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Feature Request: Group finder


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Well, title explains it all, everything started from this thread (It's at the very end, starting from 81 page): 

To make it short i think that having a group finder similar to WoW's group finder is gigantic QOL improvement:

Group finder should have:

  • Activity categories: Sorties, Void Fissures, Eidolon Hunts, Bounties, Vault runs etc. and of course CUSTOM (for farming resources)
  • Created group would have Activitiy Category, Title, Description, When it was created and who is hosting (having PING displayed to host would be also nice)
  • Players would have the ability to create one team but they would be able to enlist on at least few existing groups (ex 5)
  • Host would have the ability to see who is enlisted, whisper to them and invite them by clicking a button (or right clicking)
  • Group would automatically get deleted when host joins a mission (enters a map) as well as after 10 minutes of inactivity
  • Players searching for a group could search group finder by activity category and title. They would be able to sort groups by title, date/time created (default) or ping to host
  • Menu could be on the star chart as a button on the top of screen.


  • No more god awful annoying iritating Recruit channel
  • You will find or create group fast


  • None


The only thing what can be even remotely challanging for developers to in such functionality is the "ping to host" feature, other than that it should be relatively straightforward.


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8 hours ago, Spectre-8 said:

We already have group finder , just stop being anti-social and use it.

Where exactly is it? Nothing like what the OP has suggested is in the game

FFXIV has Party Finder which is very similar and a great way to find/start groups for more organized play. It would definitely be a good addition in Warframe, whether it should be a priority is hazy.

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Have you tried recently finding a group for vault runs, trials, farming orokin cells or not the most popular relic radshare? Yeah well i did and it takes around 10-20 minutes of spamming Recruit channel each 30s to assemble a team, not to mention you need to alter message each time just to not get caught by spam filter.

This is something i call horrible user experience. A lot of MMO games has similar feature.

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Let's face it. Unless you get lucky, recruitment chat is no different than trade chat: Chat logs disappear up the screen in the blink of an eye and none of it is what you want, and typing what you want generally produces a slow result (unless you're the poor sod who gets 5 whispers within a second of sending a message.) It is extremely unpredictable, as at times the chat can be flooded with eidolon cap/LOR/JV/ODS/vault runs and the next day be empty of any of those terms for at least ten minutes at a time (though eidolons at least have an excuse why.) Radshares on the other hand, are ALWAYS present. I always laugh at people when they say "don't like a public group? go to recruitment chat." Typically nobody goes to recruitment to just play casually like the people wanted (and subsequently complained about when somebody came along and killed rooms before they could do anything), they either need help with a mission or want to do a specific goal (radshares, LOR, etc.) Plus half the time people are blind because too often I see "Hosting (insert mission here)" followed by literally two messages later "Looking for (whatever mission was mentioned two messages above.)"  Not to mention sometimes it looks like too many people want to host/join a group for a mission at one time and not enough people want to do the opposite.

If this system is added properly, it would be much more useful to browse through a handful of menus so you can find a certain group you want. It downsizes the clutter that is recruitment chat, which allows people an easier time to ask for help on missions or get a casual group or spam their clan recruitment message instead. Hopefully the new clan feature of forums will help with the clan spam though.

Edited by Minatos_Gordem
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This is how I image this working:


Unfortunately I am not a UI designer but I have been working with such people for past 8 years so I know a thing or 2.

  • Clicking on table header for example "Created" should sort list by that header.
  • Hovering over row should show group description (as it will not fit in table)
  • Right clicking anywhere on the row would bring the options menu to whisper host
  • If you have been rejected either by group being full or Host selected another player row should have Message: Group Delisted
  • There is no need to add ability to reject players
  • Clicking on Create Group should bring new menu to add title, select activity, add description and should replace menu with table of people willing to join

Source PSD is here if anyone wanna try doing it themselves: https://www.sendspace.com/file/h3w1r3

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I have 2 more ideas about Group Finder but they are debatable:

  1. Add ability to mark group as auto-invite - this is self explainatory, a checkbox that will automatically invite players who wants to join your group. Makes life a bit more easier for groups that don't require specific setup, doing things on lower difficulty etc. - Its debatable because of how invite system works (you actually can invite more than 4 players but only the fastest ones to accept will join)
  2. Continous groups - When a group has 4 players already in party and there are more people willing to join, members of the party will be removed from group, next player on the list becomes new host.
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10 hours ago, Kaminariss said:

This is how I image this working:


This looks amazing maybe have an optional section to show what frames you specifically want for the mission.

10 hours ago, Kaminariss said:

There is no need to add ability to reject players

There should be. If you're forming a specific group for a farm then you don't want leechers joining seeing as there is no kick button for groups (and there shouldn't be at least in mission).

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7 minutes ago, (PS4)Chris_Robet said:

show what frames you specifically want for the mission.

Thats the description field for:

11 hours ago, Kaminariss said:

Hovering over row should show group description (as it will not fit in table)


7 minutes ago, (PS4)Chris_Robet said:

There should be. If you're forming a specific group for a farm then you don't want leechers joining seeing as there is no kick button for groups

You are kinda mistaken on this one, You are not forced to invite someone, of course host should be able to see waitlist players loadout. And will be able to inspect them, whisper them. Thats why there is no need to reject players. You simply dont invite them if they don't have warframe you are looking for.

Both you as a host and players in waitlist can whisper each other. So if you are not sure you can just confirm by PMing.

Leeching problem never existed in this game and let me tell you why:

  1. Farming resources, you usually want nekros + hydroid - before even joining a mission you see a players loadout. If someone tries to cheat (chaning warframe just before staring mission) he would be stupid because group will simply disperse fast (abort mission) - so leech won't gain a single thing by doing this, just wasting time.
  2. Relic Radshares - just before and after joining mission you can see peple relics, if something is wrong you tell people and abort mission, reinviting only those who had correct relics. Well if someone gets DC just before mission ends then its just unlucky.
  3. Whenever I see someone afking while farming exp i just abort mission to not waste time.


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  • 2 months later...
3 minutes ago, [DE]Drew said:

I can definitely see the value in this, but it's not something we're focused on doing at this time. 

Any possibility of seeing something like this in development after the rush to finish Sacrifice and Venus Landscape?

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On 2018-02-24 at 8:45 AM, Kaminariss said:

I have 2 more ideas about Group Finder but they are debatable:

  1. Add ability to mark group as auto-invite - this is self explainatory, a checkbox that will automatically invite players who wants to join your group. Makes life a bit more easier for groups that don't require specific setup, doing things on lower difficulty etc. - Its debatable because of how invite system works (you actually can invite more than 4 players but only the fastest ones to accept will join)
  2. Continous groups - When a group has 4 players already in party and there are more people willing to join, members of the party will be removed from group, next player on the list becomes new host.

1: What do you do though if someone joins just to be a jerk about it? Youd have to reform the group to get rid of them. Probably best to not have an auto-join feature Id say.

2: Wouldn't this just mean that you'd be constantly booting the oldest member of the group as more people wanted in? I'm guessing what you are instead meaning here is that when a person CHOOSES to leave the group would just fill in the new slot while not breaking up the remaining players, right?

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On 2018-02-22 at 8:27 PM, Kaminariss said:

Group finder should have:

  • Activity categories: Sorties, Void Fissures, Eidolon Hunts, Bounties, Vault runs etc. and of course CUSTOM (for farming resources)
  • Created group would have Activitiy Category, Title, Description, When it was created and who is hosting (having PING displayed to host would be also nice)
  • Players would have the ability to create one team but they would be able to enlist on at least few existing groups (ex 5)
  • Host would have the ability to see who is enlisted, whisper to them and invite them by clicking a button (or right clicking)
  • Group would automatically get deleted when host joins a mission (enters a map) as well as after 10 minutes of inactivity
  • Players searching for a group could search group finder by activity category and title. They would be able to sort groups by title, date/time created (default) or ping to host
  • Menu could be on the star chart as a button on the top of screen.


  • No more god awful annoying iritating Recruit channel
  • You will find or create group fast


  • None

What about something like that for clans as well?? Clans recruit in recruiting chat too.

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On 2018-02-24 at 5:43 AM, Kaminariss said:


This is EXACTLY what the game needs.

It's only going to get worse as we get more and more relics in game, not to mention other activities that require a specific group (Eidolons, Derelict etc).

Between lack of a system like this, a chat that's extremely functionally outdated compared to other online games, and matchmaking that doesn't know how to match players only for the duration of the mission (which ends up in having to remake groups because "the random refuses to leave") organizing and managing a group to play Warframe with is a massive pain.

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  • 2 months later...

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