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To Those Who Finished The Sacrifice (Spoilers)


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6 minutes ago, Shiichibukai said:

I dont like this ending, I thought this was supposed to be a conclusion of this trilogy, its just another cliffhanger.

When looking at it in terms of a trilogy I find it's completed.
>Who are you
>What was your role/Role of others
>What are the Warframes

This entire trillogy has been about You as a tenno and the lore behind the war and warframes.
With the ending, I take it as a clear indication we are moving on to new things and a story that's not about the past but the present and events coming up now that we have answers to every burning question we've had.

Think of this as a seasons ending in a T.V. show like GoT. Lots of answers. Huge twist cliff hanger.

Edited by RetroNomad
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I love Umbra. His design is great and I get to experience Excalibur's kit with more of a reason to use him.

The quest was pretty cool. More depth and personality for the operators. More lore for what frames truly are.

But I can't help but feel slightly disappointed in the lack of a "conclusion" to what was called the Operator Trilogy, if I remember correctly. Nothing really was resolved, other than the question of what is Umbra? It's my own fault for expecting the quest to answer X, Y and Z, however I just wish we didn't have to endure another indefinite amount of months before finding out when or if we can get Space Mom back. It answered plenty of questions, but it asked so many more. Maybe there's more that will show up in the coming days, like hidden secrets or how the Apostasy was abrupt and unexpected. The story may inch along at a snail's pace, but that just means that Warframe will continue to live on. I'll keep coming back.

My point is, even though I didnt get all of what I was hoping for, I got a sweet new Umbra and a really interesting hour of game time. DE did a great job with Umbra and the quest, and I'm just itching even more for the eventual continuation where we might get more answers. This feels like the stage where they soften you up before going for the knockout punch.

Edited by Roll__Fizzlebeef
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vor 2 Minuten schrieb RetroNomad:

When looking at it in terms of a trilogy I find it's completed.
>Who are you
>What was your role
>What are the Warframes to you

This entire trillogy has been about You as a tenno and the lore behind the war and warframes.
With the ending, I take it as a clear indication we are moving on to new things and a story that not about the past but the present and events coming up.

What the tenno are etc was already known,  but ending it like that? Taking away lotus without any more hints or wtf even happened? Nah, they kinda messed up big time with this quest. This makes me so annoyed that I actually dont want to play warframe anymore. All these years we wait for this, after they do this to lotus and the final fight is....that? A freaking stab into the all mighty ballas and he just goes down like nothing? Lotus just poof? Nah, this was a very lame quest.

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1 minute ago, Shiichibukai said:

What the tenno are etc was already known,  but ending it like that? Taking away lotus without any more hints or wtf even happened? Nah, they kinda messed up big time with this quest. 

Not until the Second dream, it was not known what exactly we were.. The first part of this trilogy.... Where the lore dump began. It has now ended with the third part, The Sacrifice.

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Gerade eben schrieb RetroNomad:

Not until the Second dream, it was not known what exactly we were.. The first part of this trilogy.... Where the lore dump began. It has now ended with the third part, The Sacrifice.

Nothing ended, it just gave more questions and more wait. Seriously you cant call this a conclusion, never ever.

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8 minutes ago, RetroNomad said:

When looking at it in terms of a trilogy I find it's completed.
>Who are you
>What was your role/Role of others
>What are the Warframes

This entire trillogy has been about You as a tenno and the lore behind the war and warframes.
With the ending, I take it as a clear indication we are moving on to new things and a story that's not about the past but the present and events coming up now that we have answers to every burning question we've had.

Think of this as a seasons ending in a T.V. show like GoT. Lots of answers. Huge twist cliff hanger.

So what are warframes? Ive spoiled myself on the sacrifice quest but didn't see anything about what general warframes are...

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49 minutes ago, Tellakey said:

So just finished the Sacrificed. Loving the new duo-mechanic, was blown away, disturbed, and crushed by the cyber-horror modification Ballas has done to Lotus/Margulis, great expectations toward the future of this lore.

However... am I missing something? All in all, we get an Umbra Excalibur, a nikana, five new mods, and... that's it? No grind? Nothing to farm? No new Kuva/Focus-like resource? I thought that at the very least this would generate some kind of new income avenue for DE, but I can't figure out anything.


Well, we get New Animations, Helmet, and Captura Scene too but the Quest was like Second Dream, and Octavia Anthem in one Quest. A lot of Sentients, and Notes we have to Memorize. Dealing with Umbra was like dealing with Eidolons but instead of shooting it when his shields is down, we Stun it and transference inside it. This Quest is more about using the frame you was currently using to use another frame to complete a Quest. It was a nice Quest though.

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1 minute ago, Cleesus said:

Awwww rebellious superpowered void teens these days

Also, what content is there besides umbra, the nikana, the new mods, and the 45 minute quest? It took me longer to download the update than it did to play the quest. What do we have to do now? The content drought resumes. Unless you count the grind for endo/credits/forma to max out umbra. 

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I was surprised to get a max ranked WF right off the bat with no crafting wait. I thought it was a bug at first: It let me edit it in ship before finishing the quest but I assume that was so it'd be ready for scenes?

Also surprised Ballas actually asked me this question >.> the answer is obvious. 



Both... look at my name.


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18 minutes ago, Shiichibukai said:

Nothing ended, it just gave more questions and more wait. Seriously you cant call this a conclusion, never ever.

The story of what we are has ended with this. Almost every question we've had about the past has been answered now.

Who we are, what Warframes are, Who Natah/Lotus is, Who the Dex are, What the sentient are, how transference works and what it does, what the Helminth is, why the children of the Zariman were used with Warframes, who created them, who Ordis is, what the technosite is, who were the queens, what was the old war etc etc etc. This trillogy answered all of that focusing on the past.
We now have those answers from The Second Dream, War Within and The Sacrifice.

Yes it left on a cliff hanger but that was regarding Natah and what the future holds, not the answers to the past anymore.
I get it. I'm dying to know what happens next too! But that's the exciting bit to me.  I'm VERY happy we have plenty of answers now and am excited for what happens in the future. Not what happened in the past anymore.

If by conclusion to a "trilogy" you meant the end of Warframe and it's story.... You really think DE would stop here with a huge two year lore dump? Turmoil still rages in the system, there's a looming second war and many other issues left unresolved with current events.

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vor 7 Minuten schrieb Logan_Burns2:

Also, what content is there besides umbra, the nikana, the new mods, and the 45 minute quest? It took me longer to download the update than it did to play the quest. What do we have to do now? The content drought resumes. Unless you count the grind for endo/credits/forma to max out umbra. 

Thats my thing too, nothing of substance got added. Just some edgelord with a scarf now.

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Great quest!!! Im in awe

And lotus, i mean swolotus is just as thicc as she should be, but you know what they say, can never be too thicc. Jokes aside i enjoyed every part, and free rewards. You have outdone yourselves DE. Hats off to you, off to buy plat

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I like the quest, it was fun and interesting.

But now I have to wait another 6+ months to find out more about lotus which is what I really wanted to know.


Edited by iuki.
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I know I speak for a lot of people when I say that Umbra's passive is everything I wanted it to be, absolutely perfect.

However I am a little miffed that the quest was so singularly focused on Umbra, would've been nice if the operator had more of a reaction to the truth or if it focused more on warframes in general, I mean come on, after that crazy scene with Umbra almost strangling the operator and the crazy fleshy eye reveal we get no comments at all from our space kid being like "woah, this is some messed up stuff" or you know, using these actual sentient living beings as puppets and all that.

But all in all, it fullfilled my expectations and more. Great update and great quest.

GG DE, you did a good job.

Anxiously awaiting the moment where it'll be replayable so I can go through it again.

Edit: oh and that final boss was kind of a big letdown, can't sugarcoat that one

Edited by Gullim92
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