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Daily Log-in Highly Unfair


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DE didn't count log-in days way back when I last played.  Otherwise I would easily be way above 500.

and yeah, i'm still a little unhappy about that due to the login reward system.  But honestly, the game is still plenty fun, to me this is a very minor gripe.

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It's not a big issue but it would be cool if there were other ways to add days to your account. Such as clearing the star chart, getting achievements, reaching mastery ranks... I am close to mastery 23, have 160 of 174 achievements, and only have 180ish login days.


Other players have mastery rank 12 or whatever yet 500+ days.


The zenistar is actually a great weapon and there's no melee with it's unique alt fire mode.

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1 hour ago, helioth137 said:

It's not a big issue but it would be cool if there were other ways to add days to your account. Such as clearing the star chart, getting achievements, reaching mastery ranks... I am close to mastery 23, have 160 of 174 achievements, and only have 180ish login days.


Other players have mastery rank 12 or whatever yet 500+ days.


The zenistar is actually a great weapon and there's no melee with it's unique alt fire mode.

they seriously just need to get rid of the system entirely and focus the rewards into actual ingame tasks to unlock em. such as.

Completing a Raid,

Killing a Eidolon,

beating all bosses'

clearing all start chart nodes.

completing all quests.

and a plethora of other accomplishments. like a achievement log like destiny 1 had. ive suggested the idea many times before as the system i propose is more of a sign of dedication. because its true that logging intot he game is not a hard or worthwhile task and as such should not be rewarded for doing so. and i have promptly call it Participation rewards. sadly however i keep getting bloody strawmanned and being called the entitled one here by those who are clinging on so desperately to the current log in reward system.


honestly i dont know why people keep getting this weird idea that im the entitled one and want handouts. when i have clearly said id rather have people work for their rewards meanwhile they are the ones who want handouts by just showing up to the game. 


i hope DE listens and just removes it altogether in favour of the system i propose. which actually reward people for playing the game and for their accomplishments. 

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6 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Madinogi said:

they seriously just need to get rid of the system entirely and focus the rewards into actual ingame tasks to unlock em. such as.

Completing a Raid,

Killing a Eidolon,

beating all bosses'

clearing all start chart nodes.

completing all quests.

and a plethora of other accomplishments. like a achievement log like destiny 1 had. ive suggested the idea many times before as the system i propose is more of a sign of dedication. because its true that logging intot he game is not a hard or worthwhile task and as such should not be rewarded for doing so. and i have promptly call it Participation rewards. sadly however i keep getting bloody strawmanned and being called the entitled one here by those who are clinging on so desperately to the current log in reward system.


honestly i dont know why people keep getting this weird idea that im the entitled one and want handouts. when i have clearly said id rather have people work for their rewards meanwhile they are the ones who want handouts by just showing up to the game. 


i hope DE listens and just removes it altogether in favour of the system i propose. which actually reward people for playing the game and for their accomplishments. 

Oh I'm sorry, I didn't know you knew how to make a system in Warframe. Why don't you redo Warframe altogether and change it to how you want it, not how other people want it.? 

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On 24/02/2018 at 3:36 AM, EndermanBeast said:

In b4 thread lock.

oh, and the daily login reward is fair.

care to explain how having to wait 2-3 years inorder to hit mastery rank 25 or hell even 26 when it arrives is fair? assuming that when the MR26 comes the gear thats released with it isnt fully enough to do it without the need of the Login rewards and the Founders items? not to mention 3 primed mods are 100% locked behind the logins and are not even tradable or obtainable anywhere else in the game. at the very least they need to make those mods tradable. and ill happily buy them off other players for P. how is it fair to people who are no doubt far more dedicated to the game then those who just login? awsner its not. people are spending 12-16 hours a day playing warframe and not getting these rewards. but some random guy can log in for 800 days and get em. any logical person would turn around and say. "thats not fair in the least". especially you guys talk about "dedication" so would i assume you would support my solution down below?

the better approach to the whole issue would be to implement my solution. Rid the game of participation rewards. AKA the login system.

and instead lock these rewards behind accomplishments that you must complete ingame in order to gain these rewards. it would also do a great help to help newer players who may need a orokin reactor for their warframe. they can go "Do X task" and then get a orokin reactor as a reward. or a relic. or maybe like 10-25 platinum. or a booster. or help older players who need THAT one little thing they are missing to complete their build or hit the next mastery rank. and more prestige rewards for beating the hardest content in the game like a Zenistar for completing a Hardmode raid or killing X eidolons of each tier and get the Lodestar syandana. 


have ingame tasks that reward their players for accomplishing certain tasks. and do away with this. "i want a reward for just showing up to the game" mentality. it doesnt help. 

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1 minute ago, EndermanBeast said:

Oh I'm sorry, I didn't know you knew how to make a system in Warframe. Why don't you redo Warframe altogether and change it to how you want it, not how other people want it.? 

He just wants to get those item with minimal effort and asap. So he will keep coming up with "challenges" for him to do it.

Completing a Raid - 15-20 min of standing on plates and running forward

Killing eidolon - Something I can do solo in 7 min

beating all bosses - most of them dies 1 shot, would probably take like 30 min

Clearing Starchart - Doing missions that are mostly around lvl 30~ Real test of skill and effort.

Completing Quests - Difficulty in those doesn't exist


So we have those "challenges" tailored towards obtaining everything today on one side and 800+ days of dedication on the other.

Thanks but no.



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9 minutes ago, EndermanBeast said:

Oh I'm sorry, I didn't know you knew how to make a system in Warframe. Why don't you redo Warframe altogether and change it to how you want it, not how other people want it.? 

the vast majority of people would likely want the system removed or redone entirely. and no i dont know how to make a system but i know a better system that doesnt reward people for just showing up to the game. meanwhile shafting those more dedicated. 


Logging in isnt dedication. 

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Just now, -Trey- said:

He just wants to get those item with minimal effort and asap. So he will keep coming up with "challenges" for him to do it.

Completing a Raid - 15-20 min of standing on plates and running forward

Killing eidolon - Something I can do solo in 7 min

beating all bosses - most of them dies 1 shot, would probably take like 30 min

Clearing Starchart - Doing missions that are mostly around lvl 30~ Real test of skill and effort.

Completing Quests - Difficulty in those doesn't exist


So we have those "challenges" tailored towards obtaining everything today on one side and 800+ days of dedication on the other.

Thanks but no.

I was being sarcastic. 

1 minute ago, (Xbox One)Madinogi said:

care to explain how having to wait 2-3 years inorder to hit mastery rank 25 or hell even 26 when it arrives is fair? assuming that when the MR26 comes the gear thats released with it isnt fully enough to do it without the need of the Login rewards and the Founders items? not to mention 3 primed mods are 100% locked behind the logins and are not even tradable or obtainable anywhere else in the game. at the very least they need to make those mods tradable. and ill happily buy them off other players for P. how is it fair to people who are no doubt far more dedicated to the game then those who just login? awsner its not. people are spending 12-16 hours a day playing warframe and not getting these rewards. but some random guy can log in for 800 days and get em. any logical person would turn around and say. "thats not fair in the least". especially you guys talk about "dedication" so would i assume you would support my solution down below?

the better approach to the whole issue would be to implement my solution. Rid the game of participation rewards. AKA the login system.

The large majority of people wouldn't want it removed, since that would be 800+ days down the drain for vets.

And you don't need to hit MR25, + People get MR25, because they want to.

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5 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Madinogi said:

care to explain how having to wait 2-3 years inorder to hit mastery rank 25

  • You do not nor will you have to wait 2-3 years.  its only a couple weapons and they aren't even needed to get to 25 anymore
  • Anyone who has the login rewards has diligently logged in for years, what makes you the special snowflake that should get to shortcut it?

Current system is fair;

Definition of fair

  • 1a : marked by impartiality and honesty : free from self-interest, prejudice, or favoritism 
  • b (1) : conforming with the established rules 

It meets all those criteria. 

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From the standpoint of not being able to catch up with people who have played more it's not fair...

The fact they have already said they are designing a new login system should be enough evidence to people that the current system needs revising. 

Anyway... not much real discussion going on here... how about people learn to be friendly and not accuse each other of things ?

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First it was the people crying over the Founder's Pack...now its wanting to cheese login rewards. Smh...earn it! Just log in,get your reward, log out. Go have fun until about 9pm or what ever time the day resets. rinse repeat. You're literally complaining about having to login to get some sub par free weapons(with exception of the zenistar). Do what everyone else has done to get their weapons, That's fair.

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hace 4 horas, helioth137 dijo:

From the standpoint of not being able to catch up with people who have played more it's not fair...

L O G I N   S Y S T E M
god, this will never end because of people confuse 2 different concepts, it's about log in, no about play hours

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On 2/20/2018 at 12:56 AM, (PS4)CamoLogan said:

My friends and I put tons of hours into warframe before the daily log-in was a thing. Then we stopped playing and when we started playing again we were far behind most other newer players. The log-in system needs reform such as rewards being given for playing time or at least prelog-in era people should be give some sort of hefty boost. I'm at about 270 days right now and the way the system is currently makes me want to stop playing. I don't think I'll ever make it to day 500 which is really sad. Maybe a better idea would be to take log-in reward weapons away? Or lower the number of days it takes to get them? Because my friends and I almost feel as if we have been punished for playing the game early on and I would be willing to bet that I have played longer than most players that are at or over day 500. Also signing in each day begins to feel like a chore and I find myself just signing in to get the bonus and then immediately getting off. And when I miss a day I feel as if im being punished. You would think you would want to implement a system where you are rewarded for playing rather than just signing in right? I'm sure I am not the first one to bring this topic up but I do think the log-in system needs reform.

The log-in system is simply an incentive to login more and doesn't have an actual impact on your ability to play the game.  

That being said, the system is being reworked.  Players will be able to work towards specific reward packs that they want, instead of waiting for them to roll around after so many days.

In all honesty though, playing the game is all the reward many people need.  Warframe is already an outstanding game that is entirely free to jump into, and any dedicated and determined player is capable of having all weapons, companions, Warframes,etc. and never spending a cent.  If this were a paid game, with a subscription, I can see a play time reward mechanic, but Warrame, imo, doesn't need one in the first place.

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7 hours ago, (Xbox One)Madinogi said:

care to explain how having to wait 2-3 years inorder to hit mastery rank 25 or hell even 26 when it arrives is fair?

I thought people grew out of complaining about "fair" as a concept when they were little children. Welcome to the real world, sunshine, where things don't entirely revolve around your concepts of them.

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   800 plus days here. Got that ugly as sin syandana a few days ago. Im happy with the system as is. I did my part and I get to reap the rewards for my commitment. You do not earn it yourself, guess what, you don't deserve the pleasure of having what I earned by following what is required set by DE. We all already know DE are caving to the few that can't be bothered to meet the requirements. So wait like everyone else while DE figures out how to implement the change. We all know people that do not work for stuff never appreciate it. I see it all to often. People get given everything and carried every day. Those are the people that never continue to play anyway since they have no sence of appreciation and leave the game. You miss it, you didnt participate, you do not get the goodies. Simple.

    Now, am I being harsh? Damn right I am. Just like in real life. People complaining about what others have and cry about it until someone feels bad and gives it to them. Then they break it and move on to the next thing they want and never look back. Non of the Prime mods are required and everyone got by just fine before they became a thing. The Mastery you miss from the average weapons we got from login will also be leveled and chucked. So either do the work to get it, or wait for the change.        

     I have ZERO sympathy for lazy people. And yes, not wanting log in every day for 5 seconds is lazy if you can log into a forum and btch about it.

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1 hour ago, (PS4)DEATHABOVE13 said:

I have ZERO sympathy for lazy people. And yes, not wanting log in every day for 5 seconds is lazy if you can log into a forum and btch about it.

So lemme see if I have this correct.

When my PC stopped working due to hardware failure and I wasn't even able to get it to turn on, and I had to wait 2 weeks for the parts to show up, and therefor unable to login into Warframe, but I still had my smart phone and access to the forums, I was being lazy?

Or when I had to move to a different part of the country and could only afford a place that had no internet serivice, and therefor, I was unable to log into Warframe, but had my smart phone and was able to access the forums, I was being lazy?

Or was my brother being lazy when he was deployed by the Army to sit in Afghanistan for 8 months?

How about when the area I live in caught fire and the town was evacuated, was I being lazy by not logging into Warframe then, even though I still had my smart phone and access to the forums?

You're spouting elitist, entitled nonsense, knock it off.

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1 hour ago, (PS4)DEATHABOVE13 said:

   800 plus days here. Got that ugly as sin syandana a few days ago. Im happy with the system as is. I did my part and I get to reap the rewards for my commitment. You do not earn it yourself, guess what, you don't deserve the pleasure of having what I earned by following what is required set by DE. We all already know DE are caving to the few that can't be bothered to meet the requirements. So wait like everyone else while DE figures out how to implement the change. We all know people that do not work for stuff never appreciate it. I see it all to often. People get given everything and carried every day. Those are the people that never continue to play anyway since they have no sence of appreciation and leave the game. You miss it, you didnt participate, you do not get the goodies. Simple.

    Now, am I being harsh? Damn right I am. Just like in real life. People complaining about what others have and cry about it until someone feels bad and gives it to them. Then they break it and move on to the next thing they want and never look back. Non of the Prime mods are required and everyone got by just fine before they became a thing. The Mastery you miss from the average weapons we got from login will also be leveled and chucked. So either do the work to get it, or wait for the change.        

     I have ZERO sympathy for lazy people. And yes, not wanting log in every day for 5 seconds is lazy if you can log into a forum and btch about it.

I did my part as well, hours upon hours upon hours before the system was changed.

Yet none of the previous log ins counted, so clearly loyalty and dedication were not the intention of the reward scheme.

Look at it this way, I have 2,549 hours in mission. That's not including time spent trading, fashion framing and chatting with friends. I have just reached day 345.

About 2,200 of those hours were pre change, so assuming I played 6 hours a day every day (I did not, that's almost impossible to maintain) I'm looking at at least 350 days of log ins already. Remember, that's based solely off in mission time and assuming unreasonable hours.

Am I lazy? No, personally I'm a tad insulted that the 'commitment' that you seem to treasure so highly is only 'real' commitment during a certain time period.

Face it, it's not a commitment reward, it's not a loyalty goodie and you're no more appreciative of the game than I am. Your elitist comments are nothing more than... you know, elitist. Hell, if anything the people who logged in consistently before the change are arguably more appreciative and loyal than those after. There were no big rewards, you got trash and you dealt with it. If you missed a day, you missed some trash. Big whoop.

Nowadays we get people who do nothing but log in for a few seconds and act like they earned something.

Whatever, the system will change eventually.

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I am up to somewhere between 750 - 800 days loggin, i’m on ps4 btw. I’m about 2 or 3 weeks behind maximum.  I moved house once and had to go on a week long trip for work.  It actually sucks that dispite having 6500 hours gametime I can’t catch up.  I think gametime should allow you to catchup somehow. 

As for complaining about not having access to stuff yet, those things are the reward for those of us who stuck with the game and were commited.  You should be rewarded for your effort.  A new player should not get imediate access to the login weapons, it would be like giving a free tigris prime to a mastery rank 3.  You need to earn it.  

Anyhow they have said they would be changing the system so you’ll probably get your wish, another slap in the face for veterans.

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