

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Just now, NightmareT12 said:

I have bought the 4 unvaults for Misa, Pyra, Targis and Loki's Accessories ONLY for the accessories since I already had the frames and weapons and I have no issue with Accessory packs and I'd love to give them feedback to offer proper accessory packs.

The problem isn't the packs themselves, i agree with this decision as its beneficial for everyone, but not the timing...for the people who already bought the unvaults... this really is insulting to them, for them to pay $40 dollars for the cosmetics only for them to be significantly cheaper the next day is insulting, atleast i would be insulted if i was in there shoes...

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1 minute ago, Glavenusaur said:

The problem isn't the packs themselves, i agree with this decision as its beneficial for everyone, but not the timing...for the people who already bought the unvaults... this really is insulting to them, for them to pay $40 dollars for the cosmetics only for them to be significantly cheaper the next day is insulting, atleast i would be insulted if i was in there shoes...

But as I said, I already did and it isn't insulting at all to me.

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