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This Tactical Alert Is Everything Wrong With Warframe


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Saying Dark Souls is something any game should aspire to be more like makes me want to throw up.  

I enjoy doing 20 min runs on survivals but Not defense or intercept.   I think it might be because you get to move around the map wherever the hell you want in survival where as the others you have to just sit on your butt.   Excavation is a nice mix between the two.

I would think OP would have a MUCH bigger problem with Sanctuary Onslaught since that is the very pinnacle of spammy/dps kill fests.  This was just a freaking tactical alert that is only lasting a few days.   Sanctuary is here to stay....  (sadly I think I racked up way more focus doing the tactical alert than I ever do in SO lmao).

I dont like being stuck in content I dont really want to run just because it has a reward I want.  I would have liked each phase to be very short so I could grab the rewards and go enjoy the game how I like to enjoy it.     But its not like we can hunt the new relics or anything right now so................

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6 hours ago, Kalvorax said:

i dont understand why everyone is saying low spawn rates...did they just run it solo? heck the only one i found to be a snooze fest was the interception...but is just due to how to AI go after control zones.

The interception had about 200 enemies total. The survival also had pretty low spawns and that was with a group that stayed together.

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8 hours ago, Kalvorax said:

i dont understand why everyone is saying low spawn rates...did they just run it solo? heck the only one i found to be a snooze fest was the interception...but is just due to how to AI go after control zones.

Same. The first defense I ran we lost the objective. Like.. We failed to protect it. You can imagine my confusion. That's not something that happens. 


The interception was definitely sparse. The last one was the only one where people were dropping energy pizzas with regularity. 


People were definitely going in to them with underlevelled frames and weapons. Once that hurdle was past folks seemed to be better prepared, and better able to handle themselves. Just the impression that I got. 

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10 hours ago, Tellakey said:

Artificial length and spamming the same ability is not a challenge

spamming abilities?

Bruh... I spent most of my time at 0 energy.


but yes, hitting my head against a wall is easy and will eventually break it... but it will be long and painful.

this is how this tactical event felt... 

a challenge would be adding modifiers that force you to change your tactics. 

the easy ones

-no shields

-1 hp

-no armor

-no energy

the more complex ones

-Radiation Fields (damage)

-Nullifier fields (skills)

-elemental fields (CC) 

the insane ones

-no ammo drops

-Persistent DoT

-Invulnerable Enemies (mission permitting of course, rescue/spy/sabotage)


those are challenges that make you think about how are you going to run this mission and not "ok... how long is this going to take"

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11 hours ago, peterc3 said:

It's doing better than it ever has in the past.

Destiny is doing worse than it ever has in the past. The two are marginally connected with each other. It's also part of why Warframe and several other games have gotten somewhat more toxic over the last few months. You turn your gaming community deliberately into a cesspool of high toxicity ultra sweaty sociopaths, then that game fails, the dams burst, and suddenly there's sewage all over the place. 

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Nullifiers are not the answer. That unit unjustly punishs some frames while being nothing more than a gnat to others. Regardless, taking away warframe powers is a admittance to failure in design. Grinner have been mulching players for some time without nullifiers. I do think the game needs to be harder. I do think the game needs a hard mode for missions with its own rewards. I don't think we need more power removal. Its lazy. Its unfun. And it hurts some frames far more than others. Id like to see Bursa rebuffed to release stats and other corpus units get buffed to add a different fighting style to the game. 

Ive always thought that nullifiers IF left in the game should become far harder to kill, spawn far less frequently and manipulate (negatively) warframe powers. Flat out taking away powers has always been idiotic.

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2 hours ago, SqualZell said:

spamming abilities?

Bruh... I spent most of my time at 0 energy.


but yes, hitting my head against a wall is easy and will eventually break it... but it will be long and painful.

this is how this tactical event felt... 

a challenge would be adding modifiers that force you to change your tactics. 

the easy ones

-no shields

-1 hp

-no armor

-no energy

the more complex ones

-Radiation Fields (damage)

-Nullifier fields (skills)

-elemental fields (CC) 

the insane ones

-no ammo drops

-Persistent DoT

-Invulnerable Enemies (mission permitting of course, rescue/spy/sabotage)


those are challenges that make you think about how are you going to run this mission and not "ok... how long is this going to take"

I don't think you've met Valkyr. Literally none of that is a problem for her.

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Wow... Just wow, the alert wasn't hard enough, the alert was too long.. Did anyone pay attention to the level of the enemies? Maybe it was meant to be easy, complain it was too long? Well, now the vets and players that think they are vets had something to do for 30min. You guys did pay attention to the rewards right, with the number of people that are taking place this is a lot of plat DE is giving away.. That was to get the vets interested the final reward was for the new players that were complaining that they don't have it.. That ever elusive and oh so rare rift sigil the main reward from this event, the reason why every low to mid rank player was playing this for that rift sigil.. Pay attention in the future to that main picture, you would complain less. 

Edited by Sibernetika
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15 hours ago, Tellakey said:

Artificial length and spamming the same ability is not a challenge, nor is it quality gameplay. What we need to focus on is an active, tactical approach to combat - constant movement, use of parkour, careful aiming for weak spots, strategic positioning, tricky enemies, better damage scaling and less focus on pure dps, removing pure dps mods in favor of more flexible modding (use of niche mods).

you was just describing the symptom, not the actual problem. The problem is that warframe have a lot of difficult handling power creep without compromising the power fantasy. And as a result, the developers can't control what level and gear players would enter the mission at all in any meaningful way, not with the tactical alert format (you must consider that tactical alert pre-date Sortie by at least a year)

The mission and tactical alert are fine at introducing challenges, players with lower dps capacity and not cheesing still can fail a few time, try again and have a good time. It just that ... the percent of player base that are actually at that progression point where they could enjoy the tactic alert is no more than 15%  (and that's a really generous number in my opinion).


Edited by FireSegment
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Frankly I like the tactical alert. For me it's a call back to the longer more endurancey days of old when I first started. Would I want the entire game to be like that again? No, but it's a nice thing to visit now and again. 

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DE is noob to provide challenges that requires more "tactical thinking"
It is fkn hard to do that in multiplayer and don't bring tons of salt to the community too.

Raids, Tridolons and Railjack on the future.. The freedom we have to choose between powers and weapon combinations is a curse to these gameplay
cuz the cheese combinations rewards the grind on the end of the day.
we are just another corpus machine without honour fighting for treasure (and fashion) as General Sargas Ruk says
Warframe will never be Dark Souls or Splinter Cell, but let the mod system aside and we have only potato garbage entertainment, more like Samurai Warriors.


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That's the first time I've done more than 10 waves of defense, 10 minutes of Survival or 2 rounds of Interception in 2018, so even though the spawn rates were way too low (especially interception and survival), I still had fun. The 4th part was gorgeous, even though I would've liked to see some Nullifiers to spice things up.

After that, it is a mid-level event. Don't expect lvl 500 Raptor coming in this mission, all events are aimed toward to biggest part of the population.

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I almost fell asleep four times during the defense ones. 20 waves. Its not that I wasn't engaged. Its just that being constantly engaged is just as tiring as nothing happening. Its the same concept as a boss having a giant sack of HP added to it to make it take longer.

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On 2018-07-28 at 9:49 PM, (PS4)Elvenbane said:

The interception had about 200 enemies total. The survival also had pretty low spawns and that was with a group that stayed together.

This was my biggest beef with the whole event.  Mob density was for S#&$.  I ran most of them save for the last one as Umbra, and with all the umbra mods maxxed plus Arcane Guardian so im pretty tanky.  My EB build revolves around Hunter Adrenaline to maintain it and there were never enough mobs at any one point to do that.

The last mission was sort of fun, but again lack of mobs and then 100000000000001 Leecher Eximus, so now im using energy pizzas after ever fight to keep up Renewal on Oberon Prime.  All this to save the two MR6 volts with their NQ boltors.

Edited by (PS4)ZeroSection
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