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[PC] Beasts of the Sanctuary: Sanctuary Onslaught Feedback Megathread


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For elite onslaught: You implemented a limitation for the use of the 4th ability to prevent spamming it with a set cooldown if used too much. This is something I realy like but  actualy I have seen lots of people bypass this by running 3x equinox maim build and casting it one after another. I would like to see a limitation to the warframes for elite onslaught. No duplicate Warframes just only one per squad. This would offer more diversity of different squad compositions instead of running trin + 3x equinox as the only and best option.

Edited by Yamichi
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So after playing it, I managed to solo up to wave 7, but no matter how many enemies I killed, no matter how many orbs i found the efficiency plummetted faster than I gained it from killing. I swear I killed about 120 enemies in that wave and still failed. 

I may have gotten to the end timer or something, but there's no way I could have gone faster with an actual timer ticking down till the portals spawn. 


As for the gameplay itself, enemy spawns are way too infrequent to keep the efficiency up, let alone build combo counters. Sometimes I could run around a good 20s in the map to even see a single enemy. 

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1) Remove the "enter the portal" phase, it's slow, sometimes frustrating and prone to countless bugs. Substitute it with something like fissure defense: time slows down and then stops, people choose to leave or stay. This also fixes the downtime while people are zoning but efficiency keeps dropping.


2) Random maps sequence. Doing the same over and over and over again is boring and tiresome.


3) Respawning efficiency orbs in random locations. Makes people have a reason to move around.


4) Respawning energy orbs on the floor like in Index. It's a simulation about combat capabilities, the cephalon itself would like us to do something different than "hack hack hack hack" at stuff. Why repeteadly pressing E is fine but 4 is not? Makes no sense.


5) Some maps (like underground ice cave with Infested and Corpus blue room with Grineer) need much more enemies. And efficiency drop should be sustainable with kills.


6) Fun but unrewarding. Make this mode give faction points, remove BPs from loot tables, move them to buyable faction rewards. Even having this as a slow source of formas, exilon adapters and rare resources would be a huge improvement over than looting my 4th Lua background in 8 attempted games (because 5 of them ended in "host left, you got jack S#&$, not even experience for your weapons, now #*!% off somewhere else").

Edited by MadMaxHellfire
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This is something a LOT of the community has been vocal about.  It's a known issue.

Something similar to this used to be the situation with the old void, where in a defense mission, if the void key holder and/or host left before everyone else the mission would fail and no one would get any rewards.


So any good developer, they would have checked for this eventuality, especially with host migrations, which are common occurances, and thus should be checked for as part of a regular QA checklist.

So this would have obviously been caught very early on.

Especially since host migrations in the past have been shown to affect rewards received for time a player has demonstratably spent farming.

Replication of problem:

And it's super easy to replicate, by just having the host not go through a portal, while all clients pass through the portal.  It would be among the first cases tested for in QA playtesting of this sort of content before release, in fact.

I mean, they're professionals.  Right?


Working as intended.  Apparently this mechanic is intended by the developers to encourage communication between players.

No rewards if the host leaves, so you'd better communicate.

So rest assured, it's TOTALLY not griefing when the host leaves without telling anyone else.

It's a new game mechanic.  Yeah... game mechanic.  New feature.


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Drop tables seem balanced enough in Elite mode as Rad relics take more time to actually refine through void traces. Normal mode drop tables are meh, not great since there are regular relics which can be more efficiently farmed through excavation which has quicker rotations/drop times for relics  but also excavations also drop materials from enemy kills , yes the lore wouldn't make sense if enemy drops were to be introduced in a VR like "Simulated world" hence there should probably be some looking into re balancing normal drop tables with other alternatives. 

So far i personally have encountered 2 problems, 1 the game's FPS rapidly drops to a very low number when new conduits materialize, which should probably be looked into but doesn't affect game play in any way. 2, the spawn rate of enemies are too high, Enemies literally teleport into the zone you are in which is ok considering efficiency has to be kept up and therefore more enemies means it is easier to keep up efficiency, However, when you're playing elite mode and have reached a zone like 12 , mine ospreys killing you with their mines and there being practically no way to avoid them since the whole map is full of them , dying as a result of those and therefore losing efficiency due to not being able to have time to wipe the mine ospreys due to them blowing you to death before you can reach them seems very unbalanced therefore there should be probably be some looking into decreasing the spawn rate of enemies and as a result to balance this increasing efficiency gained per enemy kill

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Would love that as the amount of Oxium you could gather would be out of this world. Lost count at the amount Oxium Osprey's that spawn.

Though I would hazard a guess that's the main reason resources don't drop.

Not going to complain if they change that.  

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The mode needs a bit of tlc.

As a score attack mission, it's really lacking.

Might never change from what it is at the minute as it's up to DE at the end of the day.

Was hoping for something different in terms of a reward system. DE described it as an "arcade" mode in a dev stream.

As it stands you could just drop it on the star map and no one would know. Many people were expecting a new take on Warframe.



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I absolutly love the idea of the mission. It's like a better version of survival, with a lot of variety. Also I'm fairly certain it will be for maiming strike what Rathuum was for hysteria, looking at the pugs playstyles I was with :D. But what kills it for me atm are again the bugs. I can't get any focus points, because the game keeps crashing, and when I rejoin I'm back to zero. A few radiant lith relics aren't really enough to make up for that, as I'm someone who switches up gear a lot, so I never really get much focus from normal play (lens system punishes you a lot for liking your entire arsenal). At this point, I wish DE would not have released the update yet. It's PoE all over, where you constantly have to worry about loosing your effort to a bug. Which is a pitty, because this was finally some content again that I really enjoy. Let's hope next week will fix it.

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I feel less bad for destroying a few simulated enemies that for killing 100+ "real" solidiers for a Vitality mod ;). Does the Lotus ever tell us why we're doing missions for her? She only says it will help us and be important, but honestly, I have no idea why I'm actually helping her. Also she's the worst spacemom ever, she already left her children twice now, without saying a word. I think when she comes back I'm going to tell her I want to stay with spacedad from now on. Or Simaris, I kind of like him. At least I know what I'm doing for him. Also his appearance during the last stage of the Octavia quest was hilarious ;)

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Suggestion: Please add to the reward table built in forma, orokin catalyst and orokin reactor. The relics and captura are very frustrating rewards especially when you keep crashing. Please also make the rewards every rotation to be already saved to the player, similar to the bounties in the PoE where the rewards and affinity stays with you after each stages of bounties. And compared to the PoE, on bounties where Gara parts drop, Khora on the onslaught is not as exciting to farm. It's like farming Nidus again, but with more crashes and bugs. imo.

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Other than the fact the Khora Systems are refusing to drop, the whole experience seems a lot more enjoyable for levelling weapons and shooting things up instead of Hydron Grinding.

Although the spawn rates on some of the rooms are abysmally low, which cause efficiency to drop way too fast. Also the bugs are annoying at times.

Edited by Guest
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vor einer Stunde schrieb wargthewarg:

I have a PC and PS4 and games like Fortnite are setting a standard that will be hard to dismiss. If DE wants to keep releasing broken messy updates they are risking their reputation every time. I certainly expected more from them when they made it look like they had been preparing content for months.

Tbh, for those who've been around a while this is exactly the reputation DE now has. I can't remember a many Updates you where able to enjoy or even normally play the day it got released. Especially those that where hyped the most. Specters of the fail, The War Within, Plains of Eidolon, all of those where full of bugs that made playing them a real torture. What it did for me, was that I pretty much lost my excitement for their updates, because I know for the first few weeks, you'll only get a preview while they fix progression stoppers that should have never even been there when the content got released. If they only believed that we are patient enough to wait those extra days or weeks in order to get content we can enjoy from the beginning. Maybe they should enlist the help of some testplayers from the community. I bet a lot of us would do that for free.

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I like the disabling of skill when spammed on the elite. Why not implement the disabling on the whole team when one spams the skill. Multiple same frames can bypass it. Like, if i keep spamming my 4th ability, all players' 4th will be disabled. And also i read that the priority of this system is the 4th ability and not much of the 1st skill, please do it equally among the skill set.

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So from my experience in both solo and squad in normal and elite mode is that: The mode favors AoE spammming, as in using methods in which can nuke an area > 20m, In solo it gets worse since you either play how you like and struggle in terms of efficiency way before there is even difficulty or go full AoE spam. In squads we found out it was very easy and trivializes the whole mode completely with 2 saryns and 1 ev and for buff we were using nidus to buff one of the saryns and had no issues going over 20 waves, If anything we were getting bored and end up extracting, but if you're not playing as to meta it's not difficult but rather frustrating to keep the efficiency.

In solo as well if you're playing as maim equinox, iron vault wukong+glaive p, some melee with over 20m range using rivens etc. make the mode trivial and if you deviate from huge aoe focused gameplay then it's impossible to go over wave 12-14. If this is how the gamemode is going to be then ,Once khora farm is done I'm never going to play it just like defection mode.


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Hi everyones , afet 2-3 days in sanctuary i will do a feed back :)


On Normal Sanctuary

First when we enter in a portal to pass to the next level we loose too much efficiency 10-15% , so on level 15-16 we died for no reasons it's very very boring

The void bubulle who make gain us effiency should be like  survival tower i think , i we don't take it in the first zones , make more for the next levels  , it's a endgame mod but wave 16 is my maximum with a good team and for a engame mod it sucks...

some map are too big and contains too many ennemis like other map who are too small or without ennemis , please DE if you read this make the sanctuary viable and make the difficulty gradually , first map need to be small and very lot of ennemies and gradually the sanctuary need to have less enemis but higher level per zones .

For the Elite sanctuary


Honnestly propose to someone to have the Braton and Lato vandal is a very very good idea i loose my chance to take the braton when i started the game  and lato never chance it's a beta weapons ....BUT the mode elite is very very simple the ennemies are too easy , if we put aside the effiency loosed beetween two portal and every Major problems who are crash and hot miugrations who make the mod elite non makeable  , i think the ennemis must gain 100 level to be as a normal elite mod game.

So please DE  if you want we farm the two vandal weapons you added , please fix the elite mod with crash and host migration , in 10-15 try i never had no crash and loose my all loots , so you can thinks i'm very bored and disgusted.


Thx for reading :)


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Positive : Good drop,easy way to farm relic (Radiant),don't need waste much traces to upgrade,best place to farm exp and focus

Negative : Portal do not open,efficient drop so fast when timer 0.00,Crash anytime anywhere,play squad until zone 8 and you realise everyone left without reason (crash too)

Bugframe coming soon

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2 minutes ago, IgnatiuSgaming said:

Positive : Good drop,easy way to farm relic (Radiant),don't need waste much traces to upgrade,best place to farm exp and focus

Negative : Portal do not open,efficient drop so fast when timer 0.00,Crash anytime anywhere,play squad until zone 8 and you realise everyone left without reason (crash too)

Bugframe coming soon

:crylaugh: Short but powerfull explaination

So true

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23 hours ago, --Q--XFA said:

Not the worst Warframe content tho.


True. We still have the Operator.

Nonetheless, Onslaught is pretty bad. They managed to take Survival (itself no gem of a mission type in modern gaming terms) and somehow make even that worse...

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3 hours ago, KilluaWalker said:

What you said here just shows you know nothing about DE, their not Activision, their not EA they aren't a mobile developer, they don't try to underhandely  nickel and dime their player base. 

*slithers back under bridge*


The business model for Warframe is nefarious. At best. Every update pushes players more toward paying platinum to skip grind that ranges from obnoxious at best to tediuous and frustrating at worst. Sure its not the WORST free to play model I have seen, but when you need to start comparing a dev to EA and Activision to make them look good, you're in dregs and headed for the bottom of the barrel. 

Could Warframe's business model be worse? Sure it could. But that doesnt mean its GOOD, either. 

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