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Nidus Deluxe Skin info?


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9 minutes ago, Ayures said:

Sure, except this skin bundle is amazing and your opinions are objectively wrong.

Go Team Good Guys! Down with Team Bad Guys who want to take away Nidus Deluxe!

Nobody wants to take it away. Enjoy it if you like it.

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41 minutes ago, Spirit said:

If we follow the order of release and prime patterns of MM-FF order.... he is sitting comfortably in 12th spot in Queue.... so it'd take like 3 years or so 😄
Patience tenno

LOL. I think OP was referring to the deluxe skin being released, not the Primed frame. 

Edited by sleepychewbacca
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While I do think the skin looks amazing, and I don't mind it differing from the infested look of normal Nidus, I'm really worried about how its abilities will look. If they're the same as normal Nidus, it'll be very jarring.

I know it'd be a lot more work, but I really, REALLY hope they make its abilities match the skin's aesthetic.

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After watching the stream, I really like the eyeballs on his shoulder, but the skills seemed like has no special appearances like Octavia's, so here are my suggestion:

1. Change the maggots spawned by his 4th to eyeballs, this would be very fantastic.

2. Change his 1st to energized form(or just place an overlayed energy on it, just like the arms in front of his chest.) 

3. Change his 2nd to a beholder, with many tentacles (wow I like tentacles XD)

Wait, the eyeballs on his shoulder don't have wink animations right?

Edited by Critatis
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