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Thoughts on high MR toxicity?

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Just now, Ragnarok160 said:

Warframr had always been a game that puts new and veteran players together but some people forget that

I agree. I dont see the point in just insulting someone for something that doesn't even show your worth. What you bring to the team to help complete the objective does. I'd rather see more team players then high Mr players with god complex😁

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3 hours ago, puppycorpse said:

I agree. I dont see the point in just insulting someone for something that doesn't even show your worth. What you bring to the team to help complete the objective does. I'd rather see more team players then high Mr players with god complex😁

I agree

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I am quite newish to the game, 250hrs played, MR 8, and I can tell you that being MR whatever doesn't mean anything.  You can buy weapons and frames with plat, level them up doing the same missions over and over again and become MR whatever.  

Now, on the other hand, I needed some ability mods and there was this excellent MR 25 who just handed me a completely leveled up continuity mod and told me to give him/her one of my ammo drums for the trade.  So, no, MR25s do not spread toxicity.  Childish behavior does.


Edited by sevalaricgirl
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It is an individual player issue not a mastery rank or game issue... 

I am mastery rank 23 and basically treat everyone the same. I give more advice and freebies to low rank players but don't judge others skill levels.

I leave it up to others to judge themselves...

Some players quitting or getting on my nerves I won't play with, but instead of attacking others back when they try to do that I just laugh.

"Oh another keyboard warrior" LoL.

I play the game with my sense of humour ON and I have to recommend that to everyone.

Anyway, perhaps you can reflect on the fact that it was only 1 person who made you generalize all high rank players incorrectly. 

Also: you can't be offended unless you take the offense the other is intending to give. It just shows you who they are if they curse you.

Edited by helioth137
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My though on this is toxic behavior has more to do with a mesurable scale of authority, they don't worry to be wrong or not if there isn't someone who can break their statement.

I do recall having stubled on 2 or 3 example but they are quitte rare.

(I think their rank was equal or bellow mine, wich counter my statement)

This could have something to do with me trying to get has far has possible making me near max rank.

Edited by angias
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On 3/23/2018 at 10:35 AM, (XB1)RevenantRequiem said:

MR gives player a general idea of how much experience a player could have. What's more important is that it tells others that you probably have a large selection of frames to choose from for a variety of purposes.

No, it really doesn't.  I've run into a couple of high MR players complaining that some frame or weapon got a serious upgrade, and now it doesn't suck so they wish they had kept it instead of grinding it to max level and trashing it.  I've met one who was loudly proclaiming that anyone who spends any money ever is stupid, and how proud they were that they never even spent traded platinum on extra slots for anything.  They were MR 22.  (Meaning they had gotten nearly everything in the game at that point, maxed it, then deleted it.)

MR means nothing.  Even the tests themselves are so abstract, arbitrary and (in my opinion) poorly designed that they have no real relation to gameplay.  All that MR says is that you have a lot of free time, and a willingness to jump through arbitrary hoops for not much of a reward.  I was at MR 9 for literally years, because the test for MR 10 is a frustrating mess.  I only finally went higher than that because I wanted to trade for the Syndicate weapons.  I stopped at MR 20 because, again, the test is arbitrary and annoying, and I see absolutely zero benefit in slogging past that point.  If MR was something I even slightly cared about, I'm sure I have enough mastery points to be MR 25.

Mastery Rank is an arbitrary number, and doesn't really have any meaning at all.  Someone could be so focused on "grind it and trash it" with anything but their Main items that they don't even understand how other frames or weapons work.

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You don't need a high MR to be a jerk. You should really learn Correlation VS Causation. Another example being having a high MR doesn't necessarily you're good at the game. You can literally just farm Hydron or any other good mission to level everything up to 30 and eventually get to 25MR without even doing sorties or eidolon hunts.

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It seems like a pride issue, that you needed an arbitrary number on a game because you have nothing else to your name. When people and upwardly inclined numbers mix it always leads to cringy arguments which starts with "haha, you're a noob!" and evolves to "You're a noob!", "NO YOU'RE a noob!", "UR MOM NOOB!". At that point it's time to put the game down and go outside to absorb some sun and oxygen, instead of monitor radiation and sock fumes. 

All I see in MR is what weapons i'm allowed to build. 

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I think that the higuer you are the less likely you are to be confronted when you have a toxic behavior.

We add pride and prestige to someone Who is already toxic.

Since the core gameplay is freaking easy and you'll spend much time in it, trying to figure out someone skill based on their most used gears is $&*&*#(%&er.

My most used warframe is basic loki, Who i've sold 3 years ago.

My actual main is saryn on wich i have only spend 5% of my time in game.

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On 3/23/2018 at 10:22 AM, (PS4)OerbaYunFangSta said:

Their MR restrictions, their "MR = Experience" thoughts, their arrogance.

Someone just judged me off my most played Warframes

  • Mastery Rank is not equivalent to experience ( I know players at MR-07 who are Founders or played since Beta release).
  • All players have differences of opinion and preference when playing Warframe (warframes, weapons, companions, mods; etc.).

*It is best to ignore such attention from "toxic" players, when their opinion and judgement don't matter. 

Edited by xV3NOMx
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As an MR 18-19 can't be bothered to remember but I play generally zephyr like >-> erhm 45% of the time on my profile so when higher mrs start bash talking and at the end of the mission the widdle Zephyr(me) has 2% damage taken 45% damage dealt and 300 kills in a survival, Shuts up the toxic players so quickly. Then again Anyone who plays zephyr that much has mastered the frames quirks into benefits soooo.

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As for MR and the hours played in game dictating your skill level, both are approximations at best. Typically when I enter a pub game or have a set group I am joining, I will take a quick glance at the player's MR as a note of what I, as a high MR player, should and should not be doing. Essentially when I notice someone with a lower MR, I try to avoid spoilers for quests they don't have access to, and even if I am using a damage dealing, I try and limit myself to supporting them more that just culling the masses. 

A high MR or hours played are no mark for experience; rather a true mark of experience or mastery is that the actions of the game have become easy. (I forget how the actual proverb goes but that's the basics) From my experience, upper end players are fairly chill about things. An actual upper end player is a fairly deep well of information for things like farming, mechanics, modding, builds, and other tips/ tricks. Just to clarify for me, the upper end player bracket starts when a player has a high enough MR that MR locks are no longer a factor in the gear that they can trade, build, and use (AKA riven mods).

What I have noticed with the High MR players that are toxic, is that they have a relatively low hours payed. This brings in a thought that has been mentioned before in the thread where players will get a large amount of gear and then immediately level and dump it for the MR gains as fast as they can thinking that their boosted MR will somehow validate a snarky elitist attitude they like to swing around. In reality they are only capable of cloning the tactics and methods of an actual Upper end player, not developing them on their own.

Given the opportunity, even a player that has not passed into a double digit MR is more than capable of keeping up with the upper end in one form or another. Yes the upper end players do need to take up more responsibility in guiding the community and assisting newer players with the brick wall that is the start of warframe and yes we can seem condescending at times. (maybe even now) Do we have a higher MR and more hours played? Likely. Maybe, who cares? We are not better than other players we have just used more of the gear and been around longer (usually) we will make mistakes, use odd builds, and die because surprise bombards and over estimations happen.

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just to say im MR 23 and being a high MR doesn't usually mean your vastly experienced. for example i got back to the game about a month ago and i didnt even know things like rivens and mod's like drifting contact and body count even existed so as you could imagine 1st mission back from a long absence on mot and was carried by MR 17's. also everybody has been guilty of being on akkad or hydron so dont sweat what some random guy is telling you 

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I've not seen anything resembling systemic toxicity from high MR players. That said, just relax. This is Warframe. It's not some crazy-ass E-sport where you're out there trying to get first place.

Warframe is not a rat race, where there are only a set number of slots at the top. You won't disappoint your dad if you only went up one mastery rank this month. Warframe is like the Zenurik void. It is empty, yet has potential and opportunities. There is no pressure, no urgency. Relax. The opportunities and potentials will always be there. There will always be new weapons and new frames, Tenno.

So man the #*!% up and don't be a $&*^. And if other people are being $&*^s to you, then relax, expel the feeling of inadequacy and anger, and go fishing for like, 10 minutes until everything is peaceful and calm again. Don't be the Ember who runs down every corridor and kills everything without sharing XP. She's being a massive prick. Instead, be like the Nyx sitting in the middle of the defense point with absorb on. She is calm, meditating, and probably AFK, yet at peace with herself. 

Be like the AFK Nyx, Tenno. There is no hate, only the void.

Edited by mithie2
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17 hours ago, Ragnarok160 said:

I had a match where a mr 15 call an mr 12 a "stupid noob" and im mr 23 so i look at this guy and said " coming from the leech that didnt help all match stfu mr 15 noob" salt mountain erupts

I usually defend the newer players whenever someone decides to be act like in your example. Even if the new players would be " noobs " or " bad " or " do things wrong ", everyone was there once and getting angry at someone for being a new player is silly and unnecessary. Heck getting angry at anyone is silly and unnecessary, but especially a new player who is still learning the ins and outs of the game. 

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