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When we will be able to choose login day reward path ?


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Just make it so that people who have logged in every day have access to to login rewards first. for example the 900 day login reward cant be accessed or "chosen" until its been in the game for 100 days. that means people who have been logging into the game every day get to have their "exclusive" item for a while but it also doesn't make new players feel like they will never be able to get that item.

I have several friends who play the game that see people with things like the zenistar and ask me how to get it and I have to tell them they have to log in for 300 days and they become very disheartened. For 99% of players logging in every day for a year just to get access to 1 item is a completely unreasonable ask. Its not even a matter of effort, where people can feel like they can work towards a goal. Every other game out there if you see someone with badass gear you can at least go " if I work hard enough and put in the effort ill be like that  guy" but with this its purely just "oh so if I want that super cool cape I have to play for 3 years religiously huh?" its completely unreasonable.

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2 hours ago, (PS4)Taishin_Ishu said:

if you where me. And you had all of the login stuff, and you owned a bunch of exclusive items and weapons that are hugely time gated, and you've played for over 4 years, would you 100% honestly be completely OK with people that are entirely new to the game, who have never experienced all that you have, and that never will because all that you have experienced has changed, would you be OK with them suddenly getting easier access to all of your special and exclusive weapons? 

As someone who's a few days shy of the 800 day mark, yes I would be completely and honestly ok with this. I already have all my stuff and I'm happy with it. They're enjoying their stuff. Everyone wins as far as I'm concerned.

Yes it took me 700 days to get Sigma and Octantis. Am I going to be jealous if some new player is going to be able to get it in 150 days or less with the advent of the revised login reward system? No. I'll certainly think "Man, I wish I could have gotten it sooner, but oh well." But not, "Why should some newbie scrub have an easier time / be get this item quicker than I did?!"

Yes, waiting a long for cool things sucks. I've been there. Yet despite that, it doesn't give me the right to say "I had to do x, y times to get z, and so should everyone else!"

Unlike you naysayers, I feel for all the newer players out there that will have to wait a year or more under the current system to get stuff like the Zenistar, Zenith, and Sigma & Octantis. If I was a new player now and seeing all the rewards and their milestone requirements...I'd be thinking "I have to wait for HOW long to get this thing?" And that's a very depressing and discouraging feeling for some people.


I guess the difference between me and most vets around here is the lack of an easily bruised ego and a sense of entitlement...and that I can put myself in other people's shoes and imagine how they might feel.


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On 2/16/2018 at 7:46 PM, MirageKnight said:

As someone who's a few days shy of the 800 day mark, yes I would be completely and honestly ok with this. I already have all my stuff and I'm happy with it. They're enjoying their stuff. Everyone wins as far as I'm concerned.

Yes it took me 700 days to get Sigma and Octantis. Am I going to be jealous if some new player is going to be able to get it in 150 days or less with the advent of the revised login reward system? No. I'll certainly think "Man, I wish I could have gotten it sooner, but oh well." But not, "Why should some newbie scrub have an easier time / be get this item quicker than I did?!"

Yes, waiting a long for cool things sucks. I've been there. Yet despite that, it doesn't give me the right to say "I had to do x, y times to get z, and so should everyone else!"

Unlike you naysayers, I feel for all the newer players out there that will have to wait a year or more under the current system to get stuff like the Zenistar, Zenith, and Sigma & Octantis. If I was a new player now and seeing all the rewards and their milestone requirements...I'd be thinking "I have to wait for HOW long to get this thing?" And that's a very depressing and discouraging feeling for some people.


I guess the difference between me and most vets around here is the lack of an easily bruised ego and a sense of entitlement...and that I can put myself in other people's shoes and imagine how they might feel.


Not sure why that quoted -me- as I didn't say that, I just quoted another guy who did... xD I'm all for the changes, myself.

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The problem I see recently are the "veterans" seem to think they are entitled to items just because they have played longer and had to "work" for them.  Logging into a game is not "work."  If you are someone that think it is, then you have never worked a day in your life.

Who cares if someone else has an item you had to wait for?  It happens all the time in real life.  Some people wait forever to get a new car as they have to earn the money for it and work their butts off for it, others have the luck or resources to buy the same car the second it becomes available.  The person that worked their butts off for it will enjoy the car more as they actually put the work in for it.

So think of your reward you logged in for as the car example.  Know you waited that long for a item and be proud you did.  Don't be salty just because someone was able to get it quicker by being lucky.

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6 hours ago, (PS4)Nyxn607 said:

The problem I see recently are the "veterans" seem to think they are entitled to items just because they have played longer and had to "work" for them.  Logging into a game is not "work."  If you are someone that think it is, then you have never worked a day in your life.

Who cares if someone else has an item you had to wait for?  It happens all the time in real life.  Some people wait forever to get a new car as they have to earn the money for it and work their butts off for it, others have the luck or resources to buy the same car the second it becomes available.  The person that worked their butts off for it will enjoy the car more as they actually put the work in for it.

So think of your reward you logged in for as the car example.  Know you waited that long for a item and be proud you did.  Don't be salty just because someone was able to get it quicker by being lucky.

I'd even go so far as to add that the newer players are NOT lucky for having it sooner (if that is indeed how this ends up working).  They are new to the game and will not have had the YEARS of awesome playtime you and I have had.  That is the trade.  Not to mention they still gotta grind out the mods and experience to know how to use the darn thing, but that's another post. lol


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3 minutes ago, (PS4)Taishin_Ishu said:

I'd even go so far as to add that the newer players are NOT lucky for having it sooner (if that is indeed how this ends up working).  They are new to the game and will not have had the YEARS of awesome playtime you and I have had.  That is the trade.  Not to mention they still gotta grind out the mods and experience to know how to use the darn thing, but that's another post. lol


Indeed, new players have to make it through the "tutorial" if you can even call it that, then work through the star chart and get everything current player's have.  A lot of it relates to the person behind the name and how they were raised.  That is also a conversation for another topic lol.

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Honestly, I'm in favor of whatever introduces more players to this game because I want to see it grow and evolve ^_^  I want to see others enjoy Warframe as much as we all do.  Sometimes that means change, and I know people don't like change....our grandparents didn't like when "the interwebs" became a thing, and their parents didn't like tv.   Change happens.  It's not bad, just different.

Stagnation is, however, the death of many a decent game.  So, bravo DE :)  Keep up the amazing updates! ^_^

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On 2/16/2018 at 6:52 AM, (Xbox One)Madinogi said:

The "Crybabies" have a point. 


someone new to the game would need to wait pretty much a year til they can even hit MR25. so ya. no wonder people have more of a problem with this system then i do. maybe you outta initiate that coconut sitting inside your skull for a change. 

What exactly is ur point? So tell me how is what they have to do different from what we had to do? 

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im a 4+ year veteran for this game, switching from ps4 to pc

ii haven't earned anything past the zenistar.

you know why? i don't have the @(*()$ time to invest to login everyday for 2 years.

ive donated mods to players, helped several players, started clans, played dark sectors, helped newbies out in raids, traded for plat, farmed the game religiously, and made a few friends.

am i any less dedicated to this game than vets like myself? no, i'm not, however i think it's unfair that we have to wait for such a long period of time for the syandana, sigma and octantis, despite the fact ive dedicated 4+ @(*()$ years into this game. we should have these paths. as a choice, at least every 100 days, preferably 50, just so everyone can get these weapons, not this unachievable goal.  i dislike a lot of the vets that are bruised by the fact that this idea exists. why are you so sensitive? so you have something special? i mean, i do understand that there is nothing exclusive for the vets, so maybe you do have 2 items for the 50 days, like a sigil or glyph or something, i don't know, aswell as that mainline item. it's one of the reasons I don't want there to be another excal prime, because that's the only exclusive item anyone has in this game. but there's still the fact you have to take in consideration just how long it'll take for new players to get these weapons, possibly after this game dies they'll get the weapons. but then it's no use because, of course, the game is dead.

Edited by krekireftw
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Let me just start off by saying that the people who are open to this new system have restored a tiny sliver of my faith in humanity :)

That said it will get here when it gets here, hopefully sooner than later but I'm sure getting the ground work laid out and setting up a to switch over to it isn't exactly a walk in the park. 

I can say that I think I'm almost 400 days in I got my Primed Vigor, my Zenistar and I think the Zenith(?) and in all honestly I don't care if newer players have easier access to those because I'm fine with sharing my toys. Frankly I'm not even sure what the next "big" reward on the track is because I don't really even care for the same reason a player that just started looks at the Zenistar and probably figures "whelp I'm never going to get that". Do I care that a newer player might have a Zenistar in their first month or two of playing when it took me the better part of a year? Not really. It makes their experience better and has zero negative effect on my experience. So it's a win-win 

The older system just isn't a friendly system and for a continually growing portion of the population of the game was less and less relevant. I mean for someone who just started them adding a nifty new thing to the 800+ day mark....... wowee they won't even start caring about that for over two years...... vs the few thousand people who will have it by the end of the month.

To everyone who is still hellbent against it, Instead of being petulant about it ya'll should be embracing the hell out of it. Think about it, really think about it......  

With the current system DE really has their hands tied with what they can add as "big" login rewards. Because of that massive insurmountable diminishing return with the current system. With the new system, they are open to adding all kinds of nifty stuff because it isn't going to be locked behind a gigantic 2+ year wait wall for the majority of Warframe players. So it is in your own self interest to be welcoming to the new system so DE is free to put whatever crazy loot they want into the reward tracks and you get to have it pretty much when it comes out. Hopefully that is a sufficiently selfish reason to get some people to embrace not being super selfish. 

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11 minutes ago, Sahansral said:

This devaluates the whole system and is a slap in the face of the loyal players who logged in nearly every day. New players will just choose the juicy rewards and don‘t care for the suboptimal and or purely cosmetic rewards. 

i have played the game for 4+ years, but only logged in about 320 days for this new system. am i any less loyal?

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vor 11 Minuten schrieb krekireftw:

i have played the game for 4+ years, but only logged in about 320 days for this new system. am i any less loyal?

To be blunt, with focus on daily rewards: yes sure!

Long answer: Other players decided to give warframe a part of their daily time while you for whatever reasons decided not to - for about 500 days.

Creation date of an account doesn't impress me that much to be honest,

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9 minutes ago, Sahansral said:

To be blunt, with focus on daily rewards: yes sure!

Long answer: Other players decided to give warframe a part of their daily time while you for whatever reasons decided not to - for about 500 days.

Creation date of an account doesn't impress me that much to be honest,

it's not that i decided not too, it's just that i had college/uni to deal with, i didn't and dont have the time to play this game.

it's not just the creation date, i've experienced about as much of this game as someone could experience. aside from these time-locked weapons.

everyone's pissy when it comes to trading, focus, and rep being timelocked, why is it any different with this daily login system?

Edited by krekireftw
actually yeah there's an edit i just added a slash
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Actual veterans to the game should know by now how much DE hates having exclusive items in the game.  And yes, extremely large time gates can in fact make an item exclusive.  They made no promises about login rewards being exclusive, so getting mad about it is silly.

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I'm pretty well up there in login time, my next will be the 750 day pack.

I think that opening up the login rewards is great and pretty much the only thing DE can reasonably do. The login weapons are MR that is otherwise locked and the last thing we need is more MR locked away from players, really? weapons should never have gone in there, but they did so it needs to be rectified.

My guess is that they are debating between 100 and 50 day stretches because of the packs at the *50 day mark, or it could simply be that no one has written the migration scripts yet (as all the accounts would need conversion for their existing rewards, and there would be a lot or potential for that to go wrong.)

We shall see.

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Solution: have a syandana that has your days logged in. Like a huge version of the conclave and rathuum shoulder sigils


Now everyone can actually get cool weapons for the gameplay experience (what they were made for) while others can show off how many times they typed in their passwords and clicked a button!

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Le 14/2/2018 à 14:40, (Xbox One)ultimategamerjr a dit :

Hopefully never, they should just scrap that idea because it just punishes people that have been playing for that long.

It wont, if you have been playing for that long you will have more rewards and you would have chosen more rewards than someone who didnt play for that long, if having more rewards than someone who played less is a punishment for you then i dont know what to think...


Le 14/2/2018 à 16:09, (Xbox One)ultimategamerjr a dit :

Yah, it doesn't hurt people, it just insults people who have been playing long enough to have them.


Wanting to keep the only thing that can show that you have been around for a long time isn't entitlement. New players can get it, they just have to do exactly what we did. Wait.


Who have been logging in enough days* not playing enough, ive been playing since 2013 and if i dont have the top rewards is because i dont have time to log in every single day, ive probably played for much longer than you and im pretty happy they are doing this.


"Wanting to keep the only thing that can show that you have been around for a long time isn't entitlement."


I have some old event sigils sitting around and i usually use them in my frames, that really shows you have been around for a long time, not some weapon you happen to get from a daily reward.


"Yah, it doesn't hurt people, it just insults people who have been playing long enough to have them."


Dont speak for people you dont know.

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vor 3 Stunden schrieb TheBrightKing:

It wont, if you have been playing for that long you will have more rewards and you would have chosen more rewards than someone who didnt play for that long, if having more rewards than someone who played less is a punishment for you then i dont know what to think...

That is only true if if login rewards are on the same level of game impact or attractivness. But they aren't. With a new system, new players will defacto just skip the trash/subpar/cosmetic items and go for the crown jewels. So this "more rewards" thing feels a bit hollow.

Yes, you frontload the reward system, but you kill the motivation keep on loging in, especially if the reward pool gets watered down with cosmetics.


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il y a 3 minutes, Sahansral a dit :

That is only true if if login rewards are on the same level of game impact or attractivness. But they aren't. With a new system, new players will defacto just skip the trash/subpar/cosmetic items and go for the crown jewels. So this "more rewards" thing feels a bit hollow.

Yes, you frontload the rewards, but you kill the motivation keep on login, especially if the reward pool gets watered down with cosmetics.


cosmetic in the same row than subpar or trash? man didnt you know the endgame of this game (apart from fishing)?


"but you kill the motivation keep on login"


The motivation to keep on login is to play the game not to get a reward you wont use if you dont play anymore, if you want to play you will login no matter the daily reward, if you dont want to keep playing there is no point on geting those rewards.


"So this "more rewards" thing feels a bit hollow."


so your solution is locking those rewards from new players or from people who dont login every single day? its true that you will get more rewards the more you play, and other people could just choose what they want instead of mindlessly loging in without the motivation to play the game, whats wrong with that?


"watered down with cosmetics"


How can cosmetics water down anything, man, are you even paying attention to warframe as of lately? DE had to split prime vault into the normal pack and an accessories (cosmetic) pack for people to buy it, are you seriously trying to convince anyone that cosmetics dont matter, or matter less in this game when people literally made DE change their business model for cosmetics? Are you even talking about warframe?



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vor 15 Minuten schrieb TheBrightKing:

cosmetic in the same row than subpar or trash? man didnt you know the endgame of this game (apart from fishing)?

Man, don't use this meme. The whole argument started because new players (or players who took an hiatus) don't want to wait for the primed mods or weapons and the mastery they mean. You know exactly which rewards gets skipped by those players with such a new path system.New system means shortcut to the juicy parts. Admit it at least.

vor 17 Minuten schrieb TheBrightKing:

The motivation to keep on login is to play the game not to get a reward you wont use if you dont play anymore, if you want to play you will login no matter the daily reward, if you dont want to keep playing there is no point on geting those rewards.

Then you are looking for a system based on ingame hours. Login reward system is meant to give a reason to login even when the player doesn't want to play the game (already finished  all new content, no freetime at the moment, other game more intresting etc.) to keep them in touch with the game.

vor 23 Minuten schrieb TheBrightKing:

so your solution is locking those rewards from new players or from people who dont login every single day? its true that you will get more rewards the more you play, and other people could just choose what they want instead of mindlessly loging in without the motivation to play the game, whats wrong with that?

They are not locked away. Stop lying. Every player can get them and he/she can choose the pace. And here you claim again that all rewards are of equal worth which they simply aren't. There's nothing wrong with choosing the reward, but the system must prevent new players to get the best weapon, the best primed mod, the best whatever in the shortest possible order. Btw, is a system like you propagate "mindful" loging? Care to explain?

vor 32 Minuten schrieb TheBrightKing:

How can cosmetics water down anything, man, are you even paying attention to warframe as of lately? DE had to split prime vault into the normal pack and an accessories (cosmetic) pack for people to buy it, are you seriously trying to convince anyone that cosmetics dont matter, or matter less in this game when people literally made DE change their business model for cosmetics? Are you even talking about warframe?

That's a whole other discussion. Apples and oranges. Those group of players want the split, because they don't want to pay for warframes/weapons they have/don't want when they only care for  cosmetics. You could even argue that this is a good example for people focusing on the parts they want and trying to avoid the rest. And based on the complains from new players here on the forums, those will go for the things with impact on the game. People won't care for a syandana when they lack things like the Zenistar. A sigil can't compete with primed fury.  If you want more ingame impact at least be so honest and admit it.And please don't try to fob off veterans with cosmetics.



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The only way I would find a new system fair for all players would be the follwing:

* a path consists of a 50 day cosmetic reward and an noncosmetic 100 day reward. They are fixed pairs linked together. After claiming the 100 day reward the player chooses a new path.

* after implementation of the system, all players have to spent their accumulated days once at the first login after receiving the update. All players loose the login rewards they had in the old system but didn't choose with the new system.

* add a couple of new reward goals with the new system, so veteran can choose, too and are not stuck with having no alternative paths


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il y a 6 minutes, Sahansral a dit :

Man, don't use this meme. The whole argument started because new players (or players who took an hiatus) don't want to wait for the primed mods or weapons and the mastery they mean. You know exactly which rewards gets skipped by those players with such a new path system.New system means shortcut to the juicy parts. Admit it at least.

This meme exists for a reason, and the reason is that aspect in this game is important, and so are cosmetics. A shortcut to the juicy parts is a nice addition so you dont have to login 750 days in a row, almost two years, for getting a simple weapon.

il y a 7 minutes, Sahansral a dit :

Then you are looking for a system based on ingame hours. Login reward system is meant to give a reason to login even when the player doesn't want to play the game (already finished  all new content, no freetime at the moment, other game more intresting etc.) to keep them in touch with the game.

No im not looking for any system, im looking for new players to be able to get a weapon in a reasonable amount of time, not in two years minimum.

il y a 8 minutes, Sahansral a dit :

They are not locked away. Stop lying. Every player can get them and he/she can choose the pace. And here you claim again that all rewards are of equal worth which they simply aren't. There's nothing wrong with choosing the reward, but the system must prevent new players to get the best weapon, the best primed mod, the best whatever in the shortest possible order. Btw, is a system like you propagate "mindful" loging? Care to explain?

They are locked unless you log in every single day for sometimes more than one year, if youu think that is right then thats a serious problem. Why does the system need to prevent new players from getting a weapon that is supposedly gotten by just loging in, its stupid, getting the best weapon by a meaningful and challenging quest and not wanting those who didnt do it to get it? im ok with that.. getting a good weapon for just logging in several days in a row and not wanting others to get it early for logging in? that makes no sense.

il y a 12 minutes, Sahansral a dit :

That's a whole other discussion. Apples and oranges. Those group of players want the split, because they don't want to pay for warframes/weapons they have/don't want when they only care for  cosmetics. You could even argue that this is a good example for people focusing on the parts they want and trying to avoid the rest. And based on the complains from new players here on the forums, those will go for the things with impact on the game. People won't care for a syandana when they lack things like the Zenistar. A sigil can't compete with primed fury.  If you want more ingame impact at least be so honest and admit it.And please don't try to fob off veterans with cosmetics.

Yeah but that proves that cosmetics ARE important, that may be other discussion but still proves my point.

il y a 13 minutes, Sahansral a dit :

People won't care for a syandana when they lack things like the Zenistar. A sigil can't compete with primed fury.  If you want more ingame impact at least be so honest and admit it.And please don't try to fob off veterans with cosmetics.











(and stop talking about what other people think or care about for instance, you are talking about things you dont know)

I care more for the repala syandana for example than for the zenistar, i have it and i never use it, its useless for me, if i havent sold it yet its because its "exclusive" for logging in, meanwhile i use that syandana in my main frame and many other syandanas in other frames regularly.


il y a 17 minutes, Sahansral a dit :

And please don't try to fob off veterans with cosmetics.


Do you know what is the worst offender of the community of this game? the people that call themselves veterans and speak for people, sometimes that have been playing more than them and from earlier as if they knew what those people think or care about. And sometimes they also show blatant ignorance in the proccess. How can you talk down to me calling yourself a veteran when my account is months older than yours, when ive probably been playing this game for more time than you? Just because i didnt have the means to buy a founder pack at that time and you did so that little thing near your profile doesnt show with me (that is a thing that already proves you have been around for long, you dont need any special weapon)? is that the reason? Look, you were the one who didnt know that fashionframe was a big big part of the game and the community, dont try to fool me or others talking in the name of "veterans" or players you dont know, do not try to pass off this system that reduces months, sometimes years long waits so players can enjoy the main part of this game that is the variety in gameplay, weapons and customizations as if this was a bad thing for anyone.

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I think people posting AGAINST this change are missing the point of the Login system ENTIRELY.

When DE started out with Warframe, it was a rough game.  It was very niche, noone knew about it, and they were on shaky ground, even needing to turn to crowd-funding to keep afloat (Founders Packs).  So, in order to make sure they at least kept their then-current players around long enough to put out new and better content for them, they gave them 200, 300, 500, 800, etc, day login "rewards" as incentives to make sure they'd keep "showing up", so that when they DID get to refine and put out their INTENDED content, players would be there to receive it.

Fast forward to 2018...Warframe was just nominated at Game Awards! They have a continually growing player base, just put out several HUGE expansions, and are only improving more and more...They are no longer worried about having to use that shiny lure of Login "Rewards" to make sure they'll have a playerbase a year or two from now-  It's not almost a guarantee!

With that in mind, they've now set out to change it to better suit the CURRENT situation Warframe's playerbase is in, not how it was over 4-5 years ago.

I've read many comments on these forums about MANY changes to Warframe, and their ranting and whining about how it's going to "kill" Warframe.  Y'all are stuck in the past and have no concept of good business management.   You cannot stagnate and expect to grow.  It simply doesn't happen.  Imagine if Microsoft never moved beyond work pc's, or if Apple never took a chance on something different.  You don't think that people who started with Apple Lisa were like "THIS IS RUINING THEIR BRAND!!" when Apple got around to their more colorful and younger-gen-friendly iMacs?  In hindsight it was obviously a good branding move, but at the time, people threw a fit (I remember, I was there).

You've gotta let DE grow, and have faith that it knows what it's doing....because it clearly does.

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