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Venus Open World Combat: Cautiously Optimistic But Not Excited


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I think there's a reason why almost the entire community flocks to Grineer or Infested when going at end-game content, whereas most would stay WAY the f**k away from Corpus. Corrupted are in-between, unrewarding in Void but they appear in void fissures.

So, the next open world is Venus. The newest big expansion, meaning the newest end-game. We've seen DE nerf kavats, and we've seen Tusk Bolkors and Ogmas be almost completely immune to debuff abilities. Now, we're facing Corpus, the faction that adds insult to injury by swarming players with Scrambus/Comba among Nullifier Crewmen. They are perhaps the most hated faction because it's far too easy to die in solo, and it's a barebones shooter in co-op where our abilities don't work well and we resort to just using guns. Fortunately, most Corpus are unarmored, but their raw DPS are far higher than that of Grineer thanks to Corpus Techs and Sapping Osprey grenades.

Do we really want an end-game Corpus expansion, considering how unfun end-game Corpus already is?

***On a side note, though, I am genuinely looking forward to modular guns from Solaris United. I truly hope the rest of the Venus open world won't disappoint me, either, but it's safer to be cautious than excited with how DE will handle the gameplay.***

Edited by Raspberri
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Still pretty early to tell. They showed a bunch of Corpus spider-bot proxies for Venus, and some concepts for field bases and that's about it. Here's to hoping there's not just squads of roaming Nullifiers and/or Comba/Scrambus. I guarantee they will appear considering they are high-level Corpus enemies and they said that the level-gated content (like night time in the Plains; Eidolons) will feature the Corpus in some way.

On a side note, since Venus has a lot of Orokin tech, I think it'd be interesting to see more Corrupted or Orokin enemies. They have a bunch of concepts for them but the last one we got was the Golden Maw in The War Within.

I'm excited for the modular guns. That whole city scene looks sick and cyberpunk as hell. Looking forwards to it more than I was the Plains when it was this early on.

Edited by Teksorbkyva
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I didn't know i wanted open world Warframe anything. Then we got the plains and, barring some predictable spawning, the gameplay opened up in quite an interesting way. At least for me personally as a banshee player. 

You are taking the closed nature of the tiles we have, where you can't see around the next corner/door, and applying the exact same thought process to an open world.

If you've ever had the pleasure of coming upon a nullifier inside the giant Corpus hanger, you'll know what a sorry excuse for a target he is because he's the only unit with a massive yellow bubble surrounding him. You couldn't make your self more known to anyone even if you tried.

More over, corpus have the same shortfall as our beam weapons do, in that they have a fixed range. They aren't looking so hot if they can't even hit you. Additionally, the sapping ospreys can't lock down a corridor forcing you to play the floor is lava mini game, because it's an open world now... just jump away.

I'm looking forward to it. I'm not going to hype myself as i know out the gate it's probably going to trip up a bit, but i quite like the open world gameplay.

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My issue with the corpus is that almost all of their 'difficulty' stems from them just making your warframe (the focused, best part of the game) useless. They have nullifiers and scrambus units, who's sole reason for being is taking away our cool toys... It makes me concerned for landscape gameplay against the corpus.

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3 hours ago, MillbrookWest said:

I didn't know i wanted open world Warframe anything. Then we got the plains and, barring some predictable spawning, the gameplay opened up in quite an interesting way. At least for me personally as a banshee player. 

You are taking the closed nature of the tiles we have, where you can't see around the next corner/door, and applying the exact same thought process to an open world.

If you've ever had the pleasure of coming upon a nullifier inside the giant Corpus hanger, you'll know what a sorry excuse for a target he is because he's the only unit with a massive yellow bubble surrounding him. You couldn't make your self more known to anyone even if you tried.

More over, corpus have the same shortfall as our beam weapons do, in that they have a fixed range. They aren't looking so hot if they can't even hit you. Additionally, the sapping ospreys can't lock down a corridor forcing you to play the floor is lava mini game, because it's an open world now... just jump away.

I'm looking forward to it. I'm not going to hype myself as i know out the gate it's probably going to trip up a bit, but i quite like the open world gameplay.

You have a point, the open space will give us a range advantage considering most of Corpus's headaches are AoE-based. However, I'm still gonna cautiously hope that they don't add Scrambus Osprey drones that have a dispel/nullifier effect the size of a Grineer camp in PoE. It's DE, they can come up with the weirdest ideas (and I'm sorry I just gave them one).

In any case, I'll readily welcome an end-game challenge on Venus if it encourages us to use abilities, not discourage us.

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So long as there's actual wildlife and side quests this time it'll 100% be better than poe. Seriously, 70% of the npcs in cetus just are there for show and are completely non interactive. A complete opposite to what was announced at tennocon. 

If i have to fight corpus to get that then so be it. My body is ready

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The corpus are easily my favorite faction. Regular nullies are great and make you play smarter, although I do agree that the comba/scrambus units are unfair and I am not a fan of them. Other than that though, the corpus I would argue are the best designed faction due to their difficulty compared to everything else.

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11 hours ago, Tarak said:

My issue with the corpus is that almost all of their 'difficulty' stems from them just making your warframe (the focused, best part of the game) useless. They have nullifiers and scrambus units, who's sole reason for being is taking away our cool toys... It makes me concerned for landscape gameplay against the corpus.

Exactly this. If DE aren't careful, it's going to end up feeling like a Mass Effect expansion, because weapons will be the only viable way to accomplish anything, ever.

Corpus need a redesign. ASAP. And Nullifier needs to go, while comba/Scramba need visual range indicators. Seriously, auras without visual indicators are just cheap, poor design.

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56 minutes ago, (PS4)Chimaera244 said:

The corpus are easily my favorite faction. Regular nullies are great and make you play smarter, although I do agree that the comba/scrambus units are unfair and I am not a fan of them. Other than that though, the corpus I would argue are the best designed faction due to their difficulty compared to everything else.

I have one problem with nullifiers, and that is the simple fact that they make all weapons with low rate of fire (pump-action shotguns, sniper rifles, charge-shot rifles, to name a few) unviable. The drone holding the nullifier bubble up isn't always shootable, since it can try to face away or even just clip through the ceiling. The nullifier bubble itself is extremely damage-gated, so a Snipetron, for example, could never destroy it in one mag.

Other than that, I think nullifiers are surprisingly balanced by themselves. They get super broken when they protect Scrambus/Comba, and there's literally nothing you can do on this kind of combo when you are in hallway combat.

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Being that technically nothing has changed since POE to improve the game engine or rendering system my guess is that the increase size and the level gates are merely a variation on the loading tunnel on POE, which means they just pasted together multiple POE size maps and gated them behind the load tunnels.

My suspicion is we will get several POE levels chained together with the Spiderbots being the "Eidolons" of this level. Meaning just as empty and just as featureless as what we got now.

My suspicion has bee that POE is reaching the limit of what the game engine can handle and they had to resort to reducing alot of detail and limiting the number of objects rendered to get the map that size. So chances are we will see the same amount of terrain  and features we currently see on POE, only Corpus themed.

Which isn't even remotely enticing to me. I want more complexity, more diversity, more variety. Not just running through empty maps fighting small groups of the same enemies I fight everywhere else.

Seems like the only effort they made was actually making the spiderbots. Though I get the feeling they are just a copy of Eidolons in terms of mechanics, They haven't even mentioned anything about mechanics or how it acts in combat. There just hasn't been enough time since POE released for them to have improved any of the underlying technology, so I expect this is just going to be more of the same just with different window dressing.

Edited by (PS4)HurricaneHugo76
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Actually I feel like in an Open World, the corpus could be more interesting to face, and less frustrating. But my worries is : will it be rewarding ? If it's as rewarding as the PoE, then count me out, I've got better thing to do than take a giant sentient for nothing at all.

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