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You are KILLING Destiny (and probably Anthem, preemptively)...


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36 minutes ago, Acersecomic said:

I'm hoping Anthem doesn't fail just because I want to see the next Dragon Age.

I don't, because Bioware is pretty much dead at this point. Much of the talent that made their older games so great have left the company. I give Bioware max. 3 years before they will face the same fate as Westwood, Bullfrog and many others.

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1 hour ago, Acersecomic said:

Destiny killed itself. It could have been the only game of its kind on the market, it would have still commited suicide by stupidity.

Pretty much this. Activision essentially cut their own throats by breaking up the original game design to sell a number of subsequent sequels. What you ended up with was a totally fragmented story presented catch-as-catch-can, no coherent narrative dripping with cliffhangers, and a half-assed promise that maybe the next full priced AAA game would tie up some of the loose ends (or maybe the next after that...or the one after that...). 

And it tanked. 

So Bungie sorta fixed the issues with the first game, then doubled down on the actual sequel...and it not only tanked, but cratered. 

Now they're trying to revert some of the damage, but every update seems to alienate the fanbase even more. Personally, I think they've already crossed the event horizon and I'd be surprised if the third expansion ever sees the light of day. 

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29 minutes ago, Wolfdoggie said:

Because it's dead.

destinity 2 is in the blizzard  launcher   battle.net 

 is not steam teamup

is like saying nobody is playing wow

and warframe is not killing anyone since is older then destiny and anthum

Edited by VeNoN
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Like others stated before, Destiny killed itself mostly. It made promises that it didn't deliver on in the beginning that hurt it, and then while Destiny near the end of the life-cycle of the first game was becoming somewhat interesting (minus the whole Tess Eververse Microfest store), Destiny 2 came and pretty much destroyed whatever Bungie was trying to do with the first game at the end of its life and keeps destroying it. They are pretty much obliterating it until there will be nothing left of it.

Edited by (PS4)Argetlam350
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15 minutes ago, VeNoN said:

destinity 2 is in the blizzard  launcher   battle.net 

 is not steam teamup

is like saying nobody is playing wow

and warframe is not killing anyone since is older then destiny and anthum

Anthem isn't out yet and it's already dead. Those launchers only exist so they can hide from public reviews (like how EA pulled Dragon Age 2 and hid it behind Origins to escape overwhelmingly negative review attack) but it still doesn't save them. They are like virtual coffins. 

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Honestly, I couldn't be happier seeing "AAA" publisher hounded greed products fail. I don't wish a lack of employment on any developer, but if the industry is to change its business practices, this is the only real way it's going to happen. These people live, breathe, and eat profit. Negative feedback doesn't mean a thing if their pockets are still growing. Once they're hurting at the bank, then, and only then will change happen.

This is one of the reasons amongst the many I love DE, and I love Warframe. They illustrate that it's possible to be wildly successful without being evil.

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1 hour ago, WhiteCr0w said:

Honestly, I couldn't be happier seeing "AAA" publisher hounded greed products fail. I don't wish a lack of employment on any developer, but if the industry is to change its business practices, this is the only real way it's going to happen. These people live, breathe, and eat profit. Negative feedback doesn't mean a thing if their pockets are still growing. Once they're hurting at the bank, then, and only then will change happen.

This is one of the reasons amongst the many I love DE, and I love Warframe. They illustrate that it's possible to be wildly successful without being evil.


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4 hours ago, VeNoN said:

and warframe is not killing anyone since is older then destiny and anthum

Well, it's become a progressively better and better game over the years and it's at the point where I see more and more popular youtubers suggesting Warframe as a cure for the Destiny blues and championing DE's policies as an example of how not to screw your hapless customers to the wall.

Sometimes, you don't realize how bad a game is until you see a better game doing literally everything right by comparison.

3 hours ago, WhiteCr0w said:

Honestly, I couldn't be happier seeing "AAA" publisher hounded greed products fail. I don't wish a lack of employment on any developer, but if the industry is to change its business practices, this is the only real way it's going to happen. These people live, breathe, and eat profit. Negative feedback doesn't mean a thing if their pockets are still growing. Once they're hurting at the bank, then, and only then will change happen.

This is one of the reasons amongst the many I love DE, and I love Warframe. They illustrate that it's possible to be wildly successful without being evil.

Agreed in full.

Things are never going to change for the better until the bottom line starts hurting...

Edited by TheRealDestian
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regarding Destiny, I made the mistake of plying it in year one, and then against my better judgement bought the sequel. the first one had decent shooting and pretty surrounding and... that was about it. everything else could be described as boring, tedious, or just plain bad *cough Peter Dinklage as Ghost*. stopped playing after the dark below. D2 managed to get a couple things right: the grind was easier, but it just ended up getting boring after a while, and Bungie never dropped their ridiculous "you must buy expansions" model. I've been foolish enough to give them two chances already, so I highly doubt anything will change with Destiny 3.

regarding Anthem, at first I was looking forward to it, but then I found out that EA was publishing and immediately took it off my radar. I hope it doesn't end up being Destiny all over again, but there's a strong chance of that happening. it all depends on what EA are gonna do now that their practices have finally been questioned. they now have to either tread VERY carefully or risk another backlash. this is EA though so I reckon they won't have learnt a damn thing and will continue to lock progression behind lootboxes, because money is all that ever matters to them.

DE have proven that it is possible to become a successful developer, with plenty in the bank without squeezing your customers. but no, EA wanna squeeze every last penny out of your wallet. and sadly myself and others have let them. no more.




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3 hours ago, WhiteCr0w said:

Honestly, I couldn't be happier seeing "AAA" publisher hounded greed products fail. I don't wish a lack of employment on any developer, but if the industry is to change its business practices, this is the only real way it's going to happen. These people live, breathe, and eat profit. Negative feedback doesn't mean a thing if their pockets are still growing. Once they're hurting at the bank, then, and only then will change happen.

This is one of the reasons amongst the many I love DE, and I love Warframe. They illustrate that it's possible to be wildly successful without being evil.

TO be fair you aren't automatically a douchebag just because you are a AAA developer or publisher.I never played any Rockstar game except Red Dead Redemption, but they seem to me to be decent developers who doesn't rush titles out every year just to make more money. 

And of course CD Project Red, who should be a shining example that even DE could learn a lot from. The company that forgot that paid DLC shouldn't just be a new level or a skin for your weapon, and instead accidentally released a DLC that added 40+ hours of game time and was bigger than most full games.

Naughty Dog also comes to mind, though I don't play their games, but everyone seems to love them (and they have probably the best texture and shader artists currently working in the industry). I'm sure there's others.

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6 hours ago, Ryme said:

Here's a question, has anyone heard of the AAA referencing Warframe? I've seen a lot of them reference each other, ie. CoD referencing Battlefield or Ubisoft referencing Bungie, but I haven't seen any of them mentioning Warframe. I wonder if they really still don't notice Warframe and what DE has accomplished, or they are purposely avoiding it, to justify their own practices of gouging customers and "turning players into payers" rhetoric.

Hollywood won’t reference Canadian Studios because...


You get me?


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Warframe didn't kill Destiny. Warframe can't kill something not even out. What is the point of this rather mindless fanboy nonsense?

4 hours ago, Wolfdoggie said:

Anthem isn't out yet and it's already dead. Those launchers only exist so they can hide from public reviews (like how EA pulled Dragon Age 2 and hid it behind Origins to escape overwhelmingly negative review attack) but it still doesn't save them. They are like virtual coffins. 

Is Steam the only place to review games? Are publishers obligated to give Valve a cut of sales? Are Steam reviews immune to the usual problems with giving random people on the internet a platform for speech?

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45 minutes ago, peterc3 said:

Warframe didn't kill Destiny. Warframe can't kill something not even out. What is the point of this rather mindless fanboy nonsense?

Is Steam the only place to review games? Are publishers obligated to give Valve a cut of sales? Are Steam reviews immune to the usual problems with giving random people on the internet a platform for speech?

Yes, Yes; otherwise it's like they're wanting to work in someone's country but don't wanna pay taxes, and yes.

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2 minutes ago, Wolfdoggie said:

Yes, Yes; otherwise it's like they're wanting to work in someone's country but don't wanna pay taxes, and yes.

MetaCritic, among others. Steam isn't the only place to sell your game, pretending companies should be forced to sell on Steam and give a percentage to Valve is inane. The idea that these companies go through the not insignificant work to make and maintain a digital storefront just to hide reviews is beyond stupid. Review bombing is still operable on Steam, so no, it isn't immune.

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1 hour ago, rune_me said:

TO be fair you aren't automatically a douchebag just because you are a AAA developer or publisher.I never played any Rockstar game except Red Dead Redemption, but they seem to me to be decent developers who doesn't rush titles out every year just to make more money. 

And of course CD Project Red, who should be a shining example that even DE could learn a lot from. The company that forgot that paid DLC shouldn't just be a new level or a skin for your weapon, and instead accidentally released a DLC that added 40+ hours of game time and was bigger than most full games.

Naughty Dog also comes to mind, though I don't play their games, but everyone seems to love them (and they have probably the best texture and shader artists currently working in the industry). I'm sure there's others.

There are definitely some AAA devs out there that don't reek of greed and do a damn fine job on their products, but they're becoming rarer all the time, sadly.

I think "shareholders" are the issue, the stakeholders behind massive publishers that couldn't care less about games themselves but just want to make as much money as possible purely for the sake of doing so.

When people like that aren't breathing down the necks of the developers to figure out how to squeeze every last penny out of players, the games tend to be massively better as a result (and more successful in the long run as well).

Edited by TheRealDestian
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Just now, peterc3 said:

MetaCritic, among others. Steam isn't the only place to sell your game, pretending companies should be forced to sell on Steam and give a percentage to Valve is inane. The idea that these companies go through the not insignificant work to make and maintain a digital storefront just to hide reviews is beyond stupid. Review bombing is still operable on Steam, so no, it isn't immune.

Those are paid reviews nowadays. Review bombing is well earned, like No Man Sky.

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8 hours ago, Void-Gunslinger said:

Anthem is already dead.

Anthem is dead on arrivial, primarily because it's made by EA, which guarantees it'll have issues at launch and that it'll be infested with loot boxes. The second reason is because it's trying to be another Division.

7 hours ago, DatDarkOne said:

Oh they are very aware of Warframe and have been for awhile now.  They just can't reference Warframe or DE without possibly shooting themselves in the foot.  

You really overestimate Warframe's importance to the gaming industry. This game does not scare any AAA publisher or developer.

Edited by A-p-o-l-l-y-o-n
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7 minutes ago, rune_me said:

Okay Alex Jones, if you say so. I mean, some random dude on the internet wrote it, so it must be true.

Exactly. And if enough write it about something it becomes an Overwhelmingly Positive and everyone's happy.

Then it can afford to do a 75% off during Steam Sale for it's game of the year edition.

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9 minutes ago, A-p-o-l-l-y-o-n said:

You really overestimate Warframe's importance to the gaming industry. This game does not scare any AAA publisher or developer.

I'm not overestimating anything.  Warframe has been here for 5 years and has stayed in the Steam top games for a good bit of that time.  DE has been known by other Devs and publishers long before that.  Since the days of Unreal and the first Unreal Engine, which DE helped create.  

It's not a matter of scaring them.  It's more an issue of avoiding direct comparisons of similar products.  Publishers and businesses only do mentions or direct comparisons when they feel or know that they have the superior product.  AAA publishers just can't say that if they want people to buy their product.  Especially when an opposing product is offered for FREE.  

Publishers do pay attention to Indies and others in the industry quite often, and have been since the old Sega/Nintendo battles.  

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