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The Sacrifice (Review, SPOILERS)


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I don't normally do reviews but figured I would do a quick one since I was so hyped for this quest. The reason for this not being long is NOT because I am excited to get back to Warframe, but because I want to just go sleep with disappointment now.


The lore was great. Never saw that coming! I am glad we got answers to a lot of questions. Also, a lot of new doors opened that foreshadow the future of Warframe lore. 10/10 for lore.

However, unlike the Second Dream and War Within quest, after the Sacrifice quest was done for me, I am feeling very empty, like not much was given to us out of this. Yes, we got the exalted weapons and new Umbra mods and a weapon but, where is the rest of the content? Or at least, that is how I feel.  For the FINAL cinematic quest in this trilogy, I just feel like we could have gotten more out of this as far as features after the update. The quest is not even replayable for now to at least go over the lore and data that new device installed in the orbiter gave (ballas logs), or at least I am not aware of any way to listen to it again. 


I am actually really sad to write this review because Warframe is my number 1 game, and I love it so much along with the wonderful community and dev team. I guess I just expected more from The Sacrifice. 


Edited by ShinTechG
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vor 4 Minuten schrieb ShinTechG:


I don't normally do reviews but figured I would since I was so hyped for this quest. The reason for this not being long is NOT because I am excited to get back to Warframe, but because I want to just go sleep with disappointment now.


The lore was great. Never saw that coming! I am glad we got answers to a lot of questions. Also, a lot of new doors opened that foreshadow the future of Warframe lore. 10/10 for lore.

However, unlike the Second Dream and War Within quest, after the Sacrifice quest was done for me, I am feeling very empty, like not much was given to us out of this. Yes, we got the exalted weapons and new Umbra mods and a weapon but, where is the rest of the content? Or at least, that is how I feel.  For the FINAL cinematic quest in this trilogy, I just feel like we could have gotten more out of this as far as features after the update. The quest is not even replayable for now to at least go over the lore and data that new device installed in the orbiter gave (ballas logs), or at least I am not aware of any way to listen to it again. 


I am actually really sad to write this review because Warframe is my number 1 game, and I love it so much along with the wonderful community and dev team. I guess I just expected more from The Sacrifice. 


Believe me you arent the only one. Many ppl are actually beyond pissed at how they decided to go on this one. Ballas? Drops from a single stab? Lotus literally turned into some transformer and just flies away without anything else. Quest ends right there, millions of questions unanswered. Conclusion? WHERE? Extremely dissappointed by this quest for all the wait we had and content drought. Which is still there btw since nothing got added.

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As far as Ballas just dying, I mean he's kind of just a dude. I don't really see why he should put up too much of a fight, especially when he believed he had the upper hand.

Though I agree, this doesn't feel much like a conclusion to a trilogy, more like the next episode in a series. Perhaps they've dropped the trilogy idea? Who knows.

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1 minute ago, SnowWarFr said:

Maybe that is the point. To feel empty. The Lotus left us to return home so the operator should feel empty without a parent overlooking us so perhaps that's our case.


You are referring to lore, which I agree was perfectly fine. I like some mystery left. But the empty part i referred to was "content"

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3 minutes ago, Shiichibukai said:

Conclusion? WHERE?

This right here is my main disappointment with the quest. TSD and TWW concluded a lot of story aspects while building on more. Who the Tenno really are, what happened on the Zariman, who the Grineer queens are, etc. The Sacrifice has no conclusion of any sort to any of the story aspects we've been following up to now. The only conclusion is what an Umbra frame is, and that's a story aspect that was only introduced with this quest.

I know that we've known about Umbra for a while now, but in game lore-wise, it was non-existent before this quest. Instead, they just decided to keep stringing us along, and now we wait for who-knows how long until the next quest, which at this rate will also likely lack a conclusion and will only serve to set up the next quest.

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Most of the quest went on as i anticipated, which is nice and satisfying to see it go at the direction which heralds the incoming mind-bogging world war 3 scenario, which i'm totally fine with. 
I don't think there was much to cover in the quest to make it unnecessarily long and annoying *caugh* harrow *caugh*
One small detail i realized where Lotus has the face of Margulis (?) which might indicate margulis was a catalyst in Lotus' creation and hence her ever loving nature against the Tenno, which is a glitch in her system (take ordis for example) caused by her memories.
Huge cliff-hanger with somewhat obvious plot. But interesting none the less. But if anything, i will diss the fact that umbra, the sacrifice, the E3 announcement. All made it sound like a very big deal but here we are, 1 hour quest with tons of bugs to fix.

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It was all recycled crap. You go from tile to tile fighting Sentients over and over. That's the entire quest! I think the thing I hated the most was the fact that you don't even have to work for Umbra Excal, they just hand it to you. Their last few quests have been dull and either full of gimmicks or just reused assets. To think it takes them years to pop this stuff out.

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The quest shows the sentient form of Lotus and how she became a "human".

The quest shows the connection between Warframe and Tenno

The quest show to us how a Warframe is made, why it was deployed as a mindless golem controlled by the Tenno instead of a super soldier, alone.

The quest shows why the Sentients attacked the Orokin and started the War.


Ballas dies with a stab because Orokins are humans after all. However if he finds a new "host", he can come back to life, he's immortal. His body is not immortal, his counsciousness is

This thread is full of speedrunners that didn't pay atention to the quest or a bunch of players that never cared about the lore, didn't understand half of what was presented and now are "disapointed"

This quests closes the majority of questions about the Second Dream and War Within. It IS the last chapter of this trilogy.

Keep crying fellas. Go watch a video of someone playing tomorrow. Maybe THEN you can understand what was shown.



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I enjoyed it, more than the 2nd dream and the war within, and now i am excited from the next quest.

coming from experience i was hyped for the war within so much that when it dropped it left me with disappointment. thats why i decided not to ride the hype train this time. since i expected nothing i did not feel any disappointment or dissatisfaction.

The quest did its job. We know what is Umbra, what did Ballas do, and what happened to the Lotus.

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I think that the quest ended on a correct note, not one that I would've liked, but it ended on a good note. In a way, we're back to square one. We're alone, stranded with nobody to go to for guidance. It is as if we've gone back to Vor's Prize in terms of us having a sense of security.

The idea that ends to one story are beginnings to others is nailed in this. We're back to square one. My question is, what now? Chasing after.... her... I don't think that's a good idea. Going to Tau, especially when we're vulnerable as we are, is not a good idea. I'd say that we would first need to find new (possibly temporary) leadership, and then stabilize the Origin system first.

After that though, we're going to need an upgrade. We're going to need better transportation systems first off (get those solar rails going for instance), and build up a solid fleet for battle (given the sentinents made Tau their home, we best start preparing for a major fight, if not another war). Also, if we're going to go fight the Sentinents, especially in their home, we're going to need a major upgrade. No matter how much I hate Ballas, and enjoyed the hell out of stabbing him in his goddamn gut, he was useful for making us killing machines. Excal Umbra's one frame, we're going to need a lot more to take on a system full of Sentinents (and assuming that the Sentinents aren't the only creatures in Tau, some sh!t to fight them too). This means that we are either going to have to find an Orokin that knows how to make frames, or figure out how Lanky Arm did it, and make our own (hopefully in more of an ethical way) so that we can fight and not die on the way there.

Hell, apparently Helmith is a warframe factory, so there's step one (build a forge). Now we just need the bp's. 😛

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The only part of this update that has me upset is the fact that there's nothing added to the endgame. I feel like all the grinding I did was for naught, and that I won't have anything to show for it until at least Venus.


EDIT: And looking at my master plan, I'm assuming that starting with Venus, and following with subsequent updates, events, and side quests up until the next quest will start preparing all the mentioned things.

Edited by Godin_The_Killer
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My quick review (Some spoilers):

Lore -

I enjoyed the lore for the most part. Wasn't really surprising for someone that read all the codex and pieced together the pieces over the years, but it's great to have confirmation and explanations on these things. Liked how it was delivered too, up until the end, where I felt it ended very fast and on a cliffhanger. Kinda like where the plot is going, although I felt dissapointed that the big confrontation with Ballas was such a short sequence in the scope of things. Gave me a supreme leader Snokes feel. Didn't feel satisfying. The end twist was kinda cool, although I'm sure some people will not enjoy it. Would rate the lore stuff 8/10... But it did feel kinda short.

Gameplay -

This is where it kinda falls apart imho. The sacrifice was teased at Tennocon last year... which means we all waited a year for this. I think most of us were expecting an update akin to the Second Dream and War Within. Quick recap on those updates and what they offered.

Second Dream offered a new tileset (LUA). Said tileset had cool exilus mod to farm on it and a new enemy faction on it (Sentients). It introduced operators, rivens, sorties... Plus added quite a few new weapons.

Likewise, War Within gave us a new tileset (Kuva Fortress). It evolved the Tenno from a special ability you could use every two minutes into a fully playable character. Added quite a few new weapons, had a cool boss and added a new gamemode (kuva extraction).

In contrast, The Sacrifice doesn't really do anything new from a gameplay standpoint. No new tileset, no real changes in terms of operator combat, we get a new frame, which I'll talk about in the next section, a single new weapon and that's about it... Consider the quest is at best 2 hours long , that's not alot of lasting value. Feels like the classic structure of most warframe quests, which is going to existing tilesets and doing a couple tasks in them to progress the quest lore until we reach the conclusion... Compare this to all the cool sequences and twists in let's say War within... And it kinda falls short imho. 5/10

Umbra -

Well, we've been waiting for it for three years, does it live to the hype ? Not really , at least to me. It has been brought up over the years that Umbra too time to be ported from china frame because it would be it's own unique frame... But I feel it's the same Excalibur we all know, but with a different skin, a couple special mods and some sentience while playing as operator. I would give him 6/10 ... Should have reworked his slash dash and his radial javelin and maybe do minor tweaks on his exalted blade to really make him it's own thing.

Conclusion -

Coming into the Sacrifice, I was expecting some things to shake the existing warframe formula. I was expecting a new tileset (since both previous cinematic quests had them), I was expecting maybe operator melee or another evolution on that end, I was expecting umbra to have new powers, I was expecting stuff like the new Two Handed Katana, Ballas's sword, more new weapons. I was expecting some new gamemode to keep me occupied as a veteran after finishing the two-three hour story quest. In a sense, I was expecting a mini expansion of sorts, especially after a year of development time. As such, I'll have to rate it 7/10 overall, and mostly because the lore and presentation of the quest.



Edited by (PS4)Stealth_Cobra
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2 minutes ago, (PS4)Stealth_Cobra said:

Umbra -

Well, we've been waiting for it for three years, does it live to the hype ? Not really , at least to me. It has been brought up over the years that Umbra too time to be ported from china frame because it would be it's own unique frame... But I feel it's the same Excalibur we all know, but with a different skin, a couple special mods and some sentience while playing as operator. I would give him 6/10 ... Should have reworked his slash dash and his radial javelin and maybe do minor tweaks on his exalted blade to really make him it's own thing.



I agree with this note. For slash dash, I would rather them had done something like a AOE burst ability based on the void lightning (perhaps that could do void damage as well?), and radial javelin changed to something akin to hallowed ground, but instead it gave everyone in the "grounds" void damage on their weapons, and made targets in the "grounds" susceptible to void damage (that would probably make the operators actually useless though now that I think about it, besides buffs anyways).

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I suppose it depends if you are into the lore of the game or the game itself for the goodies. This game is characterised by grind. I can only play at weekends because I work away during the week and the internet is pretty weak sauce where I am and my laptop does not have the power to do word at speed let alone warframe so grinding for me is slow and hence you learn to appreciate the games moments because that is what you have. 

The comments about the fact that they have had a year to complete this is something I find interesting in that we have had huge changes, bugfixes and the like in this game in the 3 months I have been playing, then  there is the venus open world that I am looking forward to. The other thing to take into consideration is the game is now huge so major and minor gameplay changes affect a whole inventory of items. Lastlt many of the changes are actually in the mechanics of the game for example particle effects are a huge software revision but in terms of game play they can quickly assimilated and discounted. 

I see a lot of disappointment about the quest on the forums I am some way from getting to that point.  I have yet to do the second dream as yet and have been saving that up for  when I can spend a day doing it I do believe the grind makes people forget to appreciate or even want to understand the journey and concentrate on the cookies at the end.

Maybe I am too far from getting the cookies to appreciate the disappointment 

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3 hours ago, -SDM-NerevarCM said:

This thread is full of speedrunners that didn't pay atention to the quest or a bunch of players that never cared about the lore, didn't understand half of what was presented and now are "disapointed".

Lore was nice and all, but that is not the main issue.

Every single mayor cinematic quest gave us something to do AFTERWARDS.

And what did we get from this one at the end? A couple of mods that only work on one warframe or one weapon, one maxed warframe and that's it...

[ Not even a fun warframe, personal opinion (If you like Excal, more power 2 ya). ]


<<<Now lets look at the other cinematic quests>>>

Second Dream: Operators, Lua, Mods, Challenges.

Enemy Within: Better Operators, Kuba, Riven Mods.


And you wonder why people are disappointed. As much as I like my Lore, if there is nothing to do afterwards, what is the point of playing warframe if you already have every weapon maxed, warframes maxed, etc, etc. We need content man, DE should have just release it with Plains of Venus to not leave a sour taste of the mouth.


We also have to admit that the ending was clearly Rushed...

One stab on Balla's, don't make me laugh, I expected Balla's to be more tactical (a huge contradiction to the story). I don't need to watch Rick and Morty (IQ joke, don't mind me) to know that was going to happen, I am sure Balla's could be more clever than that.

And the Lotus...


Believe it or not, I laugh at the end. It broke the story for me to the point I did not give a damn anymore.

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2 hours ago, (PS4)Stealth_Cobra said:

Second Dream offered a new tileset (LUA). Said tileset had cool exilus mod to farm on it and a new enemy faction on it (Sentients). It introduced operators, rivens, sorties... Plus added quite a few new weapons.

Wrong, Rivens came on the Enemy Within (The main reason to farm kuva).

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I walked in expecting an epic battle with an ancient chessmaster in a pulse-pounding season finale.

Instead I wound up with a recap episode, disguised in the form of another Warframe origin story. There were a lot of cheap deaths due to being forced to use my operator and getting consistently one-shot by Umbra's unblockable Radial attack, all leading up to my operator abandoning my favorite Warframe for what's essentially the new (renewed?) flavor of the week. And with so much character building into that one Warframe, on top of the latest gameplay mechanic being solely tied to it for reasons that don't make sense (our own Warframe and Chroma previously demonstrated independence -- why does everyone in this story treat Umbra like this is a new thing?) It incentivizes Umbra so much mechanically and from a lore perspective, it begs to question why we would ever favor our original digs again outside of aesthetics?

It was a good quest, but stakes were set and the execution on how they were used fell flat. Ballas was taken down as quickly as he was introduced, with very little fanfare -- a waste of a good arc villain.

If there was an unwinnable fight tacked on at the end against Natah (ala Zone of the Enders with Anubis), things would have felt a bit more complete because at least we would have developed a very personal sense of the threat we are about to face. But narratively, it was nothing we haven't seen before. And that was the problem: it was all show, rather than letting the player have an experience like the unique sequences in TSD and TWW.

On the other hand, I'm really glad we didn't have to go through the painstaking trouble of actually building Umbra. Umbra's free mods and starter max-rank package makes for a fairly complete loot grab, one which I applaud the Devs for not abusing much as they could have. It's a nice thank you gift, but one I feel could have been wrapped up separate from the ongoing Natah arc.

Edited by Exodess
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As some one who kinda knows the lore of this game most of the reveals where not that surprising. the new ciphers where cool and it would be fun to get them in missions. the mini game was interesting and I wish they let us play though the whole thing. (maybe a version in our lander would be nice) and ordis got a voice change which is even more nice. I liked it though and I"m glad that it opened us up for a ton of new story events in the future. 

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Just one question remains for me after the quest tbh... in the containment chamber on LUA we needed a code for something in there, so we took Ballas' device and scanned it. We got the glyph codes from Umbra's memories, but after we tamed the warframe... the codes weren't even mentioned or no option at all to go back to that chamber. As if it was abandonded half way through the script. We just went straight after Ballas... and that's kinda what's bothering me, cos the quest feels empty and incomplete. I feel like if we could only go back to that chamber and possibly use the codes we got from the memories.. maybe that could potentially unlock something more. But I've run 4 LUA missions hoping to find a similar tileset to hopefully be able to go back there... and nothing 😞

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6 hours ago, Godin_The_Killer said:

I think that the quest ended on a correct note, not one that I would've liked, but it ended on a good note. In a way, we're back to square one. We're alone, stranded with nobody to go to for guidance. It is as if we've gone back to Vor's Prize in terms of us having a sense of security.

The idea that ends to one story are beginnings to others is nailed in this. We're back to square one. My question is, what now? Chasing after.... her... I don't think that's a good idea. Going to Tau, especially when we're vulnerable as we are, is not a good idea. I'd say that we would first need to find new (possibly temporary) leadership, and then stabilize the Origin system first.

After that though, we're going to need an upgrade. We're going to need better transportation systems first off (get those solar rails going for instance), and build up a solid fleet for battle (given the sentinents made Tau their home, we best start preparing for a major fight, if not another war). Also, if we're going to go fight the Sentinents, especially in their home, we're going to need a major upgrade. No matter how much I hate Ballas, and enjoyed the hell out of stabbing him in his goddamn gut, he was useful for making us killing machines. Excal Umbra's one frame, we're going to need a lot more to take on a system full of Sentinents (and assuming that the Sentinents aren't the only creatures in Tau, some sh!t to fight them too). This means that we are either going to have to find an Orokin that knows how to make frames, or figure out how Lanky Arm did it, and make our own (hopefully in more of an ethical way) so that we can fight and not die on the way there.

Hell, apparently Helmith is a warframe factory, so there's step one (build a forge). Now we just need the bp's. 😛

Just since you genuinely seem not to realize this from how consistently you've misspelled it, they're called Sentients, not Sentinents.

Edited by Shoelip
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4 hours ago, NecromancerX69 said:

And what did we get from this one at the end? A couple of mods that only work on one warframe or one weapon, one maxed warframe and that's it...


The mods work on all frames/weapons, you just can't forma for them. Will take a lot of forma to build around them, sure, but definitely a power increase

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