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Happy Pride Month Y'all!


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7 minutes ago, GuezMan said:

As much as this pride month thing is a good thing, it doesn't necessarily need to be represented in a video game forum. I am personally all for it if you need to verify with the world that you can demonstrate your identity. In all honesty not here though....

I and others who forum camp, shouldn't have to see this show up in the activity feed.

It's called off-topic. It is what this section of the forum is for. If you only want game-related content, stay out of off-topic.

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5 minutes ago, (PS4)Vagnar said:

That's not your call apparently, and everyone's invited. We're just celebrating life and the fact we get to live it our way 


Golden State Warriors are having a massive parade soon. I'm not a basketball fan, but I'll allow it.


1 minute ago, rune_me said:

It's called off-topic. It is what this section of the forum is for. If you only want game-related content, stay out of off-topic.

Oh well. Thought I'd say my piece, yall have fun with your month. Also let me know when it is straight white male month while your at it so I can post about it.

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Just now, GuezMan said:


Oh well. Thought I'd say my piece, yall have fun with your month. Also let me know when it is straight white male month while your at it so I can post about it.

It started already, didn't you get the memo?


You still have time though fortunately. It ends when the world does.

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Just now, GuezMan said:

Oh well. Thought I'd say my piece, yall have fun with your month. Also let me know when it is straight white male month while your at it so I can post about it.

I'm a straight white man. I still have a ton of fun in the parade. You get out. You get a little drunk. You socialize and meet new people. How is that not fun?

Believe it or not, everyone can participate. No one's going to kick you out for being straight. In fact, after having participated for 3 years, I can honestly say, no one cares. As long as you're having fun, you're welcomed with open arms.

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Just now, (PS4)Vagnar said:

It started already, didn't you get the memo?


You still have time though fortunately. It ends when the world does.

Not necessarily. Am I being celebrated for being a straight white male since the beginning of time? I seriously don't think so. 

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4 minutes ago, GuezMan said:

Not necessarily. Am I being celebrated for being a straight white male since the beginning of time? I seriously don't think so. 

No but you get to live every day shame free for being you. Anyone who shows innate disgust towards that is wrong from anyone towards any person. Be proud of who are always and we'll do the same. Come join the party.


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11 minutes ago, NinthAria said:

If it was strictly about people thinking or feeling differently, there wouldn't be a problem--or at least there'd be less of one. What we have are people fundamentally not understanding the purpose of the thread and stopping to chime in with variants of "Where's mine?" To use a conventional forum example, if I started a thread about Ember problems, I would be (understandably, I think) irate if people came in asking "But what about Mag?" or "What about Wukong?" or whatever else, because that isn't the point of the thread. Is it, at that point, my fault for not making a thread that includes those other things? Or would it be the posters' fault for knowing they were looking for the discussion they wanted in the wrong place and coming in anyway? Personally, I think it's the latter.

Also, harassment doesn't always mean personal space being invaded or lives being threatened.

Perhaps I'm speaking out of place, seeing as I'm not a gay man myself, but I'm going to go out on a limb and say, as many others have already, that it's not about arbitrary exclusion of any kind, so much as it is about celebrating an underrepresented, frequently misunderstood, and very often abused subset of the global community. If you feel like there's something else you want celebrated instead, that's also fine, but that probably belongs in another thread. If you don't see what the big deal is, or don't care, then fine; move on. Nobody's excluding you at that point; you are willfully excluding yourself.

There's at least some truth in here, and I'll try to start with my own oversight in not having read the entirety of the thread before posting in it.

What that means is that I didn't see any statements about the DE-sponsored purpose of this thread. If I had, we likely wouldn't even be making these posts. When DE puts their foot down about something, I've historically been in disagreement with them nearly all the time. After a while, one learns when the most useful response is to say nothing.

This would absolutely be one of those cases, if I had read the entire thread first. As it was, I didn't and I wanted to at least make some reference to that - which was part of the impetus for my previous post in this thread. "Mea culpa."

As far as the "willful exclusion" goes, I'm not sure I can agree on that point. Judging by the behavior and reactions of certain people in this thread, there would be a significant amount of support for the proactive exclusion of anyone who can't reflexively and unthinkingly align with their preferred speech or behavior. That's the chief source of my misgivings about this particular thread. It would be fine if people had politely referred me to the posts stating the purpose of this thread, but I think one of two things has happened instead. Either I became the focus of someone's frustration, or the tone used simply didn't register as "polite" to me. However it occurred, the response to my presence here feels unfriendly enough that it warranted comment.

As for "Pride Month" as a concept, I think it's more useful to "celebrate" people on an individual basis, because group labels introduce the specter of some nasty and counterproductive behaviors. I would prefer to see people of all persuasions be in peaceful correspondence and cooperative function, and the specific manifestation of "Pride Month" that I have seen within the very limited context of this thread is, I believe, not conducive to my stated preference.

Beyond that, it's probably best to do as others have helpfully pointed out and continue this sort of discussion privately.

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Honestly yall are taking it a little to far. its not a thread for arguments its for fan art about the game. just be cause its about gay pride doesn't mean you have to say anything about it. move on about it. happy gay pride month, and for everyone, your truly unique to who you are regardless of gender/race/sex and all of the above. 

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53 minutes ago, GuezMan said:

Not necessarily. Am I being celebrated for being a straight white male since the beginning of time? I seriously don't think so. 

I'm well aware that this thread isn't supposed to be educational but at this point, I think there needs to be something said.


Straight white males have dominated American history since it's inception. Just look at the straight, white men who have been elected to run the country; 44 out of 45 and the only one of color was within our life times.  

Your orientation and skin color has had centuries of "celebration" 

Edited by MagPrime
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2 minutes ago, MagPrime said:

I'm well aware that this thread isn't supposed to be educational but at this point, I think there needs to be something said.


Straight white males have dominated American history since it's inception. Just look at the straight, white men who have been elected forum the country; 44 out of 45 and the only one of color was within our life times.  

Your orientation and skin color has had centuries of "celebration" 

So you are being off topic on purpose, thats what you are telling me? 

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5 minutes ago, MagPrime said:

I'm well aware that this thread isn't supposed to be educational but at this point, I think there needs to be something said.


Straight white males have dominated American history since it's inception. Just look at the straight, white men who have been elected forum the country; 44 out of 45 and the only one of color was within our life times.  

Your orientation and skin color has had centuries of "celebration" 

But you don't understand! Why do only the other kids get a party? It's not faaaaiiiirrr!

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Just now, [DE]Aidan said:

Nope, I disagree. If you are looking to derail this thread (which has been moved to Off Topic by @(PS4)OverlordMikey's request) then I will have to insist that you move the discussion to PMs as @CupcakesMoo suggests. If you continue to attempt to derail this thread of act disrespectfully towards other members of this community, moderation action will be taken.

Happy Pride all! 

Sorry @[DE]Aidan but I find the continued posting of sex-based topics on a public video game forum to be disrespectful towards me. But I guess that doesn't matter...

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7 minutes ago, MagPrime said:

I'm well aware that this thread isn't supposed to be educational but at this point, I think there needs to be something said.


Straight white males have dominated American history since it's inception. Just look at the straight, white men who have been elected forum the country; 44 out of 45 and the only one of color was within our life times.  

Your orientation and skin color has had centuries of "celebration" 

Being straight has never been celebrated. It has only been the norm. For a while now that norm is changing, which is good and amazing to see. So I don't see why it has become such a thing to have specific dates in which are then spread through out social media and now sites that were supposed to be dedicated to gaming and even further to be about a specific game.

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2 minutes ago, CupcakesMoo said:

You've never been completely S#&$ on for not being normal so obviously you wouldn't understand the need for this. 

Did you even read what I said? Never once did I deny this month to you.

EDIT: Don't assume what I have or have not been through.

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4 minutes ago, GuezMan said:

now sites that were supposed to be dedicated to gaming and even further to be about a specific game.

The ''forums.warframe.com/forum/14-off-topic/'' site is not about a specific game. It is in fact exactly as stated, for ''everything else''. This falls under everything else.

If you want ''specific game'' posts, head back to the subforums that are specifically for the game.

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5 minutes ago, GuezMan said:

Being straight has never been celebrated. It has only been the norm. For a while now that norm is changing, which is good and amazing to see. So I don't see why it has become such a thing to have specific dates in which are then spread through out social media and now sites that were supposed to be dedicated to gaming and even further to be about a specific game.

What do you mean? If you want to throw a party celebrating the fact that you are a straight white man, there is absolutely nothing stopping you from doing it. That is literally what gay pride is: it's people throwing a party celebrating their sexuality. Them doing that, doesn't take away your ability to also throw a party.

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10 minutes ago, GuezMan said:

Being straight has never been celebrated. It has only been the norm. For a while now that norm is changing, which is good and amazing to see. So I don't see why it has become such a thing to have specific dates in which are then spread through out social media and now sites that were supposed to be dedicated to gaming and even further to be about a specific game.

Because the prejudice and discrimination still exists.


Seriously we're just having a celebration, come join the fun instead of trying to make enemies. 

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2 minutes ago, rune_me said:

What do you mean? If you want to throw a party celebrating the fact that you are a straight white man, there is absolutely nothing stopping you from doing it. That is literally what gay pride is: it's people throwing a party celebrating their sexuality. Them doing that, doesn't take away your ability to also throw a party.


Just now, CupcakesMoo said:

Actually I have a better idea. Why don't you make a straight white pride thread then, hmm? Ever think of that?

I think we all know how this would play out in practice.

It would immediately be decried as reactionary and hateful.

A number of my recent conversations with select individuals around the Warframe community have revealed to me that when someone is in a sufficiently deep hole of pain, no amount of patience / compromise / reason will be accepted. Your efforts will only be construed as condescension and hostility.

That's how I feel about some of the comments people have made within context of this thread. Maybe it's frustration, or some other understandable issue. The bottom line for me is that I'm not seeing a very positive presentation of "Pride Month" and what it's about.

If it's supposed to be a celebration, then go celebrate. As things stand, I'm seeing people say things that give off the appearance of pretending to take some kind of moral high road, while engaging in tit-for-tat exchanges. We can be better than that.


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On a lighter note, this is going to be my girlfriend's first bar-hopping pride and I'm so excited for her. Dancing and intoxicants and making out all night long. It's gonna be lit. We have a really awesome lesbian bar here that has a big queer party every year.

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10 minutes ago, notlamprey said:

I think we all know how this would play out in practice.

It would immediately be decried as reactionary and hateful.

So no different from the gay pride, then? Just look at the resistance here. And 10 years ago, that was much, much worse. But you know what, they didn't give up. They kept campaigning and lobbying for it. They kept talking with press and with politicians. And here they are today.

They wanted something and they worked their asses off to get it. You want something (a straight white man parade) but are not willing to put in 10-20 years of hard work to get it (well actually, they worked hundreds of years for it), but instead expects someone else to make it possible for you while you lean back and complain it doesn't exist.

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