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(XB1/PS4) Virtual Cursor Feedback Megathread


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il y a 7 minutes, (PS4)FernandoGo_D a dit :

Ye, except they do work with controller only with triangle square and S#&$, and dont require a F* K&M to function properly.


Give me a console game with controller based, that has a PC UI that works good. you cant name it.

All this games has controllers functions on them, and IF, a big f* IF you plug a Keyboard, it changes and works..

thats not the case, the case is, they removed controller comands and add PC commands, and that don't f* work

That's why I said that the change that need to be made is that the game should just make that UI appear when you're using M&K and have a proper controller UI -_-
No offense but are you autistic or something because you keep pointing the same issue for what I've already submit an idea for it to be fix..

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Hi DE,

PS4 user here!  I think trying to get a fairly singular kind of controls for all audiences is a good goal, and I understand that it will save lots of time and headaches for the development staff.  With that in mind, here is my feedback.

What I don't understand:

My biggest confusion is why adding "mouse" controls had to remove some of the D-pad controls.  For example, I can no longer select an Alert mission via D-pad.  Keyboards have lots of buttons!  Why not offer PC users additional controls instead of taking them away from console users?  Also, it seems like this is possible, since the Arsenal shows a less-than-ideal but certainly functional marriage of both mouse and d-pad controls.  I have loved playing Warframe with a controller for years.  If my D-pad controls are being taken away, I would at least like to know why this has to be the case, because I just don't get it.  I'm really hoping this is just an intermediate step, and I'll still be able to play Warframe without ever using a cursor in the near future.


  • The scrollbar (controlled with the right stick) is really convenient in some screens.  I really felt its usefulness scrolling through all my mods when modding a new weapon.
  • Except for the problems I list below, the main Arsenal screen feels like a beautiful marriage between the cursor and the d-pad.  I think every issue I have with it can be solved, and I'm confident that if this screen is used as a model to guide the development of other screens that a perfect marriage of these two control schemes can be created.


Modding Screen:

  • Pressing R1/L1 to toggle between weapon builds has been disabled.  R1/L1 now always toggles the mod polarity (etc) filter.  Personally, I would much rather have it the other way around.  When I am between missions with a group of randoms, being able to quickly change your gear for the next mission is often the difference between staying with a group and someone impatiently leaving.  Pressing R1 to switch my loadout using muscle memory alone and then pressing Circle to get back to the normal menu is very valuable for this process.
  • D-pad movement through different slots/mods is noticeably slower and clunkier than it used to be.  It takes more time to do the same thing and it feels less responsive, because it takes the "cursor" more time to move between slots (especially when trying to pass over several slots).
  • I dread needing to hold the X button to move a mod.  I understand wanting to get a mouse-like cursor, but my controller is not a mouse.  Clicking and dragging with a controller while using D-pad controls is nails on a chalkboard to me.
  • How do you remove a mod from your weapon/Warframe?  It used to be Triangle, but I genuinely haven't been able to figure out how to do this.  I tried dragging the mod into "empty space", which was my second guess, but it didn't work.  I'm lost.


  • I'm not sure why shortcut buttons had to go away (ie - press Triangle for Upgrade, press Square for Appearance, etc).  They allowed me to choose from 4 different options (Upgrade, Appearance, Equip, Abilities) with a single press of a button, rather than navigating a tiny submenu.
  • Developing new muscle memory for D-pad use in the main Arsenal window will be next to impossible.  This is because movement isn't based on what tile is selected, but where the cursor is.  And depending on the previous tile selected, the cursor will be in a different place.
    • For example, if my cursor is on the Warframe tile, I can press D-pad down to get to the Primary tile.  If I then press right, I will be on my Primary Weapon's Appearance tile.  However, if I start with the cursor on the Secondary tile, then press D-pad up to move to the Primary tile, and then press right, my cursor will move to my Primary Weapon's Equip tile.  In this state, I can no longer quickly flick through menus; I must actively aware of the exact location of the cursor to navigate the menu properly.
    • This should be pretty easy to solve!  I'm sure you already have some ideas about how this might be fixed.
  • I can't rotate my Warframe with the right stick unless my cursor is not in the menu, despite there being nothing else for the cursor to control.  For example, when I'm changing my Warframe's appearance, there is no scrollbar in that menu, so I would like to rotate my Warframe to see them.  But instead the right stick does nothing.


  • Please, please let me scroll down just by pressing down on the D-pad.  I don't want to be forced to use the right stick to scroll, as convenient as the feature seems like it will be in some circumstances.  I'm using the D-pad, I'm pressing down, I'm at the bottom of the screen, there's nothing below me: you know what I want to happen, and you are capable of detecting it and delivering.

Star Chart:

  • When selecting Alerts, Invasions, Sorties, etc from the menu, I can change panes with R1/L1, but I can't select the mission with the D-pad; I have to use the cursor.  You've already shown me in the Arsenal that the cursor and D-pad controls can coexist; why not here, too?  I see that this is a planned addition.  Thank you! ❤️

One of the biggest things that gives me hope, despite so much displeasure with some of how this is working out, is that DE has demonstrated consistently that they listen to their community's feedback.  I don't expect that I'll get exactly what I want, but I can trust that you'll work towards a solution that will satisfy everyone.  I hope this feedback helps with that.  Thanks for being the studio that only DE is capable of being!

Edited by (PS4)Unstar
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3 minutes ago, SilentMobius said:

It really does and Megan made it clear that's not happening 5 hours ago on twitter. 

This is almost useful feedback, which specific shortcuts are the most important ones? Because replicating every button hack from the old UI scheme isn't going to happen.

Anything mapped to the 4 face buttons is critical for a console player. Things like shortcuts to appearance and upgrade in the arsenal, changing your party privacy settings, etc.

Also, the d-pad should not move the cursor at all but simply allow users to quick select items and menus just like the legacy UI allowed. The current d-pad only works when the cursor position allows it and since console players don't use a mouse it is not relative to anything like hand placement. Seriously, try scrolling chat or using the d-pad to navigate when moving your character around the ship; the cursor is rarely where it needs to be since different analogs are used.

I could go on and on with useful feedback but DE won't even make alt-fire a toggle or give consoles separate X/Y sensitivity settings, etc. These are basic options that would make using a controller much easier.

The kicker here is that this cursor UI is a ton of work for DE, but to see it implemented in this way undermines its value entirely as it has limited usefulness to console players in this state. If DE had taken just a little longer and used the PC feedback to iterate a bit more then this situation could have been avoided entirely.

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Hey DE

the drop sources for mods, when in the codex, doesn’t seem to be complying with the new UI change. I was attempting to see the drop locations for a mod but wasn’t able since the right stick was forcing the mods to scroll, not the drop sources. Also my chat box disappearing a few times when trying to load it in a mission loading screen. Lastly, not being able to select players names to whisper while in a mission loading screen. 


Thanks for y’alls time, good luck. 

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Just now, (PS4)JusteKevin said:

That's why I said that the change that need to be made is that the game should just make that UI appear when you're using M&K and have a proper controller UI -_-
No offense but are you autistic or something because you keep pointing the same issue for what I've already submit an idea for it to be fix..

Man... the problem is there wasnt a need for a fix, for something that was not broken, that was working good.

the complain of everyone in this post is that they removed the CONSOLE UI on the CONSOLE. this is the problem, for them to fix things in the future they doenst need to put a PC UI on a CONSOLE, and them NEEDING TO FIX ON THE CONSOLES SOMETHING THAT WAS WORKING GREAT.

I'm not autistic, i think not at least, god knows if i'm.

Im not mad at you or something, is just that this changes for CONSOLES don't work because it was made for PC's.period.

and thinking how DE works, updates on PC's them 3 to 4 weeks for updates on consoles, we will have to deal with a #*!%ing PC UI on the #*!%ing CONSOLE because they removed the basic functions of console play with armory and etc.

the hate come from this, the games you cited implemented those changes one time only, not in parts.

in parts it make the game worse from CONSOLE perspective. they should have realeased this wehm them have the FULL HYBRID UI, not this S#&$ thing.

this is the hate.

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4 hours ago, (PS4)Exia0321 said:

Umm I dont like PC setup hence why I use a PS4. 

So DE how about giving us back our old interface options that utilized controller buttons.

Using a cursor is freaking slow and annoying and not natural for me as a console player. 


Please give us an option to go back to the old setup where we could use PS4/Xbox buttons to open up menus and such.


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16 minutes ago, SilentMobius said:

This is almost useful feedback. Which specific shortcuts are the most important ones? Because replicating every button hack from the old UI scheme isn't going to happen.

For me personally it been the arsenal shortcuts trying to navigate that tiny sub menu with a cursor is irritating at best and down right infuriating at worst. With the old UI we could easily and quickly swap between menus almost effortlessly. To give you a analogy its like trying to make a headshot with a pistol when your a mile away it lacks the fluidity the old UI had. Now Ive been playing this game since release on PS4 so Ive seen quite a few large changes they have made along with being a big supporter of the game in general, but in all that time I have never really felt the need to voice my discontent as I do now. And all it really boils down to is that cursors just do not work well when it comes to controllers the finesse is not there to support it. I do wish we had the old shortcuts simply because they worked for what we needed them to do and I think they should have sat on this a bit longer and flushed it out. Aside from that I am a huge fan of the particles and lighting.

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As many have already pointed out the new UI is worse than the previous in almost every aspect for console users.

It's obvious it was designed thinking only abuout its performance on PC, completely disregarding how it would work for console players.

New ui makes managing everything from chats to foundry and arsenal a lot harder, slower and more annoying.

This is the kind of annoying, hindering gameplay experience that could stop new players from playing.

I wish you would at least bring back old arsenal, foundry and mod console hotkeys to make ui more manageable but you obviously wont do, because DE never pays any attention to actual complaints or feedback to improve the game and just address issues regarding minuscule glitches.

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1 hour ago, (PS4)JusteKevin said:

Stop being salty about that and just consider the good idea behind that change, the UI is not the problem the problem is that the UI fit with mouse & keyboard so it should appear with M&K that's it, that's the only change needed and your old controller UI will be back for your controller and M&K users will be happy as well.

The idea behing that change was clearly to make the game playable with whatever device you like on whatever platform you like.

PC players are allowed to play with controller so console players should be allowed to play with M&K as well so instead hating on DE for that change just consider a second how smart they're for making that decision, cross-platform is the future of gaming and DE made a step in the future with that, deal with it. 🙂

Have you notice that:



99.9% of consoles have Controllers instead of Mouse & Keybord in bundles ?!



Instead of ONE conrol device on my PS4 I need now THREE to play as before ?! 


Edited by (PS4)Semyazza1985
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Why not leave the UI as it was and if the game detects connected M&K peripherals, give the player the option to enable M&K navigation? Forced changes like this with no options other than "deal with it" or "play another game" will earn you a mass exodus, DE. I am a player who falls into the second category and I am quite sure I won't be the only one. 

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with all honesty, now I don't want to do anything on my orbiter, everything just feels like it was never ment to be used with a controller, it's extremely slow & awkward, I'm doing this thru that train wreck called Microsoft Edge on my Xbone & that feels more user friendly than your current UI.

maybe such a core change has simply flared up my Asperges, but this new UI just feels wrong for controllers. 

the only way I could defend this UI, is if it's needed for some planned PC crossplay.

Edited by (XB1)Leonidas666th
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This is a decent foundation, but there are a lot of problems that make the virtual cursor severely awkward. The existing UI is a horrible match for virtual cursor. I support the plan to clean up UI and all the bugs and performance issues resulting from overlapping control schemes, but I think this should have been held until a bit closer to the total UI overhaul so gamepad/console users wouldn't be stuck with this hella awkward transition for months.

In any case, here are some specific problems, and suggestions to improve general usability.


  • Mods inflate too much for cursor size, making equip awkward.
  • Cursor sometimes defaults to bottom-right of screen, obscured by border. Very disorienting. Should remember last position or default highlight specified item in each menu. (Ex.: Arsenal defaults to frame; main menu defaults to Navigation (or otherwise first item).)
  • Double-clicking to equip is gross on any platform. Remove double-clicking from all equip menus, it is inconsistent and adds no functionality. Change to "click to view > click to equip" where applicable cases.
  • Rollout when clicking players in chat is too small.
  • Arsenal "Equip/Upgrade/Appearance" rollout is too small. (This and above merit short-term solution until full UI overhaul is ready. These are constant interactions and shouldn't feel this clumsy.)
  • Cursor prioritizes node name over planet for zooming, meaning luna can't be focused because of earth.
  • Zooming in Navigation centers on screen position instead of cursor position.
  • Dpad non-functional in World State menu. (Also minor gripe, however World State tiles snapping open instead of swiftly rolling-out makes aiming feel clumsy.)
  • When interacting with chat, selection ignores Dpad, instead interacting with whatever cursor is centered on. This results in accidentally closing DMs since the cursor will be resting on the player's name. (Also, option to chat-link player should be in rollout.)


  • Button that, when held, switches cursor to alternate custom sensitivity. I cannot stress enough that this is NOT OPTIONAL. You need to do this. The sooner, the better.
  • Cursor sensitivity should dynamically reduce a small amount (10% or so) when hovering over small menu elements, such as player names/player rollout. This will help with accuracy, and can be rolled back if it's a hassle with the future UI.

I am assuming the new UI is being designed from the ground up with virtual cursor in mind, so I'm not up-in-arms about the current problems. Many of them can be fixed with minor adjustments to UI or cursor function. Still, this should not have been rushed to consoles. We are stuck with it for at least a couple months, since the UI overhaul is confirmed not to be included in The Sacrifice.

I'll add more feedback here as I encounter more issues with the virtual cursor. I'm confident you guys can make virtual cursor good with the UI overhaul.

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The cursor is unnecessary we are on a console not a PC unless someone has a literal mouse and keyboard plugged in this cursor is unnecessary, clunky, annoying and just downright useless most of us im pretty sure use a controller we dont need a cursor Which is meant for PC not console so i personally think DE, you should remove it for those of us who use a controller and have an option in the options menu for those who use a keyboard and mouse, its just ridiculous for console to have a cursor especially when its far easier to just have boxor instant item scrolling/selecting like before this update it was perfectly fine. Well that is my two bobs worth of my opinion i hope DE, you accept this as constructive criticism XD 

Oh and FYI Im probably not going to be playing as much due to that fact you just made a super unnecessary extra step or more for us to navigate our menus including arsenal which be it was super simplistic and easy to navigate now its stupid and uncalled-for and so im not going to be coming onto the game except to probably have a small chat with friends and clan mate and get the daily login rewards which are pretty good and maybe just muck around in one or two missions before hopping off or just take my frustration out on massive amounts of enemies in missions until this is fixed trashed, removed or whatever is done with it, sorry DE but this was a super bad idea it ruined the ease of use of the game we know and love i beg you to trash this cursor bluntly put crap and give us back the easy to use UI with maybe some new looks and thats it.

Edited by (PS4)xGencellron
Frustration at the pc influenced cursor jargon that screws up everything for console and essentially make this another version of PC which this game version is clearly not for PC its for CONSOLE !!!!
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The question dle million: Why fix what was not broken? :heartbroken:
.... someone must justify his salary? (sarcasm) :thinking:
... now will PC's have to play with Joistick? (sarcasm) :highfive:
.... please return my intuitive interface ... it was wonderful ... just improve the pointer of the color palette and I will be very happy :heart: :inlove:

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The new UI is great, if you're using M+K. It's complete garbage when using a controller. The simplest fix AFAIK would be to add an option to the Interface section of the Settings menu to choose between "Controller Mode" (Old UI as it was before this patch) and "M+K Mode" (New UI). This should be the best of both worlds as the console's Old UI can just as easily be ported to PC as this thing can be ported to consoles, probably even easier as testing wouldn't require transferring the executable to a separate piece of hardware.

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not really liking as too differnt from what im used to as if the uses of X, Yand A remained it would have been better but you nerfed are use of those buttons in daily usage that been burned into are brains.

you made the UI changes to be more friendly to players that have been playing on pc an swapped over to consoles or playing both on console an pc.

im constantly wanting to swaps frame an pressing a an realizing oh dam need to press equip  to change, same with moding an appearance.

be nice if you guys kept the uses X,Y, and A an added in the cursor movement as be enough of new an old that we could adapt into that kind of UI

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I have to agree that the virtual cursor is not one of my favorite things.  Only been playing in Warframe consistently for a few weeks but I can safely say I would rather have the performance of menu manipulation of yesterday instead of the one today.

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