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[PC] Beasts of the Sanctuary: General Feedback Megathread


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Another reminder that ESO "Rewards" are anything but rewarding. 22 minutes to wave 8, and for that just 2 relics. Which I don't need -but the other two are completely useless.  Nobody cares about the barrel since people are swimming in them - I've been selling them for credits and still have 7 left.  And I can't even sell the stupid scenes for credits so just like everything you cant sell, they'll just pile up.


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3 hours ago, lucho8908 said:

This happened to me twice today: Finished zone 8, extracted and only got 2 rewards:


Please fix this.

Any possibility you got tagged as afk in those rounds?

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The BotS launched yesterday on console and based now on first hand experience I want to add to the feedback about this mode. 

I am aware that this is a PC thread...but I couldn't find the Console feedback thread. 

This is based entirely on my experience in the normal mode as I haven't yet tried my hands on elite onslaught bcs there is no Khora there. 

While I like the general idea behind the mode and was very much looking forward to it...what disappointed me and made the mode rather tedious is the heavy toll efficiency takes after round 7. 

Essentially progressing past round 8-9 on normal mode naturally (so without cheese or meta teams) is very unlikely....and not because killing becomes an issue. And that is just not very motivating.

In all the runs we did...we failed in round 9 because there were just too few enemies spawning and the 60-69% efficiency we entered the level with degraded too fast to even be realistically able to maintain it given you have to either wait for them to spawn or travel longer distances back and forth towards spawn points where enemies appear to camp out the timer. 

There was 1 exception where level 9 did have enough enemies but where we failed because even an increase in kills by nearly 40% could not outkill the efficiency degradation to make round 10 viable. 

I am all for elite being difficult and requiring special tactics and group set ups. But even then I would say fighting some arbitrary efficiency timer is just not fun. 

But this was normal onslaught. It takes forever to ramp up and when it does it just cuts of the experience. And this mechanic makes what has the potential of being a fun challenge a tedious, boring and demotivating experience. 

Now I am sure with cheese tactics and cheese meta we will manage but seriously...is that the way you intended this to turn out?

I can not emphasize enough what a huge disappointment this is.

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I find Beast of the Sanctuary Boring it's just Survival with air tanks replaced with an efficiency meter. Also there's not enough time to reach the portal due to placement Imo. Another thing is the lack of enemies to keep effiency up with it being even worse on large maps. 

I was also hoping for a proper story quest for Khora not 1 sentence & the sanctuary farts out parts but guess that's to be expected since she was botched from the beginning & reworked 2 times 

Edited by (PS4)SlaveSpawn
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As I feared, I am forced to be play with other people if I want the vandal prizes from Elite Onslaught, because it's impossible (unless there's some cheesing) to beat round 8, let alone reach it, if you play solo.

I'll just buy the weapon parts and never set foot on onslaught again.

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Theres not enough spawns for solo in either regular or elite, especially not elite. Either that or the tiles are too big.

Or this mission style isn't designed for solo play. How bout dropping the efficiency aspect of it for solo play and instead using a "x" amount of kills is required to reveal the boss for that zone and the boss will have different abilities/powers that make it increasingly harder to pass to the next area. Bosses can be anything from Vor to Eidolons to lephantis to whatever the cephalon can dream up.

Edited by (PS4)big_eviljak
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Just gonna drop my two cents in here... 2% and 3% drop chances (obviously for Vandals) in general should not exist. 5% would be acceptable for the rarest items in game in modes like SO. I feel a 2% is hardly rewarding of people time and effort. 

Drop tables are way too muddled with stuff anyway. As someone who has been playing for 3+ years and over 2000 hours, this update has really worn me thin already. I love this game obviously and buy every prime access you put out because I feel you guys have created a great product and let us access it for free but wow... 

There are so many great things about this game that I won’t go into here but please adjust the drop rate issues. Keep in mind this isn’t about just the vandals, but all drop rates under 5% in game. 

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The drop rates are positively absurd. The weapons I'm whatever about, I'm just glad to have them back, but when a new Warframe comes out, everyone wants it. Farming Khora shouldn't be 100+ 20-minute sessions of mindless grinding. Worse is that the mindlessness encourages players to crank the mindlessness up to 11 by playing cancer-spam frames like RQ Banshee, invalidating everyone in the game and ensuring that nobody has even trace amounts of fun. Grinding gets tedious, but I still prefer shooting Grineer in the face to literally standing there and waiting for the portal eight times.

An elegant solution would be to adjust the balance of the game mode based on party size to allow for squads smaller than 4. Then at least the grind could be as enjoyable as possible. Better yet, make Khora parts not rotation-limited and/or drop at a higher frequency. The current model forces players to stay for 8 waves (as that's the first chance at the Khora systems/BP) but discourages them from going past 8 (the next chance is at 16, which takes just as long as resetting and getting back to 8, but is far more difficult). Lousy. Dropping the rotation limit means that maybe you get it at 10! Or maybe 12! Let's see how far we can go! That seemed to be the spirit of the gametype when it was first showcased. Not "wow, another stupid captura scene at wave 8."

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Godd job, but I think its so easy and like more grind in the grinding-game😁

Also, what about old style wall runing, and maybe back of endurance in the game? Oh, and I have an idea!!! With particles, you can add interaction of abilities, like water + cold = ice and like that, and you can add vulnerability. Like frost more damaged by fire unlike ember e.t.c.

Thank you for your time=)

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Please stop the efficiency drain during a host migration.  This isn't such a huge deal on PC, but on console, where it can take 30 seconds for a host migration to complete, the efficiency will plummet before you even spawn in.

For example, was just doing Elite - we had a 100% efficiency on zone 6 when the host quit or crashed out.  By the time the host migration completed for me and I could even see my warframe the efficiency had dropped to 45%.  I was not the new host - and the 3rd player hadn't even spawned in yet by the time I had finished spawning.


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ok so does everyone here agree that the veldt needs a major buff since its weaker then the latron series it should get a good damage crit damage and crit chance buff about 50-60 damage buff 6-8% crit chance buff and .8-1.3x critical multiplier buff to make it a viable weapon since its slower and weaker than latron prime DE please buff the veldt 


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25 minutes ago, (XB1)EmpreyonQueen said:

ok so does everyone here agree that the veldt needs a major buff since its weaker then the latron series it should get a good damage crit damage and crit chance buff about 50-60 damage buff 6-8% crit chance buff and .8-1.3x critical multiplier buff to make it a viable weapon since its slower and weaker than latron prime DE please buff the veldt 


no - not every new weapon introduced needs to be more powerful than those that preceded it.  I'm fine with it being mastery fodder and never looking at it again.


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22 minutes ago, (XB1)EmpreyonQueen said:

i use it for the hemocytes


59 minutes ago, (XB1)EmpreyonQueen said:

its slower and weaker than latron prime

Umm .. why not use the latron then lol? although with the damage cap they implemented on the hemocytes this time around, a rapid fire weapon (or better yet titania) is better than any high damage single shot weapons.


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16 minutes ago, (XB1)Tucker D Dawg said:



Umm .. why not use the latron then lol? although with the damage cap they implemented on the hemocytes this time around, a rapid fire weapon (or better yet titania) is better than any high damage single shot weapons.


unless your doing more damage with it then a sniper like the vectis prime

besides my pyrana could kill it in just 9 hits


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14 hours ago, (XB1)Tucker D Dawg said:



Umm .. why not use the latron then lol? although with the damage cap they implemented on the hemocytes this time around, a rapid fire weapon (or better yet titania) is better than any high damage single shot weapons.


Dont even bother, man. This is a person that thinks status sucks and tries to go pure crit. Complains about updates not coming out when it's convenient for them; just flat out spews idiocy

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First, its impossible to solo without a huge amount of cheese. Efficiency makes it annoying and boring.

Id prefer to have hordes of enemies that lvl increase quickly and a boss to defeat every few rooms. 

As it stands its just not fun. I love high pace and all but u literally have to use meta frames and cheese... Two of which are my least favorite things to do. Its not about how good u are... Its all about beating the clock. 

Great idea, just not what i was hoping for.

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Enemy spawns are terrible on console.

Some tile sets barely have more enemies than in normal missions. Standing around waiting for seconds before enemies spawn in or having to run from corner to corner searching, and not finding, them really seems to indicate that instead of an Onslaught we are dealing with a Trickle here. Maybe we should rename the mode? "Trickle" and "Elite Trickle"

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On ‎2018‎-‎05‎-‎16 at 2:56 AM, (XB1)MildWitDatYac said:

Dont even bother, man. This is a person that thinks status sucks and tries to go pure crit. Complains about updates not coming out when it's convenient for them; just flat out spews idiocy

actually it has a 60% status chance without multishot a 7.1 crit multiplier and 55% crit chance mine is a hybrid


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I can't believe that there still hasn't been any sort of adjustment to Efficiency gain/loss based on party size.  Even normal mode is a bad joke when playing solo or duo.  Seriously, my buddy and I are killing the enemies as fast as the game will throw them at us, and the Efficiency still drops like a rock.  We can barely scrape by to that C rotation reward maybe half the time.  Ever since the mode was "rebalanced" a few days after release, it's been an absolute chore to play.  I've outright given up on it until they adjust this ridiculous Efficiency clock.

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So yeah, this has become a complete cheese with nuking frames to round 8 and then exit.

If DE wants us to run the challenge then there has to be:

  1. A reason to play with other than a nuking frame (ie. number of kills isn't the important consideration). At the moment, the mode forces us to take only frames that can wipe the map to progress.
  2. A reward for staying longer, rather than the standard AABC until round 8 and everyone leaves. AABCBCCC... or something would actually encourage people to push for those extra zones.


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