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Stradavar Prime


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it'll get primed one day. it might have 3 fire modes as well, adding a burst function.

3 minutes ago, (PS4)EpICFreeDoMZz said:

Personally I feel like there's gonna be a shotgun next. Idk why just a feeling. Or maybe just hoping lol. But I don't think it will be for a while because we just got a rifle and melee. Since we missed a secondary this time we might only get a secondary and melee. 

well after Zephyr, people reckon either Limbo or Chroma's on the cards. a shotgun makes more sense with Chroma since tankier frames are a better fit for close range weapons, but the only Tenno Shotgun that isn't primed to my knowledge is the Corinth, and it's way too soon for that (though Corinth Prime will be absolutely fantastic!) If it's Limbo I'd like to see Destreza Prime, rapiers go well with his gentleman's attire.

honestly though I'll take any primed gear, it's all good.

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7 minutes ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

it'll get primed one day. it might have 3 fire modes as well, adding a burst function.

well after Zephyr, people reckon either Limbo or Chroma's on the cards. a shotgun makes more sense with Chroma since tankier frames are a better fit for close range weapons, but the only Tenno Shotgun that isn't primed to my knowledge is the Corinth, and it's way too soon for that (though Corinth Prime will be absolutely fantastic!) If it's Limbo I'd like to see Destreza Prime, rapiers go well with his gentleman's attire.

honestly though I'll take any primed gear, it's all good.

They're gonna say fck it and go Vaykor Hek Prime xD (yes I know its not tenno just a joke) but I don't see why it can't be primed. Yes its early but if it fits then why not. Besides it would be like 4 months minimum away. 

Edited by (PS4)EpICFreeDoMZz
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vor 5 Minuten schrieb Ragingwasabi:

honestly tiberon prime IS the stradavar prime. it has select fire, something that stradavar has but tiberon doesnt. basically stravar prime in a tiberon prime skin.

maybe they got the gun stats mixed up :|

Problem is, I haven't got a nice Riven for the Tiberon Prime xD.


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1 hour ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

it'll get primed one day. it might have 3 fire modes as well, adding a burst function.

well after Zephyr, people reckon either Limbo or Chroma's on the cards. a shotgun makes more sense with Chroma since tankier frames are a better fit for close range weapons, but the only Tenno Shotgun that isn't primed to my knowledge is the Corinth, and it's way too soon for that (though Corinth Prime will be absolutely fantastic!) If it's Limbo I'd like to see Destreza Prime, rapiers go well with his gentleman's attire.

honestly though I'll take any primed gear, it's all good.

Can't believe everyone forgets about good olde Strun though.

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17 minutes ago, NightmareT12 said:

Can't believe everyone forgets about good olde Strun though.

Nothing against the Strun but it's really the Wraith that shines and no my SC/MS/FR riven isn't making me biased :P That said they can always make up something new too that has no normal version. Worked for the Dakra and Euphona so why not a primary as well?

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hace 52 minutos, NightmareT12 dijo:

Can't believe everyone forgets about good olde Strun though.

If it has "Wraith" in its name then it has "Grineer" written all over it too. Seeing that we have a Strun Wraith, we won't get it as a Prime because it's not a Tenno weapon. Moreso, the Wraith/Vandal versions of Grineer/Corpus weapons are the somewhat equivalent of the Prime versions of Tenno weapons.

Edited by SigmaBlack
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28 minutes ago, SigmaBlack said:

If it has "Wraith" in its name then it has "Grineer" written all over it too. Seeing that we have a Strun Wraith, we won't get it as a Prime because it's not a Tenno weapon. Moreso, the Wraith/Vandal versions of Grineer/Corpus weapons are the somewhat equivalent of the Prime versions of Tenno weapons.

? what?



The Strun is most likely a Tenno weapon, despite its augmentation the Strun Wraith, a Grineer-focused customization. The Strun bears a faint Tenno marking on its stock as proof.

  • Additionally, the Strun shares many similarities to the Boar, which is a weapon that has received a Prime version, suggesting it as Orokin technology.

The strun is basically a boar with the chopped upper half.

There's also a braton, braton prime, braton vandal.

Lato, lato prime, lato vandal.

Latron, latron prime, latron wraith.

Imperator, which has a vandal, seems to be a tenno archwing gun too, as it's given along odonata, which has a prime.

Tenno weapons seem to be able to go any custom way (wraith, vandal, prisma), not just prime. But only tenno weapons can be primed.

Vandal doesn't seem to be strictly corpus design either, but more like lotus' design over some corpus and tenno guns.


Vandal weapons feature a metallic teal and dark-green paint scheme with Lotus symbols, and have improved stats over the original weapons


Edited by nms.
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The Lato/Braton Vandal and the Strun Wraith/Imperator Vandal are exceptions to the rules, seeing as the first ones aren't available anymore and the second ones only through one means, probably because they were thought and put together before it became a non-spoken "rule".

This line of thought is supported by the fact that the subsequent weapons of each line have been only Grineer for Wraith and only Corpus for Vandal.


Of course, DE could prove me wrong and say it's nothing like that... but as of now, it would be too much of a coincidence to be only that.

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4 hours ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

it'll get primed one day. it might have 3 fire modes as well, adding a burst function.

well after Zephyr, people reckon either Limbo or Chroma's on the cards. a shotgun makes more sense with Chroma since tankier frames are a better fit for close range weapons, but the only Tenno Shotgun that isn't primed to my knowledge is the Corinth, and it's way too soon for that (though Corinth Prime will be absolutely fantastic!) If it's Limbo I'd like to see Destreza Prime, rapiers go well with his gentleman's attire.

honestly though I'll take any primed gear, it's all good.


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5 hours ago, Arniox said:

it's a recent weapon. It only came out recently so probably not for a long time.

The Stradavar is the next Tenno rifle in line, it's not so crazy really. We're about to get *Chroma*. It felt like it was going to be an eternity back in the day, but look at it, we're on the day now.

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1 hour ago, NightmareT12 said:

The Stradavar is the next Tenno rifle in line, it's not so crazy really. We're about to get *Chroma*. It felt like it was going to be an eternity back in the day, but look at it, we're on the day now.

We still have to go through limbo prime but yeah... It's way closer than I thought... Chroma felt like yesterday... Then it's equinox, holy sh¡t.

I remember them so vividly when they came out

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I would like a stradavar prime but If I want to be honest then we need the strun prime before. Strun is one of the oldest items in game which still has no prime that is true it has a wraith version but the prime version is still missing. Boar got it's prime version and the strun also needs it. 

There are mentions like ether-dual ether and dagger prime same goes to the heat sword series or dual zoren which is also an iconic weapon. There is a lot choice but these items are not popular only amongst the new-advanced players.

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