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(XB1/PS4) Virtual Cursor Feedback Megathread


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12 minutes ago, (PS4)PepsiPinnick said:

My question here is : why fix something that wasnt broken? Cursor is great in some parts but not full on keyboard and mouse when we have a ps4/xboxone pad...

Because they want the PC and console versions the same to consolidate developer time and bring them together for update parity. 

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Above all, this UI is horrible and an absolute chore to operate. If I wanted to use a cursor, I would play on the PC.

The r1 and l1 buttons no longer work for any purpose and yet are still listed as press this to do that.

Please give us a choice to go back to how it was.

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Speeding up the cert process is a good thing, but a  bit of waiting is infinitely preferable to having to struggle with a control method which is objectively worse than what came before. This should never have been rolled out in its present state without the option of a rollback.

DE, you can fix it if you want to, even if that means sending a rollback update to cert to remove this atrocious control scheme, while you work on it behind the scenes prior to your new fancy UI coming out. That would be preferable to constant hotfixes to make tweaks to the system, while two of your three userbases are having a horrible time. You could then take your time, get it right, and not alienate a huge number of your players in the meantime.

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2 minutes ago, (XB1)Danowat32 said:

Because they want the PC and console versions the same to consolidate developer time and bring them together for update parity. 

That's not really a valid excuse. I used to play Morrowind on PC back in the day (actually I played around with the code more because I prefer consoles). Even though that plays like a PC game, all the console interface options are written into the code, and if I wanted to I could make it function exactly like a console with no more than a few toggles. There's no reason they couldn't have done the wame with Warframe.


On console, I can't edit the code to make it work, I can't download a third-party plugin to use the input device of my choice. When developing a game for console, you must develop for the native interface, not an upcoming peripheral option that nobody wants. This will make or break a console game no matter how good the actial game is, it doesn't matter if you don't make it to gameplay before your brain melts.

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21 minutes ago, (PS4)PepsiPinnick said:

My question here is : why fix something that wasnt broken? Cursor is great in some parts but not full on keyboard and mouse when we have a ps4/xboxone pad...

It's not that they were trying to fix something. They needed to consolidate the UI code across all platforms to a single thing to help improve the game as a whole. Unfortunately this is what we got, luckily they seem to have seen our distaste for it. If we all can give constructive suggestions to improve the current UI then that will help. People simply saying "it sucks, put it back to how it was" isnt going to help anything because they already said that isnt going to happen. All we can do is try to help them improve what we have now so that it is usable for controller users and keyboard/mouse users alike!

For example, I have suggested they implement the face button shortcuts in the arsenal, make the drag and drop mod selection an option that can be turned off (since it works better with a mouse and not so much with a controller), and lastly to do away with double clicking.

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Wonder how the folks at DE would feel if they went out to go to work in the morning, only to find the manufacturer of their vehicle has switched out the normal car controls for that of an airplane. "What? Everything works. What are you complaining about? Just get used to it." Unlearning days of muscle memory, easy, unlearning two-and-a-half years, not so much...


Additionally, if it wasn't done, why is it being crammed down our throats?

Edited by (PS4)Arc1723
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Just now, (PS4)jimmymare said:

can we all agree to cut the chase and push forward with a "revert console UI option"? Everyone will be happy and I will login to play like I used to do 453 days till now.

no because they have stated that isnt going to happen. So, instead of everyone continuing to *@##$ about "it sucks i want the old UI back", we need to work together to give constructive suggestions about how to improve the new UI that we will be using from now on.

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3 minutes ago, (XB1)Danowat32 said:

Because they want the PC and console versions the same to consolidate developer time and bring them together for update parity. 

By that logic why not just give each version access to both systems and allow us to switch between them. it shouldnt be too hard to do and it should make it easier and quicker for them to get the patches out without screwing the ui up for everyone

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On ps4 the drag mods isnt appropriate as most console users use controller perhaps make it optional

The focus and operator change menu were good as they were as were warframe and weapon menu 

 When starting a void fissure mission and selecting relic i have to push x button 3 or 4 times before it registers my choice.

I think only real improve was to the chat 

As you are no doubt aware this update was a step backs perhaps changes should be smaller in scale next time


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I'm happy with the communication back from the devs! The speed of the cursor, even if adjustable, doesn't work very well because selecting anything requires precise aiming. If you tap the stick just a little too much, you will completely miss what you are trying to select. 

The quick select buttons, such as  those mapped to Appearance, Upgrade, etc, on the Arsenal Tab need to make a return. This includes everything with a buttoned mapped, quick select feature (Arsenal, mod screen, Foundry, etc...). 

The Upgrade/mod screen interface is nice, but again the lack of button mapped hotkeys for selecting and removing mods is a real problem. Double clicking is also something that doesn't work on consoles either! 

I would be okay with keeping the virtual cursor if it was only on the larger screens such as the Star Chart or the Arsenal (only to highlight the main options). The one place the virtual cursor would be helpful is on the Focus School selection screens. Selecting the individual nodes on each of the Focus Skill Trees can be somewhat difficult when they aren't on either a vertical or horizontal orientation. 

Overall the virtual cursor has its uses and can be a good addition, but having it on every single selection screen is too much. The reason being it doesn't work well without the agility of a mouse and consoles are designed for controllers, not a mouse! 

Keep up the good work DE! I also hope my fellow Tenno will continue to provide constructive criticism as opposed to anger so we can all get back to enjoying Warframe! 

Edited by (XB1)ZenithLord 42
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2 minutes ago, (XB1)Shad0w Rabbit said:

no because they have stated that isnt going to happen. So, instead of everyone continuing to *@##$ about "it sucks i want the old UI back", we need to work together to give constructive suggestions about how to improve the new UI that we will be using from now on.

"no they won't" is like asking me to take my time and usd elsewhere. i can accept that. thanks. 

i mean the part about me moving away from this game. what is the importance of aligning the DE system processes for pc and consoles and pushing for a hard no - while the gamers are saying otherwise..

not for profitability?

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30 minutes ago, (XB1)Tatakai no Kami said:


I'll accept this response from Steve.

Unifying the UI might make it easier to port to consoles, but I was under the impression that we get monthly update because cert costs money, and it make more financial sense to send a bundle of updates to cert. But if we get update more frequently, then great job! 

But the outrage I think is justified in this case. If warframe abilities are changed, intentionally or unintentionay, and the next update will undo those errors, fine. There are 30+ warframes to choose from. Zenith's alt fire doesn't work because console didn't have the latest hotfix? Ok I can wait until the next update to enjoy the weapon. But UI is literally the gateway to every part of the game. Changing it halfway and telling console players to wait another 2 months (because we are probably not getting the sacrifice before tennocon, and then we might get the update a few weeks after tennocon) before the next update to fix the most essential element of the game is a bad decision. I can only hope that we can get a update before tennocon so that we can keep enjoying this game. 


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1 minute ago, (PS4)DAVEGADGETBOY said:

By that logic why not just give each version access to both systems and allow us to switch between them. it shouldnt be too hard to do and it should make it easier and quicker for them to get the patches out without screwing the ui up for everyone

I know someone earlier in the thread touched on this and I will try to remember what they said as best i can. Basically, the old UI code was all kinds of crazy and having both UIs running at one time will not be cost effective for DE (most likely the conflicting code will cause tons of bugs as well and we dont want that). So instead of continually pushing for this, we should make suggestions on how to improve the new UI.

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2 minutes ago, (XB1)Shad0w Rabbit said:

I know someone earlier in the thread touched on this and I will try to remember what they said as best i can. Basically, the old UI code was all kinds of crazy and having both UIs running at one time will not be cost effective for DE (most likely the conflicting code will cause tons of bugs as well and we dont want that). So instead of continually pushing for this, we should make suggestions on how to improve the new UI.

Since that person does not work for DE they have no way of knowing . The old UI navigation was absolutely fine.  It was quick, easy to navigate and focused on console . This new one is focused on keyboard and mouse navigation and is absolutely horrendous for controllers . Having the two simultaneously for people to choose from is absolutely possible if having 3 types of archwing controls is possible . 

Edited by (XB1)DeluxeKnight831
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guys, Warframe is not the "most complex" coded game on earth. it is a choice of spending more time and money of having different UI vs implementing an unified new UI (which will be cheaper and faster for all platforms updates).


i will only complain for a few days and leave for good when i dont see any changes or insisting on keeping it. 


i have been supporting almost every prime access and prime packs and monthly 1000plat top ups on psn to support this free to play game. this update is just depressing.

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