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There needs to be an appeals process for unjust bot bans


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The current chat suspension system should be reworked.

I see people getting restricted for some very minor things or even typos sometimes, and if someone actually wants to be majorly offensive, they usually know well to avoid the bot. Community mods are usually way more effective at preserving the chat, and the bot just seems to increase the amount of unnecessary casualties. On top of that, the current system not only disables the region chat, but also recruiting, trading, mission chats and even whispers, so when it does happen, it limits the game to this pseudo-solo mode for a week or more. All it does is draw people away from the game, and even though some might think it's good riddance, it's not. People deserve to have fun even if they decided to be offensive or typo'd. Chat bot should be there as janitor, not judge, jury and executioner.

I suggest revisiting the bot's banphrase list, also limiting its bans to 30 minutes - 24 hours depending on severity, and make the restriction local in the chat where the person in question triggered the bot. That way it'd still keep the chat clean, but the people would still manage to enjoy the game.

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that would be great, I got chat banned recently for typing the nezha thing as a bet which my friends put me up for and was banned for awhile it stops clan chat and even squad chat which is terrible for missions and my voice permissions don't work at all currently 

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1 hour ago, wolfwind12345 said:

that would be great, I got chat banned recently for typing the nezha thing as a bet which my friends put me up for and was banned for awhile it stops clan chat and even squad chat which is terrible for missions and my voice permissions don't work at all currently 

Would appear it is more a problem with your "friends" and your willingness to say things others tell you to, no?

1 hour ago, Starcanum said:

People deserve to have fun even if they decided to be offensive or typo'd.

Then they can feel free to inflict their fun on other games. DE doesn't want them in the chat. People do not deserve someone else's platform to broadcast their... typos.

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11 minutes ago, peterc3 said:

Then they can feel free to inflict their fun on other games. DE doesn't want them in the chat. People do not deserve someone else's platform to broadcast their... typos.

I'm talking about having fun in other game aspects like trading, playing the missions with squads, talking to clanmates/friends etc. If they want the platform to be ultra PG, fine, restricting access to the specific chat that triggered the bot would be enough. What they're doing, as in restricting the access to basically the entire community, is basically like taking you to jail for swearing in public. I know the general response from people who aren't interested in region chat or only participate in serious convos about the game would be "just don't say anything bad, easy". Yes, it's not that hard to operate in the community that's known for its unreasonable chat regulations, but it just makes me wonder why even create such regulations in the first place?

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Am 23.5.2018 um 10:14 schrieb peterc3:

Would appear it is more a problem with your "friends" and your willingness to say things others tell you to, no?

Then they can feel free to inflict their fun on other games. DE doesn't want them in the chat. People do not deserve someone else's platform to broadcast their... typos.

It's still a game for adults, and severly punishing "bad words", not even meant to harm other players, while at the same time encouraging players to immerse into a child soldier hacking ppl into bloody pieces is simply ridiculous, most of which, by law of chance aren't even bad ppl but have no choice but to stand in your way. I've never ran into any problems with getting chat suspensions myself, as I usually don't use vulgar language, but at the same time I'm not easily offended aswell. Especially over the internet. You already have a chat filter + the option to ignore ppl you don't like. You really have to try hard to get offended in this game. I mean, even DE acknowledged they might not have handled that correctly, so it seems you fight a loosing battle by trying to defend it, but if one thing is for certain in this game is that anything will be defended with the simple argument that the devs an infailable 😉

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23 minutes ago, W3zeer said:

severly punishing "bad words", not even meant to harm other players

There's coarse language, and there are slurs.  I am all about coarse language; if full-on suspensions were happening over common curse words, I would understand a degree of the community upset (if that were the case, your point about the game's subject matter would stand).  But slurs are, by their nature, designed to hurt people.  Their usage creates hostile environments.  Seeing slurs in chat, or reading that the community is complaining about slurs not being allowed, sends a strong negative message about the kinds of people who play Warframe, and actively alienates new and veteran players.

23 minutes ago, W3zeer said:

You already have a chat filter + the option to ignore ppl you don't like.

Ignoring individuals is a spot fix.  If this is a community-wide issue, it's not feasible to individually ignore every person who says something bigoted.  And yeah, I mean, if coarse language bothers you, you should be using the chat filter; I doubt anyone participating in this conversation filters chat for cusses.


On 2018-05-23 at 4:33 AM, Starcanum said:

What they're doing, as in restricting the access to basically the entire community, is basically like taking you to jail for swearing in public.

"Taking you to jail" would be suspending your entire Warframe account.  You can still play the game. 

Edited by TomatoMarrow
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On 2018-05-23 at 2:13 PM, Starcanum said:

I suggest revisiting the bot's banphrase list, also limiting its bans to 30 minutes - 24 hours depending on severity, and make the restriction local in the chat where the person in question triggered the bot. That way it'd still keep the chat clean, but the people would still manage to enjoy the game.

I agree with that, banning you entirely from the chat server was unnecessary.

Instead of doing that it would be better if someone who triggered the chat bot should be ban on the chat where the person in questions is. There will be people that suggest you to contact your friend/clanmate with other thing for example like steam/discord/skype and any other stuff if you want to chat with them, but let's be fair here not everyone have those program and stuff on their side.

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16 minutes ago, TomatoMarrow said:

There's coarse language, and there are slurs.  I am all about coarse language; if full-on suspensions were happening over common curse words, I would understand a degree of the community upset (if that were the case, your point about the game's subject matter would stand).  But slurs are, by their nature, designed to hurt people.  Their usage creates hostile environments.  Seeing slurs in chat, or reading that the community is complaining about slurs not being allowed, sends a strong negative message about the kinds of people who play Warframe, and actively alienates new and veteran players.

The point isn't slurs triggering the full-on suspension. In my opinion, they still shouldn't, but my argument on that matter would've been strictly subjective, and I'm completely fine with them having harsh slurs in their banlist. The point is that most of the chat suspensions happen because of the nezha is a trap thing, it's not promoting anything negative. I can understand DE not wanting to see it in their chat, but the full chat ban is too much. I also recently triggered a bot, and from what I've gathered it was with "ur mom" without it even being directed at anyone at all. Obviously "ur mom" can be used to hurt people, but there's nothing wrong with it per se, so it shouldn't be in the bot's banphrase list as it can't see the context.

And if they insist on keeping the bot's ability to ban people for these things, at least make it much shorter so the bot's mistakes wouldn't hurt as much.

"Taking you to jail" would be suspending your entire Warframe account.  You can still play the game. 

And you can still eat and breathe in jail, but you're isolated from the entire social aspect of the life/game. I'd argue there's no other obvious real-life analogy, and even if it's not exact, it's still close enough.

Edited by Starcanum
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vor 31 Minuten schrieb TomatoMarrow:

There's coarse language, and there are slurs.  I am all about coarse language; if full-on suspensions were happening over common curse words, I would understand a degree of the community upset (if that were the case, your point about the game's subject matter would stand).  But slurs are, by their nature, designed to hurt people.  Their usage creates hostile environments.  Seeing slurs in chat, or reading that the community is complaining about slurs not being allowed, sends a strong negative message about the kinds of people who play Warframe, and actively alienates new and veteran players.

I guess I haven't moved enough with the time to be bothered by "hostile environments" on the internet. The internet is an inherently toxic place, that comes with the anonymity it provides. The only failsafe way to deal with that is to realize the other person can rant as much as they want, they cannot offend you unless you yourself decide to feel offended. It's a game for adults, and as an adult I don't need to be protected from mean language. And the even funnier thing is, chat moderation done by a bot can NOT protect anyone from slurs. It's far too easy to cirumvent the banned language and be as offensive as you wish to be. If human mods review reportet conversations and come to the conclusion that the person violated clearly stated and reasonably composed ToS have at it, ban them. For me the degree that speech would have to reach to be considered a bannable offense would be near the borders that the law sets free speech, as again, this is an enviroment for adults. Bots should only handle blurring out filtered words and suspensions for spam. Those are the only things they can handle reliably enough. Typos leaving to a weeklong ban by a bot is ridiculous, noone can be offended that fast and if they are they do not deserve protection.

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2 hours ago, Starcanum said:

The point is that most of the chat suspensions happen because of the nezha is a trap thing, it's not promoting anything negative.

I recognize the consistency of your stance that nothing should be banned, and given that you're willing to compromise for slurs (which by definition are harsh), I think we're on the same page re: maintaining a bare minimum level of chat filtering.  "Trap" in that context is a slur.  Obviously, it's a term derived from a word in common usage, and it would be ludicrous and impractical to censor the word "trap" because it has multiple meanings and is context-dependent (context-dependency is also why I'm not in favor of censoring "gay" in chat, and why getting chatbanned for saying "ur mom" is ridiculous).  But using "trap" to refer to a person (or a Warframe, or what have you) promotes reductive and transphobic stereotypes that cause real-world harm.  It makes sense to me that DE would want to keep that kind of mentality as far away as possible, to the point of being willing to alienate their player base in order to do so.

As for being isolated from the social aspect of the game, I don't know if my input here is entirely valid because I don't really participate in the social aspect (I run a nearly-solitary Ghost clan and play solo whenever reasonable), but if your conduct has gotten you banned, there are other communication tools available to you.  I'm gonna respond to blink8888 by saying that if you're running Warframe, your device can probably handle Discord, and if the social aspect is important to you, you probably already have it.  If not, yeah, we live in the 21st century, there are tons and tons of options out there, and most of them have no barrier to entry.


2 hours ago, W3zeer said:

I guess I haven't moved enough with the time to be bothered by "hostile environments" on the internet. The internet is an inherently toxic place, that comes with the anonymity it provides.

Here's the question, though: does it have to be toxic?  Can't we make it better?  Why not work towards an environment in which everyone who finds Warframe appealing feels comfortable playing it?  That would mean more new players, which would mean more veterans and more people buying plat, which would mean more/cooler content from DE (hopefully).  And yeah, you're right, people have been circumventing chat filters and filterbots as long as those things have existed.  They're not the be-all end-all.  But they do help, and they do start conversations.  And I know we're here to have fun, to goof off and not need to think about stuff like this.  Shouldn't everyone have the right to that?

Warframe, according to you, is a game for adults: let's act like adults, then.  We only stand to benefit. 

2 hours ago, W3zeer said:

The only failsafe way to deal with that is to realize the other person can rant as much as they want, they cannot offend you unless you yourself decide to feel offended.

I mean, to some degree, sure; like, I'm not bothered by conspiracy theorists (I think the one where Stephen King killed John Lennon is my favorite, but the idea that Kubrik filmed the moon landing and they killed him to cover it up is good too).  But I am bothered by systemic bigotry.  Perhaps you don't need to be "protected from mean language", but there's a reason we've rendered slurs socially inacceptable: they carry the weight of implicit violence against the individual, usually for something they have no control over.  If that doesn't bother you...idk, I don't know how to explain why you should care about other people, even people you don't know.

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I think what I'm seeing a lot online is a new generation of people who honestly and truly see nothing wrong with some of the things they say, and many have an almost entitled attitude insofar as they should be able to do and say what they want, when they want to, without consequence.. and they also don't see the problems that lay in that type of thinking.

Not everything is about political correctness or games/forums/whatever being over-zealous or "mom-like". Its purely about common decency, courtesy and the ability to control oneself. To behave towards people in a manner you would expect for yourself or the people you love. That people don't realize such things is a huge problem in itself nowadays.

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10 minutes ago, Zanchak said:

I think what I'm seeing a lot online is a new generation of people who honestly and truly see nothing wrong with some of the things they say, and many have an almost entitled attitude insofar as they should be able to do and say what they want, when they want to, without consequence.. and they also don't see the problems that lay in that type of thinking.

Not everything is about political correctness or games/forums/whatever being over-zealous or "mom-like". Its purely about common decency, courtesy and the ability to control oneself. To behave towards people in a manner you would expect for yourself or the people you love. That people don't realize such things is a huge problem in itself nowadays.

Or they behave in a manner that they do expect their circle of friends to treat them, banter used to be a thing that ftiends did to each other but PC culture killed its mainstream appeal.

If youve never called a close friend a string of 3 expletives then youve never really had a close friend 😛

region chat however is not a close friend, its walking into a random loud bar, wait i mean church luncheon.

either way 1 week suspension of game functionality for saying stupid crap isnt useful, not telling someone why they were banned and for how long isnt useful, having support take weeks to answer isnt useful, making a forum post about getting banned and having a mod close it for the 600th time isnt useful.

an overhaul is needed to reduce the amount of crap that gets in on the forums. A weaker punishment for the first few offenses is a good step as it lowers the likelyhood of players posting a dead on arrival thread to the forums. The bot needs to tell players why they were banned and for how long to further prevent these threads, support technically should be faster since they dont have to answer to as many of these chat susp tickets, and forum mods dont have to keep locking these types of threads because their number will be reduced likely by 99%. But their behavior towards the discussion leads me to believe they like locking them with the same copy paste message so who knows


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vor 5 Minuten schrieb TomatoMarrow:

I recognize the consistency of your stance that nothing should be banned, and given that you're willing to compromise for slurs (which by definition are harsh), I think we're on the same page re: maintaining a bare minimum level of chat filtering.  "Trap" in that context is a slur.  Obviously, it's a term derived from a word in common usage, and it would be ludicrous and impractical to censor the word "trap" because it has multiple meanings and is context-dependent (context-dependency is also why I'm not in favor of censoring "gay" in chat, and why getting chatbanned for saying "ur mom" is ridiculous).  But using "trap" to refer to a person (or a Warframe, or what have you) promotes reductive and transphobic stereotypes that cause real-world harm.  It makes sense to me that DE would want to keep that kind of mentality as far away as possible, to the point of being willing to alienate their player base in order to do so.

As for being isolated from the social aspect of the game, I don't know if my input here is entirely valid because I don't really participate in the social aspect (I run a nearly-solitary Ghost clan and play solo whenever reasonable), but if your conduct has gotten you banned, there are other communication tools available to you.  I'm gonna respond to blink8888 by saying that if you're running Warframe, your device can probably handle Discord, and if the social aspect is important to you, you probably already have it.  If not, yeah, we live in the 21st century, there are tons and tons of options out there, and most of them have no barrier to entry.


Here's the question, though: does it have to be toxic?  Can't we make it better?  Why not work towards an environment in which everyone who finds Warframe appealing feels comfortable playing it?  That would mean more new players, which would mean more veterans and more people buying plat, which would mean more/cooler content from DE (hopefully).  And yeah, you're right, people have been circumventing chat filters and filterbots as long as those things have existed.  They're not the be-all end-all.  But they do help, and they do start conversations.  And I know we're here to have fun, to goof off and not need to think about stuff like this.  Shouldn't everyone have the right to that?

Warframe, according to you, is a game for adults: let's act like adults, then.  We only stand to benefit. 

I mean, to some degree, sure; like, I'm not bothered by conspiracy theorists (I think the one where Stephen King killed John Lennon is my favorite, but the idea that Kubrik filmed the moon landing and they killed him to cover it up is good too).  But I am bothered by systemic bigotry.  Perhaps you don't need to be "protected from mean language", but there's a reason we've rendered slurs socially inacceptable: they carry the weight of implicit violence against the individual, usually for something they have no control over.  If that doesn't bother you...idk, I don't know how to explain why you should care about other people, even people you don't know.

Well, I don't think I said anywhere that there shouldn't be any form of consequence for chat abuse. And I also don't think I wrote anywhere, that I have no sympathy for victims of (verbal) violence, to make that point absolutly clear: Violence against innocent ppl, verbal or physical, is unacceptable.

What I'm against is expanding the meaning of the word violence to include things you just disagree with or decide you don't want to hear. Sadly the boundaries are moved that way by lots of special snowflakes who want to get offended by everything. Sure, we should try to make things better, as I said, I personally never had any problems with chat-suspensions in games or forums. Even when I butt heads with someone I try to stay on the matter and not slander their personality. When the argument is over I move on and don't go after them.

Do I hope I get treated the way I treat others? Certainly. Do I expect it? Neither on the Internet nor IRL. Should misbehaviour be without consequences? Nope, and it is not. The reaction of the target is the consequence. Comparing mean comments on the internet to real verbal, psychological abuse is a far stretch. You're not in a close relationship and dependency here. You can easily report ppl and they disappear. As I said, ignoring solves the problem. Is it really that bad to ignore those who offend you? You make it sound like there's a huge part of the playerbase running rampant. In my 3000+ hours I have not once met a person who attacked me.

So to summon it up, bots should not handle bans, they are ill equipped to do that. Insults should definetly have consequences, issued by a human mod, but the definition of insults also should not be expanded to bad taste and such. Excessive censorship only makes trolls more creative and leads to ppl getting frustrated and toxic for being banned for obscure reasons.

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43 minutes ago, TomatoMarrow said:

As for being isolated from the social aspect of the game, I don't know if my input here is entirely valid because I don't really participate in the social aspect (I run a nearly-solitary Ghost clan and play solo whenever reasonable), but if your conduct has gotten you banned, there are other communication tools available to you.  I'm gonna respond to blink8888 by saying that if you're running Warframe, your device can probably handle Discord, and if the social aspect is important to you, you probably already have it.  If not, yeah, we live in the 21st century, there are tons and tons of options out there, and most of them have no barrier to entry.

I'm referring to the social aspect generally as in any type of interaction with other players. Had it been just the region chat ban I'd have been fine with it, could've turned to discord to converse with people as you've mentioned. However, it also includes recruiting chat (can't do radshares), trading (can't trade) and whispers (can't trade). And that's a huge part of my usual routine which got blocked because of a bot. It simply shouldn't work this way.

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5 minutes ago, Gandergear said:

Or they behave in a manner that they do expect their circle of friends to treat them, banter used to be a thing that ftiends did to each other but PC culture killed its mainstream appeal.

If youve never called a close friend a string of 3 expletives then youve never really had a close friend 😛

region chat however is not a close friend, its walking into a random loud bar, wait i mean church luncheon.

either way 1 week suspension of game functionality for saying stupid crap isnt useful, not telling someone why they were banned and for how long isnt useful, having support take weeks to answer isnt useful, making a forum post about getting banned and having a mod close it for the 600th time isnt useful.

an overhaul is needed to reduce the amount of crap that gets in on the forums. A weaker punishment for the first few offenses is a good step as it lowers the likelyhood of players posting a dead on arrival thread to the forums. The bot needs to tell players why they were banned and for how long to further prevent these threads, support technically should be faster since they dont have to answer to as many of these chat susp tickets, and forum mods dont have to keep locking these types of threads because their number will be reduced likely by 99%. But their behavior towards the discussion leads me to believe they like locking them with the same copy paste message so who knows


I like how it was instantly likened to a church function. You basically just proved the point I was making.

In my friends circles, every second word is generally something horrendous, but as you said, while adding a church jibe, region chat is NOT a close friend. People should learn some self control over their mouthes, or in this case, hands, or expect them to be slapped. That simple really. The world doesn't need to listen to peoples crude "fun" just because so many people feel entitled to throw it around nowadays.

Yes a reason should be given, but when its obvious it should not need to be, and that again was my point. People nowadays don't even see it.

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I think that bots shouldn't have a banstick to hit you with since they lack judgement. 

I think more well trained moderators would be better for the chat community.

I think getting banned should be immediately followed with "why and how long".

I think that it's extreme to include Squad, Clan, and PMs in a chat ban.



I also think it would be better to have a political correctness discussion in the Off Topic section of the boards so this doesn't get locked as well..

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1 hour ago, W3zeer said:

Well, I don't think I said anywhere that there shouldn't be any form of consequence for chat abuse. And I also don't think I wrote anywhere, that I have no sympathy for victims of (verbal) violence, to make that point absolutly clear: Violence against innocent ppl, verbal or physical, is unacceptable.

What I'm against is expanding the meaning of the word violence to include things you just disagree with or decide you don't want to hear. Sadly the boundaries are moved that way by lots of special snowflakes who want to get offended by everything. Sure, we should try to make things better, as I said, I personally never had any problems with chat-suspensions in games or forums. Even when I butt heads with someone I try to stay on the matter and not slander their personality. When the argument is over I move on and don't go after them.

Do I hope I get treated the way I treat others? Certainly. Do I expect it? Neither on the Internet nor IRL. Should misbehaviour be without consequences? Nope, and it is not. The reaction of the target is the consequence. Comparing mean comments on the internet to real verbal, psychological abuse is a far stretch. You're not in a close relationship and dependency here. You can easily report ppl and they disappear. As I said, ignoring solves the problem. Is it really that bad to ignore those who offend you? You make it sound like there's a huge part of the playerbase running rampant. In my 3000+ hours I have not once met a person who attacked me.

So to summon it up, bots should not handle bans, they are ill equipped to do that. Insults should definetly have consequences, issued by a human mod, but the definition of insults also should not be expanded to bad taste and such. Excessive censorship only makes trolls more creative and leads to ppl getting frustrated and toxic for being banned for obscure reasons.

I feel like it's necessary here that someone step in to make the point that words are not violence.

Further, we should never treat words as though they were inherently synonymous with violence. I've spoilered the big chunks to help keep things reader-friendly.



This is critical because people only have two fundamental paradigms for resolving conflict: words and violence.

If we start treating language as though it were somehow inherently violent, we lose the ability to distinguish between these two patterns of conflict resolution. What's even worse is that we leave an unacceptably large amount of room for people to justify physical violence on the grounds that someone else was "verbally violent."

It's a bad plan, because we're talking about environmental factors that interact negatively with people who are in particularly vulnerable mental or emotional states. Giving these people free license to interpret the words of others as violence is dangerous because they're strongly incentivized to respond with either defensive aggression (unhelpful) and avoidance (also unhelpful).


That is not to say that people are wrong merely for feeling or being the victims of insults or actual violence. This is also not to say that some words can't be closely connected with actual violence.



On the contrary, I'm speaking from a viewpoint of wanting to keep vulnerable people away from things that will act negatively upon their existing situation and their future selves. I'm playing the long game here, and we need to be very careful of encouraging people to believe that the world is somehow actively seeking to ruin them.

I haven't even started on the intimate connection between "talking" and "thinking." The degree to which we refine our thoughts and principles by talking is hard to emphasize enough. We speak, make mistakes and receive feedback from others, going on to develop increasing sophistication in the process. There's an argument to be made that "using slurs in game chat and being punished" is a form of mistake-and-feedback, but I don't buy it.

There is insufficient explanation and no dialogue between the person using prohibited language and the system punishing them. DE surely understands by now that their current systems are inadequate.

What's even worse is that DE themselves, including their volunteer representatives, have not yet expressed a clear and consistent philosophy to explain their position on these topics. I've seen bits and pieces, partial arguments, even a half-baked "zen pencils" cartoon. What I haven't seen is a fully articulated "statement of principles" (using that specific phrase intentionally).


Stating merely that you believe in positivity and inclusivity is not enough. Stating that certain words are harmful and their use interferes with the two previously mentioned goals is not enough.

I need to stop and very carefully make the point that it is not my intention to "dev bash," but instead to encourage DE to continue doing the legwork that they told us they have started. Policies based only on the intention to protect against bullying or to disallow "hate speech" are not going to cut it. Policies based only on the intention to protect your company - your friends and extended family at this company - from legal entanglements are not going to cut it. If I'm being totally candid, DE have an epic task in front of them. I think they're capable of doing a good job with it, but only if they're honest with themselves about what they're doing and why.

This post is already way too long, so I'll merely close with a piece of friendly advice to DE: You pride yourselves on transparency and communication with your players. It's time to do a gut-check and make sure you're being transparent with yourselves, because this won't work unless you are. I believe in you guys.




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Can't justify a ban for a triggered keyword used in an uninsulting, unoffensive context. REALLY can't justify there not being a visible appeals process with some sort of human oversight considering that there's multiple ways for a person to get banned for what is entirely unoffensive or even typoes. There's no staff communication on the matter, you aren't informed how long you're banned for, you're judged by search word algorithm and sentence by something that doesn't understand the meaning of any conversational words, contextually or otherwise. 

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Support isn't open on weekends or holidays. 

For that matter, there needs to be some sort of communication with us. If we're receiving a disciplinary action for an automated process, we deserve to know WHEN that automated disciplinary action will end. Send us an in game or email response, even automated. This isn't an unreasonable expectation. Even convictions give a specific duration of punishment. 

Edited by R4GD0LL
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il y a 9 minutes, R4GD0LL a dit :

Support isn't open on weekends or holidays. 

For that matter, there needs to be some sort of communication with us. If we're receiving a disciplinary action for an automated process, we deserve to know WHEN that automated disciplinary action will end. Send us an in game or email response, even automated. This isn't an unreasonable expectation. Even convictions give a specific duration of punishment. 

As much as i like the severity of the chat policy, this request seems to be quite reasonable.

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