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Slide Attack/Maiming Strike/Whip and Polearm range -- an absurd mixture of overpoweredness


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6 minutes ago, RazorTip said:

I mean, if Warframe was a PvP-focused game, I kinda get where the OP's coming from, as it'd be a pretty cheap tactic to beat other players.

But that's hardly the case here. 

This is a PvE game. Just because you don't like how some folks press 4 to win, or spin 2 win, or kill more mooks than you do, or whatever thing they do that pisses you off, doesn't mean you get to dictate how they play the game and how they have fun.

Because, in the end, that's just your opinion, man.

And again, no one can dictate how others play the game except DE, so obviously that's not what he's doing. If I had a major gripe with the game, I would say my opinion about it openly. How you play the game would certainly not stop me from doing it. That's not dictating anything, that's just speaking my mind.

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6 minutes ago, RazorTip said:

I mean, if Warframe was a PvP-focused game, I kinda get where the OP's coming from, as it'd be a pretty cheap tactic to beat other players.

But that's hardly the case here. 

This is a PvE game. Just because you don't like how some folks press 4 to win, or spin 2 win, or kill more mooks than you do, or whatever thing they do that pisses you off, doesn't mean you get to dictate how they play the game and how they have fun.

Because, in the end, that's just your opinion, man.

Already smacked around the "but it's only a PvE game!" defense.  That's not an excuse for ignoring any semblance of balance, otherwise DE would never bother to change/tweak things.  They obviously are concerned, at least somewhat, with balance in their pve-centric game.

Yea well, you know that's like, uh, your opinion man. :)

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On 3/13/2018 at 1:43 AM, Blade_Wolf_16 said:


Yes, it's another thread on the Spin-2-win spam, and there will always be more as long as it's not fixed. Why do people disregard the threads explaning the problem yet not the actual problem?


PS @DDixon286: Forcing others to play solo just so others can cheese in public isn't going to fix anything.

Wait, shouldn't the one doing the cheesing play solo? :P



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1 minute ago, Vindicus8235 said:

Already smacked around the "but it's only a PvE game!" defense.  That's not an excuse for ignoring any semblance of balance, otherwise DE would never bother to change/tweak things.  They obviously are concerned, at least somewhat, with balance in their pve-centric game.

Yea well, you know that's like, uh, your opinion man. :)

"Balance", in a game about killing degrading cyborg clones, robot ostriches, and space aids?

This is why we can't have nice things.

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3 minutes ago, vvhorus said:

When you post an opinion and people disagree, then you get mad because many do not see things like you do, is it an opinion anymore, or aren't you just trying to impose your point of view above everyone else's? Many have already shared counterpoints to your opinion, yet you get triggered and refuse to acknowledge those by calling them "hyperbole." To you, MS is "an absurd mixture of overpoweredness" to quote your thread title, but that's just your opinion. Many do not agree with you and have voiced their opinions as to why not. Instead of just agreeing to disagree, you keep pushing the subject like you're right and everyone else is wrong. We're just sharing opinions here. Yours is not more valid than mine. You say yes, I say no. Who's right? Who decides who's right? Not you...

I'm neither mad nor triggered.  Just as content as I was when I posted the OP.  I acknowledge every view I've encountered here.  I still believe I am correct otherwise I would no longer be discussing it, and the number of people who disagree with me does not influence that belief in the slightest, nor does the number of people who agree with me.  You seem to be under the gross misapprehension that this is a very one sided discussion--me against everyone else.  Sharing opinions is a valid assessment, so why are you so vehemently trying to silence mine?  I welcome yours, despite disagreeing with it.

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14 minutes ago, Vindicus8235 said:

Already smacked around the "but it's only a PvE game!" defense.  That's not an excuse for ignoring any semblance of balance, otherwise DE would never bother to change/tweak things.  They obviously are concerned, at least somewhat, with balance in their pve-centric game.

Yea well, you know that's like, uh, your opinion man. :)

This here is an example of your dismissiveness. You say you "acknowledge" and "welcome" every view you encounter here, yet you like to "smack around" every single opposing view. Yep...

I also believe I am correct in my view...

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Just now, vvhorus said:

This here is an example of your dismissiveness. You say you "acknowledge" and "welcome" every view you encounter here, yet you like to "smack around" every single opposing view. Yep...

I also believe I am correct in my view...

Smacked around just means "had a talk about" where I'm from.  It's in no way dismissive, to me at least.  Lost in translation.

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6 minutes ago, rune_me said:

Yeah with punch through absolutely. But it used to do it without a punch through mod.

Aye, and just like maiming strike, needs other other mods to reach the level of so called "broken".  That was the whole point.

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1 hour ago, Vindicus8235 said:

Isn't it an unspoken assumption that anything posted on the internet, or in fact any idea conjured from your mind is opinion?  Or should it be added to the end of every post?


When you say things like " My agenda is better health and balance for the game" you're clearly implying that anyone who disagrees with you is in favor of hurting the health and balance so yeah, it would be kind of nice for you to acknowledge it is your opinion in that case

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1 hour ago, vvhorus said:

This here is an example of your dismissiveness. You say you "acknowledge" and "welcome" every view you encounter here, yet you like to "smack around" every single opposing view. Yep...

I also believe I am correct in my view...

Not to get off topic but are you the same vvhorus from the Division forums? If so glad to see you here!

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19 minutes ago, (PS4)LubzinNJ said:

When you say things like " My agenda is better health and balance for the game" you're clearly implying that anyone who disagrees with you is in favor of hurting the health and balance so yeah, it would be kind of nice for you to acknowledge it is your opinion in that case

If I said "My goal is to create a better world" have I implied that anyone whose goal isn't to create a better world is keen to destroy it?

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2 hours ago, Vindicus8235 said:

With that logic there should never be any discussion about balance in the game.  If a weapon were added that when you entered a mission and pressed left click all of the enemies died, you collected all of the loot and the mission complete screen was displayed, I could not, according to you, come to the forum and voice my opinion about its negative impact on the game because I'd be asking for "another item in the game to get nerfed because I don't like the playstyle".

The forum is precisely for what I've done here which is giving feedback and discussion.  You nor anyone else who keeps shouting "No, No!  Just look away!  Everything is fine here!" will stop me from posting about how utterly broken slide attacks are when combined with maiming strike and a whip/polearm.

And you talked about my comment being hyperbole....

Your argument is solely about balancing the game around what YOU think is unbalanced and as has been shown here a lot of players have no issue with what YOU have an issue with...

You go on about your right to say it's broken, well we have just as much right to say it isn't broken.... just because someone spends more time shouting about something being 'broken' doesn't mean they're right. 


Lets just look at how things can appear 'overpowered' when things are anything but overpowered:

I could start a second account, grab a skana, add a potato and get a friend in game to give me better mods and help me level it up really quickly, I don't take any mr tests so when players look I'm still mr1 or mr2.  Now because I have a stronger weapon to other newbies (who in many cases don't even know about using mods) and have experience of the maps I would then look overpowered to the other newbies (assuming they don't think I'm cheating).  Take that same new account to a higher level with level 30-40 enemies and it would be quickly apparent that the weapon is anything but overpowered. 

Basically just because something appears overpowered against low level enemies doesn't mean that it's overpowered for the entire game, especially when the game doesn't stop with the star map level enemies. .

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On 3/12/2018 at 5:36 PM, Vindicus8235 said:

Can we please talk about the elephant in the room here?  Frames like Ember get World on Fire nerfed because it basically ruins the game for anyone else trying to play.  That was partially true but only worked up to around level 40 mobs.  Now slide attack on the other hand, ruins games up to at least 150 and beyond.  Sorties are a mind numbing bore-fest with a slide attack spammer as there's really nothing left to do since it's a super fast moving screen wide red crit aoe fest.  Please address this egregiously overpowered combo of things for the health of the game.  At the very least cap melee range to a few meters, since you know, it's melee; increase whip and polearm damage to compensate if necessary.  Thanks for your consideration.

How about you stop trying to limit how other people play the game. If mobs hit the floor everyone wins. 

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10 minutes ago, Pyus said:

How about you stop trying to limit how other people play the game. If mobs hit the floor everyone wins. 

Again with this. Why should he stop? 

Again, I disagree with him, but why on earth should he stop? He is perfectly allowed to post his opinions here. If he feels that limiting how you play the game makes the game better, he is perfectly allowed to try and influence DE to limit the way you play the game. Your way of playing the game is not important to him, me or anyone other than you.

I don't want maiming strike nerfed, because it's part of my playstyle. But unlike most people posting in this thread, I'm not so arrogant as to assume that my playstyle is more important than other peoples opinions.

Edited by rune_me
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28 minutes ago, rune_me said:

Again with this. Why should he stop? 

Again, I disagree with him, but why on earth should he stop? He is perfectly allowed to post his opinions here. If he feels that limiting how you play the game makes the game better, he is perfectly allowed to try and influence DE to limit the way you play the game. Your way of playing the game is not important to him, me or anyone other than you.

I don't want maiming strike nerfed, because it's part of my playstyle. But unlike most people posting in this thread, I'm not so arrogant as to assume that my playstyle is more important than other peoples opinions.

I'm glad we can disagree but you'd still defend my right to be wrong (in your eyes), as I would yours (in my eyes).  You're a unicorn on the internet my friend.

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On 3/13/2018 at 1:36 AM, (XB1)Madinogi said:

1) come into a game with spin 2 win players. 

2) Open menu and click abort mission and hit yes.

3) set lobby status from public to solo.

4) repick the mission and restart it. 

5) no more spin 2 win it players in your game= Profit. 


like to tell me again with a straight face how they are dictating how you play the game? anyone with common sense would tell you they are not. 

I'm sorry but i thought this was a Co-op game? Thats a crappy suggestion and not very original. Its overpowered and dumb out damaging every ability  , gun etc. People hitting one key macro is not something de wont just leave much longer.  I abuse it on volt and the damage is so insane that i cant help but abuse it.

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How is maiming strike overpowered? The most range is only 10m with a primed reach the highest melee range about 19-20m are only available to people with lots of plat or just plain lucky with scoliac rivens.

The mods that are required are difficult to get as you need 2 primed mods and a rare mods from an equally rare event. So its gotta be powerful. 

Besides condition overload is way more powerful. You get to keep the bonuses( slash proc, damage buff, finisher) and condition overload scales exponentially. Status build will win out any maiming strike build in the end.

OP here is just blowing up things just because someone gets more kills than him. Deal with it. You play in public, you got to tolerate anyone, including speedrunners. Who are you dictate how others play? Just because you dont like the spin2win playstyle it must be nerfed?

Slide crit people are generally out there to complete the mission as fast as possible not to piss people off. If you dony like slide crit people you can just stay away from that person. Enemies will still spawn for you to slowly kill with your guns.

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On 3/12/2018 at 9:00 PM, Blade_Wolf_16 said:

Who cares if they find something else in the future? DE will just need to fix it too. Abandonning the idea of fixing balance problems will only make the game more and more unbalanced with each new things DE adds, and, just in case you don't know, DE is actualy trying their best at balancing the game, as requested by many players over the years. Banshee's RQ was nerfed for a reason, a reason that also applies to Spin-2-win, Ash's old Bladestrom, and so on.


The common excuse of all the people defending broken, powercreep and cheese brainless gameplay. Tell me, how much did it hurt you to see Banshee's RQ disapear? 

people like you will never be satisfied just get good at the game you will always complain about others doing the best thing. Its honestly sad and pathetic that people like you exist in a non competitive pve game. And banshee rq didnt disappear its still the same and even better and more energy efficient since u can regen and ev works with it just shows how much you people know about the game.

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6 minutes ago, freeKappa2014 said:

people like you will never be satisfied just get good at the game you will always complain about others doing the best thing. Its honestly sad and pathetic that people like you exist in a non competitive pve game. And banshee rq didnt disappear its still the same and even better and more energy efficient since u can regen and ev works with it just shows how much you people know about the game.

I agree. People who suck will always call for nerfs.

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