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[PC] Beasts of the Sanctuary: Bug Report Megathread


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intentional host-migration and being kicked back to the ship, losing a BP thx to that. the BP was the last reward, all other relics from the rotations b4 this were correctly given. either fix this finally fixed, or prevent the game host from leaving by staying behind (so the bloody buggers can't f-up other players reward anymore without losing everything themself by abborting the mission or exiting the game).

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1 hour ago, Primbone said:

operators can't slide in sanctuary onslaught, neither client, nor host

indeed, this also happened to in the plains during the eidolon hunt. rolling with the frame does work though. might be they "deactivated" it for now because of this silly bug when you try to slide with the operator when in void-mode.

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Whenever I try playing SO after 2-3 zones the timer and efficiency are getting stuck for me, and even though my team can keep playing normally I'm not getting any rewards upon completing more zones. For example if the timer gets stuck on zone 3 and I play until zone 8 I wont get any rewards for zone 4/6/8 and at the end it will say I only finished the zone the timer got stuck on and not the actual one I did. I don't really know what could cause that and it's really frustrating me.

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just a suggestion or idea. take out all the updates and changes to onslaught and take it back to where it was when it came out then add one update or change at a time and let us play with it untill we can see what might be wrong with it and you have time to fix it. ive played approxamitly 50 missions in onslaught and in most of them i get booted for no apparent reason because im getting plenty of kills or the game crashs because of the problem with host migration. most of the time now i cant get passed level 8.as of monday morning host migration is still my biggest enemy. dosnt look like much chance of getting khora systems

Edited by grand007pa
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Conduit not spawning after host migration. Several minutes passed, and all the enemies are down still nothing happened. no choice but to abort mission and forget the rewards.


Time on bottom right of the screen:







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I usually get put into a group where my latency is 100+ so it could be that.

- The UI for onslaught (the timer for the next conduit and the efficiency counter) doesn't show up or is stuck.

- Sometimes after going through the conduit portal, your abilities are locked permanently for the onslaught mission and sometimes you can't crouch/slide or shoot.

- The rewards sometimes doesn't show up until the next reward is given. The scoreboard shows that I didn't get the reward either. Sometimes I don't even get any rewards so I don't stay.


And this one time I joined a group and somehow got a 5th player in as seen below. Weird but cool. He left after a while though.


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There's a minor inconvenience between conduit jumps, popping it's head up recently.

While transferring to a new zone, your focus counter starts to immediately count.
Which would be a blessing if there are actual enemies to slay.

When travelling through a conduit, and your teammates are still lingering,
precious seconds are ticking away, while no enemies appear yet.

Only when they eventually make it through, do the spawns come into action.
With a huge bite into your focus gain as a result.



Focus timer at 36, still no enemies



Extremely low focus gain as a result.
And this particular map allready has terrible spawns.
Usually ending up with 4k-6k at best here (with zephyr). (while other zones with good spawns grant 27.000 or more)

Perhaps a fix with the focus timer only starting, in tandem with incomming spawns, might solve this.

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If you quickly try to look at your rewards after Onslaught finishes and pops the grade card, it will often freeze your ui and you have to force quit to recover. The reward screen will essentially double and and one of them will be stuck on your ui. Only happens if I try to look at the reward screen before I'm back in my orbiter.


I ressed myself in elite onslaught today and wound up outside the map. It was the kuva asteroid tile that is like zone 6, I think. a room on the edge of the tile.

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Bug 1, wrote this in another topic, small update in bug 2:

Worth mentioning I never saw host migration working in onslaught, lost a ton of rewards because of it, if you expect people to extract by not entering the portal, it means that if the host stays out for some reason and the others continue they all lose everything, don't you think this bug is way too critical and needs to be solved already?

I am sorry, but this bug is the worst bug in Warframe at this moment, this bug should be solved ASAP in a nearing hotfix.

until you fix it, atleast give the rewards if the missions fails host migration (and if possible the exp/affinity) seems like an easy hotfix until you fix the bigger issue.

Think about it, there is no way to fail this mission so I really don't understand why there is even a case in which you don't get anything.


Bugs 2,3:

One update since this post, host migration worked to me once when I was at the portal to zone 1 (the place you spawn in) one player moved through the portal and I as the host was stuck there without being able to enter the portal with 2 more players, and another bug appeared at this stage, I like to call it the diamond screen bug:



Bugs 4,5:

Pretty fresh bug, the left side UI (eff/time...) tends to freeze for some people in squads, from what I checked you don't get the rewards and a pretty funny score: 



you can see the score and the kills are inconsistent, after moving to the progress & rewards tab again, I saw how the default scene looks like (another bug?): 



Bug 6:

Sometimes after getting revived there is bug that make it impossible to do anything but moving (e/esc/5/mouse clicks), only solution to this one is to die and ask your squad to not revive you (long X doesn't work as well).

Bug 7:

After host migration fails, you can't do anything but pressing 't' so you basically need to alt+f4 and relog, I had a way to solve it, I can't remember how, it was something with getting to the menu by pressing on the menu icon that somehow appeared, then going to navigation.

Bug 1 and 4 are the most important at this moment because you can lose all of the rewards because of them (lost a lot of items myself as you can see).

Edited by KooRiTzA
added the images to the post
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Banshee's 4 uses more energy than needed in normal Sanctuary Onslaught

When joining a random squad in Sanctuary Onslaught, Banshee's 4 will use up 65 energy from my energy pool for a split second, then it will go to a value that has the correct amount of energy deducted from it. For example, if I had 100 energy and casted the ability I would be left with 35 energy for a split second, then the energy would go back to 84 because my setup makes her 4 use up only 16 energy on ability cast. Also, if I happen to have less than 65 energy in my energy pool, I wouldn't be able to cast the ability at all. This seems to happen only in random squads I join, but if I set up my own squad, the energy drain works perfectly fine.

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Everytime that I have a kavat companion equipped and I fully die and revive, the kavat is stuck in a static state. The kavat will no longer be anywhere in the mission, use any abilites, and its health/bleedout timer will stay the same for the rest of the mission. This has happened with many different warframes and weapons.

This does not happen with sentinels, and I have not tested it with kubrows.

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9 hours ago, TheMiningBroodling said:

Everytime that I have a kavat companion equipped and I fully die and revive, the kavat is stuck in a static state. The kavat will no longer be anywhere in the mission, use any abilites, and its health/bleedout timer will stay the same for the rest of the mission. This has happened with many different warframes and weapons.

This does not happen with sentinels, and I have not tested it with kubrows.

I'm experiencing the same thing.

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  • Moving through the conduit, if I switch from the Operator to the Warframe, this causes the Operator to be permanently slowed to 1/10th speed and unable to switch back into the Warframe the next time I switch to the Operator.


  • Simaris also resets our Sprint Toggle when we enter the conduit which is mildly annoying.


  • The 3 second grace time invulnerability from going through a conduit does not protect against CC.  So we can get hooked and disabled for the entire duration and then some the moment we come through (this happens to me a lot solo).


  • Invisible entity attracting aggro if I use Operator mode (Naramon if it matters) in the previous zone at any point.  If it appears in a zone it will be present in all following zones.  Activating Operator again within the zone fixes it for that specific zone but it will reappear in the next zone.


Usually at the spawn point but sometimes spawns up in the air.




Edited by Ailyene
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If the player is on the portal during the transition process from operator to warframe, there are (based on my experiences) very negative effects.

My first time encountering the bug was yesterday. I use void dash to get to the location of where the portal will spawn as operator. At the instant when the portal spawned, I went back into my warframe (default key is 5). When I came out of the portal, however, I could not shoot, slide, do a bullet jump, jump, or use any of my warframe's abilities (including the ability to go into operator mode). I have not tested if I can switch weapon or zoom in. The UI looked normal. In an attempt to fix it, I tried looking for a place where I can fall down and get teleported (but I didn't find one). What fixed this was getting my HP reduced to zero, which caused me to go down, and then revive myself (default key is X, when down). There was no noticeable visual differences on my warframe during this entire situation.

My second time encountering the bug was today. Just a few moments ago. Again, I used void dash to get to the location of where the portal will spawn as operator. At the instant when the portal spawn, I went back into my warframe (default key is 5); however, I pressed "5" at a much earlier moment during the transition process. This is my warframe that was extremely bugged out when I came out of the portal: https://prnt.sc/jbuj14 . I can still shoot, slide, bullet jump, jump, switch weapons, and zoom in. However, I cannot use my abilities, as if I was in the hallway in Cetus: https://prnt.sc/jbukcj. I have tried falling down and getting teleported, which did not work. This is me after I fixed the bug by reviving myself (default key is X, when down): https://prnt.sc/jbujnr . Notice how I'm back to normal.

To replicate this bug, simply be operator. Have the portal spawn on you during your transition to warframe mode.


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um so i bullet-jumped to where the portal was spawning and apparently i jump between the time the portal was spawning but wasn't appearing/visible  so after that i got a perma slow-mo :/ heres the video i recorded sr for not having enough footage 


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I'd like to add

Going through portal with your operator reduces the negatives effects it has on your warframe. I was able to go through the portals with my mend and maim turned on and rage using my operator to have it still enabled and with everything stored on the next area.

Going through the portal with a Rhino iron skin on using your operator does a similar thing but not effective, It displays your remaining rhino skin but it's not really on, it's just bugged and once you reply it goes back to 100.

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