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[PC] Beasts of the Sanctuary: Sanctuary Onslaught Feedback Megathread


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Been playing solo onslaught the entire time. Only crashed once in normal onslaught zone 14 because of a hotfix deployment. Can I suggest a 3rd mode for elite onslaught where the score does not matter or is slightly reduced in exchange for random tiles and enemies? It got very boring after the 4th elite onslaught run where I already know what the next zone is and dread it when I know I have difficultly in the next zone. I understand that static levels are needed for it to be fair to everyone shooting for the leaderboard, but not everyone shoots for the leaderboard, but still want the loot. Please add an option to randomize the onslaught levels.

In addition, if I let the portal time out, I lose that reward for that zone, i.e., timing out the portal in zone 8, I don't get zone 8 reward. This should be changed. I don't want to wait an addition 2.5 minutes or for the efficiency to run out just to extract. The hotfix was added with the purpose of letting people extract early, but I feel that it isn't doing what it should have done.

Edited by DeathshotSE
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4 hours ago, BlackCoMerc said:


The business model for Warframe is nefarious. At best. Every update pushes players more toward paying platinum to skip grind that ranges from obnoxious at best to tediuous and frustrating at worst. Sure its not the WORST free to play model I have seen, but when you need to start comparing a dev to EA and Activision to make them look good, you're in dregs and headed for the bottom of the barrel. 

Could Warframe's business model be worse? Sure it could. But that doesnt mean its GOOD, either. 

Yeah I mean I only compared them to two of the biggest and (arguably) most influential game publishers. In general the consistent monetization efforts the majority of games are trying to use warframes monetization is pretty tame, thats not to say they dont #*!% over new players which is pretty S#&$.

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25 minutes ago, Yamichi said:

I fully understand your point and for the drop tables you are absolutly right. The only rewards i got so far are relics and a synthethic eidolon chard (which I lost due to endless hostmigration bug). Also should be Khora be deleted from the elite drop tables, cause there is already too much stuff to get. The second thing which makes elite mode kinda boring is the exactly same order of the maps and enemys, which sadly is necessary due to leaderboards but it could also work without this, best example: diablo 3 leaderboards for greater rifts.

The best solution would be a 3rd mode with elite difficulty, changing maps and a selectable option for ability restrictions active or not. With this everybody would be happy.

For me solution woudl be to make this whole expiriance more condensed more frequen rewards and le time spent in each zone, cuz for now we simply have Survival minus enemy drops and capsules, which is imo fail considering it has to be mode that will be more fun and challenging than anythng before, while it simply isn't

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4 hours ago, Desiredpotato said:

I dunno about you, but I remember the time playing before completing the war within and after, it totally changed the game. From a story based horde shooter to a horde shooter with loads of loot to get. Every quest before harrow was great in my opinion, the ambulas project was cool to complete, bosswise as well as the run through.  Octavia's quest was supremely done, that's what I want more of, main characters trying to mess each other up and us having to resolve it.

The main thing missing for me are updates on the star chart. It was so cool when lua and the kuva fortress were suddenly added, it felt like the universe was alive. We could have a new set of quests that leads to new areas like that. Something to work for as a new player to unlock as well. Preferably to me rank 15 and above stuff.

Now it's just the same thing day in and out, even the void fissures have a set pattern to them. The corpus still think they can win with their ambulas and same goes for the grineer with their stupid fomorians. What kind of general would use the same tactic so many times in a row? It does not make sense. So they're just boring and repeated filler, even with the same loot in place as always.

And where are the defection dudes and dudettes going? Cetus isn't growing.
Why isn't corpus invading the plains of eidolon as well?
Why did you show us a video about lotus leaving us behind but is still giving us new pre-recorded messages on new missions?
To me it's like watching an unfinished anime or reading a series of books and I am just reading the same stuff over and over again to look for clues about what is going to happen next, except warframe keeps teasing with new stuff that ends up meaning nothing. Very disappointing imo.

Well i always thought the game was pretty starightfoward, farm for a weapon or mats build it then go to draco and level rinse and repeat for warframes and pets I started in update 18 after shadow debt. The big thing I see is major grind walls for very niche communities like riven mods and sanctuary for the .1% of us 

I could be wrong but doesn't DE have about a 1 year cycle for major story releases with small drops of story content dribbled in their ala warframe quests? I would LOVE for them to be expanding the wf lore constantly (ala the corpus invading Poe like why would they? maybe eidolon parts? Omg that would be so cool) but idk if DE at the moment is capable of that. 

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Given how the only ways to leave are either quitting out of the session or waiting for the efficiency to go down to 0%, I feel as though there should be some sort of vote system to leave that can be initiated at any time, rather than at each rotation. This way the people that want to leave can go elsewhere while the ones who want to stay can keep going without too much issue.

That aside, the host migration loading time seems to still lose efficiency and can cause remaining players to end their run prematurely if it goes on long enough. In my case, I kept all of the focus I earned, but lost all of the rewards because of a host migration.

Not sure how much of this is easy to implement/fix, but good luck to everyone regardless.TPCt3KT.png3x7AI9G.png

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I can understand these crashes and whatnot being annoying. For the first time. Or maybe until you check the forums. Nobody is forcing you to play an unstable and glitched out mode. Nobody is ruining your day but you. As soon as you know the mode isn't functioning safely, it's entirely your fault when you play it and the game breaks on you, because you are purposely playing something you know does not work. If you don't want to test the mode out and provide feedback on its problems, then don't, go play another mode, there are other options.

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2 hours ago, DeMeritus said:

It isn't very fair to punish the entire squad because a player in the run isn't able to casually lay down thousands of dollars on a whim for a high end gaming rig and an optical fiber connection straight into a major international network backbone.

Dunno about 'whim' but that description fits my rig and I have the same problem in solo. Not an expert at all but I think the issue is more with the netcode or servers. 

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hace 13 minutos, AoiEcho dijo:

quitting out of the session or waiting for the efficiency to go down to 0%

You can also wait to the portal to close, with you behind will end just your mission (if you are on a party)

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9 minutes ago, Omega-ZX said:

Nonono remove the efficiency. Enemies scales up so no need of this stupid efficiency. Problem solved for everyone - Solo and Team.

and replace it with what? At least provide a proposal of some sort. And do try to keep it constructive. The game devs tend to listen to polite players.

I don't mind the efficiency mechanic. It keeps things hectic. It's just that it's way too easy in groups. Either speed it up the more people there are, or slow it down the fewer there are. I think I prefer the latter.

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vor 14 Minuten schrieb Omega-ZX:

Nonono remove the efficiency. Enemies scales up so no need of this stupid efficiency. Problem solved for everyone - Solo and Team.

So you just permanently stay invisible with Ivara and do basically nothing apart from moving through the portal when the time is up until you have enough rewards?

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the mission works but only solo and the spawn is the fail point also the drop chance is horror  i played about 8 hours total and got khora and one part from each vandal a lots and lots of relics like i need more relics i got thousands  

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Just did two missions in a row where the portal just didn't spawn on zone 1. We sat there for the full time, hoping it would. When it happens in elite, it makes it basically impossible to finish the next round, especially if you're on higher zones. I ended up super lucky and got 2 Khora parts on my first run and getting a third wasn't bad, however trying to get her neuroptics seems hopeless. I've gotten basically everything else short of a synthetic shard, mind you this is after roughly 40 missions.

Edited by Sylvaky
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from what i understood on the devstream, this is completely intentional. the idea is to give you a challenge by forcing you to rely on your weapons more and your abilities less, so you start with your warframe's base energy pool, and you have cooldowns on abilities so you cant spam them.

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Haven't bothered with Onslaught yet. 

Haven't had a real crash in Waframe in months. Which is more than I can say for Skyrim SE on the XB1. Had a nasty one two days ago that crashed the XB1X to reboot and then still had to log my account back in from the password screen. That is almost unprecedented only happens with Bethesda games.  

Personally, I think Onslaught is still a few updates out for me to get serious about it. I've plenty of other things to do in the meantime. 

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The more I played Onslaught, the more I felt the many of issues were created by the host's rig and/or ISP and how the program interfaces with it.  If the host was running on a decent computer with good internet (probably what DE has available and use themselves), it seemed to work fine.  However, once they game is hosted by a 76 year-old laptop with a 14.4K dial-up modem, all manner of bugs seem to creep up. 

And then there is the ever present Host Migration which always breaks it. Part of the issue is the game mode doesn't have a really clear indicator as to where its stopping point is.  Sure, I know not going through the portal is meant to be the stopping.  However, many times the reward isn't shown until you go through the portal and there is absolutely no indication of who want to continue and who wants to stop.  It just sort of transitions.  The only definitive end is when the efficiency (or kill timer more accurately) timer runs out.  I still don't trust not going through a portal to keep my rewards and instead let the timer run out.

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I reached zone 17 with a pre-made group, however I only received one reward from the mission (screenshot link below). While playing I did go through a port in an early zone and was still covered in the white effect from it (screenshot link below). At that point I was unable to use anything except the WASD keys. Nothing else worked, so I got myself killed and was able to do everything again. Thankfully all the other rewards were only relics, however it seemed necessary to highlight this issues as many players will lose out on items when this happens.



Edited by Philamon
Image links were not done correctly.
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