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[PC] Beasts of the Sanctuary: Sanctuary Onslaught Feedback Megathread


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4 minutes ago, An8rchy said:

I spam Saryn spores and simaris never kicked me, if i use miasma ho, he does.
(aka. 1st ot 2nd are safe, 3rd and 4th you have to manage)

I mean I was spamming toxic lash which is her three and summaries never said or did anything. In fact I didn't find out he could even get mad at you for using abillities till I did some Valkyr, and decided to turn Hysteria on and off for funsies.

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This game mode is almost exactly what i wanted, and its great fun, but it has some major and minor flaws. I hope it is the first of many endgame modes!

I would love to have separate leaderboards for each frame, and 2,3,4 players. This would greatly increase longevity of the mode, and provide challenges to try each frame solo as well as in group.

The best things:

*Enemies spawn spread out, and do not rush the players, so camping in a corner does not work, which promotes an active and mobile playstyle. This is good design in my opinion!

*resets between zones and blocking abilities that are used to often is a good idea to counter certain boring and cheesy gameplay.

*2 minutes is a reasonable zone time and keeps things varied


The bad:

*Timer keeps ticking when portal is slow to spawn.

*The first 11 or so zones are trivially easy which means each run starts with 22 minutes of zzzzz. Thats with random pugs. With a good group i think the first challenging zones are around 17+ (the orokin jump puzzle map with too few spawns?) and 24 (the grineer forest with really spread out spawns). I read that the zones will change each week, but it just feels like the starting level is way too low for "elite" mode. I think you have underestimated the powerlevel the game is at currently. I can carry more or less any pug to 13, but for example zone 13 is hard to pass, see below.

*Some zones are hard, for the completely wrong reasons. A good example is lvl 13 ("orokin jump puzzle?"), it simply spawns so few enemies sometimes. (this might have been increased, as it felt better last couple of runs, but i used it  as an example anyway).

*I have made it to lvl 24 with public games (or whichever level the forest grineer map is, mainly using saryn and volt), Not a single zone has felt hard combat-wise, it has always been about chasing down and instantkilling the enemies, and games fail when you simply can't move fast enough or enemies just spawn too slowly. The difficulty currently is to quickly chase down where the enemies spawn or else fall behind. In it's current form, this game mode should be renamed from "Void onslaught" to "Void hide-and-seek"!

With that said, I don't think its bad if some maps are all about movement and chasing down spawns, It's just that most/all don't need to be. SOME maps could actually be Onslaught. Not once has it felt like "whoa, what an onslaught! so many enemies!" Which i assume should happen.

Edited by wwbaba
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here are a few of the most common bugs related to the new game mode which brake it basically every single time (so far 8 out of 9 times). My luckiest run was my first with a 1.56Mio score, all runs past that stopped earlier due to the mode bugs/crashes

  • The efficency decreases even AFTER the portal is supposed to appear, which can take several seconds is screwing me and my teams over. The highest I encountered was close to 40-50s worth around 30 efficency for that specific zone. The efficency shoulds simply pause after the portal is supposed to appear and stop spawning enemies
  • connection issues are crucial and game braking right now, even with people and a ping of 60ms between us we had team mates getting kicked out of the group. This doesn't even count in the periodically crashes. Right now a random team is basically a gamble for a good connection between us, rather if our team composition is good.
  • for some reason there are massive FPS drop the second the conduit is supposed to spawn, typically I run a solid 59 fps (capped) but the second the conduit spawns or is supposed to the fps drop to 30 or so for maybe 1-3s. I'm not sure yet if its connected to the actually appearence of it (rendering issue) or if its connected purely to the timer
  • the method of deactivating abilities seems a bit broken, yesterday I couldn't spam my miasma on Saryn more then a couple of times and it getting disabled, today a Banshee was able to spam the S#&$ out of earthquake (with augment) without trouble. I'm almost certain this is an oversight as banshee ability changes from channeled to one time use. I'm not even sur eif this wouldn't brake several frames to begin with if the "timers" are not frame specific. A Saryn needs to spam spores quite frequently wheras an Ember can use her Firequake constantly.
  • Enemy density seems completely inconsistent right now. This is of course not a massive problem beside the modebraking bugs, but once the mode runs stable I see this working out similar like the "Rifts" in Diablo 3. For optimised teams decent maps and enemy types will be more crucial then anything else. I didn't check yet if the efficeny "payback" is depending on enemy type or not.
  • Enemy density seem too low in higher zones, or efficiency decrease rate too high. Even  when one shotting everything with Saryn I still only got to zone 8 due to this.
  • Frame variety seems already getting limited as some frame are purely better for this game mode then others. AoE based frame are basically a must have if you want to play solo, even then they will hit a efficency wall.
  • I love the mode, trying to get a new highscore is quite nice but the rewards seem a bit lacking once you hit the your daily cap. I would love to see periocially drops of rare mods maybe, even if they have very low chances or are limited to higher zones. Right now I keep playing to unlock all Khora parts and get my highscore higher, but after this I'm not sure how much of an incentive this would be. 
  • can we please have a score ranking decoration for the Dojo?
  • Game crashes/issues seem very frequent right now. Up to now I had ONE out of 9 games which wasn't bugged or riddled with issues. Three times the efficency decreased to zero AFTER we finished the zone already and waited for the conduit. One time it spawned right on me, I got sent to the next zone but it didn't showed that I left the zone. Still could kill enemies though and even showed the focus reward before bugging out. I got counted out, and then when I was supposed to be sent to the next zone I was shown a white screen instead.
  • For some reason I enjoy playing this quite a lot. The changing enemy types and levels keep it fresh and I would be able to play for an hour straight I believe.
  • I feel like boxed in into certain choices when doing this mode, especially if I plan for higher zones. An AoE weapon of some sort is crucial as my frames energy will be drained quickly in higher level content, unless you plan your team of course and have a Trinity. Still, she won't be able to spam her Energy Drain due to the ability reset. Later on it seems like a AoE melee weapons is the way to go, and I despise Maiming strike on anything (beside owning it). 
Edited by Zorndar
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This mode as any endless mission is bad for solo players:

1. Spawn rate is abysmal. Why is this still a thing? Why can't we trick the game into thinking there are more players besides us? Some may think: "But Eldirian, Warframe is a co-op game. Don't play solo." If it's a co-op then why do we have a solo option in matchmaking? @[DE]Danielle, pls allow us to use a command like in Diablo II - set x players where x is the number of players.

2. The next thing I don't like is that only infested faction seemed to care about hunting me down throughout the level. Sometimes corrupted would go after me, but Corpus and the Grineer couldn't care less about me (checked it on a stealthy frame and normal frame).

3. Some tilesets aren't great for onslaught. For example Lua main entry, Kuva bunkers, Earth big gate with pipes and water, Grineer Sealab as a whole.

4. AI is broken for stealthy frames. Enemies would wander aimlessly like they where on a sighseeing trip or sth else.

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1 hour ago, Trestira said:

I'm still trying to figure out where the idea to make a game mode perfect for formaing frames and then disallowing frames below level 30 came from.

as The Youth would say, this is a Big Mood

Maybe just limit the Elite Onslaught to rank 30 frames?

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If I may piggyback of this great post:


Efficiency Ramen:

The noise it makes is quite grating after a while, I don't bother trying to save it till we're under 90% now as soon as I can find it it's gone.

If I were to describe the noise as a physical feeling, it's like when your little toe's nail is too long and you wear a pair of shoes that are just a little too tight, throughout the day you feel it digging into your skin and pass it off as a minor irritation but when you get home your sock is covered in blood.


That's what this noise does to me.

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1 hour ago, ReedReith said:

As mentioned above already, the sole reason to run this - aside from the ~1% of players that's into focus farming - are the Khora parts and relics

I got my Khora. I will not be going back unless major changes are made. If they implemented some of your suggestions, I would be more inclined to do play it. 

As for focus farming, it is around five times more efficient just to use the Equinox method (compared to normal). So it does not even have that going for it. As someone that ran it many times, it kind of fells like the game mode itself is poorly thought out and rushed. It really just needs a major rework. But hey, maybe DE will do that?

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DE probably has the best support of any game I've ever played. Don't complain to us. Just tell them and you'll get it back. You don't need screenshots. It's their game and they know what you should or shouldn't have. Just let them know what happened. 

Edited by BL4CKN0ISE
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I hope you get it back. Tried it once for "Hate" because after 4 years of playing Warframe it never dropped for me. Once it dropped for the first time, a bug prevented that I got it. I wrote a ticket with every information but DE said they cant do anything. Now I am still missing "Hate" as an item. The attitude flows inside meine though

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It's nice to have a varied and fun way of farming focus that doesn't involve standing in one spot on a map wiping out waves of the same weak enemies. I still wish focus wasn't just an affinity grind, but if it's going to stay as one, more ways of gaining it is good.

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5 hours ago, SortaRandom said:

I'm curious as to whether you've actually played the update.

It doesn't punish you for using abilities. It punishes you for spamming the same ability in very quick succession.
I've been abusing the crap out of Excal's new Radial Blind, and it still only locks on me if I actually try to trigger the cooldown with it. I'd imagine it's a bit more strict with 4-spamming, but at the same time, I don't think there are loads of frames that need to rapidly press 4 at high levels (save for Vauban or something)...

I was jacking around on Ash earlier today. Seems telepprt triggers it quite frequently. My build has the telepprt augment and that is a great way to remove and eximus so I was using it quite frequently at some points 😁 

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6 hours ago, DoomFruit said:

it's like they're not even pretending to test this stuff before release any more

Are you aware, that you are playing open Beta(or idk how they call it, "constantly improving game", same sh*t - side view)? YOU are tester.

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Agreed, can't exactly go out and hunt Eidolons cause if its not my crappy internet then its my less than standard PC so while there are people swimming in focus with all schools done, I can at least get somewhere now without having to resort to stealth kill with a focus booster spawn at semi random. Also getting relics and whatnot with it is always welcome.

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I haven't experienced extraction in Sanctuary Onslaught, but there's a way to get extracted. It says:

"The conduit closes after 30 seconds. Players who have not entered the conduit before then will be extracted with their rewards."

Edited by zerofighter005v
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Its extremely buggy right now, out of about 10 games ive only had 3 that did not result in a game ending bug. 

The Bugs ive encountered:

  • Random Freezing of my game, which results in me having to completely close Warframe and try to reconnect to the game


  • Another bug that is related to the previous bug: Once you get kicked, if you try to reconnect to the same group, the game freaks out and the portal does not spawn at all and no enemies spawn either which then causes the efficiency to go down ultimately ending the mission. 


  • Host Migrating Bug: if the host migrates, you get stuck on the loading screen for a while then the game just ends suddenly. 


so far those are the bugs ive gotten consistently. I personally feel this mode was rushed qutie a bit. It could use quite a bit of fixing and ironing out. 


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Absolutely agree - solo seems to be capped at level 7 or 8 due to the limited numbers of spawns. If you're lucky and get a couple infested maps it might be slightly better, but ultimately you run out of enemies before you run out of lives. This seems to be a design mistake by DE.

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